Papers by Pegah Farokhzad
Caspian journal of health research, Apr 1, 2024
Background: Alzheimer's caregivers frequently report experiencing high levels of stress. ... more Background: Alzheimer's caregivers frequently report experiencing high levels of stress. Objectives: This research aimed to investigate the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) on caregiver burden and psychological flexibility in caregivers of aged patients with Alzheimer's disease. Materials & Methods: This pre-test-post-test design with a three-month follow-up was performed on caregivers of aged Alzheimer's patients who visited the neurology clinic in the spring of 2023. Following the administration of the acceptance and action questionnaire-II and the caregiver burden inventory (CBI) in the pre-test, a sample of 30 individuals was randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups. The ACT intervention was implemented for the experimental group over eight sessions, each lasting 90 minutes. Upon completion of the intervention, participants were re-evaluated in the post-test and follow-up. Data were analyzed using chi-square, repeated measures analysis of variance, and Bonferroni's post hoc test at a significance level of 0.05. Results: There between-group comparison showed a significant difference between intervention and control group indicating improvement of all study variables in the intervention compared to the control group. The highest difference was observed for psychological flexibility (27.281, 95% CI, 24.977%, 29.586%) followed by caregiving burden (17.87, 95% CI, 15.685%, 20.00%) from baseline to follow-up. Conclusion: ACT effectively reduced caregiver burden and enhanced psychological flexibility in caregivers of aged patients with Alzheimer's disease. Clinical psychologists and health professionals are advised to provide better support for caregivers in their roles and promote their mental well-being through intervention programs. By improving their mental health, they can be more effective in assisting with the treatment process of aged patients with Alzheimer's disease.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Apr 1, 2015
Family has a crucial role in maintaining the physical, social and mental health of the children. ... more Family has a crucial role in maintaining the physical, social and mental health of the children. Most of the mental and anxiety problems of children reflect the complex interpersonal situations among family members, especially parents. In other words, anxiety problems of the children are correlated with deficit relationships of family members and improper childrearing styles. The parental child rearing styles leads to positive and negative consequences which affect the children's mental health. Therefore, the present research was aimed to compare the parental childrearing styles and anxiety of children with stuttering and normal population. It was also aimed to study the relationship between parental child rearing styles and anxiety of children. The research sample included 54 boys with stuttering and 54 normal boys who were selected from the children (boys) of Tehran, Iran in the age range of 5 to 8 years in 2013. In order to collect data, Baum-rind Childrearing Styles Inventory and Spence Parental Anxiety Inventory were used. Appropriate descriptive statistical methods and multivariate variance analysis and t test for independent groups were used to test the study hypotheses. Statistical data analyses demonstrated that there was a significant difference between stuttering boys and normal boys in anxiety (t = 7.601, p< 0.01); but there was no significant difference between stuttering boys and normal boys in parental childrearing styles (F = 0.129). There was also not found significant relationship between parental childrearing styles and children anxiety (F = 0.135, p< 0.05). It can be concluded that the influential factors of children's society are parents, school, teachers, peers and media. So, parental childrearing styles are not the only influential factors on anxiety of children, and other factors including genetic, environment and child experiences are effective in anxiety as well. Details are discussed.
Razi Journal of Medical Sciences, Jun 10, 2017
Salāmat-i ijtimā̒ī, 2017
Background and Objectives: Many researchers believe that behavioral disorder which a common and d... more Background and Objectives: Many researchers believe that behavioral disorder which a common and disabling disorder for families is the environment and children. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between children behavioral disorders with parenting styles and attachment styles. Material and Methods: The study was correlational. The study population included all girls and boys students with behavioral problems in third to fith grades of primary school in Tehran, regions 1 and 2 to the number 47137 in the 2015-16 school year. Using cluster sampling, 252 samples were selected. The data was completed by the mothers of the students. Pearson correlation coeffiient and regression analysis were used. Results: Results showed behavioral disorders signifiant positive correlation with the authoritarian parenting style (P<0.01) and permissive parenting style (P<0.01). Authoritative parenting style was not signifiantly correlated with behavioral disorders. As well as behavioral disorders have a negative correlation with secure attachment style (P<0.05) and ambivalent attachment style/ anxiety (P<0.01). The predictive role of attachment styles and parenting styles on behavioral disorders suggests that this model explained 12 percent of variance. Attachment styles and parenting styles were signifiant predictors (P<0.01). Conclusion: This study showed that there is a correlation between behavioral disorders and authoritarian and permissive parenting styles, but there was not a correlation between authoritative parenting style and behavioral disorders. The results of this study can help child psychologists to further understand the role of parenting style and parental involvement and appropriate intervention, taking into account the children’s behavioral disorders.
The present research aimed to study perceived family environment and positive mental states viz. ... more The present research aimed to study perceived family environment and positive mental states viz. happiness, optimism and hope among the adolescents of two different cultures, Iran and India. The total sample comprised 400 adolescents aged 16-19 from Iran and India; Out of which, half were males and half were females. Family environment scale, The Oxford Happiness Questionnaire, Adult Trait Hope Scale, and The Life Orientation Test were performed and raw scores were subjected for various statistical analyses viz. Results clearly show that the family environment dimensions viz. Relationship, Personal Growth (Goal Oriented), and System Maintenance, are correlated with positive mental states viz. happiness, optimism and hope among the adolescents of the two above-mentioned cultures. It was also shown that there are cultural and gender differences among the studied variables.
Introduction: The spirituality is a complex index with multiple dimensions. Spirituality and reli... more Introduction: The spirituality is a complex index with multiple dimensions. Spirituality and religion are an important source for achieving a sense of meaning and purpose of life. Previous studies have shown that some structures of religiosity are associated with the severity of the symptoms of mental disorders. On the other hand, this structure can be associated with spiritual intelligence and life satisfaction. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of spiritual intelligence index in predicting religiosity and life satisfaction. Methods: In a cross-sectional study, in the form of a research based on a correlation design, from October 2017 to May 2018, among the students of Azad University, North Tehran Branch, 237 students were estimated based on Cochran’s formula and were selected based on cluster sampling method and after confirming the necessary criteria, they entered into the study process. Three questionnaires of spiritual intelligence, religiosity and life satisfaction were completed by the participants at one time. Data were analyzed by Pearson correlation and regression tests using SPSS 21. Findings: The results indicated that there was a significant relationship between spiritual intelligence and the four dimensions of religiosity (all P&#39;s= 0.01). Moreover, a significant relationship was observed between four dimensions of spiritual intelligence and life satisfaction (all P&#39;s= 0.01). In addition, spiritual intelligence predicted 0.212% of the variance of religiosity and 0.042% of the variance of life satisfaction. These two indicators explained 0.255% of the changes in spiritual intelligence. Conclusion: The findings of the present study suggest the role of spiritual intelligence in predicting religiosity and life satisfaction in students. These results can be correlated to clinical implications in the development of preventive and therapeutic interventions.
Shenakht Journal of Psychology and Psychiatry
Introduction: Not only can the experience of pain be a factor for drug use, but it can also be a ... more Introduction: Not only can the experience of pain be a factor for drug use, but it can also be a motivation to use drugs again during and after treatment. Aim: The purpose of the present study was to compare the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment-based therapy and mindfulness-based therapy on chronic pain in People with drug addiction. Method: The research method was semi-experimental with a pre-test-post-test design and a control group with one-month follow-up. The statistical population included people suffering from drug abuse who referred to addiction treatment clinics in Arak city in 2021. Using available sampling method, 60 people were selected and randomly put/ placed in experimental and control groups (20 people in each group). The research tool included the revised McGill Pain Questionnaire (2009). Mindfulness therapy was implemented in 8 sessions (90 minutes each session) and acceptance and commitment based therapy was also implemented in 8 sessions (90 minutes eac...
Journal of Research & Health, Sep 1, 2022
Background: Physicians' and nurses' experience of the COVID-19 pandemic and its physical and psyc... more Background: Physicians' and nurses' experience of the COVID-19 pandemic and its physical and psychological consequences can be associated with changes in biological and hormonal levels experienced as fatigue, restlessness, disruptions in one's mood, and sleep quality. This study examined the role of depression and death anxiety in contracting COVID-19 among healthcare staff. The statistical population of this descriptive correlational research comprised nurses and nurse assistants working in Tehran (Iran) hospitals from the summer to winter of 2021. A sample of 156 was selected to fill out a demographic information form, Templer's death anxiety scale, and Beck's depression inventory. The data were analyzed in SPSS software, version 25.0 using logistic regression analysis. The model based on three predictors of depression (cognitive, affective, and physical components) led to a significantly better prediction compared to the fixed-effects model (P<0.001). The affective component of depression was a more powerful predictor of the risk of COVID-19 than the other two components. The model based on three predictors of death anxiety (absolute death anxiety, fear of pain and surgery, and the general factor) also led to a significantly better prediction compared to the fixed-effects model (P<0.001). All three components of death anxiety were statistically significant predictors of COVID-19 risk Conclusion: Consequently, depression and death anxiety seem to predict and explain the risk of COVID-19 in healthcare staff by altering cognitive, affective, and physical conditions.
Journal of Clinical Research in Paramedical Sciences
Background: Depression caused by infertility for couples, especially women, causes disruption in ... more Background: Depression caused by infertility for couples, especially women, causes disruption in lifestyle and social health. Objectives: This study was conducted in order to investigate depression and its relationship with social health and healthy lifestyle components in infertile women who referred to infertility centers in Kermanshah in 2021. Methods: In this study, 360 infertile women referring to the infertility centers of Kermanshah were selected using available methods. Data collection tools were Beck depression questionnaires (shortened), Keys social health questionnaires, and Valkropiroki lifestyle promotion questionnaires, which were completed after obtaining consent from the research samples. The results of data extraction were analyzed using SPSS software and Pearson's correlation coefficient test. Results: 360 investigated samples obtained depression scores between 8 and 12, which indicated depression in them. 56.9% of them scored 8, which indicates mild depression...
Family has a crucial role in maintaining the physical, social and mental health of the children. ... more Family has a crucial role in maintaining the physical, social and mental health of the children. Most of the mental and anxiety problems of children reflect the complex interpersonal situations among family members, especially parents. In other words, anxiety problems of the children are correlated with deficit relationships of family members and improper childrearing styles. The parental child rearing styles leads to positive and negative consequences which affect the children's mental health. Therefore, the present research was aimed to compare the parental childrearing styles and anxiety of children with stuttering and normal population. It was also aimed to study the relationship between parental child rearing styles and anxiety of children. The research sample included 54 boys with stuttering and 54 normal boys who were selected from the children (boys) of Tehran, Iran in the age range of 5 to 8 years in 2013. In order to collect data, Baum-rind Childrearing Styles Inventor...
Family is a basic unit of the society and the main source of human development. The initial aim o... more Family is a basic unit of the society and the main source of human development. The initial aim of the family is psychological and social support of its members and has special developmental stages. Researches show the families who have less cohesion, have more conflicts and maladjustments and the members of such families are not able to communicate effectively. Family is a system in which any inter communication is related to child rearing patterns and can affect it. Even the child rearing styles in childhood can determine the family communications in adulthood. Therefore, the aim of the present research was to examine the relationship between child-rearing styles including authoritative, authoritarian and permissive with dimensions of family communication patterns including the conversation and conformity. The research design was a correlational and the population consisted of the psychology students of Roudehen Islamic Azad University who were studying in academic year 2013-2014....
Background and Objectives: Many researchers believe that behavioral disorder which a common and d... more Background and Objectives: Many researchers believe that behavioral disorder which a common and disabling disorder for families is the environment and children. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between children behavioral disorders with parenting styles and attachment styles. Material and Methods: The study was correlational. The study population included all girls and boys students with behavioral problems in third to fith grades of primary school in Tehran, regions 1 and 2 to the number 47137 in the 2015-16 school year. Using cluster sampling, 252 samples were selected. The data was completed by the mothers of the students. Pearson correlation coeffiient and regression analysis were used. Results: Results showed behavioral disorders signifiant positive correlation with the authoritarian parenting style (P<0.01) and permissive parenting style (P<0.01). Authoritative parenting style was not signifiantly correlated with behavioral disorders. As well as behaviora...
Razi Journal of Medical Sciences, 2017
The present study is conducted to evaluate and compare family environment in people with gender i... more The present study is conducted to evaluate and compare family environment in people with gender identity disorder (GID) and healthy controls and to compare family environment in male and female patients with gender identity disorder. The statistical population of the study is comprised of patients with GID admitted to the Shaheed Nawab Safavi Center for Crisis Management, Tehran, in August 2014. From among this population, 20 female and 20 male patients who were diagnosed with gender identity disorder by psychologists and psychiatrists at the Center and answered a GID diagnosis checklist were selected as participants through convenience sampling procedures. In addition, the researcher randomly selected a sample of 20 male and 20 female controls matched with the study group in terms of gender, age and education. The study is conducted with a causal-comparative research design. For data collection, the researcher used the Family Environment Scale (FES) and a 23-item checklist in full ...
Papers by Pegah Farokhzad