Papers by Mihail Kochubovski

Surface Urban Heat Island (SUHI) is a documented urbanization-driven phenomenon, causing higher t... more Surface Urban Heat Island (SUHI) is a documented urbanization-driven phenomenon, causing higher temperatures in cities than in surrounding rural areas. Combining global warming, rapid urbanization, and UHI amplifies thermal stress, endangering public health. This research assesses the positive impact of greenery in reducing ambient temperatures during Skopje's summer. The cross-sectional study ran from 22.07. − 28.07.2022, in Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia. Monitoring temperatures thrice daily, we compared locations with and without tree coverage. Utilizing Landsat-8 data on July 22, 2022, we extracted SUHI patterns. Out of nine locations studied, four displayed (UHI) effects. The largest temperature difference, 7.9°C, occurred between a treeless one-way street and City Park. On average, temperature differences between the hottest and coolest spots were 6.8°C. All tree-covered areas showed lower ambient temperatures. Green spaces, like parks and tree-lined gardens, play a c...

Nature Communications
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major threat to global health. Understanding the emergence, e... more Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major threat to global health. Understanding the emergence, evolution, and transmission of individual antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) is essential to develop sustainable strategies combatting this threat. Here, we use metagenomic sequencing to analyse ARGs in 757 sewage samples from 243 cities in 101 countries, collected from 2016 to 2019. We find regional patterns in resistomes, and these differ between subsets corresponding to drug classes and are partly driven by taxonomic variation. The genetic environments of 49 common ARGs are highly diverse, with most common ARGs carried by multiple distinct genomic contexts globally and sometimes on plasmids. Analysis of flanking sequence revealed ARG-specific patterns of dispersal limitation and global transmission. Our data furthermore suggest certain geographies are more prone to transmission events and should receive additional attention.
Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 2016
NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security, 2011

Nature Communications, 2019
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a serious threat to global public health, but obtaining represe... more Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a serious threat to global public health, but obtaining representative data on AMR for healthy human populations is difficult. Here, we use metagenomic analysis of untreated sewage to characterize the bacterial resistome from 79 sites in 60 countries. We find systematic differences in abundance and diversity of AMR genes between Europe/North-America/Oceania and Africa/Asia/South-America. Antimicrobial use data and bacterial taxonomy only explains a minor part of the AMR variation that we observe. We find no evidence for cross-selection between antimicrobial classes, or for effect of air travel between sites. However, AMR gene abundance strongly correlates with socioeconomic, health and environmental factors, which we use to predict AMR gene abundances in all countries in the world. Our findings suggest that global AMR gene diversity and abundance vary by region, and that improving sanitation and health could potentially limit the global burden of AMR. We propose metagenomic analysis of sewage as an ethically acceptable and economically feasible approach for continuous global surveillance and prediction of AMR.
Archives of public health, Nov 12, 2018
We have made a retrospective analysis of the diagnostic radiologic approach ten years ago and in ... more We have made a retrospective analysis of the diagnostic radiologic approach ten years ago and in the present. The purpose of our analysis was to realise if the advanced technology means advantage or disadvantage for patients with renal colic. We concluded that there is a significant elevation in the radiation dose used for the diagnosis of the patients hospitalised with renal colic. That is the reason why the guidelines change from year to year and only by following their recommendations and protocols we should avoid unnecessary exposition. Raising the dose of radiation by advanced diagnostic methods influences not only the patients but all the participants during these procedures. It makes the working environment more harmful nowadays than a decade ago. Keywords: radiation dose, renal colic, harms
We have made a retrospective analysis of the diagnostic radiologic approach ten years ago and in ... more We have made a retrospective analysis of the diagnostic radiologic approach ten years ago and in the present. The purpose of our analysis was to realise if the advanced technology means advantage or disadvantage for patients with renal colic. We concluded that there is a significant elevation in the radiation dose used for the diagnosis of the patients hospitalised with renal colic. That is the reason why the guidelines change from year to year and only by following their recommendations and protocols we should avoid unnecessary exposition. Raising the dose of radiation by advanced diagnostic methods influences not only the patients but all the participants during these procedures. It makes the working environment more harmful nowadays than a decade ago. Keywords: radiation dose, renal colic, harms

Медикаментозниот третман на бенигна простатична хиперплазија подразбира користење на главно две г... more Медикаментозниот третман на бенигна простатична хиперплазија подразбира користење на главно две групи лекови: селективни алфа блокатори и 5 алфа редуктаза инхибитори. Кај пациентите кои се на двојна терапија, по воведувањето на 5АРИ во лекувањето, може да се појават несакани дејства кои го чинат „пост 5АРИ синдромот“ кој опфаќа сексуални нарушувања и Бекова депресија. Целта на оваа студија е да ја истражи појавата на несакани ефекти, сексуална дисфункција и нарушување на расположението со цел полесно надминување на истите. Спроведовме рандомизирана контролирана проспективна фармакоепидемиолошка студија за евалуација на корелацијата на несаканите ефекти од употребата на 5-алфа-редуктаза инхибитори (5АРИ) кај мажи со бенигна простатична хиперплазија (БПХ). Во прилог на оваа анализа испитани се поврзаноста на еректилната дисфункција и депресијата во моментот на започнување на терапијата и во времето на активна употреба на терапијата во два последователни периоди од по 6 месеци, вкупно ...

The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of symptoms and the effects of drug treatme... more The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of symptoms and the effects of drug treatment on the quality of life in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia. We evaluated two groups of patients with the International Prostate Scoring System questionnaire, the Beck depression inventory and an issue/question on quality of life. The first (control) group consisted of patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia who were on alpha-blocker therapy, while the second group of patients (examined) were on combination therapy with alpha blocker and 5-alpha reductase inhibitor. In analyzing the results, we came to the conclusion that patients in the control group had a better quality of life and psychosocial status due to the weaker symptoms of the disease. Patients in the second group had a poorer quality of life due to development of side effects of 5-alpha reductase inhibitors therapy: erectile dysfunction and depression. Modalities in the therapeutic approach enable improvement of...

Aflatoxins are toxic cancerogenic secondary metabolites, predominantly produced by two fungal spi... more Aflatoxins are toxic cancerogenic secondary metabolites, predominantly produced by two fungal spices: Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus. The toxicity of aflatoxins make them primary health hazard because of their occurrence in agricultural food crops. In order to detect presence of contaminants, usually occurring in very low concentrations of several μg/kg, precise analytical methods for detection and quantification are necessary, that have to be simple to carry out and specific, but mainly very sensitive. The subject of this paper is qualitative and quantitative analysis of total aflatoxines (AFB1 + AFB2 + AFG1 + AFG2) in raw peanuts. The analysis has covered 78 samples of raw peanuts. Preliminary qualitative assessment indicating the presence of contaminants was done using the method of thin layer chromatography, characterised by its simplicity, rapidness, but still sufficient accuracy to separate the contaminated samples. For quantification of aflatoxines, we develop...
This course covers the following topics: definitions and basic concepts of health promotion, Mace... more This course covers the following topics: definitions and basic concepts of health promotion, Macedonian health system and health indicators, the new Macedonian public health policy and priorities, health promotion activities regarding 12 key priorities, advantages and weaknesses of the process of health promotion and future developments.
Archives of Public Health, Apr 6, 2019
Софрониевска-Главинов. Оваа статија е со отворен пристап дистрибуирана под условите на нелокализи... more Софрониевска-Главинов. Оваа статија е со отворен пристап дистрибуирана под условите на нелокализирана лиценца, која овозможува неограничена употреба, дистрибуција и репродукција на било кој медиум, доколку се цитираат оригиналниот(ите) автор(и) и изворот. Конкурентски интереси: Авторот изјавува дека нема конкурентски интереси.

A vast majority of people in Macedonia use bottled water for drinking. Use of bottled water witho... more A vast majority of people in Macedonia use bottled water for drinking. Use of bottled water without knowing the F level may expose children to dental caries risk if the F level is lower than optimal or to dental fluorosis if the F level is too high. To determine the content of fluoride in drinking bottled water available in the country. Thirty-five commercial brands of bottled water (12 out of 23 domestic production and imported brands) were procured from bigger markets in the Republic of Macedonia. Determination of the content of fluorine is performed using ion selective electrode (Thermo Orion Ion Plus Fluoride Electrode) and Ionometer (pH/ISE meter - Thermo-Orion) of the public health Institute. The content of fluoride in packaged water from domestic production ranged from 0.035 in Spring to 1.086 in vision with an average 0.368 (± 0.305), while imported bottled water ranged from 0.032 in ordinary water ROSA to 2.220 in bottled water KOM, with an average 0.631 (± 0.497). There wa...
The objective of the study performed in 2003 was to investigate and analyze the cognitive functio... more The objective of the study performed in 2003 was to investigate and analyze the cognitive functions in children exposed to lead emissions in the city of Veles. Measurements of blood lead levels were executed, cognitive psychological tests (Raven), and investigation of graph motor ability (Bender-Geshtalt) were performed on school children (n = 31) randomly selected from those dwelling near by the Lead Smelter Plant. Most of the tested children have shown slightly increased blood lead levels (average = 16.51 μg/dl), being between the prescribed limit (10 μg/dl) and the critical level (25 μg/dl). This was correspondingly reflected in the measured levels of intelligence and graph motor ability.
Papers by Mihail Kochubovski