Papers by Mijke Houwerzijl
Tijdschrift Recht en Arbeid, Mar 11, 2016
ArbeidsRecht, 2010
Item does not contain fulltext6 p
Origins and aims of legislation The research shows that legislation on liability in subcontractin... more Origins and aims of legislation The research shows that legislation on liability in subcontracting processes in most of the countries dates back to the 1960s (Italy, the Netherlands) or 1970s (Belgium, Finland, France). Legislation was introduced at a later date in Spain (1980), Austria (1990s) and Germany (1999-2000). The regulations were introduced in order to prevent the abuse of employees' rights and the evasion of the rules, as well as to combat undeclared work and illegal or unfair business competition.
Revue de droit comparé du travail et de la sécurité sociale, Oct 21, 2022
Sdu Uitgevers eBooks, 2011
Item does not contain fulltextXXVI, 386 p
Papers by Mijke Houwerzijl