Papers by Nasim Tahsildar
The analysis techniques are not stated. 8. Sections after the Methodology look like a literature ... more The analysis techniques are not stated. 8. Sections after the Methodology look like a literature outcome. 9. The Discussion section is not well explained and theoretically supported. 10. The conclusion is weak.
How do academics and administrative staff perceive the relevance of SET as a tool for change? .
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2001
Listening anxiety is said to have a direct effect on listeners’ abilities to comprehend what has ... more Listening anxiety is said to have a direct effect on listeners’ abilities to comprehend what has been said. This is often because listeners are concerned that the message is so complex that they will not be able to understand what they are listening to. In relevance to listening tests, students’ listening anxiety may prove to be a variable that could affect their listening test scores especially for second language (L2) learners. This preliminary study was carried out, as a part of a bigger experimental study to investigate if L2 students experienced listening anxiety. The Foreign Language Learning Survey (FLLAS) (Kim, 2000) was used as the main data collection instrument. The survey comprised of 33 items, which was tested for reliability in this study (Cronbach Alpha α = .928). Eighty-three (n = 83) undergraduate students from one of the universities in Malaysia participated in the survey. The findings of the survey indicated that the students have a rather high level of listening ...
Education Quarterly Reviews
The Education Quarterly Reviews is an Open Access publication. It may be read, copied and distrib... more The Education Quarterly Reviews is an Open Access publication. It may be read, copied and distributed free of charge according to the conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. The Asian Institute of Research Education Quarterly Reviews is a peer-reviewed International Journal. The journal covers scholarly articles in the fields of education, linguistics, literature, educational theory, research, and methodologies, curriculum, elementary and secondary education, higher education, foreign language education, teaching and learning, teacher education, education of special groups, and other fields of study related to education. As the journal is Open Access, it ensures high visibility and the increase of citations for all research articles published. The Education Quarterly Reviews aims to facilitate scholarly work on recent theoretical and practical aspects of Education.
Academy Journal of Educational Sciences
A well-written text is not only grammatical, but also cohesive and coherent. Cohesive devices pla... more A well-written text is not only grammatical, but also cohesive and coherent. Cohesive devices play the most basic role in cohesion of a text and should be taken into consideration in teaching writing. This paper reports on a study investigating the impact of teaching academic text cohesive devices on L2 students' language accuracy in written production. The main objective of the study is to find out if teaching cohesive devices would enhance students' prior knowledge and subsequently result in increased written language accuracy. Based on a pre-post-test research design, 40 students enrolled in English for Academic Purposes course at a university in Malaysia were engaged as participants. A note-taking test was conducted prior to and post-intervention. The intervention consisted of lessons on academic text cohesive devices. The data was then analysed and reported using descriptive statistics and paired sample t-test. From the findings, it is clear that there is an increase in the minimum and maximum scores as well as in the mean scores between the pre-and post-test. More importantly, there is evidently a significant improvement in the participants' post-test language accuracy as evaluated through number of error-free t-units. In sum, the teaching of academic text cohesive devices does have a significant impact on language accuracy in written production. Hence, this study recommends L2 learners' prior knowledge activation to enhance written language accuracy.
International Journal of English Language Education, 2014
The main purpose of software testing is to detect software failures to ensure that a product func... more The main purpose of software testing is to detect software failures to ensure that a product functions work as expected. Therefore, there is need to test huge possible number of input combinations. T-way testing is a sampling approach to minimize input combinations. Recently, adapting optimization algorithm for T-way testing is very interested. As a consequence, many t-way optimization algorithm based strategies have been designed and implemented. In order to guide software tester to choose the best software testing strategy, there is a need to evaluate and benchmark the performance of each strategy against common case studies. In this paper, we present a comparison between two strategies, Harmony Search (HS) and Flower Pollination Algorithm (FPA) based strategies. Our experiments have performed on a real-world case study. Experiments results demonstrate that the performance is almost the same for both strategies and there is no one strategy can always be the best; however HSbased strategy performs better than FPA-based in many cases.
Bu calisma, Afganistan’daki bir devlet universitesinde yabanci dil olarak Ingilizce ogrenen ogren... more Bu calisma, Afganistan’daki bir devlet universitesinde yabanci dil olarak Ingilizce ogrenen ogrencilerin akademik oz yeterlik inanclari ile Ingilizce konusma kaygilari arasindaki iliskiyi incelemeyi amaclamistir. Calismaya iki farkli Ingiliz Dili ve Edebiyati Bolumunden 202 ogrenci katilmistir. Calismada veri toplamak icin iki grup anket kullanilmistir. Elde edilen sonuclar, katilimcilarin hem oz yeterlik inanc duzeylerinin hem de konusma kaygisinin oldukca yuksek oldugunu ortaya koymustur. Katilimcilarin oz yeterlik inanci ile Ingilizce konusma kaygisi arasinda da anlamli ve pozitif iliski bulunmustur. Ayrica, iki bolumun ogrencileri oz yeterlik inanci ve konusma kaygisi acisindan karsilastirilmistir. Calisma gelecekteki arastirmalar ve Ingilizce ogretmenleri icin Ingilizce konusma becerisini ogretirken konusma kaygisina daha fazla odaklanma ve bu surecte ogrencilere daha empatik davranma onerileriyle sonuclandirilmistir.
Indian Journal of Science and Technology
International Journal of Leadership in Education
International Journal of Theory and Application in Elementary and Secondary School Education
This paper reports on a study investigating features related to Chinese linguistic complexities f... more This paper reports on a study investigating features related to Chinese linguistic complexities for international students enrolled in Chinese courses in China. The main objective of this study is to highlight the major feature of Chinese complexities encountered by international students and explore whether international students’ native languages interfere with the process of learning Chinese. The study used a survey questionnaire developed by Zhang (2013) to collect the data from 147 male and female Bachelor, Master and Ph.D. students enrolled in basic Chinese classes in two universities in China. Based on certain Descriptive and ANOVA calculations, findings of the study indicate that the participants indeed experienced different features related to linguistic complexities. Moreover, the results also revealed the participants’ native language interference in the process of learning Chinese.
JEELS (Journal of English Education and Linguistics Studies)
In Afghanistan university context, English Departments focusing on preparing or educating EFL tea... more In Afghanistan university context, English Departments focusing on preparing or educating EFL teachers’ candidates are of two types; the Education Colleges’ English Departments (ECED) and the Literature Colleges’ English Departments (LCED). The purpose of this research is to investigate the extent to which the two EFL teacher preparation institutes in Afghanistan universities educate efficacious EFL teachers so as to teach English at public schools. It also aims at comparing the teaching efficacy level of male and female EFL teachers as the graduates of the two different English Departments (ECED and LCED) with different curricula in order to find out how these Departments educate public school EFL teachers. The study applied a survey questionnaire to obtain the data from 105 graduates of two English Departments as novice EFL teachers recruited by 45 public schools in a province in Afghanistan. The findings showed that both Departments educate highly efficacious EFL teachers. Howeve...
JEELS (Journal of English Education and Linguistics Studies)
In Afghanistan university context, English Departments focusing on preparing or educating EFL tea... more In Afghanistan university context, English Departments focusing on preparing or educating EFL teachers’ candidates are of two types; the Education Colleges’ English Departments (ECED) and the Literature Colleges’ English Departments (LCED). The purpose of this research is to investigate the extent to which the two EFL teacher preparation institutes in Afghanistan universities educate efficacious EFL teachers so as to teach English at public schools. It also aims at comparing the teaching efficacy level of male and female EFL teachers as the graduates of the two different English Departments (ECED and LCED) with different curricula in order to find out how these Departments educate public school EFL teachers. The study applied a survey questionnaire to obtain the data from 105 graduates of two English Departments as novice EFL teachers recruited by 45 public schools in a province in Afghanistan. The findings showed that both Departments educate highly efficacious EFL teachers. Howeve...
Education Quarterly Reviews, 2019
This paper reports on a study investigating features related to Chinese linguistic complexities a... more This paper reports on a study investigating features related to Chinese linguistic complexities among international students enrolled in Chinese courses in China. The main objective of this study is to highlight the major feature of Chinese complexities encountered by international students and explore whether international students' native languages interfere the process of learning Chinese. The study used a survey questionnaire to collect the data from 147 male and female Bachelor, Master and PhD students enrolled in basic Chinese classes in two universities in China. Based on certain Descriptive and ANOVA calculations, findings of the study indicate that the participants indeed experienced Sound Similarities, Chinese Characters and Chinese Tones as the main features related to Chines linguistic complexities. Moreover, the results also revealed the participants' native language interference in the process of learning Chinese. The study ends in several recommendations to Chinese teachers as well as to foreign Chinese language learners with regard to teaching and learning Chinese.
Academy Journal of Educational Sciences, 2018
A well-written text is not only grammatical, but also cohesive and coherent. Cohesive devices pla... more A well-written text is not only grammatical, but also cohesive and coherent. Cohesive devices play
the most basic role in cohesion of a text and should be taken into consideration in teaching writing.
This paper reports on a study investigating the impact of teaching academic text cohesive devices
on L2 students’ language accuracy in written production. The main objective of the study is to find
out if teaching cohesive devices would enhance students’ prior knowledge and subsequently result
in increased written language accuracy. Based on a pre-post-test research design, 40 students enrolled
in English for Academic Purposes course at a university in Malaysia were engaged as participants.
A note-taking test was conducted prior to and post-intervention. The intervention consisted of
lessons on academic text cohesive devices. The data was then analysed and reported using descriptive
statistics and paired sample t-test. From the findings, it is clear that there is an increase in the
minimum and maximum scores as well as in the mean scores between the pre- and post-test. More
importantly, there is evidently a significant improvement in the participants’ post-test language accuracy
as evaluated through number of error-free t-units. In sum, the teaching of academic text cohesive
devices does have a significant impact on language accuracy in written production. Hence, this
study recommends L2 learners’ prior knowledge activation to enhance written language accuracy.
International Journal of English Language Education, 2014
This paper reports on a study investigating the effects of teaching academic text cohesive device... more This paper reports on a study investigating the effects of teaching academic text cohesive devices on ESL students' listening comprehension. The main objective of the study was to find out if through teaching cohesive devices would enhance students' prior knowledge and subsequently result in increased listening comprehension. Based on a pre-test post-test research design, 40 students enrolled in English for Academic Purposes course at a university in Malaysia were engaged as participants. A listening comprehension test was conducted prior to and post-intervention. The intervention consisted of lessons on academic text cohesive devices. The data were then analysed and reported using descriptive statistics and paired samples t-test. From the findings, it was clear that there was an increase in the minimum and maximum scores as well as in the mean scores between the pre-and post-test scores. More importantly, there was evidently a significant improvement in the participants' post-test listening comprehension scores as compared to the pre-test scores. In sum, the teaching of academic text cohesive devices does have a significant impact on ESL learners' listening comprehension. Hence, two recommendations for the teaching of listening to ESL learners are: one; to recognize the place of prior knowledge in enhancing comprehension and two; to facilitate listening comprehension through appropriate pre-, while-and post-listening activities.
International Journal of Language Education and Applied Linguistics (IJLEAL), 2014
Listening anxiety is said to have a direct effect on listeners' abilities to comprehend what has ... more Listening anxiety is said to have a direct effect on listeners' abilities to comprehend what has been said. This is often because listeners are concerned that the message is so complex that they will not be able to understand what they are listening to. In relevance to listening tests, students' listening anxiety may prove to be a variable that could affect their listening test scores especially for second language (L2) learners. This preliminary study was carried out, as a part of a bigger experimental study to investigate if L2 students experienced listening anxiety. The Foreign Language Learning Survey (FLLAS) (Kim, 2000) was used as the main data collection instrument. The survey comprised of 33 items, which was tested for reliability in this study (Cronbach Alpha α = .928). Eighty-three (n = 83) undergraduate students from one of the universities in Malaysia participated in the survey. The findings of the survey indicated that the students have a rather high level of listening anxiety. This paper elaborates on areas in which students were most anxious about while listening, which may have some implications on the teaching of listening specifically listening comprehension to L2 students.
Papers by Nasim Tahsildar
the most basic role in cohesion of a text and should be taken into consideration in teaching writing.
This paper reports on a study investigating the impact of teaching academic text cohesive devices
on L2 students’ language accuracy in written production. The main objective of the study is to find
out if teaching cohesive devices would enhance students’ prior knowledge and subsequently result
in increased written language accuracy. Based on a pre-post-test research design, 40 students enrolled
in English for Academic Purposes course at a university in Malaysia were engaged as participants.
A note-taking test was conducted prior to and post-intervention. The intervention consisted of
lessons on academic text cohesive devices. The data was then analysed and reported using descriptive
statistics and paired sample t-test. From the findings, it is clear that there is an increase in the
minimum and maximum scores as well as in the mean scores between the pre- and post-test. More
importantly, there is evidently a significant improvement in the participants’ post-test language accuracy
as evaluated through number of error-free t-units. In sum, the teaching of academic text cohesive
devices does have a significant impact on language accuracy in written production. Hence, this
study recommends L2 learners’ prior knowledge activation to enhance written language accuracy.
the most basic role in cohesion of a text and should be taken into consideration in teaching writing.
This paper reports on a study investigating the impact of teaching academic text cohesive devices
on L2 students’ language accuracy in written production. The main objective of the study is to find
out if teaching cohesive devices would enhance students’ prior knowledge and subsequently result
in increased written language accuracy. Based on a pre-post-test research design, 40 students enrolled
in English for Academic Purposes course at a university in Malaysia were engaged as participants.
A note-taking test was conducted prior to and post-intervention. The intervention consisted of
lessons on academic text cohesive devices. The data was then analysed and reported using descriptive
statistics and paired sample t-test. From the findings, it is clear that there is an increase in the
minimum and maximum scores as well as in the mean scores between the pre- and post-test. More
importantly, there is evidently a significant improvement in the participants’ post-test language accuracy
as evaluated through number of error-free t-units. In sum, the teaching of academic text cohesive
devices does have a significant impact on language accuracy in written production. Hence, this
study recommends L2 learners’ prior knowledge activation to enhance written language accuracy.