Papers by Ni Putu Dian Utami Dewi
Pariwisata Budaya/Pariwisata budaya, Mar 29, 2024
Balinese culture is very diverse and there is no cultural similarity between one place and anothe... more Balinese culture is very diverse and there is no cultural similarity between one place and another, this gives a unique to every tradition it implements. Such as the implementation of the tradition omed-omedan / med-medan carried out by STT Banjar Kaja Desa Sesetan. Through qualitative approach and inform determination techniques using snowball method will certainly eliminate the data with the purpose of research. The data obtained is then defined qualitatively and presented in the form of narrative. This tradition has nothing in common with other traditions in Bali, of course this becomes the only mass kissing tradition in Bali. The existence of this unit tradition will certainly be interesting and have a selling point if then packaged neatly and interestingly in the form of cultural tourism presented. In the implementation of omed-omedan festival held a series of med-medan traditions, will certainly provide more value, especially those involved in the festival is the residents of Desa Sesetan as activists of cultural arts and entrepreneurship that can support the growth of the economic pace of the community. The festival is then packaged in the form of a performing arts festival and there are various stands both food and handicrafts as handmade.Keywords: Omed-omedan, cultural touris
Indonesia merupakan negara yang terkena dampak wabah covid-19. Pandemi Covid-19 berdampak besar d... more Indonesia merupakan negara yang terkena dampak wabah covid-19. Pandemi Covid-19 berdampak besar disektor bidang Kehumasan. Dalam bidang kehumasan (PR), pandemi ini disebutkan sebagai krisis yang dialami perusahaan dan harus dikelola dengan baik. Pandemi Covid-19 ini merupakan krisis yang tidak dapat dikontrol, maka seorang PR harus bisa merancang strategi komunikasi di masa pendemi. Seorang PR menyampaikan informasi harus benar, akurat, berdasarkan data, dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Di masa Pandemi ini pemanfaatan media digital sangat diperlukan dalam penyampaian informasi ke masyarakat. Untuk itu, PR memiliki peranan yang strategis dalam menyampaikan informasi secara kreatif, inovatif, dan efektif dengan memanfaatkan teknologi digital. Penyampaian pesan dengan konten yang empatif dan mengoptimalkan teknologi digital maka akan membangun kepercayaan dan persepsi positif. Kata kunci: Media Digital, Public Relation, Pandemi, Pengoptimalan
One of the tourism actors that cannot be ignored is the local community. The purposes of this res... more One of the tourism actors that cannot be ignored is the local community. The purposes of this research specifically were to find out 1) the perception of the local community regarding the operation of all hotels in the Nusa Dua Integrated Tourism Area; 2) the readiness of the local community regarding the ‘new normal’ tourism around the Nusa Dua area; 3) preparations made by local communities around the Nusa Dua Integrated Tourism Area to face the new normal tourism. This study used a quantitative approach. Respondents for this activity were 100 men and women of productive age between 23-45 years who came from around the Nusa Dua Integrated Tourism Area. The positive attitude shown by the local community is because 55% of the respondents stated that new normal tourism is safe tourism for all tourism actors. As many as 85% of respondents stated their readiness if tourism in their area was opened and only 10% stated that they were not ready. Some 65% of respondents are preparing to work again in the tourism sector. Keywords: local community, new normal tourism, readiness.
Lunar : journal of language and art, Nov 27, 2023
Mimbar Ilmu
Education institutions are under proliferating challenges to deliver successful virtual learning ... more Education institutions are under proliferating challenges to deliver successful virtual learning in an increasingly digitized and globalized environment and especially during Covid-19 outbreak. This even become harder in academically challenging circumstance. This might put their identity as a teacher in hard situation. The aim of this research is to analyses English teacher attitudes and perception after having unsuccessful teaching practices from professional identity lens. An interpretative phenomenological analysis by utilizing dialogic interview will be employed to 4 higher education English teacher in underprivileged and newly established university to capture the intended data. After that, the data regarding teacher identity will be displayed and extensively analysed to unfold some individual phenomenon while implementing virtual classroom to teach English. This study found that our participants have evidently grown professionally during the Covid-19 epidemic time frame. Seve...
Genta Hredaya: Media Informasi Ilmiah Jurusan Brahma Widya STAHN Mpu Kuturan Singaraja
This paper discusses educational problems in the aspects of ontology, epistemology, and axiology.... more This paper discusses educational problems in the aspects of ontology, epistemology, and axiology. Hindu education philosophy is the application of Hindu philosophical concepts into Hindu education problems which is found in the real teaching learning process. Vice versa, the implementation of education can also provide ideas/input for the improvement of the Hindu philosophical concepts. Those concepts and applications influence each other and work together to enhance each other. The problems of educational ontology in the study of Hindu educational philosophy covers the definition and nature of education and learning according to the Hindu perspective. Epistemological problems of education according to the study of Hindu education philosophy including philosophical problems (goals, curriculum and materials of Hindu education), actual problems (methods, educators and students in Hindu education), supporting problems (facilities, infrastructure and approaches of Hindu education). The ...
Vidya Darśan: Jurnal Mahasiswa Filsafat Hindu, Jun 29, 2020
Hinduism is familiar with the concepts of Monotheism, Pnatheism and Politheism, understanding tha... more Hinduism is familiar with the concepts of Monotheism, Pnatheism and Politheism, understanding that God is only one truth, not the second. but the name of God or God is a manifestation of the form of God in the form of saguna brahman or the energy of God which is permeated immanently in the human spiritual soul. this saguna concept is a form of personifying God that is useless (God who is formless, undefiled, has no beginning and no end, is not bound by time and change, God is everywhere-everywhere. God animates all forms in the universe. Hindu people make forms of worship on the grounds of God's personified form which is realized to make it easier to connect devotional services to God. in Bgavad Gita 14. 3 explained All material, called Brahman, is the source of birth, and I say that Brahman contains, which enables the birth of all living things, O son of Bharata. Clearly illustrated in the sloka everything that exists, created, the living and the dead is at the will of God Almighty.
C U L T O U R E : Culture Tourism and Religion, Apr 17, 2021
Balinese culture is very diverse and there is no cultural similarity between one place and anothe... more Balinese culture is very diverse and there is no cultural similarity between one place and another, this gives a unique to every tradition it implements. Such as the implementation of the tradition omed-omedan / med-medan carried out by STT Banjar Kaja Desa Sesetan. Through qualitative approach and inform determination techniques using snowball method will certainly eliminate the data with the purpose of research. The data obtained is then defined qualitatively and presented in the form of narrative. This tradition has nothing in common with other traditions in Bali, of course this becomes the only mass kissing tradition in Bali. The existence of this unit tradition will certainly be interesting and have a selling point if then packaged neatly and interestingly in the form of cultural tourism presented. In the implementation of omed-omedan festival held a series of med-medan traditions, will certainly provide more value, especially those involved in the festival is the residents of Desa Sesetan as activists of cultural arts and entrepreneurship that can support the growth of the economic pace of the community. The festival is then packaged in the form of a performing arts festival and there are various stands both food and handicrafts as handmade.Keywords: Omed-omedan, cultural touris
SISTA: Jurnal Akademisi dan Praktisi Pariwisata, Jul 22, 2021
Indonesia merupakan negara yang terkena dampak wabah covid-19. Pandemi Covid-19 berdampak besar d... more Indonesia merupakan negara yang terkena dampak wabah covid-19. Pandemi Covid-19 berdampak besar disektor bidang Kehumasan. Dalam bidang kehumasan (PR), pandemi ini disebutkan sebagai krisis yang dialami perusahaan dan harus dikelola dengan baik. Pandemi Covid-19 ini merupakan krisis yang tidak dapat dikontrol, maka seorang PR harus bisa merancang strategi komunikasi di masa pendemi. Seorang PR menyampaikan informasi harus benar, akurat, berdasarkan data, dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Di masa Pandemi ini pemanfaatan media digital sangat diperlukan dalam penyampaian informasi ke masyarakat. Untuk itu, PR memiliki peranan yang strategis dalam menyampaikan informasi secara kreatif, inovatif, dan efektif dengan memanfaatkan teknologi digital. Penyampaian pesan dengan konten yang empatif dan mengoptimalkan teknologi digital maka akan membangun kepercayaan dan persepsi positif. Kata kunci: Media Digital, Public Relation, Pandemi, Pengoptimalan
The purpose of this study was to describe the philosophical education of moral values in terms of... more The purpose of this study was to describe the philosophical education of moral values in terms of three aspects, namely ontology, epistemology, and axiology. The ontology aspects of value and moral philosophy are the rules, the code of conduct, the desire to do something good, to the behavior carried out by someone. To examine the values and moral philosophy, the observation method can be used because it can produce a more comprehensive study based on direct observation of conditions that occur in community life. Value and moral philosophy in terms of axiology aspect function to know and understand the meaning of values and rules in the community so that they can show good behavior in creating order in life. Value and moral philosophy are important to learn because they can develop dimensions of morality, namely moral knowing, moral feeling, and moral acting
One of the tourism actors that cannot be ignored is the local community. The purposes of this res... more One of the tourism actors that cannot be ignored is the local community. The purposes of this research specifically were to find out 1) the perception of the local community regarding the operation of all hotels in the Nusa Dua Integrated Tourism Area; 2) the readiness of the local community regarding the ‘new normal’ tourism around the Nusa Dua area; 3) preparations made by local communities around the Nusa Dua Integrated Tourism Area to face the new normal tourism. This study used a quantitative approach. Respondents for this activity were 100 men and women of productive age between 23-45 years who came from around the Nusa Dua Integrated Tourism Area. The positive attitude shown by the local community is because 55% of the respondents stated that new normal tourism is safe tourism for all tourism actors. As many as 85% of respondents stated their readiness if tourism in their area was opened and only 10% stated that they were not ready. Some 65% of respondents are preparing to wo...
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui strategi-strategi yang digunakan oleh orang tua Bali da... more Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui strategi-strategi yang digunakan oleh orang tua Bali dalam pemertahanan Bahasa Bali di Singaraja. Mengingat jumlah anak anak yang berbahasa Bali menurun drastis, seperti telah ditemukan dalam penelitian awal bahwa anak anak Bali yang berbahasa Bali di Singaraja hanya kurang dari 50%. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sikap, strategi dan kesulitan yang dihadapi oleh orang tua dalam pemertahanan Bahasanya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif (design multi kasus). Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi dan wawancara. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 3 keluarga dengan latar belakang pendidikan yang bervariasi. Data dianalisis menggunakan teori sikap orang tua (Guardado, 2002), strategi orang tua (Hinton, 1999), dan teori strategi disiplin orang tua (Plotnik, R & Kouyoumdjian, 2010). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua orang tua menunjukkan sikap positif terhadap Bahasa Bali. Ketika mereka ...
Papers by Ni Putu Dian Utami Dewi