Papers by Marek Mistewicz
Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki
The article describes the life of Jerzy Budzyński, born in 1892 in Warsaw, a student of the gymna... more The article describes the life of Jerzy Budzyński, born in 1892 in Warsaw, a student of the gymnasium branch of the Warsaw E. Konopczyński School, a student of the Belgian University of Liège, and a graduate of the Warsaw University of Technology. Fragments of his unpublished diary show how Polish independence organizations were formed in the early 20th century: the Association of Polish Progressive and Independence Youth “Filarecja”, the Union of Active Struggle, the Riflemen’s Association, and the Polish Military Organization. The content of the justifications for the applications for the threetime decoration of the Cross of Valor document Jerzy Budzyński’s participation in the capture of the Mokotów Airport in Warsaw in November 1918 and the self-sacrificing fight in defense of Łomża against the Soviet III Cavalry Corps of Gai-Khan (Gai Dmitrievich Bzhishkyan), at the end of July 1920. During the interwar period, Budzyński was the head of the Road Traffic Division of the Road Dep...
The systems of precast concrete road bridges in Polish bridge building are described. The typical... more The systems of precast concrete road bridges in Polish bridge building are described. The typical damages of spans and supports of the bridges of this type are listed on the basis of more than 20 years of experience with the servicing of such structures. A brief analysis of the causes of damages for different types of precast bridges is given. The main methods of bridge structures rehabilitation in Poland are presented.
Cet article decrit la procedure de planification elaboree en 1990 selon les besoins du Systeme de... more Cet article decrit la procedure de planification elaboree en 1990 selon les besoins du Systeme de Gestion des Ponts assiste par ordinateur. Elle a ete utilisee pour la planification de la maintenance des ponts par l'Administration Centrale des Routes. La planification des travaux de maintenance est effectuee selon les resultats des Inspections de Base de 18000 ponts faites chaque annee par le personnel specialement forme. Les donnees pour la planification sont rassemblees grace aux rapports statistiques, aux inventaires et aux inspections de ponts. Les methodes de financement de la maintenance sont basees sur les procedures d'optimisation des donnees statistiques et des modeles de deterioration de la structure. Le logiciel de planification du Systeme de Gestion des ponts sera implante definitivement a la fin de l'annee 1994 a l'Administration Centrale des Routes. (A). (Voir fiche generale DIRR 131532).
Papers by Marek Mistewicz