Com o intento de estimar a predição de ganhos por índices de seleção no ciclo C4 de UNB-2U, duzen... more Com o intento de estimar a predição de ganhos por índices de seleção no ciclo C4 de UNB-2U, duzentas famílias de irmãos-completos foram obtidas a partir da população de terceiro ciclo de seleção recorrente. As progênies foram avaliadas no delineamento de blocos casualizados com duas repetições dentro de ''sets'' em dois ambientes distintos: Colégio Estadual Agrícola Antônio Sarlo, em Campos dos Goytacazes, e Estação Experimental da PESAGRO-RIO, em Itaocara, Rio de Janeiro. Os índices de seleção empregados para predizer os ganhos foram os de Mulamba e Mock (1978), Pesek e Baker (1969), Smith (1936) e Hazel (1943) e Williams (1962). O índice de seleção Mulamba e Mock (1978) além de permitir a predição de ganhos negativos para número de espigas doentes e atacadas por pragas, número de plantas quebradas e acamadas, e espigas mal empalhadas; para capacidade de expansão e rendimento dos grãos, proporcionou ganhos superiores aos demais índices, com valores respectivos de 10,55% e 8,50%, na utilização de pesos arbitrários atribuídos por tentativas.
2017 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS), 2017
The execution of HPC applications in multicore environments can occasionally use the resources in... more The execution of HPC applications in multicore environments can occasionally use the resources in an inefficient way. There are idle times during the application execution that can be caused by synchronization or message passing collisions. We define this idle time as an application inefficiency and may be caused by the message passing collisions at different types of interconnections in the compute nodes. We propose a methodology to characterize the application's execution in order to analyze and detect these inefficiencies in a bounded time as well as to locate on which parallel segments of the application code (phases) these inefficiencies are generated. The parallel segments of code (phases) represent the most relevant application behavior and are obtained by the application's characterization using the PAS2P tool. The tool allows us to predict the execution time by the generation of the application signature, which is composed of phases. Taking advantage of the prediction quality and the time to obtain the prediction of application performance, we propose modeling the factors that potentially influence the application's execution time, especially characterizing the behavior during the execution time of these phases. We performed experimental validation using signatures of NAS Parallel benchmarks in order to detect and model the inefficiencies in the application phases.
Parallel applications in HPC environments, in some cases, are not being executed using the resour... more Parallel applications in HPC environments, in some cases, are not being executed using the resources in an efficient way. Since there is some idle time during the execution that can be caused by synchronization due to incorrect process placement, which causes an increase in the execution time, we propose a methodology for parallel applications that attempts to reduce their execution time by selecting a better mapping policy to reduce idle times. To achieve this goal, in a bounded time, we characterize the phases of the PAS2P signature. The PAS2P signature is defined as a set of phases that represent the application’s behavior used to predict the Application Execution Time in a target machine. To select a better mapping policy, we characterize the communication pattern of the phases by creating a data matrix, which will be used as an input for clustering techniques in order to generate groups of processes that have a high communication interdependence factor. We performed experiments...
O agronegócio de palmito apresenta grande potencial de expansão. Fatores ecológicos envolvidos e ... more O agronegócio de palmito apresenta grande potencial de expansão. Fatores ecológicos envolvidos e a necessidade de abastecimento do mercado consumidor levam ao aumento da área com palmito cultivado. A propagação das palmeiras geralmente apresenta germinação lenta, irregular e baixa porcentagem de pegamento. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos de nove substratos na formação de mudas em sementeira, de palmeiras das espécies Bactris gasipaes H.B.K. e Archantophoenix alexandrae Wendl & Drud. O experimento foi instalado e conduzido em viveiro comercial no município de Alegre-ES. Verificou-se que o esterco bovino, ao contrário da palha-de-café, mostrou-se ótima fonte de matéria orgânica para a formação de mudas das duas espécies. Os substratos S1 (75% solo + 25% esterco de curral), S2 (65% solo + 10% areia + 25% esterco de curral) e S9 [Plantmax® + osmocote (3 g L-1)] apresentaram-se adequados para a formação de mudas das duas espécies, conjuntamente, com sensível su...
espanolLa respiracion del suelo es un indicador importante de la actividad microbiana; los proces... more espanolLa respiracion del suelo es un indicador importante de la actividad microbiana; los procesos de respiracion y descomposicion del suelo a nivel mundial liberan anualmente a la atmosfera un total de 220 mil millones de toneladas de dioxido de carbono. Por lo tanto, los estudios sobre los aspectos del ciclo del carbono del suelo para optimizar las emisiones de dioxido de carbono agricola o mejorar el secuestro de carbono contribuyen una practica agricola sostenible. En este articulo se presentan los efectos de la aplicacion de biofertilizantes (Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus circulans, y Pseudomonas putida) en la respiracion del suelo, en el suelo chernozem. Los experimentos se realizaron en la Estacion Experimental de Latokep, perteneciente a la Universidad de Debrecen, Hungria. Ademas, estos resultados se compararon con los hallazgos de estudios anteriores relacionados con aplicaciones comerciales de fertilizantes NPK (en cuatro dosis: N60P45K45; N120P90K90; N180 P135K135; and ...
Soil respiration is a significant indicator of soil microbial activity; global soil respiration a... more Soil respiration is a significant indicator of soil microbial activity; global soil respiration and decomposition processes release yearly to the atmosphere a total of 220 billion tons of carbon dioxide. Therefore, studies on the whole- or one particular aspect of soil carbon cycle aiming at optimizing agricultural carbon dioxide emissions or improving carbon sequestration contribute to a sustainable agriculture practice. In this paper we present the effects of biofertilizer application (Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus circulans, and Pseudomonas putida) on soil respiration in chernozem soil. Experiments were performed at Látókép Experimental Station, belonging to the University of Debrecen, Hungary. Additionally, we compare our results with findings of prior studies related to commercial NPK fertilizer applications (in four doses: N60P45K45; N120P90K90; N180 P135K135; and N240P180K180), and two different cultivation methods (ploughed, loosened, RTK in rows, and RTK between rows); th...
2018 IEEE 20th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications; IEEE 16th International Conference on Smart City; IEEE 4th International Conference on Data Science and Systems (HPCC/SmartCity/DSS), 2018
There are several ways to map application's processes into an HPC machine. Putting several pr... more There are several ways to map application's processes into an HPC machine. Putting several processes into CPUs which share cache memories can increase the cache misses in the execution of SPMD (Single Program Multiple Data) applications. We take this incrementation of cache misses as an inefficiency. We propose to detect a partition of the data in such a way as to reduce cache failures and in this way predict the reduction of the application execution time. Our model allows us to select the number of processes, depending on the sizes of the workloads and the characteristics of the machine (topology of cache memories). To predict the execution time, we apply this model to the Application Signature in order specifically to analyze the application phases avoiding the time needed to analyze the whole application. We performed experimental validation using signatures of the SPMD NAS Parallel benchmarks to detect and model the inefficiencies in the application phases.
The banana agro-export sector in Ecuador provides millions of dollars in income for this concept,... more The banana agro-export sector in Ecuador provides millions of dollars in income for this concept, but with this development, a series of quality standards have been established that must be met to enter the export system. This has contributed to establishing good post-harvest production and management practices that guarantee the optimal production of bananas and plantains. The objective of this study was to determine the factors involved in the rejection of bananas (Musa acuminata) destined for international commercialization. The methodology considered the design modality of non-experimental transactional research, with a quantitative approach. The methodological design was developed in three phases at Finca 6 Hermanas located in the Barraganete sector of the San Juan parish in the Puebloviejo canton of the Los Ríos Province, Ecuador. The results highlight that the main causes for which banana rejection is generated are due to abiotic factors (damage, dry latex, scar, insect damag...
A composição química e a textura dos grãos do milho doce estão, diretamente, relacionadas com as ... more A composição química e a textura dos grãos do milho doce estão, diretamente, relacionadas com as classes de endosperma que interferem na aceitação do produto pelos consumidores. Por isso, este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar as características sensoriais de híbridos de milho doce e de híbridos de milho verde, em função de intervalos de colheita. O experimento foi instalado na Estação Experimental de Pesquisa da Syngenta Seeds Ltda, no município de Uberlândia-MG. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 8x4, correspondente a oito híbridos (seis híbridos experimentais de milho doce - SWC03, SWC04, SWC05, SWC06, SWC07 e SWC08 e dois híbridos de milho verde SWC01 e SWC02) e quatro intervalos de colheita (26, 28, 30 e 32 dias após a colheita - DAF), com três repetições. No estudo, que envolveu 41 pessoas (25 mulheres e 16 homens), utilizando-se o teste de aceitação com escala hedônica, concluiu-se que os híbridos de milho doce têm maior aceitação que...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the genetic progress in the fourth selectio... more ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the genetic progress in the fourth selection cycle of full-sibpopcorn families. Two hundred families were evaluated for six agronomic traits, including grain yield (GY) and poppingexpansion (PE), in a random block design with two replications, in sets in two different environments: Campos dos Goytacazesand Itaocara, in the State of Rio de Janeiro. There were significant differences among families within sets in all traits,indicating the presence of genetic variability to be exploited in the future cycles. The family by environment in the sets for GYand PE was significant but simple, indicating the possibility of conducting a single breeding program for both locations. Therelease of the improved variety for producers of the Northern and Northwestern regions of the State of Rio de Janeiro isexpected after the fifth cycle.
Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, investigar a possibilidade de seleção mais eficiente por meio do us... more Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, investigar a possibilidade de seleção mais eficiente por meio do uso de análise de trilha e de correlações parciais no programa de seleção recorrente da população UENF de milho pipoca. Duzentas famílias de irmãos completos foram obtidas e avaliadas quanto a oito características em dois ambientes no estado do Rio de Janeiro: Campos dos Goytacazes e Itaocara. A correlação genotípica entre capacidade de expansão e rendimento de grãos foi negativa e não significativa ao nível de 5% de probabilidade pelo teste t. A análise de trilha demonstrou ser a massa de 100 grãos, a característica mais associada à capacidade de expansão neste estudo. Há possibilidade de obtenção de resposta correlacionada em capacidade de expansão e rendimento de grãos, desde que se selecionem, entre os genótipos de maior rendimento, aqueles com menores tamanhos de grãos.
Com o intento de estimar a predição de ganhos por índices de seleção no ciclo C4 de UNB-2U, duzen... more Com o intento de estimar a predição de ganhos por índices de seleção no ciclo C4 de UNB-2U, duzentas famílias de irmãos-completos foram obtidas a partir da população de terceiro ciclo de seleção recorrente. As progênies foram avaliadas no delineamento de blocos casualizados com duas repetições dentro de ''sets'' em dois ambientes distintos: Colégio Estadual Agrícola Antônio Sarlo, em Campos dos Goytacazes, e Estação Experimental da PESAGRO-RIO, em Itaocara, Rio de Janeiro. Os índices de seleção empregados para predizer os ganhos foram os de Mulamba e Mock (1978), Pesek e Baker (1969), Smith (1936) e Hazel (1943) e Williams (1962). O índice de seleção Mulamba e Mock (1978) além de permitir a predição de ganhos negativos para número de espigas doentes e atacadas por pragas, número de plantas quebradas e acamadas, e espigas mal empalhadas; para capacidade de expansão e rendimento dos grãos, proporcionou ganhos superiores aos demais índices, com valores respectivos de 10,55% e 8,50%, na utilização de pesos arbitrários atribuídos por tentativas.
The objectives of this study were to evaluate the combining ability of 10 popcorn populations in ... more The objectives of this study were to evaluate the combining ability of 10 popcorn populations in a circulant diallel; to test the viability of superior hybrids; and to identify genetic composites for intrapopulation breeding. In four contrasting environments, 30 treatments were evaluated for grain yield (GY), plant height (PLH) and popping expansion (PE), in a random block design with four replications. Results indicated that the evaluation of treatments in a larger group of environments favors the expression of variability in genotypes. The additive effects for PE and the dominance effects for GY and PLH were highest. GY and PE of the combinations UNB2U-C1 x Angela and Braskalb x Angela were outstanding. The predicted mean PE and GY were highest for hybrid UNB2U-C1 x Angela and the composite formed by these parents (26.54 mL g-1 and 1,446.09 kg ha-1 respectively).
Although Brazil has reduced its importation of popcorn grain in recent years, the availability of... more Although Brazil has reduced its importation of popcorn grain in recent years, the availability of improved varieties is still rare. In order to improve a popcorn population and to estimate the prediction of genetic gains, the third cycle of intrapopulation recurrent selection was carried out. One hundred ninety two half-sib families were obtained from the second cycle of the UNB-2U population and tested in a randomized complete block design with two replications within sets in two locations. The presence of statistical significance for sets for grain yield, poorly husked ear and broken plants proved the efficiency and the necessity for the use of the hierarchical statistical model by sets. Except for the poorly husked ear, there was significance for families within sets for the other evaluated traits, showing that there was sufficient genetic variability for exploitation in future cycles. Although the heritability for popping expansion was higher than for grain yield, the predicted genetic gain for the latter was superior to popping expansion because of the higher magnitude of the genetic standard deviation for grain yield. It is expected that in the fifth recurrent cycle, the first popcorn variety with yellow grains may be released for Rio de Janeiro State.
Com o intento de estimar a predição de ganhos por índices de seleção no ciclo C4 de UNB-2U, duzen... more Com o intento de estimar a predição de ganhos por índices de seleção no ciclo C4 de UNB-2U, duzentas famílias de irmãos-completos foram obtidas a partir da população de terceiro ciclo de seleção recorrente. As progênies foram avaliadas no delineamento de blocos casualizados com duas repetições dentro de ''sets'' em dois ambientes distintos: Colégio Estadual Agrícola Antônio Sarlo, em Campos dos Goytacazes, e Estação Experimental da PESAGRO-RIO, em Itaocara, Rio de Janeiro. Os índices de seleção empregados para predizer os ganhos foram os de Mulamba e Mock (1978), Pesek e Baker (1969), Smith (1936) e Hazel (1943) e Williams (1962). O índice de seleção Mulamba e Mock (1978) além de permitir a predição de ganhos negativos para número de espigas doentes e atacadas por pragas, número de plantas quebradas e acamadas, e espigas mal empalhadas; para capacidade de expansão e rendimento dos grãos, proporcionou ganhos superiores aos demais índices, com valores respectivos de 10,55% e 8,50%, na utilização de pesos arbitrários atribuídos por tentativas.
2017 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS), 2017
The execution of HPC applications in multicore environments can occasionally use the resources in... more The execution of HPC applications in multicore environments can occasionally use the resources in an inefficient way. There are idle times during the application execution that can be caused by synchronization or message passing collisions. We define this idle time as an application inefficiency and may be caused by the message passing collisions at different types of interconnections in the compute nodes. We propose a methodology to characterize the application's execution in order to analyze and detect these inefficiencies in a bounded time as well as to locate on which parallel segments of the application code (phases) these inefficiencies are generated. The parallel segments of code (phases) represent the most relevant application behavior and are obtained by the application's characterization using the PAS2P tool. The tool allows us to predict the execution time by the generation of the application signature, which is composed of phases. Taking advantage of the prediction quality and the time to obtain the prediction of application performance, we propose modeling the factors that potentially influence the application's execution time, especially characterizing the behavior during the execution time of these phases. We performed experimental validation using signatures of NAS Parallel benchmarks in order to detect and model the inefficiencies in the application phases.
Parallel applications in HPC environments, in some cases, are not being executed using the resour... more Parallel applications in HPC environments, in some cases, are not being executed using the resources in an efficient way. Since there is some idle time during the execution that can be caused by synchronization due to incorrect process placement, which causes an increase in the execution time, we propose a methodology for parallel applications that attempts to reduce their execution time by selecting a better mapping policy to reduce idle times. To achieve this goal, in a bounded time, we characterize the phases of the PAS2P signature. The PAS2P signature is defined as a set of phases that represent the application’s behavior used to predict the Application Execution Time in a target machine. To select a better mapping policy, we characterize the communication pattern of the phases by creating a data matrix, which will be used as an input for clustering techniques in order to generate groups of processes that have a high communication interdependence factor. We performed experiments...
O agronegócio de palmito apresenta grande potencial de expansão. Fatores ecológicos envolvidos e ... more O agronegócio de palmito apresenta grande potencial de expansão. Fatores ecológicos envolvidos e a necessidade de abastecimento do mercado consumidor levam ao aumento da área com palmito cultivado. A propagação das palmeiras geralmente apresenta germinação lenta, irregular e baixa porcentagem de pegamento. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos de nove substratos na formação de mudas em sementeira, de palmeiras das espécies Bactris gasipaes H.B.K. e Archantophoenix alexandrae Wendl & Drud. O experimento foi instalado e conduzido em viveiro comercial no município de Alegre-ES. Verificou-se que o esterco bovino, ao contrário da palha-de-café, mostrou-se ótima fonte de matéria orgânica para a formação de mudas das duas espécies. Os substratos S1 (75% solo + 25% esterco de curral), S2 (65% solo + 10% areia + 25% esterco de curral) e S9 [Plantmax® + osmocote (3 g L-1)] apresentaram-se adequados para a formação de mudas das duas espécies, conjuntamente, com sensível su...
espanolLa respiracion del suelo es un indicador importante de la actividad microbiana; los proces... more espanolLa respiracion del suelo es un indicador importante de la actividad microbiana; los procesos de respiracion y descomposicion del suelo a nivel mundial liberan anualmente a la atmosfera un total de 220 mil millones de toneladas de dioxido de carbono. Por lo tanto, los estudios sobre los aspectos del ciclo del carbono del suelo para optimizar las emisiones de dioxido de carbono agricola o mejorar el secuestro de carbono contribuyen una practica agricola sostenible. En este articulo se presentan los efectos de la aplicacion de biofertilizantes (Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus circulans, y Pseudomonas putida) en la respiracion del suelo, en el suelo chernozem. Los experimentos se realizaron en la Estacion Experimental de Latokep, perteneciente a la Universidad de Debrecen, Hungria. Ademas, estos resultados se compararon con los hallazgos de estudios anteriores relacionados con aplicaciones comerciales de fertilizantes NPK (en cuatro dosis: N60P45K45; N120P90K90; N180 P135K135; and ...
Soil respiration is a significant indicator of soil microbial activity; global soil respiration a... more Soil respiration is a significant indicator of soil microbial activity; global soil respiration and decomposition processes release yearly to the atmosphere a total of 220 billion tons of carbon dioxide. Therefore, studies on the whole- or one particular aspect of soil carbon cycle aiming at optimizing agricultural carbon dioxide emissions or improving carbon sequestration contribute to a sustainable agriculture practice. In this paper we present the effects of biofertilizer application (Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus circulans, and Pseudomonas putida) on soil respiration in chernozem soil. Experiments were performed at Látókép Experimental Station, belonging to the University of Debrecen, Hungary. Additionally, we compare our results with findings of prior studies related to commercial NPK fertilizer applications (in four doses: N60P45K45; N120P90K90; N180 P135K135; and N240P180K180), and two different cultivation methods (ploughed, loosened, RTK in rows, and RTK between rows); th...
2018 IEEE 20th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications; IEEE 16th International Conference on Smart City; IEEE 4th International Conference on Data Science and Systems (HPCC/SmartCity/DSS), 2018
There are several ways to map application's processes into an HPC machine. Putting several pr... more There are several ways to map application's processes into an HPC machine. Putting several processes into CPUs which share cache memories can increase the cache misses in the execution of SPMD (Single Program Multiple Data) applications. We take this incrementation of cache misses as an inefficiency. We propose to detect a partition of the data in such a way as to reduce cache failures and in this way predict the reduction of the application execution time. Our model allows us to select the number of processes, depending on the sizes of the workloads and the characteristics of the machine (topology of cache memories). To predict the execution time, we apply this model to the Application Signature in order specifically to analyze the application phases avoiding the time needed to analyze the whole application. We performed experimental validation using signatures of the SPMD NAS Parallel benchmarks to detect and model the inefficiencies in the application phases.
The banana agro-export sector in Ecuador provides millions of dollars in income for this concept,... more The banana agro-export sector in Ecuador provides millions of dollars in income for this concept, but with this development, a series of quality standards have been established that must be met to enter the export system. This has contributed to establishing good post-harvest production and management practices that guarantee the optimal production of bananas and plantains. The objective of this study was to determine the factors involved in the rejection of bananas (Musa acuminata) destined for international commercialization. The methodology considered the design modality of non-experimental transactional research, with a quantitative approach. The methodological design was developed in three phases at Finca 6 Hermanas located in the Barraganete sector of the San Juan parish in the Puebloviejo canton of the Los Ríos Province, Ecuador. The results highlight that the main causes for which banana rejection is generated are due to abiotic factors (damage, dry latex, scar, insect damag...
A composição química e a textura dos grãos do milho doce estão, diretamente, relacionadas com as ... more A composição química e a textura dos grãos do milho doce estão, diretamente, relacionadas com as classes de endosperma que interferem na aceitação do produto pelos consumidores. Por isso, este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar as características sensoriais de híbridos de milho doce e de híbridos de milho verde, em função de intervalos de colheita. O experimento foi instalado na Estação Experimental de Pesquisa da Syngenta Seeds Ltda, no município de Uberlândia-MG. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 8x4, correspondente a oito híbridos (seis híbridos experimentais de milho doce - SWC03, SWC04, SWC05, SWC06, SWC07 e SWC08 e dois híbridos de milho verde SWC01 e SWC02) e quatro intervalos de colheita (26, 28, 30 e 32 dias após a colheita - DAF), com três repetições. No estudo, que envolveu 41 pessoas (25 mulheres e 16 homens), utilizando-se o teste de aceitação com escala hedônica, concluiu-se que os híbridos de milho doce têm maior aceitação que...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the genetic progress in the fourth selectio... more ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the genetic progress in the fourth selection cycle of full-sibpopcorn families. Two hundred families were evaluated for six agronomic traits, including grain yield (GY) and poppingexpansion (PE), in a random block design with two replications, in sets in two different environments: Campos dos Goytacazesand Itaocara, in the State of Rio de Janeiro. There were significant differences among families within sets in all traits,indicating the presence of genetic variability to be exploited in the future cycles. The family by environment in the sets for GYand PE was significant but simple, indicating the possibility of conducting a single breeding program for both locations. Therelease of the improved variety for producers of the Northern and Northwestern regions of the State of Rio de Janeiro isexpected after the fifth cycle.
Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, investigar a possibilidade de seleção mais eficiente por meio do us... more Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, investigar a possibilidade de seleção mais eficiente por meio do uso de análise de trilha e de correlações parciais no programa de seleção recorrente da população UENF de milho pipoca. Duzentas famílias de irmãos completos foram obtidas e avaliadas quanto a oito características em dois ambientes no estado do Rio de Janeiro: Campos dos Goytacazes e Itaocara. A correlação genotípica entre capacidade de expansão e rendimento de grãos foi negativa e não significativa ao nível de 5% de probabilidade pelo teste t. A análise de trilha demonstrou ser a massa de 100 grãos, a característica mais associada à capacidade de expansão neste estudo. Há possibilidade de obtenção de resposta correlacionada em capacidade de expansão e rendimento de grãos, desde que se selecionem, entre os genótipos de maior rendimento, aqueles com menores tamanhos de grãos.
Com o intento de estimar a predição de ganhos por índices de seleção no ciclo C4 de UNB-2U, duzen... more Com o intento de estimar a predição de ganhos por índices de seleção no ciclo C4 de UNB-2U, duzentas famílias de irmãos-completos foram obtidas a partir da população de terceiro ciclo de seleção recorrente. As progênies foram avaliadas no delineamento de blocos casualizados com duas repetições dentro de ''sets'' em dois ambientes distintos: Colégio Estadual Agrícola Antônio Sarlo, em Campos dos Goytacazes, e Estação Experimental da PESAGRO-RIO, em Itaocara, Rio de Janeiro. Os índices de seleção empregados para predizer os ganhos foram os de Mulamba e Mock (1978), Pesek e Baker (1969), Smith (1936) e Hazel (1943) e Williams (1962). O índice de seleção Mulamba e Mock (1978) além de permitir a predição de ganhos negativos para número de espigas doentes e atacadas por pragas, número de plantas quebradas e acamadas, e espigas mal empalhadas; para capacidade de expansão e rendimento dos grãos, proporcionou ganhos superiores aos demais índices, com valores respectivos de 10,55% e 8,50%, na utilização de pesos arbitrários atribuídos por tentativas.
The objectives of this study were to evaluate the combining ability of 10 popcorn populations in ... more The objectives of this study were to evaluate the combining ability of 10 popcorn populations in a circulant diallel; to test the viability of superior hybrids; and to identify genetic composites for intrapopulation breeding. In four contrasting environments, 30 treatments were evaluated for grain yield (GY), plant height (PLH) and popping expansion (PE), in a random block design with four replications. Results indicated that the evaluation of treatments in a larger group of environments favors the expression of variability in genotypes. The additive effects for PE and the dominance effects for GY and PLH were highest. GY and PE of the combinations UNB2U-C1 x Angela and Braskalb x Angela were outstanding. The predicted mean PE and GY were highest for hybrid UNB2U-C1 x Angela and the composite formed by these parents (26.54 mL g-1 and 1,446.09 kg ha-1 respectively).
Although Brazil has reduced its importation of popcorn grain in recent years, the availability of... more Although Brazil has reduced its importation of popcorn grain in recent years, the availability of improved varieties is still rare. In order to improve a popcorn population and to estimate the prediction of genetic gains, the third cycle of intrapopulation recurrent selection was carried out. One hundred ninety two half-sib families were obtained from the second cycle of the UNB-2U population and tested in a randomized complete block design with two replications within sets in two locations. The presence of statistical significance for sets for grain yield, poorly husked ear and broken plants proved the efficiency and the necessity for the use of the hierarchical statistical model by sets. Except for the poorly husked ear, there was significance for families within sets for the other evaluated traits, showing that there was sufficient genetic variability for exploitation in future cycles. Although the heritability for popping expansion was higher than for grain yield, the predicted genetic gain for the latter was superior to popping expansion because of the higher magnitude of the genetic standard deviation for grain yield. It is expected that in the fifth recurrent cycle, the first popcorn variety with yellow grains may be released for Rio de Janeiro State.
Papers by Ramon Rangel