Papers by Reshmi Ramachandran
10% of the world's population lives with a disability, and 80% of these people with disabilities ... more 10% of the world's population lives with a disability, and 80% of these people with disabilities live in developing countries. Globally, children with disabilities count for one-third of all children out-of-school. Inclusive education is built around the goals and ideologies of the social model. Education is just one of the many sections of society to which the social model applies; and "inclusion" in education means removing the barriers in the classroom and school so that students of all ability levels are included in the same lesson. India is one among the few countries all over world where the education of children with disability doesn't fall within the perview of human resource development ministry but under the ministry of social justice and empowerment. There are many schemes, acts and conventions formed in favour of disabled children. In this paper an attempt is made to discusses about the various schemes , acts and conventions that have been formed for the empowerment of disabled children with more emphasis on education. Awareness about these schemes and convention is required by the disabled to ensure that their rights are safeguarded.
Corporal punishment refers to the use of physical and mental punishment to bring desired changes ... more Corporal punishment refers to the use of physical and mental punishment to bring desired changes in the behavior of children. This article explores the perception of students towards corporal punishments in schools based on sub scales namely classroom discipline scale, reasons of punishments scale and consequences of punishments scale In this article, survey method was adopted with 90 secondary school students from Central Kerala were taken as sample. On analysis it was evident that corporal punishments are still widely used by teachers in classroom. It was found that students perceive they are punished due to academic reasons than personal reasons. In the end when the data relating to the consequences of punishments on child were analysed ,it was found that they were influenced more sociologically than psychologically.
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Papers by Reshmi Ramachandran