Dut R. The relationship with biologic maturation and injury risk in adolescent male football play... more Dut R. The relationship with biologic maturation and injury risk in adolescent male football players. Hacettepe University Graduate School of Health Sciences. Adolescent Health Program PhD, Thesis, Ankara 2019. In this prospective controlled study, we investigated the relationship between injury and biological maturation in adolescent male football players before, during and after the growth attack, and the differences from their peers who did not engage in regular sports. A total of 206 football players from the superstructure teams and 208 individuals from boarding dormitories were filled in the general demographic information and injury card, bone age determination, body components, skin fold thickness were analyzed. The mean age of the participants was 13.6±1.5, the height of football players was longer than controls, but body mass index (BMI) and whole body fat percentages were lower, growth rate was higher than that of controls in all stages according to Tanner, abdominal skin...
Objectives Group A β hemolytic streptococcus (GABHS) is the main bacterial case of tonsillophary... more Objectives Group A β hemolytic streptococcus (GABHS) is the main bacterial case of tonsillopharyngitis in children, but most cases of tonsillopharyngitis are viral. Rapid diagnosis and early antibiotherapy of GABHS infections are important to help prevent suppurative and nonsuppurative complications. This retrospective study investigated the using of the rapid streptococcal antigen detection test and traditional throat culture in diagnosing tonsillopharyngitis in children. Materials and Methods Retrospectively, the laboratory results of throat culture and rapid strep A test (optic immunoassay) of 1,654 children were compared. Results Of the 1,654 subjects, the rapid test was performed in 1,110 (67.1%), and throat culture was performed in 930 (56.2%). Both tests were performed in 479 (31.1%) patients and the correlation between the tests was 87.2%. The power of the correlation between the two tests was 0.6 ( p Conclusion The rapid strep A testing is more practical and quick to detect GABHS. This can be an important strategy to reduce unnecessary antibiotic use. Throat culture should be used to confirm the negative findings of the rapid test.
Turkish Journal of Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Adolescence is a transitional period in which young people experience significant psychological, ... more Adolescence is a transitional period in which young people experience significant psychological, biological, cognitive, social/ emotional, and interpersonal changes. During this period, participation in sports contributes to the positive development of the mind and body. This study aimed to evaluate the motivations for sports participation and general psychopathology risk of male football players in the early adolescence period and to examine their relationship with family education and socioeconomic levels. Materials and Methods: Thirteen and fourteen year old players invited to the national team selections by the Turkish Football Federation were evaluated. The Sports Motivation Scale (SMS), the Childhood Depression Inventory (CDI), and the Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED) were used in data collection. Bivariate, multivariate and correlation analyses were conducted. Results: 57.3% of the participants, were born in the first quartile of the year. There was a negative correlation between the level of parents' education and the years of experience in football. There was no difference between chronological age, age quartiles, and SMS, CDI, or SCARED scores. On the regression analysis, the amotivation score lead to increased depression scores (odds ratio: 2.099, confidence interval: 1.074-4.101, p=0.030). Conclusion: In the early adolescent period, playing soccer can reduce depression risk scores. It should be remembered that role models and environmental factors might be important determinants for adolescents.
Amaç: Annenin gebelik döneminde kilo artışının yenidoğanın ölçülen ilk TSH düzeyleri üzerine etki... more Amaç: Annenin gebelik döneminde kilo artışının yenidoğanın ölçülen ilk TSH düzeyleri üzerine etkisini araştırmaktır. Gereçler: Güngören 30 Ağustos Aile Sağlığı Merkezinde; takip edilen 112 gebe ve bu gebelerin 112 bebeği retrospektif olarak incelendi. Gebelerin boy, kilo ölçümleri ve vücut kitle indekslerinin (VKİ) hesaplandığı gebelik haftaları, bebeklerin doğum tartıları ve TSH değerleri alındı. Gebeler, normal (VKİ
Yenidoğan sarılığı/hiperbilirubinemisi yenidoğan bebeklerde morbidite ve mortaliteye neden olan, ... more Yenidoğan sarılığı/hiperbilirubinemisi yenidoğan bebeklerde morbidite ve mortaliteye neden olan, sık görülen problemlerden biridir. Bu çalışmada, anne-bebek kan grubu profilleri, uyuşmazlığı ve yenidoğan bilirubin düzeylerinin demografik olarak incelenmesi planlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Mart 2009-Aralık 2013 tarihleri arasında 3261 anne ve bebeği dahil edilerek, anne/bebek kan grupları, bebek total bilirubin seviyeleri, anne yaşı, gestasyon yaşı, doğum karakteristikleri retrospektif ve kesitsel olarak, bebek odası kayıt defterinden incelendi. Bulgular: Hem anne hem bebek kan grubu hem de total bilirubin sonucu kayıtlı 934 vaka incelendi. Sezeryan ile doğanların sayısı 1423 (%80,2); kız cinsiyet 837 (%47,2); %95,4 tekiz doğum idi. Doğum ağırlığı sıklıkla 2500-4000 gr, taburculuk tartıları 1585-4565 gr bulundu. Anne yaşı 20-47, gestasyonel yaş aralığı sıklıkla 36-40 hafta (%86,1) idi. Hem anne hem bebeklerde en sık kan grubu ARh(+), en az ABRh(-) idi. En az bir kan grubu uyuşmazlığı olan %18,5 ve ABO uyuşmazlığı (%15,1) en sık bulundu. Anne 0Rh(-) olan bebeklerin %61,0'inde Rh uyuşmazlığı tespit edildi. Anne kan grubu 0Rh(+) olanların %38,8 ABO uyuşmazlığı, anne 0Rh(-) kan grubunda olan bebeklerin %39'unda ABO uyuşmazlığı tespit edildi. Rh uyuşmazlığı olan grupta total bilirubin düzeyi Rh uyuşmazlığı olmayan gruptan (p=0,032) daha yüksekti. Gestasyon yaşı arttıkça bilirubin düzeyinin azaldığı görüldü. Sonuç: Çalışmamızda, yenidoğan sarılığı/hiperbilirubinemisine ABO kan grubu uyuşmazlığının Rh kan grubu uyuşmazlığından daha sık neden olduğunu saptadık. Ancak; Rh kan grubu uyuşmazlığı olan bebeklerin ortalama bilirübin seviyeleri daha yüksek idi. Gestasyon yaşı bir hafta daha yüksek olan bebeklerde bilirubin seviyesinin 1,1 kat daha düşük olduğunu saptadık.
Giriş: Aşılama, genel sağlık, hijyen ve bulaş yolları konularında yapılacak farkındalık çalışmala... more Giriş: Aşılama, genel sağlık, hijyen ve bulaş yolları konularında yapılacak farkındalık çalışmaları hepatit B enfeksiyonu ile mücadelede oldukça önemlidir. Bebek Çocuk Ergen İzlem Programı kapsamında 10-18yaş adolesanlarda HbsAg ve AntiHbs sonuçlarını inceledik. Metod: Tek merkezli, retrospektif bu çalışmada, 2016-2020 yılları arasında 500 adolesanın Hepatit B seroloji verileri bilgisyar sistemi üzerinden incelenmiştir. Ulusal aşılama programına uygun olarak hepatit B aşı uygulaması yapılan sağlıklı olanların HBsAg ve AntiHbs düzeyleri analiz edildi. Bulgular: Çalışma grubunun 251’i (%50,2) kız cinsiyette idi. Olguların %42,2’sinin AntiHBs değeri
Pnömoni tanısı alan çocuk hastalarda kan kültürü testi alınması önerilmektedir. Ancak, kan kültür... more Pnömoni tanısı alan çocuk hastalarda kan kültürü testi alınması önerilmektedir. Ancak, kan kültürü testlerinde üretilen patojen mikroorganizma oranı oldukça düşüktür. Bu çalışmada; pnömoni tanısı ile hastaneye yatırılan çocuk hastalarda kan kültürü sonuçları ve bazı kan testi parametreleri araştırıldı. GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM: 2016-2018 tarihleri arasında ICD10 kodlamasına uygun olarak pnömoni tanısı ile hastaneye yatırılan ve kan kültürü testi alınan 643 hasta çalışmaya dahil edildi. Kan kültür sonuçları, kan testi parametreleri (WBC (White Blood Count), ANC (Absolute Neutrophil Count), AMC (Absolute Monosite Count), trombosit sayısı, MPV (Mean Platelet Volume), PDW (Platelet Distribution Wide), PCT (Plateletcrit)) ve CRP (C-Reaktif Protein) değerlendirildi. BULGULAR: Ortalama yaş 27.1±38.2ay, %41,8'i kız cinsiyet idi. %4,0 oranında (n=26) kan kültürü sonucu pozitifti. Kan kültürü pozitif olan hastaların trombosit sayısı (307.3/mL) kan kültürü negatif olanlardan (360.2/mL) daha düşüktü (p=0.035), ancak; CRP (p=0.095), toplam beyaz küre sayısı (p=0.069) ve MPV (p=0.846) sonuçları ile fark bulunamadı. Kan kültür sonucu pozitif olanlarda PDW (%12,7±2,6) negatif olanlardan (%10,4±1.7) daha yüksek bulundu (p<0.001). En sık izole edilen patojen Stafilokok Hominis (n=8, %36,4) idi. SONUÇ: Pnömoni tanısı ile hastaneye yatırılan çocuk hastalarda kan kültürü testinde patojen mikroorganizmanın gösterilme oranı oldukça düşük seviyededir. Bu hastalarda; kan kültürü testinde patojen bakterinin gösterilmesi hastalığın tedavisi ve ampirik antibiyoterapi seçimi için kıymetlidir. Çocuklarda pnömoni tanı, tedavi ve klinik izleminde diğer kan parametrelerinin kullanımı konusunda çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardır.
Sporcularin motivasyonu ile antrenorlerin davranislari arasindaki karsilikli etkilesimler sporcul... more Sporcularin motivasyonu ile antrenorlerin davranislari arasindaki karsilikli etkilesimler sporcularin yasi ve cinsel gelisiminden etkilenebilir. Bu calismada, ergen futbolcularin spor motivasyonu ile antrenorlerin davranislari arasindaki etkilesimin degerlendirilmesi amaclanmistir. Turkiye Futbol Federasyonuna kayitli 10-19yas, erkek futbolcular degerlendirildi. Spor Motivayon Anketi (SMA)(ergen formu) ve Spor Icin Liderlik Olcegi (SLO) ile veri toplanmistir. Amator futbol oynamaya baslama yasi ve sporcunun sahadaki oyun pozisyonu; antrenor davranislarinin algilanmasi uzerinde onemli bir etkiye sahip degildi. Ancak; kronolojik yas, ergenlik donemi ve cinsel gelisim evresi spor motivasyonu ve antrenor davranislarinin algilanmasi uzerinde etkili bulunmustur. Ergenlerin spor motivasyonu erken ve orta ergenlik donemlerinde artmakta, gec ergenlik doneminde azalmakta idi. Ayrica, futbolcularin yaslari ve Tanner cinsel gelisim evresi ilerledikce antrenorlerinin demokratik davranis, sosyal...
Beslenme, anne karnindan baslayarak bireyin yasam boyu sagliginin korunmasi, gelistirilmesi ve ya... more Beslenme, anne karnindan baslayarak bireyin yasam boyu sagliginin korunmasi, gelistirilmesi ve yasam kalitesinde en onemli faktorlerden biridir. Ozellikle cocukluk caginda kazanilan saglikli, yeterli ve dengeli beslenme aliskanliginin yasamin programlanmasindaki rolu net olarak anlasilmistir. Ayrica, kronik hastaligi olan cocuklarda hastaliga ozgu dogru beslenme morbidite ve mortaliteyi azaltmakta , hatta bazi kronik hastaliklarda beslenme, tedavinin onemli bir parcasini olusturmaktadir.Eriskin sagligi icin anahtar rol oynayan cocukluk donemi beslenmesi ve kronik hastaligi olan cocuklarin beslenmesinin duzenlenmesinde aile hekimleri ve cocuk sagligi hekimleri onemli bir gorev ustlenmektedir. Bu kitabin amaci, saglikli ve kronik hastaligi olan cocuklarin beslenmesi ile konulari, pratikte sik karsilastiklari sorunlari ve cozumlerini sade ve anlasilir bir sekilde sunmaktir. Bu amacimizdaki basari bizim icin en buyuk mutluluk olacaktir.Kitabin hazirlanmasinda degerli zamanlarini ayirara...
Introduction: Asthma, a common chronic disease in adolescents is impacted by factors affecting qu... more Introduction: Asthma, a common chronic disease in adolescents is impacted by factors affecting quality of life. This study aimed to determine the psychosocial factors of adolescents with asthma and their parents.Methods: The study included 122 adolescents with asthma, 82 healthy controls, and their parents who completed the Asthma Control Test (ACT), Pediatric Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire (PAQLQ) and the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI).Results: The mean age was 14.2 ± 1.9 years. ACT score was high and depression was low in patients with good treatment compliance. As the age of the first asthma symptoms/diagnosis increased, somatization, anxiety, hostility and general psychopathology scores increased, as did the somatization score of parents. Parental anxiety score was not related with adolescent BSI scores in the controls but in the study group when it was higher, the anxiety, depression, somatization, and general psychopathology scores were higher. PAQLQ showed that anxiety, negative self-esteem, somatization, depression, and general psychopathology were higher in patients concerned about asthma. Depression and somatization scores were higher in the parents of patients who perceived that "Treatment does not contribute to asthma control." Somatization scores were higher among parents of patients who noted: "Asthma will not pass in the long-term" and "I cannot control asthma".Conclusion: Higher scores of asthma patients who were anxious about the disease and families who were despondent about treatment demonstrate that health care providers should spend more time informing patients and caregivers. Increasing patient treatment compliance during early adolescence will lessen the psychological burden of the disease.
Introduction Temperament differences were shown in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD); ... more Introduction Temperament differences were shown in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD); however, associations of temperament with ASD severity and accompanying psychiatric symptoms have yet to be studied. Methods We evaluated 58 ASD-diagnosed children's temperaments through disorder severity and psychiatric symptoms and compared them with 58 typically developed children. We utilized the Children's Behavior Questionnaire-Short Form, The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). The Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) was used to evaluate psychiatric symptoms and ASD severity levels of children. Results Negative affect, effortful control, and perceptual sensitivity were found lower in ASD-diagnosed children and decreased with ASD severity. Effortful control was also found negatively correlated with scores of behavioral problems, hyperactivity, and total difficulties. Besides, anger/frustration was found predictive for conduct and peer problems, and total diffic...
Introduction: The youth soccer player development program has been supported professional players... more Introduction: The youth soccer player development program has been supported professional players from home in town. At that way, the Nationals soccer dropout rate and reasons are essential. The features of the dropping age and the role of the relative age effect on the dropout rates of soccer players were enrolled in the study. Methods:1950 males who participated in the academy league as licensed players at the age of U (under) 14 and U15 in the 2009-2010 seasons were investigated. Dropout rates were determined for all years between 2009-2017. Results: The findings show that the dropout rate was statistically higher (p<0.001) among those who were born in the first three months of the year. The mean playing duration in the Academy League was 3.1±1.9 years. Another observation was that 49.4% of the players still played soccer, and their average age was 20.6±0.7 years in the 2016-2017 seasons. The results also demonstrated that 46.9% of subjects who were born in the first quartile of 2016-2017 had stopped playing soccer. The total dropout ratio was 50.6% in the 2016-2017 seasons. There was a significant difference between the Turkish Football Federation (TFF)-1 and regional amateur league (RAL) in dropout rates within years, with reference to the super league. Conclusions: The dropout rate was higher in Q1 and 20-years age groups. The majority of the dropouts occurred in the amateur league.
Futbolda yetenek secimi biyolojik maturasyon farkliliklarinin oldugu adolesan doneme denk gelir. ... more Futbolda yetenek secimi biyolojik maturasyon farkliliklarinin oldugu adolesan doneme denk gelir. En iyi profesyonel oyuncu adayini desteklemek icin erken yaslarda performans degiskenleri ile analiz yapilmaktadir. Bu calismada; adolesan futbolcularin bireysel lig performanslari milli takim secmelerine davet edilen ve edilmeyenler arasinda degerlendirilmistir. Toplamda 2050 adolesan erkek futbolcu retrospektif olarak incelendi ve milli futbol takimi secmelerine davet edilen 213 oyuncu ile karsilastirildi. Oynanan toplam mac sayisi, aktif oynanan toplam dakika, atilan gol sayisi, alinan sari ve kirmizi kart sayilari degerlendirildi. Ortalama yas 13.1±0.6 (12-14) ve cogunluk 2003 dogumlu idi. Kampa davet edilenlerin sayisi birinci yas ceyreginde (Q1) n=122 (57.3%) ve 14 yasinda n=90 (42.3%) fazla idi. Davet edilen grupta oynanan mac sayisi, toplam oynanan sure, gol sayisi daha yuksekti (p 0.05). Futbolda birinci yas ceyregi yetenek secimi icin avantaj oldugu goruldu. Ancak bu avantaj mi...
The prevalence of clinical food allergy (FA) is estimated to be 10% among preschool children glob... more The prevalence of clinical food allergy (FA) is estimated to be 10% among preschool children globally and has been showing a steadily increasing trend. 1-3 The rise in the number of admissions of infants with FA complaints have compelled physicians to learn about and adapt to different types of FA such as IgE-mediated and non-IgE mediated FA. 4 The differences between the two types include disparate ways of presentation. While some of infants with FA may present with chronic atopic dermatitis
diseases may have serious negative consequences. This study aims to investigate the risk behavior... more diseases may have serious negative consequences. This study aims to investigate the risk behaviors of adolescents with T1D and the effect of orthorexic eating behaviors (OEB) on glycemic control (GC). Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted with 107 adolescents with T1D who were between 13-18 years of age and attended high school. The risk behavior scale (RBS) and orthorexic behavior scale (ORTO-11) were administered to the participants. The RBS consists of 6 subscales: antisocial behaviors, alcohol use, tobacco use, suicidal tendency, eating habits, and school dropout. A high RBS score indicates risky behavior. ORTO 11 measures obsessive healthy eating behavior and can be defined as OEB. Low ORTO-11 score suggests a tendency to OEB. At the same time, participants were tested for GC and categorized as optimal GC (HbA1c 7.6%) or poor GC (HbA1c >7.6%). Results: A total of 107 patients, 46.7% (n ¼ 50) female and 53.3% (n ¼ 57) male adolescents, were included in the study. A significant correlation was found between HbA1c and the total RBS, eating habits subscale, and suicidal tendency subscale scores. No significant correlation was found between HbA1c and ORTO-11 score. Among the participants, 33% (n ¼ 35) had an HbA1c of 7.6%; 67% (n ¼ 71) had an HbA1c of >7.6%. Those with an HbA1c of >7.6% had significantly higher total RBS, eating habits subscale, and suicidal tendency subscale scores (p<0.05). There was no significant difference between those with high and low HbA1c regarding other scale scores. There was no significant difference between the total RBS scores of males and females (p>0.05). Among female participants, those with an HbA1c of >7.6% had significantly higher total RBS, suicidal tendency subscale, and eating habits subscale scores (p<0.05). Among females, the ORTO-11 score was significantly lower for those with an HbA1c of >7.6% (p<0.05). Among male participants, those with an HbA1c of >7.6% had significantly higher eating habits and school dropout subscale scores in RBS (p<0.05). Conclusions: This study investigates, for the first time, the relationship between GC and the tendency for OEB among adolescents with T1D and reveales that poor GC is associated with a tendency for OEB among female adolescents with T1D. In addition, this study indicates that adolescents' risk behaviors and HbA1c are correlated. The suicidal tendency is higher among females with poor GC while the tendency to drop out of school is higher in males. As expected, unhealthy eating habits are found to be more common in patients with poor GC in both genders. Our results warrant that adolescents with inappropriate eating behaviors along with T1D should also be assessed for other risk behaviors and OEB based on gender to help achieve optimal GC. Sources of Support: None declared 93.
International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, 2019
Introduction The fertility rate is 0.25% for 15–19-year-old girls and 16% for 19-year-old girls w... more Introduction The fertility rate is 0.25% for 15–19-year-old girls and 16% for 19-year-old girls who are mothers or pregnant with their first child. Fifty-two percent of married adolescents did not have affective contraception. To encourage using the right contraceptive methods in married adolescents, it is essential to examine the behaviors of this group, the level of contraceptive knowledge and the choices they make regarding contraceptive use. Materials and methods One hundred and ten married adolescent females, less than 20 years of age, who visited a gynecology and obstetrics clinic between January 2015 and October 2016 were enrolled in this prospective study. Results Of them 96.4% were unemployed. At the time of the study, 70% of them were pregnant. Of these pregnancies, 46.4% was a first, 19.1% a second and 8.2% a third pregnancy. The abortion rate in this study was 18.3%, and stillbirth was 2.8%. The interval between pregnancies was 20.9 months. The unplanned pregnancy rate w...
Dut R. The relationship with biologic maturation and injury risk in adolescent male football play... more Dut R. The relationship with biologic maturation and injury risk in adolescent male football players. Hacettepe University Graduate School of Health Sciences. Adolescent Health Program PhD, Thesis, Ankara 2019. In this prospective controlled study, we investigated the relationship between injury and biological maturation in adolescent male football players before, during and after the growth attack, and the differences from their peers who did not engage in regular sports. A total of 206 football players from the superstructure teams and 208 individuals from boarding dormitories were filled in the general demographic information and injury card, bone age determination, body components, skin fold thickness were analyzed. The mean age of the participants was 13.6±1.5, the height of football players was longer than controls, but body mass index (BMI) and whole body fat percentages were lower, growth rate was higher than that of controls in all stages according to Tanner, abdominal skin...
Objectives Group A β hemolytic streptococcus (GABHS) is the main bacterial case of tonsillophary... more Objectives Group A β hemolytic streptococcus (GABHS) is the main bacterial case of tonsillopharyngitis in children, but most cases of tonsillopharyngitis are viral. Rapid diagnosis and early antibiotherapy of GABHS infections are important to help prevent suppurative and nonsuppurative complications. This retrospective study investigated the using of the rapid streptococcal antigen detection test and traditional throat culture in diagnosing tonsillopharyngitis in children. Materials and Methods Retrospectively, the laboratory results of throat culture and rapid strep A test (optic immunoassay) of 1,654 children were compared. Results Of the 1,654 subjects, the rapid test was performed in 1,110 (67.1%), and throat culture was performed in 930 (56.2%). Both tests were performed in 479 (31.1%) patients and the correlation between the tests was 87.2%. The power of the correlation between the two tests was 0.6 ( p Conclusion The rapid strep A testing is more practical and quick to detect GABHS. This can be an important strategy to reduce unnecessary antibiotic use. Throat culture should be used to confirm the negative findings of the rapid test.
Turkish Journal of Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Adolescence is a transitional period in which young people experience significant psychological, ... more Adolescence is a transitional period in which young people experience significant psychological, biological, cognitive, social/ emotional, and interpersonal changes. During this period, participation in sports contributes to the positive development of the mind and body. This study aimed to evaluate the motivations for sports participation and general psychopathology risk of male football players in the early adolescence period and to examine their relationship with family education and socioeconomic levels. Materials and Methods: Thirteen and fourteen year old players invited to the national team selections by the Turkish Football Federation were evaluated. The Sports Motivation Scale (SMS), the Childhood Depression Inventory (CDI), and the Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED) were used in data collection. Bivariate, multivariate and correlation analyses were conducted. Results: 57.3% of the participants, were born in the first quartile of the year. There was a negative correlation between the level of parents' education and the years of experience in football. There was no difference between chronological age, age quartiles, and SMS, CDI, or SCARED scores. On the regression analysis, the amotivation score lead to increased depression scores (odds ratio: 2.099, confidence interval: 1.074-4.101, p=0.030). Conclusion: In the early adolescent period, playing soccer can reduce depression risk scores. It should be remembered that role models and environmental factors might be important determinants for adolescents.
Amaç: Annenin gebelik döneminde kilo artışının yenidoğanın ölçülen ilk TSH düzeyleri üzerine etki... more Amaç: Annenin gebelik döneminde kilo artışının yenidoğanın ölçülen ilk TSH düzeyleri üzerine etkisini araştırmaktır. Gereçler: Güngören 30 Ağustos Aile Sağlığı Merkezinde; takip edilen 112 gebe ve bu gebelerin 112 bebeği retrospektif olarak incelendi. Gebelerin boy, kilo ölçümleri ve vücut kitle indekslerinin (VKİ) hesaplandığı gebelik haftaları, bebeklerin doğum tartıları ve TSH değerleri alındı. Gebeler, normal (VKİ
Yenidoğan sarılığı/hiperbilirubinemisi yenidoğan bebeklerde morbidite ve mortaliteye neden olan, ... more Yenidoğan sarılığı/hiperbilirubinemisi yenidoğan bebeklerde morbidite ve mortaliteye neden olan, sık görülen problemlerden biridir. Bu çalışmada, anne-bebek kan grubu profilleri, uyuşmazlığı ve yenidoğan bilirubin düzeylerinin demografik olarak incelenmesi planlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Mart 2009-Aralık 2013 tarihleri arasında 3261 anne ve bebeği dahil edilerek, anne/bebek kan grupları, bebek total bilirubin seviyeleri, anne yaşı, gestasyon yaşı, doğum karakteristikleri retrospektif ve kesitsel olarak, bebek odası kayıt defterinden incelendi. Bulgular: Hem anne hem bebek kan grubu hem de total bilirubin sonucu kayıtlı 934 vaka incelendi. Sezeryan ile doğanların sayısı 1423 (%80,2); kız cinsiyet 837 (%47,2); %95,4 tekiz doğum idi. Doğum ağırlığı sıklıkla 2500-4000 gr, taburculuk tartıları 1585-4565 gr bulundu. Anne yaşı 20-47, gestasyonel yaş aralığı sıklıkla 36-40 hafta (%86,1) idi. Hem anne hem bebeklerde en sık kan grubu ARh(+), en az ABRh(-) idi. En az bir kan grubu uyuşmazlığı olan %18,5 ve ABO uyuşmazlığı (%15,1) en sık bulundu. Anne 0Rh(-) olan bebeklerin %61,0'inde Rh uyuşmazlığı tespit edildi. Anne kan grubu 0Rh(+) olanların %38,8 ABO uyuşmazlığı, anne 0Rh(-) kan grubunda olan bebeklerin %39'unda ABO uyuşmazlığı tespit edildi. Rh uyuşmazlığı olan grupta total bilirubin düzeyi Rh uyuşmazlığı olmayan gruptan (p=0,032) daha yüksekti. Gestasyon yaşı arttıkça bilirubin düzeyinin azaldığı görüldü. Sonuç: Çalışmamızda, yenidoğan sarılığı/hiperbilirubinemisine ABO kan grubu uyuşmazlığının Rh kan grubu uyuşmazlığından daha sık neden olduğunu saptadık. Ancak; Rh kan grubu uyuşmazlığı olan bebeklerin ortalama bilirübin seviyeleri daha yüksek idi. Gestasyon yaşı bir hafta daha yüksek olan bebeklerde bilirubin seviyesinin 1,1 kat daha düşük olduğunu saptadık.
Giriş: Aşılama, genel sağlık, hijyen ve bulaş yolları konularında yapılacak farkındalık çalışmala... more Giriş: Aşılama, genel sağlık, hijyen ve bulaş yolları konularında yapılacak farkındalık çalışmaları hepatit B enfeksiyonu ile mücadelede oldukça önemlidir. Bebek Çocuk Ergen İzlem Programı kapsamında 10-18yaş adolesanlarda HbsAg ve AntiHbs sonuçlarını inceledik. Metod: Tek merkezli, retrospektif bu çalışmada, 2016-2020 yılları arasında 500 adolesanın Hepatit B seroloji verileri bilgisyar sistemi üzerinden incelenmiştir. Ulusal aşılama programına uygun olarak hepatit B aşı uygulaması yapılan sağlıklı olanların HBsAg ve AntiHbs düzeyleri analiz edildi. Bulgular: Çalışma grubunun 251’i (%50,2) kız cinsiyette idi. Olguların %42,2’sinin AntiHBs değeri
Pnömoni tanısı alan çocuk hastalarda kan kültürü testi alınması önerilmektedir. Ancak, kan kültür... more Pnömoni tanısı alan çocuk hastalarda kan kültürü testi alınması önerilmektedir. Ancak, kan kültürü testlerinde üretilen patojen mikroorganizma oranı oldukça düşüktür. Bu çalışmada; pnömoni tanısı ile hastaneye yatırılan çocuk hastalarda kan kültürü sonuçları ve bazı kan testi parametreleri araştırıldı. GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM: 2016-2018 tarihleri arasında ICD10 kodlamasına uygun olarak pnömoni tanısı ile hastaneye yatırılan ve kan kültürü testi alınan 643 hasta çalışmaya dahil edildi. Kan kültür sonuçları, kan testi parametreleri (WBC (White Blood Count), ANC (Absolute Neutrophil Count), AMC (Absolute Monosite Count), trombosit sayısı, MPV (Mean Platelet Volume), PDW (Platelet Distribution Wide), PCT (Plateletcrit)) ve CRP (C-Reaktif Protein) değerlendirildi. BULGULAR: Ortalama yaş 27.1±38.2ay, %41,8'i kız cinsiyet idi. %4,0 oranında (n=26) kan kültürü sonucu pozitifti. Kan kültürü pozitif olan hastaların trombosit sayısı (307.3/mL) kan kültürü negatif olanlardan (360.2/mL) daha düşüktü (p=0.035), ancak; CRP (p=0.095), toplam beyaz küre sayısı (p=0.069) ve MPV (p=0.846) sonuçları ile fark bulunamadı. Kan kültür sonucu pozitif olanlarda PDW (%12,7±2,6) negatif olanlardan (%10,4±1.7) daha yüksek bulundu (p<0.001). En sık izole edilen patojen Stafilokok Hominis (n=8, %36,4) idi. SONUÇ: Pnömoni tanısı ile hastaneye yatırılan çocuk hastalarda kan kültürü testinde patojen mikroorganizmanın gösterilme oranı oldukça düşük seviyededir. Bu hastalarda; kan kültürü testinde patojen bakterinin gösterilmesi hastalığın tedavisi ve ampirik antibiyoterapi seçimi için kıymetlidir. Çocuklarda pnömoni tanı, tedavi ve klinik izleminde diğer kan parametrelerinin kullanımı konusunda çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardır.
Sporcularin motivasyonu ile antrenorlerin davranislari arasindaki karsilikli etkilesimler sporcul... more Sporcularin motivasyonu ile antrenorlerin davranislari arasindaki karsilikli etkilesimler sporcularin yasi ve cinsel gelisiminden etkilenebilir. Bu calismada, ergen futbolcularin spor motivasyonu ile antrenorlerin davranislari arasindaki etkilesimin degerlendirilmesi amaclanmistir. Turkiye Futbol Federasyonuna kayitli 10-19yas, erkek futbolcular degerlendirildi. Spor Motivayon Anketi (SMA)(ergen formu) ve Spor Icin Liderlik Olcegi (SLO) ile veri toplanmistir. Amator futbol oynamaya baslama yasi ve sporcunun sahadaki oyun pozisyonu; antrenor davranislarinin algilanmasi uzerinde onemli bir etkiye sahip degildi. Ancak; kronolojik yas, ergenlik donemi ve cinsel gelisim evresi spor motivasyonu ve antrenor davranislarinin algilanmasi uzerinde etkili bulunmustur. Ergenlerin spor motivasyonu erken ve orta ergenlik donemlerinde artmakta, gec ergenlik doneminde azalmakta idi. Ayrica, futbolcularin yaslari ve Tanner cinsel gelisim evresi ilerledikce antrenorlerinin demokratik davranis, sosyal...
Beslenme, anne karnindan baslayarak bireyin yasam boyu sagliginin korunmasi, gelistirilmesi ve ya... more Beslenme, anne karnindan baslayarak bireyin yasam boyu sagliginin korunmasi, gelistirilmesi ve yasam kalitesinde en onemli faktorlerden biridir. Ozellikle cocukluk caginda kazanilan saglikli, yeterli ve dengeli beslenme aliskanliginin yasamin programlanmasindaki rolu net olarak anlasilmistir. Ayrica, kronik hastaligi olan cocuklarda hastaliga ozgu dogru beslenme morbidite ve mortaliteyi azaltmakta , hatta bazi kronik hastaliklarda beslenme, tedavinin onemli bir parcasini olusturmaktadir.Eriskin sagligi icin anahtar rol oynayan cocukluk donemi beslenmesi ve kronik hastaligi olan cocuklarin beslenmesinin duzenlenmesinde aile hekimleri ve cocuk sagligi hekimleri onemli bir gorev ustlenmektedir. Bu kitabin amaci, saglikli ve kronik hastaligi olan cocuklarin beslenmesi ile konulari, pratikte sik karsilastiklari sorunlari ve cozumlerini sade ve anlasilir bir sekilde sunmaktir. Bu amacimizdaki basari bizim icin en buyuk mutluluk olacaktir.Kitabin hazirlanmasinda degerli zamanlarini ayirara...
Introduction: Asthma, a common chronic disease in adolescents is impacted by factors affecting qu... more Introduction: Asthma, a common chronic disease in adolescents is impacted by factors affecting quality of life. This study aimed to determine the psychosocial factors of adolescents with asthma and their parents.Methods: The study included 122 adolescents with asthma, 82 healthy controls, and their parents who completed the Asthma Control Test (ACT), Pediatric Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire (PAQLQ) and the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI).Results: The mean age was 14.2 ± 1.9 years. ACT score was high and depression was low in patients with good treatment compliance. As the age of the first asthma symptoms/diagnosis increased, somatization, anxiety, hostility and general psychopathology scores increased, as did the somatization score of parents. Parental anxiety score was not related with adolescent BSI scores in the controls but in the study group when it was higher, the anxiety, depression, somatization, and general psychopathology scores were higher. PAQLQ showed that anxiety, negative self-esteem, somatization, depression, and general psychopathology were higher in patients concerned about asthma. Depression and somatization scores were higher in the parents of patients who perceived that "Treatment does not contribute to asthma control." Somatization scores were higher among parents of patients who noted: "Asthma will not pass in the long-term" and "I cannot control asthma".Conclusion: Higher scores of asthma patients who were anxious about the disease and families who were despondent about treatment demonstrate that health care providers should spend more time informing patients and caregivers. Increasing patient treatment compliance during early adolescence will lessen the psychological burden of the disease.
Introduction Temperament differences were shown in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD); ... more Introduction Temperament differences were shown in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD); however, associations of temperament with ASD severity and accompanying psychiatric symptoms have yet to be studied. Methods We evaluated 58 ASD-diagnosed children's temperaments through disorder severity and psychiatric symptoms and compared them with 58 typically developed children. We utilized the Children's Behavior Questionnaire-Short Form, The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). The Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) was used to evaluate psychiatric symptoms and ASD severity levels of children. Results Negative affect, effortful control, and perceptual sensitivity were found lower in ASD-diagnosed children and decreased with ASD severity. Effortful control was also found negatively correlated with scores of behavioral problems, hyperactivity, and total difficulties. Besides, anger/frustration was found predictive for conduct and peer problems, and total diffic...
Introduction: The youth soccer player development program has been supported professional players... more Introduction: The youth soccer player development program has been supported professional players from home in town. At that way, the Nationals soccer dropout rate and reasons are essential. The features of the dropping age and the role of the relative age effect on the dropout rates of soccer players were enrolled in the study. Methods:1950 males who participated in the academy league as licensed players at the age of U (under) 14 and U15 in the 2009-2010 seasons were investigated. Dropout rates were determined for all years between 2009-2017. Results: The findings show that the dropout rate was statistically higher (p<0.001) among those who were born in the first three months of the year. The mean playing duration in the Academy League was 3.1±1.9 years. Another observation was that 49.4% of the players still played soccer, and their average age was 20.6±0.7 years in the 2016-2017 seasons. The results also demonstrated that 46.9% of subjects who were born in the first quartile of 2016-2017 had stopped playing soccer. The total dropout ratio was 50.6% in the 2016-2017 seasons. There was a significant difference between the Turkish Football Federation (TFF)-1 and regional amateur league (RAL) in dropout rates within years, with reference to the super league. Conclusions: The dropout rate was higher in Q1 and 20-years age groups. The majority of the dropouts occurred in the amateur league.
Futbolda yetenek secimi biyolojik maturasyon farkliliklarinin oldugu adolesan doneme denk gelir. ... more Futbolda yetenek secimi biyolojik maturasyon farkliliklarinin oldugu adolesan doneme denk gelir. En iyi profesyonel oyuncu adayini desteklemek icin erken yaslarda performans degiskenleri ile analiz yapilmaktadir. Bu calismada; adolesan futbolcularin bireysel lig performanslari milli takim secmelerine davet edilen ve edilmeyenler arasinda degerlendirilmistir. Toplamda 2050 adolesan erkek futbolcu retrospektif olarak incelendi ve milli futbol takimi secmelerine davet edilen 213 oyuncu ile karsilastirildi. Oynanan toplam mac sayisi, aktif oynanan toplam dakika, atilan gol sayisi, alinan sari ve kirmizi kart sayilari degerlendirildi. Ortalama yas 13.1±0.6 (12-14) ve cogunluk 2003 dogumlu idi. Kampa davet edilenlerin sayisi birinci yas ceyreginde (Q1) n=122 (57.3%) ve 14 yasinda n=90 (42.3%) fazla idi. Davet edilen grupta oynanan mac sayisi, toplam oynanan sure, gol sayisi daha yuksekti (p 0.05). Futbolda birinci yas ceyregi yetenek secimi icin avantaj oldugu goruldu. Ancak bu avantaj mi...
The prevalence of clinical food allergy (FA) is estimated to be 10% among preschool children glob... more The prevalence of clinical food allergy (FA) is estimated to be 10% among preschool children globally and has been showing a steadily increasing trend. 1-3 The rise in the number of admissions of infants with FA complaints have compelled physicians to learn about and adapt to different types of FA such as IgE-mediated and non-IgE mediated FA. 4 The differences between the two types include disparate ways of presentation. While some of infants with FA may present with chronic atopic dermatitis
diseases may have serious negative consequences. This study aims to investigate the risk behavior... more diseases may have serious negative consequences. This study aims to investigate the risk behaviors of adolescents with T1D and the effect of orthorexic eating behaviors (OEB) on glycemic control (GC). Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted with 107 adolescents with T1D who were between 13-18 years of age and attended high school. The risk behavior scale (RBS) and orthorexic behavior scale (ORTO-11) were administered to the participants. The RBS consists of 6 subscales: antisocial behaviors, alcohol use, tobacco use, suicidal tendency, eating habits, and school dropout. A high RBS score indicates risky behavior. ORTO 11 measures obsessive healthy eating behavior and can be defined as OEB. Low ORTO-11 score suggests a tendency to OEB. At the same time, participants were tested for GC and categorized as optimal GC (HbA1c 7.6%) or poor GC (HbA1c >7.6%). Results: A total of 107 patients, 46.7% (n ¼ 50) female and 53.3% (n ¼ 57) male adolescents, were included in the study. A significant correlation was found between HbA1c and the total RBS, eating habits subscale, and suicidal tendency subscale scores. No significant correlation was found between HbA1c and ORTO-11 score. Among the participants, 33% (n ¼ 35) had an HbA1c of 7.6%; 67% (n ¼ 71) had an HbA1c of >7.6%. Those with an HbA1c of >7.6% had significantly higher total RBS, eating habits subscale, and suicidal tendency subscale scores (p<0.05). There was no significant difference between those with high and low HbA1c regarding other scale scores. There was no significant difference between the total RBS scores of males and females (p>0.05). Among female participants, those with an HbA1c of >7.6% had significantly higher total RBS, suicidal tendency subscale, and eating habits subscale scores (p<0.05). Among females, the ORTO-11 score was significantly lower for those with an HbA1c of >7.6% (p<0.05). Among male participants, those with an HbA1c of >7.6% had significantly higher eating habits and school dropout subscale scores in RBS (p<0.05). Conclusions: This study investigates, for the first time, the relationship between GC and the tendency for OEB among adolescents with T1D and reveales that poor GC is associated with a tendency for OEB among female adolescents with T1D. In addition, this study indicates that adolescents' risk behaviors and HbA1c are correlated. The suicidal tendency is higher among females with poor GC while the tendency to drop out of school is higher in males. As expected, unhealthy eating habits are found to be more common in patients with poor GC in both genders. Our results warrant that adolescents with inappropriate eating behaviors along with T1D should also be assessed for other risk behaviors and OEB based on gender to help achieve optimal GC. Sources of Support: None declared 93.
International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, 2019
Introduction The fertility rate is 0.25% for 15–19-year-old girls and 16% for 19-year-old girls w... more Introduction The fertility rate is 0.25% for 15–19-year-old girls and 16% for 19-year-old girls who are mothers or pregnant with their first child. Fifty-two percent of married adolescents did not have affective contraception. To encourage using the right contraceptive methods in married adolescents, it is essential to examine the behaviors of this group, the level of contraceptive knowledge and the choices they make regarding contraceptive use. Materials and methods One hundred and ten married adolescent females, less than 20 years of age, who visited a gynecology and obstetrics clinic between January 2015 and October 2016 were enrolled in this prospective study. Results Of them 96.4% were unemployed. At the time of the study, 70% of them were pregnant. Of these pregnancies, 46.4% was a first, 19.1% a second and 8.2% a third pregnancy. The abortion rate in this study was 18.3%, and stillbirth was 2.8%. The interval between pregnancies was 20.9 months. The unplanned pregnancy rate w...
Papers by Raziye Dut