Papers by Muhammad Arrasyid
Taraadin : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam
Purpose : This research aims to see what the sukuk is like, to look at the sukuk, to see the comp... more Purpose : This research aims to see what the sukuk is like, to look at the sukuk, to see the comparison between sukuk and fatwa practices.Method : Using descriptive qualitative with literature study methods and using an interpretive paradigm.Findings : The practive of impelementing sukuk is in accordance with regulations and fatwas, starting from the mechanism of formation, issuance, and management in accordance with sharia principles.Originality : This study contributes in general to knowledge of sukuk practices in accordance with regulations. The literature study method and the interpretive paradigm in studying the practice of sukuk have limited the discussion on previous research which is a problem in this study.Managerial Implications : Based on this research, the researcher suggests that the government, in terms of the Islamic finance directorate, should strive to innovate the financial product and contract used especially in terms of issuing sukuk. That way, it will affect th...
Skripsi ini membahas tentang bagaimanakah dampak dari hasil keputusan Lajnah Bahtsul Masa’il dala... more Skripsi ini membahas tentang bagaimanakah dampak dari hasil keputusan Lajnah Bahtsul Masa’il dalam Istinbath Hukumnya terhadap hukum Islam di Indonesia. Dalam kehidupan manusia pasca wafatnya Rasulullah SAW, isi dari Alquran dan Hadits selaku pegangan utama umat Islam dalam mencari jawaban atas segala permasalahan terhenti pertambahannya, sedangkan permasalahan dan polemik baru selalu muncul mengikuti alur perkembangan umat manusia, apalagi pada era globalisasi modern serta latar belakang Indonesia sebagai Negara dengan beragam kultur serta lapisan masyarakat. Untuk itu agar dapat mengimbangi munculnya permasalahan yang belum terdapat jawabannya dalam sumber utama hukum Islam diatas, maka dilakukan adanya Ijtihad oleh para mujtahid dari berbagai ormas Islam di Indonesia, salah satunya Nahdlatul Ulama dengan Lembaga Bahtsul Masa,ilnya. Berlatar belakang masalah tersebut, maka penulis tertarik untuk meneliti bagaimana metode serta mekanisme dalam pelaksanaan Bahtsul Masa’il serta baga...
International journal of health sciences
Introduction: High-protein diet, whereby 1.2 – 1.6g protein/kg of body weight is consumed per day... more Introduction: High-protein diet, whereby 1.2 – 1.6g protein/kg of body weight is consumed per day, has been popularised as a weight-loss technique. While some people truly believe in its health benefits, some consume high-protein diets for other reasons. However, it is not yet proven whether consuming a high-protein diet improves your overall health. Thus this study is to discover if consuming a high-protein diet has any health benefits. We focus our study on the evidence of the impact of a high-protein diet on those who routinely exercise, either by weightlifting or cardio. Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out among gym goers in Cyberjaya aged 18 years and above and have not been diagnosed with any underlying disease (N=46). Data collection was done via online interview and individual questionnaire and analysed using Pearson chi-square and Fisher’s exact test with SPSS version 26. The statistical significance level was set at 0.05. Results: Majority of the gym goers ...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Environmental Awareness for Sustainable Development in conjunction with International Conference on Challenge and Opportunities Sustainable Environmental Development, ICEASD & ICCOSED 2019, 1-2 April 2019, Kendari, Indonesia
This study aims to describe the pattern of employee sustainability development using Kaizen. The ... more This study aims to describe the pattern of employee sustainability development using Kaizen. The main purpose of employee development is as an effort to deal with the change of companies' competition that potentially changes the company's purposes. This study uses qualitative approach and focuses on the employee sustainability development using Kaizen. This study shows that Kaizen is a process-oriented system used to implement the smallest suggestion from an employee as a small step of improvement. Thus, consistency and sustainability are also considered important in the implementation of Kaizen. The companies that adopted Kaizen consistently will experience a better improvement due to the concept of 3M, 3S, and PDCA. This study also provides recommendation for the top management of companies in applying Kaizen to develop employees' sustainability in order to deal with global competition.
Prosiding Jurnalistik, Aug 8, 2019
The situation of the frame the news sent on dramatic changes in the text media content, where clo... more The situation of the frame the news sent on dramatic changes in the text media content, where closely related to the text media production. In conjunction further, relating to the text media consumption, audiences also occupy role dialectics its own experience. Liberalization press industry maintain competitive between the media in provides the best to audiences and would bring a positive impact the free media consumers to vote in the media. Departing from an event that similar speaking up for a reunion 212, media tvone has proclaim by means of accentuating side or specific aspects, while media CNN Indonesian, twisting , even close side or aspect of his own way. Any difference tendency media in preaching a same commonly called to frame or frame media. The purpose of research to know the professionalism of journalists in the news on the activity 212 "Apa kabar Indonesia Pagi" on tvone and "Live CNN Indonesia" on tv CNN, define the problem in terms of indonesia diagnose, causes make a moral judgement, treatment recommendation.The methodology perspective qualitative analysis framing Entman. Robert N Drawing conclusions: define problem, diagnose causes, make a moral judgement, treatment recommendation on tvone and CNN take a warm view of different in which tvone think that in a reunion 212 there is no element of a political campaign, while cnn think that reunion 212 as part of the beginning of soft campaign team Prabowo on presidential election 2019
Jurnal Edukasi Elektro, 2021
ABSTRACT:To realize Indonesia's commitment to cut greenhouse effect, it is important to use e... more ABSTRACT:To realize Indonesia's commitment to cut greenhouse effect, it is important to use environmentally friendly vehicles. On August 12, 2019, the Presidential Regulation on the velocity of Battery-Based Electric Motor Vehicle Program for land vehicle as a sign of the seriousness of the government applying this vehicle. This research is specific in terms of the provision of Public Electric Vehicle Charging Station (SPKLU) in Bantul refinery area, Yogyakarta after the installation of Photovoltaic (PV) plant as Distributed Energy Resources (DER). This study used a simulation of the Open Distribution System Simulator (OpenDSS) software distribution network in analyzing the comparison of voltage profiles and power losses before and after spklu installation. By optimizing the placement of SPKLU using Flower Pollination Algorithm (FPA) method using Matlab software that results in spklu placement on bus 58 by 300 kW, bus 37 by 301 kW, and bus 36 by 300 kW. The voltage profile chang...
Atlantis Highlights in Engineering, 2022
Hardware Design and Simulation of Lung Sound Detector to Analyze Lung Abnormalities Based on Ardu... more Hardware Design and Simulation of Lung Sound Detector to Analyze Lung Abnormalities Based on Arduino Mega and NodeMCU ESP32 is a development of auscultation technique which is supported by signal display on oscilloscope, organic light-emitting diodes and computer on the lung sound detection circuit system connected to NodeMCU ESP32. The design and simulation consists of a stethoscope as an initial detection, then amplified with a mic-condenser pre-amp circuit connected a band pass filter, a buffer amplifier entering ADC 0 (GPIO36) processed by NodeMCU ESP32 and sending data in the form of free frequency via Arduino Mega and NodeMCU ESP32 as transmitters. and mobile phones as receivers of the frequency form display of lung sounds. Software for NodeMCU ESP32 communication with mobile phone using Blink software based on Internet of Things (IoT). In detecting the condition of the patient's lungs, it provides information that on the signal display on oscilloscopes, organic lightemitting diodes, computers and mobile phone, namely by displaying the sound of the lungs when exhaling and inhaling air from the test results can detect lung sounds which have a frequency limit of 20 Hz. up to 1000 Hz. to make it easier for doctors to analyze the patient's lung abnormalities from the observed frequency.
Hasil dari penelitian kali ini ialah dampak keputusan Bahtsul Masa’il terhadap hukum Islam di Ind... more Hasil dari penelitian kali ini ialah dampak keputusan Bahtsul Masa’il terhadap hukum Islam di Indonesia tergantung dari dua sudut pandang, tidak terlalu berpengaruh dalam hal undang-undang atau peraturan pemerintah karena keputusannya yang bersifat rekomendasi, namun sangat berpengaruh dalam hal kultural apabila diikuti oleh seluruh nahdliyyin yang dikenal militan terhadap ulamanya, karena keputusan Bahtsul Masa’il ialah hasil dari kesimpulan yang disampaikan para musahhih yang terdiri dari para kiyai.
International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2020
The potential of Halal Travel Agents business is increasing by considering the increasing positio... more The potential of Halal Travel Agents business is increasing by considering the increasing position of Indonesia as a country that is the second largest Muslim tourist destination in 2018. Even the Indonesian government in 2019 targets the first rank as a country that becomes a Muslim tourist. In addition, related to the industrial revolution, the process has led to industry 4.0, so that in addition to referring to people's demands for Muslim travel services that are getting better, Halal Travel Agencies also need to carry out various evaluations and developments to run amid the ongoing 4.0 industrial revolution. This type of research is qualitative using a phenomenological with analytical techniques that refer to the VCIT model (Value, Innovation, Culture, Technology). The research results obtained are change the corporate mindset of the first travel agency, there must be more intensive and assertive promotion, education and details about Halal Travel Menu
Water is basic human need that requires management in order to balance water consumption level an... more Water is basic human need that requires management in order to balance water consumption level and existing water resources level. Domestic water consumption greatly determines by lifestyle and habits. So that it is necessary to provide sufficient knowledge and awareness about water conservation so that it will increase effectiveness and wisdom in water consumption. The community can change behavior to more efficient and more optimal in water consumption patterns by practicing or apply three R's (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle). The research conducted by survey methodology. Survey done by asking online questionnaire that consist a set questions of behavior and habits of water consumption. The questinaire will conducted respondens charactheristic which includes performance level and importance level. The questionnaires are analized by scoring using a Likert scale. The results of the Likert scale analysis from the questionnaire are mapped in a Cartesian Importance Performance Analysis (IP...
Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif yang bertujuan untuk menguji dan mendapatkan data se... more Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif yang bertujuan untuk menguji dan mendapatkan data secara empirik mengenai hubungan dukungan sosial keluarga dengan penyesuaian diri menjelang masa pensiun. Sejalan dengan landasan teori, maka diajukan hipotesa yang berbunyi: Ada hubungan positif antara dukungan sosial keluarga dengan penyesuaian diri menjelang masa pensiun, dengan asumsi semakin baik dukungan sosial yang diberikan keluarga maka semakin baik pula penyesuaian diri menjelang masa pensiun. Penelitian ini melibatkan 50 karyawan PT. INALUM (Persero) yang akan memasuki masa pensiun sebagai subjek penelitian. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik purposive sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan instrumen skala likert untuk skala dukungan sosial/keluarga dan penyesuaian diri. Berdasarkan analisis data, diperoleh hasil terdapat hubungan positif antara dukungan sosial/keluarga dengan penyesusian diri. Hasil ini dibuktikan dengan koefisien korelasi, dimana rxy = 0,729 ; p = 0,000 ...
Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Indonesia, 2021
Background. A traffic accident is an incident on the road which accidentally involves a vehicle w... more Background. A traffic accident is an incident on the road which accidentally involves a vehicle with or without other road users which results in human casualties and/or property loss. The most common injury that occurs during traffic accidents is head injury. Head injury due to traffic accidents is a major cause of disability and mortality in developing countries.Objective. To analyze the overview of victim who died with head injury in traffic accidents at the forensic department of DR. M. Djamil Padang 2018-2019.Methods. This type of research is retrospective descriptive. Sampling was carried out by total sampling technique in the forensic department of RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang from March 2020 - September 2020.Results. The results showed that 150 victims who died with head injury in traffic accidents. The conclusion of this study, most of the age is 15-29 years and the incidence was higher in males. The most common injury patterns are abrasions.The head region most affected is th...
Journal Publicuho, 2021
Toluk Jangkang Tourism is a tour that has a concept of traveling combining nature with local cult... more Toluk Jangkang Tourism is a tour that has a concept of traveling combining nature with local culture. The concept of Collaborative Governance Helping is important because in its application it does not only involve government and non-government but also other parties. This study aims to examine the concept of Collaborative Governance, the parties involved are the Tourism Office of Siak Regency, PT Cosmic, and Pokdarwis. The collaboration was carried out to develop the Toluk Angkang tourist attraction in Tualang District, Siak Regency. However, there are still inhibiting factors for Collaborative Governance in developing Toluk Jangkang tourism, namely the lack of budget provided by the government and the lack of community participation in developing Antang Jangkang tourism objects. This research method is a descriptive case study approach. The results of the research have not been fully achieved. The collaboration between the Tourism Office of Siak Regency, PT Cosmic, and Pokdarwis h...
ARKESMAS (Arsip Kesehatan Masyarakat), 2018
Liquifed Petroleum Gas merupakan bentuk dari hasil konversi minyak tanah yang dibuat Pemerintah g... more Liquifed Petroleum Gas merupakan bentuk dari hasil konversi minyak tanah yang dibuat Pemerintah gunamengurangi pengeluaran APBN dalam hal pembelian bahan bakar. Maraknya penggunaan LPG di sektorrumah tangga serta kuliner seperti warteg menimbulkan beberapa kasus kebakaran karena kebocoran tabunggas akibat penggunaan LPG yang tidak aman yang salah satunya disebabkan oleh human factor. Tujuanpenelitian ini adalah mengetahui bagaimana hubungan antara karakteristik (umur, pendidikan, masa kerja),pengetahuan, dan sikap pekerja warteg dengan penggunaan tabung gas LPG. Subyek peneitian ini adalahpekerja rumah makan warteg di Kelurahan Kalianyar, Jakarta Barat. Besar sampel dalam penelitian inisebanyak 97 responden dengan menggunakan teknik quota sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan denganmewawancara para responden dengan menggunakan lembar kuesioner. Hasil penelitian dari 73 respondenmenunjukkan bahwa 46,6 % responden berperilaku tidak aman dalam penggunaan LPG dan 53,4 %responden berperil...
Penulisan Ilmiah Jenjang D3 Ilmu Komputer, Dec 29, 2012
ABSTRAKSI Muhammad Zakaria Ar’rasyid.3010945 APLIKASI E-LEARNING STRATEGI SEPAKBOLA MENGGUNAKAN J... more ABSTRAKSI Muhammad Zakaria Ar’rasyid.3010945 APLIKASI E-LEARNING STRATEGI SEPAKBOLA MENGGUNAKAN J2SE DAN MYSQL PI, Jurusan Manajemen Informatika, Program Diploma Tiga Teknologi Informasi, Universitas Gunadarma, 2012 Kata Kunci : E-Learning, Strategi, Sepakbola, JAVA, MySQL ( xi + 37 + Lampiran) Sepakbola adalah salah satu olahraga favorit di Indonesia termasuk di dunia. Pembuatan aplikasi e-learning strategi sepakbola menampilkan berbagai macam strategi sepakbola yang paling sering diterapkan dan soal-soal penunjang dengan menggunakan JAVA dan MySQL sebagai database. Aplikasi strategi sepakbola yang penulis uraikan adalah sebagai aplikasi alternatif kepada para pengguna dalam memenuhi kebutuhan mereka terhadap strategi sepakbola sebagai suatu referensi dan media referensi serta memudahkan para pengguna dalam membaca materi yang disediakan dengan praktis tanpa harus mencari dari sumber lain yang dapat menyita sebagian waktu. Daftar Pustaka ( 1994 - 2012 )
Department of Management, 2010
Type of this research is survey research, where the researcher conducts observation to collect da... more Type of this research is survey research, where the researcher conducts observation to collect data that the research is only making note as the way it is. Further, analyzing and interpreting data of aircraft service of Sriwijaya Air track of Malang? Jakarta ...
Papers by Muhammad Arrasyid