Papers by Nanik Retnowati
Qalamuna : Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Agama, Nov 14, 2023
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kewirausahaan, Aug 9, 2023

QALAMUNA: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Agama
This study aims to determine students' experiences with comprehensive reading strategies usin... more This study aims to determine students' experiences with comprehensive reading strategies using Wattpad. This study uses a qualitative descriptive research method. Data are collected using interviews, observation, documentation, and questionnaires. The analysis of this research uses a triangulation technique which consists of steps; data reduction, data display, and ultimately conclusion to analyze the data. The results of this study indicate that extensive reading through Wattpad can be used for pleasure, extensive reading through the Wattpad platform can reduce stress, extensive reading through Wattpad can increase motivation, and extensive reading through Wattpad can increase vocabulary. All of these activities can have a positive impact on students. Plus, Wattpad's platform is great for in-depth reading. Therefore, one of the best ways to learn English is to read extensively on the Wattpad platform. Teachers should realize that because Wattpad is a practical reading tool ...

This study aimed to explore the EFL teacher's implementation of the Audio-lingual Method, inv... more This study aimed to explore the EFL teacher's implementation of the Audio-lingual Method, investigate his challenges and explain his technique to improve students' vocabulary mastery. The case study was carried out in SMA Pasundan Cikalongkulon Cianjur. The respondents were 32 students and an English teacher chosen purposively to be involved in this study. The instruments of data collection were observation and interview. The result showed that the EFL teacher implemented Audio-lingual Method well. It was proved that he applied its principles namely imitation, using the target language communicatively, separating the native and the target language linguistic system, modeling, repetition, reinforcement, verbal and nonverbal stimuli, and English culture. Moreover, the student's average score improved, There were some challenges namely limited time, student motivation, different capabilities, and the classroom condition. Moreover, there were some techniques such as dialog ...

Edukasi Islami: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
Among the effort to provide favorable circumstances for students to study English while becoming ... more Among the effort to provide favorable circumstances for students to study English while becoming familiar with the concepts of character values that are commonly encountered in the content of Islamic teaching materials is the incorporation of character education into English language teaching. To determine how well students are doing academically and how well they comprehend the integrated character concepts included in Islamic teaching materials, accordingly, are the goals of the current study. At one of Islamic universities in Bogor, Indonesia, this study was undertaken in the English Education Program. This research employed quasi-experimental method, and the instruments used were a test and an interview. According to the research findings, after conducting four month learning class, there is an improvement in students' achievement between pre-test and post-test in experimental groups following treatment. It indicates that Islamic materials can contribute much more to student...

Journal of English Language Learning
YouTube is a mobile application and social network that are integrated with various platforms and... more YouTube is a mobile application and social network that are integrated with various platforms and other media such as blogs or presentation materials. Developing a learning community through YouTube makes students experience online learning in an interesting way. The purpose of this study was to find out students' perception in learning English through online learning during Covid-19 pandemic. The participants selected for this research were five students from one of the universities in Bogor, Indonesia. This study uses qualitative research design. The results of this study indicate that YouTube is very helpful in online learning for students and this media can be accessed during online learning because it provides many educational videos to learn English and other skills. However, some difficulties were also found in this study. YouTube is also considered to add education fees in terms of connection. Students, in addition, stated that they had problem with their connection i.e., unstable signals and the ability to understand the video. This activity aims to summarize responses on the use of YouTube as a media of online learning during Covid-19 pandemic.
vi, 146 hlm. ; 17,6 x 25 cm

Classroom action research is undoubtedly important to be implemented by teachers. Many experts on... more Classroom action research is undoubtedly important to be implemented by teachers. Many experts on education have provided enormous rationale bases for the benefits of conducting action research for quality education. However, there have not been many teachers performing it with many different reasons. It is important for any parties who are concerned on quality education to find out teachers’ reasons of not conducting action research. The data could be used to formulate any strategies to promote action research in school practice. However, this paper suggests that finding out why teachers perform action research is not less important. Teachers’ motives of performing action research cannot be separated from the values proposed by idealized concept of action research itself. Thus it is important to examine closely whether teachers’ perspectives meet with the intended benefits as proposed theoretically. The findings are useful to give an insight on whether action research needs to be...

Describing language is one of the most important tasks in Linguistics. Language description may g... more Describing language is one of the most important tasks in Linguistics. Language description may give valuable contribution to language teaching practice. This paper is concerning with describing learners’ language used for chatting. Chatting is a spoken language which is written. As a natural language it may have its own structure which can be described. From the point of view of syntax, spoken language usually has its own set of grammar patterns which sometimes may be quite different from that in written language. Language used for chatting would likely provide important information moreover if it is done by language learners who are in the process of trying to make sense of the series of knowledge both on language elements and their usage in the real communication. Chatting task with foreigners was applied to the early semester of English learners. Using Syntactical and Conversation Analysis, this study found the characteristics of the natural language used for chatting and some s...

Knowledge about what the learners’ know is part of teaching process, since the knowledge would be... more Knowledge about what the learners’ know is part of teaching process, since the knowledge would be the clue for teachers in designing lesson material as well as method. Error analysis then becomes a common practice for language teachers to elicit what the learners have acquired.Translation is a kind of language skill which requires both linguistic and non linguistic knowledge.Thus studying students’ language used in their translation would be beneficial for teachers. This study is aimed at finding error on the students’ translation. This finding should give a description about the students’ obstacles in translation process.The writer took randomly ten ( 10 ) translation result of the students at English Education Program of FKIP UIKA Bogor as the sample data. Error analysis procedure is used; i.e. identifying, describing, explaining, and finding the cause of the error. The study found that students made some lexical errors such as miss spelling and inappropriate word choice. This is...

English Journal, 2020
Indonesian government has just made great changes in its national curriculum. One of its changes ... more Indonesian government has just made great changes in its national curriculum. One of its changes is the emphasis on character building. For Indonesian teachers, this new policy is quite a challenge. In previous curriculum, character building was treated as a hidden curriculum and not explicitly part of scoring system. The new curriculum explicitly states the characters which must be developed by teachers. Finding the basis to perform teaching process to achieve the improvement of language knowledge, skills and characters is indeed needed. An action research was then conducted. In one cycle, the research proved that the implementation of actions integrating character building into teaching and learning process could significantly improve not only students‟ attitude but also their knowledge and skill on expressing things happening in English. It means that teachers can work on the three important aspects; namely attitude, knowledge and skill together. In other words, teachers could ki...

Knowing the rules which organize the target language has been the concern of many experts to faci... more Knowing the rules which organize the target language has been the concern of many experts to facilitate language learning and teaching. The rules are not only in the level of sentence but also in the level of discourse. This study is trying to find out the rules in discourse level, especially the pattern of speech act on asking for apology. This study is aimed at knowing the speech act set of apologizingy made by students to lecturers, students to students, the acceptability of the patterns, and the factors which may influence the acceptability of the expressions used for apology. There were thirty five respondents; twenty respondents should give information about expressions for apology, fifteen other respondents give their opinion about the acceptability of the expressions.Using the procedure in discourse analysis, the writer found that respondents produced different set of speech act. Other speech act may accompany speech act for apology both before and after it; i.e. greeting, ...

The aim of this study is to describe the speech act of advising found in an interactive story tel... more The aim of this study is to describe the speech act of advising found in an interactive story telling event in a classroom setting. The speech act of advising is one of the sub type of directive speech act based on Searle’s classification which is different from other subtypes such as suggesting. The data on the speech act were taken first by identifying the interaction occuring as the unit of analysis, then points out the units which show advising. Finally, using the theory of speech act and politeness and considering social and cultural contexts, a description of any aspects related to the speech act of advising was proposed. This study found that advising is not performed directly in story telling. Instead, most of the utterances reflect indirect advices. Within the framework of intertextuality and the function of story telling in educational context, the writer comes to signify that a storytelling activity enables the teacher performs many kinds of advises delivered in non thre...

English Journal, 2017
Improving students? writing skill is a prominent challenge for most of English teachers in second... more Improving students? writing skill is a prominent challenge for most of English teachers in secondary level of education. Writing activities are not always easy for most students due to many intertwining factors in writing process. Among the factors, students? mastery in grammar, vocabulary, and developing ideas are the most obstacles that the students encounter. Kinds of text may also be the source of difficulties. Some text may be related to students? daily activities so it is not too difficult for the students to write. For junior high school students, report text is not easy to write. Report text contains technical terms and accurate information, compared to composing other kinds of text, writing report text is more challenging since as an academic type of text, it requires more advanced knowledge both of grammar and vocabulary. The Students of SMP 1 Dramaga grade three found it difficult to compose a report text. The alternative way to solve the problem is by using references as...
Papers by Nanik Retnowati