Papers by Olli-Pekka Ruuskanen
AEA Randomized Controlled Trials, Mar 18, 2024

Journal of Financial Literacy and Wellbeing, Jun 30, 2023
We examine financial literacy in Finland and its connection with various financial outcomes using... more We examine financial literacy in Finland and its connection with various financial outcomes using novel survey data collected in 2023. While the overall Finnish financial literacy level is about average among the OECD countries, there is significant heterogeneity within the population. Women have lower financial literacy than men. The young and the old have lower financial literacy than respondents in their prime working age, and entrepreneurs have higher financial literacy than other groups. Financial literacy is also correlated with higher educational levels. We further study the relationship between financial literacy and a number of economic outcome variables. We find financial literacy to be negatively related to coping with a major expense, facing an income shock, and with perceived over-indebtedness. However, we do not find a statistically significant relationship between financial literacy and retirement planning in Finland.
In 1991, Archie Carroll presented the CSR pyramid, which has since become a widely recognised con... more In 1991, Archie Carroll presented the CSR pyramid, which has since become a widely recognised conceptualisation of corporate social responsibility. Responding to recent suggestions that understanding of the pyramid should be evaluated with regard to particular organisational contexts, the paper proceeds from awareness that not all corporations are owned by shareholders. Analysing qualitative data from consumer cooperatives , the authors conceptualise the economic responsibilities of these and consider them in light of prior definition of corporate economic responsibilities, to abstract a more general definition of corporate economic responsibility. The article is, to authors knowledge, the first one to address the implications of organizational form in economic responsibilities of a company.

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2006
It is a well-documented empirical regularity that it is more satisfying to be self-employed than ... more It is a well-documented empirical regularity that it is more satisfying to be self-employed than to work as an employee for an organization. A large part of this difference in job satisfaction is in the literature attributed to the strong perception of independence by the self-employed. In this paper we study people's time use as a source of entrepreneurial independence. By making use of disaggregated sequential microdata on people's time use, we are able to document that the perceived independence hardly derives from more flexible time use: The selfemployed work longer effective hours as well as more in the evenings and weekends than the organizationally employed. Albeit being able to time one's work may be a signal of flexibility in time use, the self-employed have less pure leisure and are less frequently absent from work in general and because of sickness on weekdays in particular. Moreover, we document that the self-employed who have small children are more likely to work after 5 p.m., when the communal day-care centers close. On the basis of these findings it is not surpirising that the selfemployed perceive that they are more often than the organizationally employed under time pressure and in hurry.
Suomen Pankki eBooks, Apr 3, 2020

Journal of Pension Economics & Finance, Aug 22, 2017
This paper presents the results from the first study of financial literacy in Finland and explore... more This paper presents the results from the first study of financial literacy in Finland and explores the relationship between financial literacy and retirement planning in Finland. Finland is an interesting case because countervailing effects may exist: a high level of education might increase financial literacy, while the high provision of social security may decrease it and weaken its relationship with pension planning. The results indicate that the level of financial literacy in Finland is comparatively high, although it is unequally distributed among the population. With respect to pension planning, we find that there is little evidence of a relationship between the three core financial literacy questions and retirement planning; however, a statistically significant and positive relationship exists between retirement planning and an extended measure of financial literacy, consisting mostly of more demanding questions. When we split the sample by gender, we find evidence of a positive relationship between financial literacy and retirement planning among women but not among men. The results indicate that scaling down publicly guaranteed pension benefits may pose a challenge to the less financially literate segment of the population.

Kyklos, Feb 1, 2007
ABSTRACT It is a well-documented empirical regularity that it is more satisfying to be self-emplo... more ABSTRACT It is a well-documented empirical regularity that it is more satisfying to be self-employed than to work as an employee for an organization. A large part of this difference in job satisfaction is attributed in the literature to the strong perception of independence by the self-employed. In this paper we study people's time use as a source of entrepreneurial independence. By making use of disaggregated sequential microdata on people's time use, we are able to document that the self-employed work longer effective hours, as well as more in the evenings and weekends, than those employed by an organization. Even though being able to decide when to do one's work may be a sign of flexibility in time use, the self-employed have less pure leisure and are less frequently absent from work in general and when sick on weekdays in particular. Moreover, we document that the self-employed who have small children are more likely to work after 5 p.m., when the com-munal day-care centres close. Based on these findings it is not surprising that the self-employed perceive that they are more often under time pressure and in a hurry than those employed by an organization. Copyright 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd..
The MIT Press eBooks, Dec 14, 2012

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2006
This study investigates whether or not time use during a parental leave has an independent explan... more This study investigates whether or not time use during a parental leave has an independent explanatory power in the subsequent decision to return to employment. In studies of the exit from maternity leave it has been found that it is the mother's education, age and type of employment contract that most strongly determines whether she returns to employment or not. However, whether the structure of time use-the amount of leisure activities, the intensity of childcare or the preference for housework-has an independent effect, has not been studied before. This study looks whether this is the case by using information on the work histories of those mothers that participated in the Finnish Time Use Study 1999/2000. Although based on a limited sample, only 148 mothers, our results show that the mother's time with her children does not and the amount of active leisure and social activities, do postpone the return to employment. However, the effect was modest at the most. Instead this study confirms the results obtained from earlier studies having concentrated on the mothers' socioeconomic background. It seems that these factors (age, education and income level) are the driving force behind the mother's decision to return or not to return to paid employment.

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2004
This thesis spans two centuries, two continents, two jobs and-three children. When I started my p... more This thesis spans two centuries, two continents, two jobs and-three children. When I started my postgraduate studies in 1993, I never thought that the end would be achieved by the year 2004. After six years in non-academic professional life between the years 1997-2002, it was very difficult to believe it would be possible to return to academic life and to conclude a project that had been neglected all that time. Fortunately it turned out to be possible. This thesis has benefited from the help of a multitude of people. It is, therefore, impossible to thank all those individuals who have encouraged, advised, criticised or blessed this project. Thank you all for being there. This thesis has also benefited from the suggestions received from my pre-examiners Lennart Flood and Kari Hämäläinen. The comments from Iiris Niemi, Hannu Pääkkönen and Paavo Väisänen from Statistics Finland were also very helpful. The Yrjö Jahnsson Foundation and The Foundation of the Helsinki School of Economics made this thesis possible by financing the research. Studying time use shows that there are painful trade-offs between different activities. My sons Rainer (6 years), Rurik (4 years) and Joel (10 months) have suffered the most from my involvement in this project. I hope that in the new time-use equilibrium the share of leisure devoted to them and to my wife will increase.
... työttömän miehen ja naisen ajankäytön muutoksella korjattuna. Kannustinloukut olivat viime vu... more ... työttömän miehen ja naisen ajankäytön muutoksella korjattuna. Kannustinloukut olivat viime vuosikymmenen tärkeimpiä sosiaalipoliittisia kysymyksiä ja kannustinloukkujen purkaminen oli Paavo Lipposen I ja II-hallituksen keskeisimpiä tavoit-teita. ...

Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin ilmastopoliittisten toimenpiteiden vaikutuksia kansantalouden kehityk... more Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin ilmastopoliittisten toimenpiteiden vaikutuksia kansantalouden kehitykseen ja kotitalouksien tulonjakoon dynaamisella yleisen tasapainon laskentamallilla, jota täydennettiin kotitalouksien mikrosimulointimoduulilla. Mallin perusurana käytettiin skenaariota, joka sisältää nykyiset ilmastopoliittiset toimet ja sitä verrattiin erilaisiin lisätoimenpiteiteitä sisältäviin skenaarioihin. Tarkastelussa erotettiin toimenpiteiden vaikutus sellaisenaan sekä kun toimista kertyneet valtion lisätulot kierrätettiin joko pienentämällä tuloverotuksen marginaaleja tai yhteisöveroa. Yhdessä skenaariossa arvioitiin myös kotitalouksille kohdistettua tasapalautusta. Kaikissa skenaarioissa huomioitiin, miten tulonsiirtojen indeksointi kompensoi elinkustannusten nousua. Kaikki tarkastellut ohjauskeinot vähensivät kasvihuonekaasupäästöjä. Tulonjakovaikutuksia tarkasteltaessa tuloerot kasvoivat jo perusskenaariossa pääasiassa väestön vanhenemisen myötä ja tulonsiirtojen hitaamman ...
Routledge eBooks, Aug 9, 2022
Valtioneuvoston kanslia, Dec 1, 2021
Valtioneuvoston kanslia, Apr 16, 2021
Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies, 2021
In 1991, Archie Carroll presented the CSR pyramid, which has since become a widely recognised con... more In 1991, Archie Carroll presented the CSR pyramid, which has since become a widely recognised conceptualisation of corporate social responsibility. Responding to recent suggestions that understanding of the pyramid should be evaluated with regard to particular organisational contexts, the paper proceeds from awareness that not all corporations are owned by shareholders. Analysing qualitative data from consumer cooperatives , the authors conceptualise the economic responsibilities of these and consider them in light of prior definition of corporate economic responsibilities, to abstract a more general definition of corporate economic responsibility. The article is, to authors knowledge, the first one to address the implications of organizational form in economic responsibilities of a company.

Utarbetad av Pellervo ekonomisk forskning PTT Språk Sidantal 53 Referat Den här rapporten utvärde... more Utarbetad av Pellervo ekonomisk forskning PTT Språk Sidantal 53 Referat Den här rapporten utvärderar genomförbarheten av de skogsbruksåtgärder som föreslås i Hiisi-projektet (Ett klimatneutralt Finland 2035-klimat-och energipolitiska åtgärder) och deras effekter på virkesmarknaden med hjälp av en litteraturöversikt av undersökningar om skogsägares attityder, ekometrisk analys och intervjuer med intressentgrupper. De privata skogsägarna har en viktig roll på virkesmarknaden och som producenter av kolsänkor. Skogsägarnas beslut om att genomföra de föreslagna åtgärderna påverkas av deras attityder och syn på klimatförändringen, målet med skogsägandet, skogsbrukslägenhetens potential och ekonomiska faktorer. Finländska skogsägare inser vilken roll skogarna har för att bekämpa klimatförändringen. Skogsägarnas attityder gentemot olika klimatåtgärder varierar mycket beroende på deras mål för den egna skogen, vilket är något som bör beaktas vid valet av alternativ. Beslutet om vilka åtgärder som kan och bör vidtas i skogarna begränsas emellertid av skogsbrukslägenhetens egenskaper. Enligt en ekonometrisk analys av virkesmarknaden är skogsägarna mer mottagliga för förändringar i pris och följaktligen kan virkesutbudet på kort sikt ökas genom en höjning av priserna. Vissa av de föreslagna åtgärderna skulle minska utbudet av virke, vissa öka det. Efterfrågan och utbudet på virkesmarknaden kommer att öka i framtiden, men en ökning av andelen stock motsvarar inte den nuvarande produktionsstrukturen. Bidrag och rådgivning är väsentliga styrmedel för att främja genomförandet av åtgärderna. För att målen ska kunna uppnås på kort sikt kan det krävas ytterligare stimulerande åtgärder och en stark satsning på rådgivnings-och planeringsarbete. Satsningar behövs också på forskning och kompetensen hos yrkespersoner i skogsbranschen. Klausul Den här publikation är en del i genomförandet av statsrådets utrednings-och forskningsplan.( De som producerar informationen ansva §q1rar för innehållet i publikationen. Textinnehållet återspeglar inte nödvändigtvis statsrådets ståndpunkt.

Climate change will increase weather induced risks to forests, and thus effective adaptation meas... more Climate change will increase weather induced risks to forests, and thus effective adaptation measures are needed. In Säätyö project funded by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, we have summarized the data that facilitate adaptation measures, developed weather and climate services that benefit forestry, and mapped what kind of new weather and climate services are needed in forestry. In addition, we have recorded key further development needs to promote adaptation. The Säätyö project developed a service product describing the harvesting conditions of trees based on the soil moisture assessment. The output includes an analysis of the current situation and a 10-day forecast. In the project we also tested the usefulness of long forecasts beyond three months. The weather forecasting service is sidelined and supplemented by another co-operation project between the Finnish Meteorological Institute and Metsäteho called HarvesterSeasons ( The HarvesterSea...
Papers by Olli-Pekka Ruuskanen