This book is designed as an international reference work on the behaviour, design and analysis of... more This book is designed as an international reference work on the behaviour, design and analysis of reinforced concrete deep beams. It is intended to meet the needs of practising civil and structural engineers, consulting engineering and contracting firms, research institutes, universities and colleges. Reinforced concrete deep beams have many useful applications, particularly in tall buildings, foundations and offshore structures. However, their design is not covered adequately by national codes of practice: for example the current British Code BS 8110, explicitly states that 'for design of deep beams, reference should be made to specialist literature'. The major codes and manuals that contain some discussion of deep beams include the American ACI Building Code, the draft Eurocode EC/2, the Canadian Code, the CIRIA Guide No. 2, and Reynolds and Steedman's Reinforced Concrete Designer's Handbook. Of these, the CIRIA Guide No. 2: Design of Deep Beams in Reinforced Concrete, published by the Construction Industry Research and Information Association in London, gives the most comprehensive recommendations. The contents of the book have been chosen with the following main aims: (i) to review the coverage of the main design codes and the CIRIA Guide, and to explain the fundamental behaviour of deep beams; (ii) to provide information on design topics which are inadequately covered by the current codes and design manuals: deep beams with web openings, continuous deep beams, flanged deep beams, deep beams under top and bottom loadings and buckling and stability of slender deep beams; (iii) to give authoritative reviews of some powerful concepts and techniques for the design and analysis of deep beams such as the softened-truss model, the plastic method and the finite element method. The contributing authors of this book are so eminent in the field of structural concrete that they stand on their own reputation and I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to work with them. I only wish to thank them for their high quality contributions and for the thoroughness with which their chapters were prepared. I wish to thank Mr A.Stevens, Mr J.Blanchard and Mr E.Booth of Ove Arup and Partners for valuable discussions, and to thank Emeritus Professor R.H.Evans, C.B.E., of the University of Leeds for his guidance over the years. Finally, I wish to thank Mrs Diane Baty for the much valued secretarial support throughout the preparation of this volume.
The purpose of this paper is to present the study on the effect of soil and bedrock conditions be... more The purpose of this paper is to present the study on the effect of soil and bedrock conditions below retaining walls on the wall behavior. The structural design of the retaining wall considers soils on the back and front of the wall. Soils below the wall and the bedrock conditions are not considered in the structural design of the wall. This paper study investigated how soils below the wall affect the wall behavior such as wall deformations, wall bending moments, and anchor force. The effects of soil strength, depth to bedrock, bedrock slope, wall height, and anchor angles on the wall behavior have been investigated. PLAXIS, finite element software package, was used to perform numerical modeling and analyses to evaluate the structural response and behavior of the retaining wall. The results show that the soil conditions below the wall, including the bedrock depth and the bedrock slope angle may have a significant effect on the wall behavior and should be considered during the design...
Footings are structural elements that transmit column or wall loads to the underlying soil below ... more Footings are structural elements that transmit column or wall loads to the underlying soil below the structure. Most of the buildings in Libya suffer from many problems, which are cracks in the buildings due to foundation settlement. The most common causes of foundation settlement are weak bearing soils and poor compaction. So, the purpose of this paper is to present the study on the effect of soil and bedrock conditions below footing on the footing behavior. PLAXIS 3D, finite element software package was used to perform numerical modeling and analyses to evaluate the structural response and behavior of the square footing. The results show that the soil and bedrock conditions below the footing may have a significant effect on the footing behavior such as horizontal displacements (Ux & Uz), stresses, and shear strains and should be considered during the design of footing..
The present paper investigates the mechanical behavior of buried PVC pipe below the ground surfac... more The present paper investigates the mechanical behavior of buried PVC pipe below the ground surface. The pipe uses in sewage lines and it is on 7.4m below the ground surface. Also, the vertical and horizontal loads that come from burying under highways, railways, tall building, dams, and airports, they cause deformations for buried pipe. In this paper, it focuses on the effects of various soil and different loads on the buried PVC pipe. ABAQUS finite element software package, was used to modeling buried pipeline behavior underground surface-induced actions, using contact elements to describe the soil-pipe interaction and show the deformation on the pipe. Furthermore, an analytical methodology was presented by using different loads on the pipe (They cause vertical and horizontal pressure on the buried pipe), with different soil layers in the properties. The results from the present investigation are aimed at determining the fault displacement for buried pipe and can be used for pipeli...
This paper presents a study on the effect of soil behind and below anchored wall on wall behavior... more This paper presents a study on the effect of soil behind and below anchored wall on wall behavior by using different wall and anchor properties. Recently the wall depths are considered in the structural design of the wall. So in this paper investigated how soils below and behind the wall with using varying wall and anchor properties affect on the wall behavior such as wall deformations, wall bending moments, axial forces, shear forces, and anchor force. Also the effects of anchor angles on the wall behavior have been investigated. PLAXIS, finite element software package, was used to perform numerical modeling and analyses to evaluate the structural response and behavior of the anchored wall. The results show that the soil conditions below and behind the wall, including the wall properties, anchor properties, and anchor angles may have a significant effect on the wall behavior and should be considered during the design of anchored walls.
.................................................................................................... more ................................................................................................................ iv DEDICATION....................................................................................v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ........................................................................................... vi LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS .........................................................................................x LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................................... xvi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND NOTATIONS ................................................ xviii CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................1 1.1 Objective of this Research ...........................................................................2 1.2 Scope and Parametric Study ........................................................................2 1.3 Organizational Outline .................................................................................3 CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW ......................................................................4 2.
The common design practice of sheet pile walls, cantilever or anchored, is based on limit equilib... more The common design practice of sheet pile walls, cantilever or anchored, is based on limit equilibrium approach. A wall design using the limit equilibrium approach utilizes force and moment equilibriums and considers only the soils in contact with the wall to determine lateral earth pressures. The method does not consider several factors during the design which affect the overall wall performance and deformations. Some of the factors not considered in the structural design of the wall are the soils types below the wall tip, the extent of loading behind the wall, and the methods involved during construction, such as cut in the front or fill behind the wall. These factors can adversely affect the wall behavior and cause problems for the wall as well as the structures nearby. The variability and uncertainty involved in the geotechnical engineering field compared to the other fields of civil engineering also magnify the importance of wall deformations, as they are affected by the changes in soil properties. This paper studies the effect of soil variability on wall deformations and provides an overview and analysis on factors affecting the deformations.
Footings are structural elements that transmit column or wall loads to the underlying soil below ... more Footings are structural elements that transmit column or wall loads to the underlying soil below the structure. Most of the buildings in Libya suffer from many problems, which are cracks in the buildings due to foundation settlement. The most common causes of foundation settlement are weak bearing soils and poor compaction. So, the purpose of this paper is to present the study on the effect of over consolidated clay on the behavior of raft foundation. PLAXIS 3D, finite element software package was used to perform numerical modeling and analyses to evaluate the structural response and behavior of the raft foundation. The results show that the soil and bedrock conditions below the raft foundation may have a significant effect on the footing behavior such as vertical displacement (Uy), stresses, and shear strains and should be considered during the design of footing.
This book is designed as an international reference work on the behaviour, design and analysis of... more This book is designed as an international reference work on the behaviour, design and analysis of reinforced concrete deep beams. It is intended to meet the needs of practising civil and structural engineers, consulting engineering and contracting firms, research institutes, universities and colleges. Reinforced concrete deep beams have many useful applications, particularly in tall buildings, foundations and offshore structures. However, their design is not covered adequately by national codes of practice: for example the current British Code BS 8110, explicitly states that 'for design of deep beams, reference should be made to specialist literature'. The major codes and manuals that contain some discussion of deep beams include the American ACI Building Code, the draft Eurocode EC/2, the Canadian Code, the CIRIA Guide No. 2, and Reynolds and Steedman's Reinforced Concrete Designer's Handbook. Of these, the CIRIA Guide No. 2: Design of Deep Beams in Reinforced Concrete, published by the Construction Industry Research and Information Association in London, gives the most comprehensive recommendations. The contents of the book have been chosen with the following main aims: (i) to review the coverage of the main design codes and the CIRIA Guide, and to explain the fundamental behaviour of deep beams; (ii) to provide information on design topics which are inadequately covered by the current codes and design manuals: deep beams with web openings, continuous deep beams, flanged deep beams, deep beams under top and bottom loadings and buckling and stability of slender deep beams; (iii) to give authoritative reviews of some powerful concepts and techniques for the design and analysis of deep beams such as the softened-truss model, the plastic method and the finite element method. The contributing authors of this book are so eminent in the field of structural concrete that they stand on their own reputation and I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to work with them. I only wish to thank them for their high quality contributions and for the thoroughness with which their chapters were prepared. I wish to thank Mr A.Stevens, Mr J.Blanchard and Mr E.Booth of Ove Arup and Partners for valuable discussions, and to thank Emeritus Professor R.H.Evans, C.B.E., of the University of Leeds for his guidance over the years. Finally, I wish to thank Mrs Diane Baty for the much valued secretarial support throughout the preparation of this volume.
The purpose of this paper is to present the study on the effect of soil and bedrock conditions be... more The purpose of this paper is to present the study on the effect of soil and bedrock conditions below retaining walls on the wall behavior. The structural design of the retaining wall considers soils on the back and front of the wall. Soils below the wall and the bedrock conditions are not considered in the structural design of the wall. This paper study investigated how soils below the wall affect the wall behavior such as wall deformations, wall bending moments, and anchor force. The effects of soil strength, depth to bedrock, bedrock slope, wall height, and anchor angles on the wall behavior have been investigated. PLAXIS, finite element software package, was used to perform numerical modeling and analyses to evaluate the structural response and behavior of the retaining wall. The results show that the soil conditions below the wall, including the bedrock depth and the bedrock slope angle may have a significant effect on the wall behavior and should be considered during the design...
Footings are structural elements that transmit column or wall loads to the underlying soil below ... more Footings are structural elements that transmit column or wall loads to the underlying soil below the structure. Most of the buildings in Libya suffer from many problems, which are cracks in the buildings due to foundation settlement. The most common causes of foundation settlement are weak bearing soils and poor compaction. So, the purpose of this paper is to present the study on the effect of soil and bedrock conditions below footing on the footing behavior. PLAXIS 3D, finite element software package was used to perform numerical modeling and analyses to evaluate the structural response and behavior of the square footing. The results show that the soil and bedrock conditions below the footing may have a significant effect on the footing behavior such as horizontal displacements (Ux & Uz), stresses, and shear strains and should be considered during the design of footing..
The present paper investigates the mechanical behavior of buried PVC pipe below the ground surfac... more The present paper investigates the mechanical behavior of buried PVC pipe below the ground surface. The pipe uses in sewage lines and it is on 7.4m below the ground surface. Also, the vertical and horizontal loads that come from burying under highways, railways, tall building, dams, and airports, they cause deformations for buried pipe. In this paper, it focuses on the effects of various soil and different loads on the buried PVC pipe. ABAQUS finite element software package, was used to modeling buried pipeline behavior underground surface-induced actions, using contact elements to describe the soil-pipe interaction and show the deformation on the pipe. Furthermore, an analytical methodology was presented by using different loads on the pipe (They cause vertical and horizontal pressure on the buried pipe), with different soil layers in the properties. The results from the present investigation are aimed at determining the fault displacement for buried pipe and can be used for pipeli...
This paper presents a study on the effect of soil behind and below anchored wall on wall behavior... more This paper presents a study on the effect of soil behind and below anchored wall on wall behavior by using different wall and anchor properties. Recently the wall depths are considered in the structural design of the wall. So in this paper investigated how soils below and behind the wall with using varying wall and anchor properties affect on the wall behavior such as wall deformations, wall bending moments, axial forces, shear forces, and anchor force. Also the effects of anchor angles on the wall behavior have been investigated. PLAXIS, finite element software package, was used to perform numerical modeling and analyses to evaluate the structural response and behavior of the anchored wall. The results show that the soil conditions below and behind the wall, including the wall properties, anchor properties, and anchor angles may have a significant effect on the wall behavior and should be considered during the design of anchored walls.
.................................................................................................... more ................................................................................................................ iv DEDICATION....................................................................................v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ........................................................................................... vi LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS .........................................................................................x LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................................... xvi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND NOTATIONS ................................................ xviii CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................1 1.1 Objective of this Research ...........................................................................2 1.2 Scope and Parametric Study ........................................................................2 1.3 Organizational Outline .................................................................................3 CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW ......................................................................4 2.
The common design practice of sheet pile walls, cantilever or anchored, is based on limit equilib... more The common design practice of sheet pile walls, cantilever or anchored, is based on limit equilibrium approach. A wall design using the limit equilibrium approach utilizes force and moment equilibriums and considers only the soils in contact with the wall to determine lateral earth pressures. The method does not consider several factors during the design which affect the overall wall performance and deformations. Some of the factors not considered in the structural design of the wall are the soils types below the wall tip, the extent of loading behind the wall, and the methods involved during construction, such as cut in the front or fill behind the wall. These factors can adversely affect the wall behavior and cause problems for the wall as well as the structures nearby. The variability and uncertainty involved in the geotechnical engineering field compared to the other fields of civil engineering also magnify the importance of wall deformations, as they are affected by the changes in soil properties. This paper studies the effect of soil variability on wall deformations and provides an overview and analysis on factors affecting the deformations.
Footings are structural elements that transmit column or wall loads to the underlying soil below ... more Footings are structural elements that transmit column or wall loads to the underlying soil below the structure. Most of the buildings in Libya suffer from many problems, which are cracks in the buildings due to foundation settlement. The most common causes of foundation settlement are weak bearing soils and poor compaction. So, the purpose of this paper is to present the study on the effect of over consolidated clay on the behavior of raft foundation. PLAXIS 3D, finite element software package was used to perform numerical modeling and analyses to evaluate the structural response and behavior of the raft foundation. The results show that the soil and bedrock conditions below the raft foundation may have a significant effect on the footing behavior such as vertical displacement (Uy), stresses, and shear strains and should be considered during the design of footing.
Papers by Mohamad Gabar