Papers by Pascale Bourgain
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2001
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 1994
Bibliothèque de l'École des Chartes, 2013
Bourgain. Hugonis de Sancto Victore Super Ierarchiam Dionisii. Cura et studio Dominici Poirel, 20... more Bourgain. Hugonis de Sancto Victore Super Ierarchiam Dionisii. Cura et studio Dominici Poirel, 2015. In: Bibliothèque de l'école des chartes. 2013, tome 171, livraison 2. pp. 561-563
Bibliothèque de l'École des Chartes, 1977
Bourgain-Hemeryck Pascale. Danielle Gallet-Guerne. Vasque de Lucène et la Cyropédie à la cour de ... more Bourgain-Hemeryck Pascale. Danielle Gallet-Guerne. Vasque de Lucène et la Cyropédie à la cour de Bourgogne (1470) : le traité de Xénophon mis en français d'après la version latine du Pogge. Étude. Édition des livres I et V. Genève, Droz, 1974. In-8°, XX-291 pages, 32 planches.. In: Bibliothèque de l'école des chartes. 1977, tome 135, livraison 1. pp. 178-180
Bibliothèque de l'École des Chartes, 1988
Bourgain Pascale. Medieval libraries of Great Britain : a list of surviving books ; Supplement to... more Bourgain Pascale. Medieval libraries of Great Britain : a list of surviving books ; Supplement to the second edition (London : The Royal historical Society, 1987 ; in-8°, XVIII-149 pages [RHS Guides and Handbooks, 15]).. In: Bibliothèque de l'école des chartes. 1988, tome 146, livraison 2. p. 428
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 1992
Romania, 1982
Bourgain Pascale. Bernard Guenée, Histoire et culture historique dans l'occident médiéval, 19... more Bourgain Pascale. Bernard Guenée, Histoire et culture historique dans l'occident médiéval, 1980. [Collection historique dirigée par Maurice Agulhon et Paul Lemerle]. In: Romania, tome 103 n°410-411, 1982. pp. 412-414
Romania, 1986
Bourgain Pascale. Gally (Michèle) et Marchello-Nizia (Christiane), Littératures de l'Europe m... more Bourgain Pascale. Gally (Michèle) et Marchello-Nizia (Christiane), Littératures de l'Europe médiévale, Collection Textes et contextes, 1985. In: Romania, tome 107 n°425, 1986. pp. 142-144
Bibliothèque de l'École des Chartes, 1987
Bourgain Pascale. Peter Godman. Poetry of the Carolingian Renaissance. London : G. Duckworth, 198... more Bourgain Pascale. Peter Godman. Poetry of the Carolingian Renaissance. London : G. Duckworth, 1985. In-8°, XVIII-364 pages, frontispice.. In: Bibliothèque de l'école des chartes. 1987, tome 145, livraison 2. pp. 467-468
Bibliothèque de l'École des Chartes, 1985
Bourgain Pascale. Temps, mémoire, tradition au Moyen Age, actes du XIIIe congrès de la Société de... more Bourgain Pascale. Temps, mémoire, tradition au Moyen Age, actes du XIIIe congrès de la Société des historiens médiévistes de l'enseignement supérieur public, Aix-en-Provence, 4-5 juin 1982 [avant-propos de Bernard Guillemain]. Aix-en-Provence : Université de Provence, 1983. in-12, 284 pages.. In: Bibliothèque de l'école des chartes. 1985, tome 143, livraison 2. pp. 478-479
Bibliothèque de l'École des Chartes, 2005
Bourgain Pascale. Walter Berschin et Martin Hellmann. Hermann der Lahme, Gelehrter und Dichter (1... more Bourgain Pascale. Walter Berschin et Martin Hellmann. Hermann der Lahme, Gelehrter und Dichter (1013-1054). In: Bibliothèque de l'école des chartes. 2005, tome 163, livraison 1. pp. 292-293
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2000
Historians of philosophy should certainly attend to the fourth dimension … but they should also b... more Historians of philosophy should certainly attend to the fourth dimension … but they should also be careful not neglect the first dimension … [otherwise], in their attitude to history, they will be dilettantes. The history of philosophy, however, can be, and should be, a proper, professional specialism (p. ). As examples of the four dimensions, Marenbon discusses first the chronology of Abelard's works, clarifying the chronology of his logical writings, and second Abelard's relationship to Anselm of Canterbury. He shows that no serious engagement by Abelard with Anselm's theses can be demonstrated. As for Abelard's future, Marenbon shows that Abelard's argument that God cannot do otherwise than he actually does, was well known, in an anonymous form, to many medieval thinkers, due to its presence in the Sententiae of Peter Lombard. This is not a new insight, but Marenbon shows that reactions were very different and that it was probably Aquinas who came closest to understanding Abelard's original intention. This is interesting. First, because Aquinas shows a remarkable similarity to Abelard in other areas too, especially in the doctrine of conscience, and, second, because an acceptance of Abelard's argument coheres with Aquinas's conviction that God created a world of intelligible and sensible substances, because this was the most convenient thing to do. Furthermore, Marenbon shows how Leibniz, as a result of the sources that he used, overlooked the fact that his own theodicy was quite close to that of Abelard. The last part of the book is a balanced discussion of some recent attempts to parallel Abelard's theory of signification and his ontology with some recent strands in analytic philosophy. Marenbon shows, correctly, the limits of such a comparison. However, he could have gone further by stating that the history of philosophy can and should be a starting-point also for criticising contemporary approaches, if they do not reach the complexity of their historical predecessors or ignore some of their important insight. In this way, the history of philosophy, which is so brilliantly presented and defended in this book, becomes itself really a piece of philosophy and treats historical authors in accordance with its own philosophical spirit. However, every historian of philosophy, while never losing sight of this final aim, is well advised to take all the, sometimes painful, but always fascinating steps, which Marenbon proposes in this remarkable book. MATTHIAS PERKAMS FRIEDRICH-SCHILLER-UNIVERSITÄT, JENA The repentant Abelard. Family, gender and ethics in Peter Abelard's 'Carmen ad Astralabium' and 'Planctus'. By Juanita Feros Ruys. (The New Middle Ages.
Romania, 1981
Bourgain Pascale. François Rouy. L'esthétique du traité moral d'après les œuvres d'Al... more Bourgain Pascale. François Rouy. L'esthétique du traité moral d'après les œuvres d'Alain Chartier, 1980. (Publications romanes et françaises, 152). In: Romania, tome 102 n°408, 1981. pp. 554-558
Bibliothèque de l'École des Chartes, 1986
Bourgain Pascale. Leighton D. Reynolds et Nigel G. Wilson. D'Homère à Erasme, la transmission... more Bourgain Pascale. Leighton D. Reynolds et Nigel G. Wilson. D'Homère à Erasme, la transmission des classiques grecs et latins. Nouvelle édition revue et augmentée trad. par C. Bertrand et mise à jour par Pierre Petitimengin. Paris : C.N.R.S., 1984. In-8°, XVI-262 pages, 20 planches.. In: Bibliothèque de l'école des chartes. 1986, tome 144, livraison 1. pp. 172-173
Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi - Bulletin du Cange (ALMA), 2004
Témoins de notre histoire, 2022
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 1996
Papers by Pascale Bourgain