Papers by Nyaris Pambudiyatno

Proceeding of International Conference of Advance Transportation Engineering and Applied Social Science, Nov 7, 2023
In order to adapt to the curriculum changes from 2016 to 2020 in the Air Navigation Engineering D... more In order to adapt to the curriculum changes from 2016 to 2020 in the Air Navigation Engineering D3 Program, an innovative approach utilizing interactive learning media is required. This aims to support curriculum transformation due to technological advancements and the needs of the professional world. Therefore, the objective of this research is to assess the improvement of learning outcomes through the use of interactive learning media in teaching about navigation aids. The research subjects are D3 Air Navigation Engineering 13th Alpha and Bravo cohorts. Data collection was obtained from learning outcomes through Evaluation and Interactive Learning Media on Flight Navigation Aids. This research is a quasi-experimental quantitative study using pretest-posttest design. The conclusion drawn from the review and data analysis, to assess the validity using SPSS, is that the calculated r-value (r) is greater than the critical r-value (r 0.30), indicating that the questionnaire items are valid. Meanwhile, for the reliability test results, a Guttman SplitHalf coefficient correlation value of 0.929 was obtained, which is ≥ 0.80. The Cronbach's Alpha value was 0.861. It can be concluded that all items of the ability variable (x) are valid. The pre-test and post-test scores in the control group were 40 and 75, respectively. Whereas in the experimental group, the class provided with interactive learning media obtained pre-test and post-test scores of 45 and 85, respectively. Therefore, this learning media can lead to increased student engagement and a significant improvement in their academic success.

Proceeding of International Conference of Advance Transportation Engineering and Applied Social Science, Nov 7, 2023
The use of radar in aviation primarily centers around aircraft weather radar systems, which provi... more The use of radar in aviation primarily centers around aircraft weather radar systems, which provide real-time monitoring of weather conditions surrounding the aircraft. Antennas play a crucial role in enabling detection within these radar systems. This article is dedicated to research efforts focused on developing a microstrip antenna design using array techniques to achieve high gain. The research methodology follows Thiagarajan's 4D approach, encompassing the Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate stages. To optimize performance, the research encompasses the creation of various antenna designs, including single patches, 1x2, 4x4, and 8x4 arrays, employing feed and coaxial insert enumeration methods. Additionally, comparisons are drawn between two substrates, specifically FR-4 and Rogers RT-5880. Parameters under scrutiny encompass gain, VSWR, return loss, bandwidth, and radiation patterns. The design process for microstrip antennas involves intricate dimensional calculations and array method selection, followed by a detailed application-based design. The results consistently demonstrate VSWR values below 2 and return loss values below -10 dB for microstrip antenna designs on both FR-4 and Rogers RT-5880 substrates. The most significant gains were achieved by an 8 x 4 array design employing the insert feed enumeration method on a Rogers RT-5880 substrate, reaching an impressive 17,979 dBi. The widest bandwidth is observed in the design of the 1x2 array using the Rogers RT-5880 substrate, reaching 651.1 MHz. Moreover, it is evident that an increase in the number of patches in the array corresponds to an increase in gain. Notably, Rogers RT-5880 material demonstrates a superior capacity to produce higher gain compared to FR-4 substrates.

Journal of Public Transportation Community, Nov 7, 2023
Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan Internet of Things (IoT) berbasis... more Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan Internet of Things (IoT) berbasis technopreneurship di SMK Plus Umar Zahid Jombang sebagai media pembelajaran revolusioner dalam era Society 5.0. Pendidikan saat ini menghadapi tuntutan untuk mengintegrasikan teknologi, inovasi, dan kewirausahaan dalam kurikulum sekolah untuk mempersiapkan siswa menghadapi tantangan era digital. Workshop ini dirancang untuk memberikan pemahaman yang mendalam tentang IoT dan technopreneurship kepada siswa, sehingga mereka dapat mengembangkan proyek-proyek inovatif menggunakan IoT. Workshop ini mencakup pemahaman konsep dasar IoT, teknologi terkait, dan bagaimana menerapkan IoT dalam berbagai konteks. Selain itu, workshop juga mengajarkan prinsip-prinsip technopreneurship, termasuk pengembangan ide bisnis berbasis teknologi dan keterampilan kewirausahaan. Melalui pendekatan praktis dan kolaboratif, siswa diajak untuk merancang dan mengimplementasikan proyek IoT mereka sendiri. Hasil dari workshop ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pemahaman siswa tentang potensi IoT dalam mengatasi masalah nyata di masyarakat, serta memberi mereka keterampilan technopreneurship yang relevan dalam era digital. Dengan demikian, workshop ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi positif terhadap pendidikan dan persiapan siswa untuk menghadapi Society 5.0 yang berfokus pada kolaborasi manusia dan teknologi guna mencapai kemajuan sosial yang berkelanjutan.
Jurnal Penelitian, Apr 12, 2023
In this study a prototype will be made for VHF airband, the design used uses GNURadio installed o... more In this study a prototype will be made for VHF airband, the design used uses GNURadio installed on the Windows operating system as digital signal processing, and the digital data that comes out will be converted into analog using Software Defined Radio (SDR). The modulation used is Amplitude Modulation (AM) on the Audio Source transmitter system with a sample rate of 48kHz, using Multiply Const 1.2 and Signal Source 500mV on the signal receiver, the average modulation percent value is 0.8
Jurnal Penelitian, Aug 2, 2022

Journal of Public Transportation Community, May 23, 2023
Internet saat ini telah menjadi kebutuhan dasar dalam memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat di era digita... more Internet saat ini telah menjadi kebutuhan dasar dalam memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat di era digital. Pada masa pandemic COVID-19, interaksi langsung dibatasi untuk mencegah penyebaran virus. Pemerintah telah melakukan digitalisasi untuk mendukung masyarakat dalam bekerja dan belajar, yang membutuhkan jaringan internet yang lancar di setiap wilayah. Di Desa Supiturang, yang terletak di Kecamatan Pronojiwo, Kabuapaten Lumajang, merupakan salah satu daerah yang sulit dijangkau oleh masyarakat lain karena medan jalan yang sulit dilalui. Namun, jaringan internet sangat dibutuhkan untuk menginformasikan perkembangan wilayah tersebut. Permasalahannya adalah bagaimana Desa Supiturang memerlukan pembangunan jaringan internet dana apa tujuan mereka dalam membangun jaringan internet. Selain itu, bagaimana cara membuka usaha baru dengan memanfaatkan teknologi internet dan bagaimana mendapatkan keuntungan dari kemajuan teknologi jaringan internet yang telah dibangun oleh salah satu warga disana. Tujuan dalam pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah menyediakan wahana untuk memacu dan mengembangkan keterampilan warga Desa Supiturang dalam meningkatkan kemampuan membuat jaringan komputer dan jaringan internet desa. Kegiatan ini juga dapat meningkatkan wawasan warga Desa Supiturang untuk mengetahui proses pembuatan jaringan komputer dan jaringan internet desa.

Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan
During the Covid 19 pandemic, the teaching and learning process, especially in practical courses ... more During the Covid 19 pandemic, the teaching and learning process, especially in practical courses which were initially face-to-face, turned online. This change had several impacts on lectures, especially in terms of learning outcomes and the quality of graduates in terms of skills. Therefore, it is very necessary to carry out an evaluation of this learning process using the CIPP model developed by Stufflebeam. This evaluation model aims to find out how effective the use of virtual laboratories is in learning practical courses online. This research is evaluative research using a qualitative descriptive approach. Where the data used in this study is qualitative data with analytical methods. The technique used in this study is to examine existing data using grounded research methods. From the results of this study, there is the largest percentage, namely the use of virtual laboratories has been quite effective in online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic, with the improvement and dev...

Journal of Public Transportation Community
Penerangan merupakan salah satu kebutuhan dasar masyarakat saat ini. Setiap tempat yangdihuni mas... more Penerangan merupakan salah satu kebutuhan dasar masyarakat saat ini. Setiap tempat yangdihuni masyarakat pasti selalu ingin memiliki penerangan yang cukup. Hal ini karena setiapaktivitas masyarakat, baik didalam maupun diluar ruangan, baik siang terlebih di malam haripasti membutuhkan penerangan. Begitu juga di jalan-jalan di lingkungan tempat masyarakattinggal, sangat membutuhkan penerangan yang cukup. Karena penerangan di jalan sangat eratkaitannya dengan keamanan dan keselamatan masyarakat. Kegiatan Pengabdian KepadaMasyarakat (PKM) dilaksanakan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan yang terjadi di lingkungantersebut. Salah satu solusi penyelesaian masalah adalah dengan peningkatan fasilitas umumberupa pemasangan lampu penerangan jalan umum (PJU) yang ada di jalan masuk PondokPesantren Al-Mubarok Tuban dan di dalam Pondok. Dari hasil kegiatan ini didapatkan manfaatdengan adanya bantuan berupa lampu PJU masyarakat sangat terbantu untuk beraktivitas dimalam hari juga menciptakan kondisi...

Jurnal Penelitian, 2020
Dalam paper ini akan dipaparkan secara mendasar tentang perancangan Desain Komunikasi QAM menggun... more Dalam paper ini akan dipaparkan secara mendasar tentang perancangan Desain Komunikasi QAM menggunakan GNURadio. GNURadio merupakan software gratis dari sumber terbuka yang menyediakan teknik pemprosesan sinyal untuk diimplementasikan ke software radio. Perangkat lunak ini dapat digunakan dengan hardware RF (RTLSDR) atau dari hasil simulasi. Teknologi modern saat ini sudah banyak yang memakai konsep sistem komunikasi radio atau di definisikan sebagai Software Defined Radio (SDR). SDR adalah sistem komunikasi radio dimana komponen yang terdapat pada perangkat keras digantikan dengan pengimplementasian perangkat lunak pada perangkat komputer. Sistem SDR yang umum digunakan yakni GNU Radio. Hal ini yang mendasari peneliti untuk melakukan penelitian perancangan Desain Komunikasi QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation) menggunakan GNURadio. Dalam penelitian ini akan ditunjukkan fungsi perblok Transmitter dan Receiver, serta setting perbloknya hingga hasil simulasi QAM pada GNURadio.

Integer: Journal of Information Technology, Mar 31, 2022
E-Learning is an effective learning process that is produced by combining digital material delive... more E-Learning is an effective learning process that is produced by combining digital material delivery consisting of support and learning services to achieve a high level of learning. In this study, a PC-based application developer platform was used as a tool for designing and designing. The Mobile Based Test application combines 3 types of account types with different roles, namely Administrator as application manager, Lecturer as Tutor, and Cadet as student. This application will be run on an Android Smartphone and integrated with the Database as a central database. The Mobile Based Test application will later be able to support the implementation of learning which includes an academic activity in the form of quizzes, daily exams, midterm exams, semester end exams and various assessment methods using theory in the Air Navigation Engineering department. The results of system design and trials that have been carried out from the system that has been designed and can be used. The system results created are an online exam application on Android devices. The designed application will have stages in running it starting from logging into the application and selecting the available interface. Tests on test scores can be performed automatically on the Application system.

In this study, the topic studied was the characteristics of airflow passing through the gothic-ty... more In this study, the topic studied was the characteristics of airflow passing through the gothic-type generator vortex by the smoke generator method. The purpose of this study was to visually observe the characteristics of the airflow on the upper surface passing through the NACA 43018 airfoil with varying angle of attack positions. The vortex profile of the generator x/c = 20% of the leading edge. Variations in this study are the angle of attack (α) and the placement of the generator vortex on the airfoil. The freestream speed used is a speed of 5 m/s, and at an angle of attack (α) of 0°, 3°, 6°, 9°, 12°, and 15°. From this study, it was found that the ratio of separation points between airfoils without VG compared to airfoils with VG and D = 10 mm at angles of attack (α) = 0°, 3°, 6°, 9°, 12°, and 15°had significant differences in separation points. Airfoil with VG and D = 20 mm at an angle of attack (α) = 0°, 3°, 6°, 9°, 12°, and 15°can delay separation better than D = 10 mm.

IOP conference series, Aug 1, 2021
The Aerodynamic performance of an object is very dependent on the flow of fluid through it and th... more The Aerodynamic performance of an object is very dependent on the flow of fluid through it and the geometric shape of the object. The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) demands high aerodynamic performance because it strongly supports the cruising range and fuel or battery used. By reducing drag and increasing the lift optimally, the resulting lift to drag ratio will get maximum results. This study compares the use of winglets in UAVs at low Reynolds numbers. This is very important because generally UAVs are used at low Reynolds numbers. The freestream used is Re = 2.34 x 10 4 on several low to high angle of attack. The type of airfoil used is Eppler 562 which is equipped with a winglet. Winglets used are simple winglets, blended winglets, and wingtip fence. The geometry was analyzed using numerical simulations namely computational fluid dynamic (CFD). The turbulent model used in this study is K-ω SST on Ansys 19.1. From this study it was found that the use of a wingtip fence produced the best aerodynamic performance compared to other configurations. In addition, the use of a wingtip fence can delay stall and separation better than simple and blended winglets.

Proceedings of the International Conference on Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Science (ICATEAS 2022), 2023
OFDM system can be implemented on GNU Radio, one type of SDR (software-defined radio). SDR is a t... more OFDM system can be implemented on GNU Radio, one type of SDR (software-defined radio). SDR is a transmitter and receiver system that uses digital signal processing to code, decode, and modulate data. GNU Radio is used as a transmitter and receiver model for quality measurements for the working of the OFDM system under various conditions. This measurement will compare real-time data transmission performance results through AWGN channels and dynamic channel models, namely Rayleigh Distributed (NLOS) and Rician (LOS). The specification of the OFDM system used in this study is to use GNU Radio software with BPSK modulation (Binary Phase Shift Keying). The simulation model's output in the GRC during real-time data transmission via AWGN and Rayleigh distributed (NLOS) and Rician Distributed (LOS) model channels with GNU Radio is the performance of OFDM signals with the noise of 25mV, 50mV, 100 mV, and 200mV. The results of the research simulation obtained SNR values on AWGN, NLOS, and LOS channels directly proportional to noise. The SNR value is down significantly to four times the initial value.

Proceedings of the International Conference on Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Science (ICATEAS 2022), 2023
A wing through which fluid flows will form a three-dimensional separation caused by two interacti... more A wing through which fluid flows will form a three-dimensional separation caused by two interacting boundary layers. This separation will result in secondary flow which can be detrimental to airfoil performance. Until now, aircraft often use a slotted type flap that can prevent separation so that it can reduce the value of less resistance. This study will examine the performance and aerodynamic characteristics of the modified single-slotted flap on the Cessna 208b Grand Caravan wing. The method used is a numerical simulation with CFD software in the form of ANSYS. The test object is a modified Cessna 208b Grand Caravan wing with a single slotted flap with a flap angle (α F ) of 0°, 15°, and 30°to determine the effect of aerodynamic performance. The angles of attack reviewed are α = 0°, 2°, 4°, 6°, 8°, 10°, 12°, 14°, 15°, 16°, 18°, and 20°. The fluid flow used is air with a cruising speed of 96 m/s above sea level in stable conditions. The simulation results show that the addition of flap angle modification on the Cessna C208b Grand Caravan wing can affect both performance and aerodynamic characteristics. At a speed of 96 m/s, increasing the flap angle can decrease the value of C L /C D at high angles of attack. However, the addition of the flap angle can provide a better C L /C D value at low angles of attack.

Proceedings of the International Conference on Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Science (ICATEAS 2022), 2023
Airfoil is a geometric shape that when placed in a fluid flow will produce a lift greater than th... more Airfoil is a geometric shape that when placed in a fluid flow will produce a lift greater than the drag force (drag). With the slightly curved side of the airfoil, there is a point of separation in the airflow passing through the airfoil. In this research, aerodynamic testing is carried out, using numerical simulation with Ansys software. This study used NACA 23018 specimens which were given variations of the vortex generator and swept back wing. The type of vortex generator used is a triangular vortex generator with a length of 25 mm, and a height of 10 mm with a straight installation. The distance of the vortex generator to the leading edge is x/c = 10% and 15%, the swept angle is 15°, and the angle of attack varies. The freestream speed used is 20 m/s. Simulation results on the airfoil with the addition of a vortex generator can affect both performance and aerodynamic characteristics. The vortex generator on the airfoil can delay the airfoil separation, and can also delay the stall where the plain airfoil stalls at α = 15°with the addition of the vortex generator that has not stalled at this angle of attack. A vortex generator can affect the value of C L /C D . Overall, the most optimal variation of the vortex generator is the vortex generator with x/c = 15% where the C L /C D value is greatest at an angle of attack α = 12°which is 13.13.

Proceedings of the International Conference on Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Science (ICATEAS 2022), 2023
Airplanes can fly because of the slightly curved wing shape or usually called an airfoil. The occ... more Airplanes can fly because of the slightly curved wing shape or usually called an airfoil. The occurrence of flow separation on the part of the flow attached to the wing (boundary layer) can cause a stall. Separation of flow occurs when the angle of attack begins to increase. This can be done by adding a turbulent generator to the upper surface airfoil. A vortex generator is a type of turbulent generator that can accelerate the transition from the laminar boundary layer to the turbulent boundary layer. The method uses a tool in the form of a Wind Tunnel Open circuit. By applying smoke to the Wind Tunnel and accelerating the fan against smoke. In this experiment, the variations used are Airfoil NACA 43018, triangular type vortex generator with the straight arrangement, vortex generator distance x/c 20% from the leading edge, angle of attack (α) = 0°, 3°, 6°, 9°, 12°, and 15°, and freestream velocity speed 3 m/s. From the experimental results, this study shows that using a triangular vortex generator has been shown to improve aerodynamic performance and the performance of the NACA 43018 type airfoil. The 43018 type airfoil that uses a vortex generator compared to an airfoil that does not use a vortex generator can increase the transition from laminar flow to turbulent flow.

Proceedings of the International Conference on Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Science (ICATEAS 2022), 2023
A vortex generator is a small component that has shaped as a fin and located on upper the surface... more A vortex generator is a small component that has shaped as a fin and located on upper the surface of the wing or stabilizer to do modification the airflow around the wing surface that affects the boundary layer. In this research, analysis of the aerodynamic characteristic has been done by using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The purpose of this analysis is to find out the difference in the airflow between NACA 2412 with an additional gothic vortex generator and NACA 2412 without an additional vortex generator, and also to find out the airflow characteristic on NACA 2412 with varying angle of attack. The Research method used is analysis simulation on test object airfoil NACA 2412 with an additional gothic vortex generator with straight configuration with the angle of attack variation 0°, 2°, 4°, 6°, 8°, 10°, 12°, 15°, 16°, 17°,19°, 20°, 23°, and 25°. Space between installed vortex generator is 60 mm with the size of vortex generator length is 25 mm, height 10 mm, and installed on x/c = 10% and 15% direct to chord line from the leading edge. The result of the research shows that the additional vortex generator on NACA 2412 can delay airflow separation. In 15% additional position direct to the chord line from the leading edge has better distribution and the highest lift coefficient, so in this research, the 15% additional position direct to the chord line from the leading edge is the most effective to use.

Proceedings of the International Conference on Advance Transportation, Engineering, and Applied Science (ICATEAS 2022), 2023
Airplanes can fly because of the slightly curved shape of the plane's wings called the airfoil. A... more Airplanes can fly because of the slightly curved shape of the plane's wings called the airfoil. Airfoil is still used by aircraft today but continues to be designed to get maximum results. The research method used is a simulation analysis method on the NACA 0012 test object with ANSYS-CFD software which is given a variation in the shape of a rectangle vortex generator with a length of 15 mm, a width of 10 mm, and a distance between vortex generators of 10 cm. The angles of attack reviewed are 0°, 2°, 4°, 6°, 8°, 10°, 12°, 14°, 15°, 16°, 18°, and 20°. The result of this simulation is that the presence of a rectangular vortex generator on airfoil NACA 0012 can affect both performance and aerodynamic characteristics. The vortex generator on the airfoil can delay the occurrence of separation and can delay the occurrence of stall on the NACA 0012 airfoil, where the ordinary NACA 0012 airfoil stalls at α = 14°with the addition of the vortex generator has not stalled at this point. With this, the NACA 0012 airfoil which is given a vortex generator can affect the results of C D . Overall, the most optimal variation is the NACA 0012 airfoil which is given a vortex generator with x/c = 15% where the value of C D is greatest at an angle of attack α = 18°.
International Review of Aerospace Engineering (IREASE)
Papers by Nyaris Pambudiyatno