Papers by Rita Franceschini
Scolia, 1996
Der Beitrag befasst sich mit einem möglichen Zugang zu latent vorhandenen Kenntnissen. Der Zugrif... more Der Beitrag befasst sich mit einem möglichen Zugang zu latent vorhandenen Kenntnissen. Der Zugriff auf Wissensbestände wird mit dem Begriff der Reaktivierung gefasst. Konkret wurden zufällig ausgewählte deutschsprachige Passanten in Basel aufgefordert, zehn italienische Wörter zu produzieren. Die Resultate weisen darauf hin, dass eine solche Listenproduktion stark an den interaktiven Prozess, in dem Italienisch in der spezifischen Kontaktsituation mit Emigranten (seltener mit Tessinern), angebunden wird (Kontextabhängigkeit der Reaktivierung). Es werden dabei nicht einzelne Lexeme sondern Kurzinteraktionen aktiviert. Die 'Listenbildungen' folgen ferner kognitiven Kategorien, die Präferenzen von /konkret/ vor /zeitlich/ und vor /menschlich/ aufweisen (was Givon's Implikationen widerspricht). Fruchtbarer erweisen sich Assoziationsprofile von Sprechern zu unterscheiden, die Netzwerken gleich kognitive Pfade in reaktivierbare Schichten nachzeichnen. Aufgrund weiterer Daten (spontane Konversationen und biographischen Interviews) werden Teile eines möglichen Modells zur Reaktivierung von sprachlichen Kenntnissen vorgeschlagen.
John Benjamins Publishing Company eBooks, 2004
The neurobiology of code-switching Inter-sentential code-switching in an fMRI-study Rita Francesc... more The neurobiology of code-switching Inter-sentential code-switching in an fMRI-study Rita Franceschini, Christoph M. Krick, Sigrid Behrent, and Wolfgang Reith Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrüken One of the most fascinating behaviours that can be observed in ...
Revue Francaise De Linguistique Appliquee, 2004
In light of the vast number of publications dedicated to the different aspects of multilingualism... more In light of the vast number of publications dedicated to the different aspects of multilingualism, one might wonder whether the analyses carried out so far have had an impact on the development of the theory of language in general. Are they merely the latest trend (due to intelligible and undisputable social reasons) or rather a real challenge for linguistics? This article first examines the terminology and then tries to answer these questions with the help of eleven theses. It also highlights the importance of developing a linguistic theory based on multilingualism and the significance of the applied concepts for the analysis regarding the acquisition of a second (or even a third or fourth) language. The cognitive bases as well as the contemporary or separate handling of various languages on the mental level are discussed.
Linguistica e Filologia, 2002
The aim of the paper is to familiarise with a research topic growing in the last decade, mainly i... more The aim of the paper is to familiarise with a research topic growing in the last decade, mainly in Germany: the grammaticography of practical grammars written for the study of 'foreign' languages (from the 15th century till the 18th). I will present and analyse the dialogue parts included in a considerable number of these practical grammars for the teaching of Italian (with examples from the "Dialoghi di Giorgio da Norimberga" and authors like Dulcis, Fabro, Duëz, till Veneroni). These didactic dialogues were meant to replace the missing native speaker partner for everyday conversation and were conceived mainly for merchants, aristocrats and pilgrims. Dealing with (amusing) practical topics (necessary for travelling in Italy), the dialogues represent a rich fund for the study of spoken language. With some caution, the article deals with concepts such as authenticity and points out the great importance of these documents for further research in diachronic pragmatics.
The Modern Language Journal, Sep 1, 2011
The overall aim of this article is to argue that the functioning of every language system is base... more The overall aim of this article is to argue that the functioning of every language system is based on a potential multilingual competence. The empirical basis for this is now broad enough to gain a comprehensive view on the overall competence of a multilingual individual. Moreover, increasing theoretical reflection has conferred an increasingly independent profile in the field of multilingualism research. In the main part of this article, a definition of multilingualism is proposed and related to the term "multicompetence." The proposed definition of multilingualism, emerging from sociolinguistically rooted studies, distinguishes not only the classical social, institutional, and individual dimensions of observation but includes a new interaction dimension as well. The term "multicompetence" is then discussed in its historical development form on which psycholinguistics oriented studies. The European LINEE project tries to enlarge the concept of multicompetence with the aim of making it suitable for a sociolinguistic embedding. This usage-based approach is presented and further claims for more conceptual reflections in the field of multilingualism are made.
Cambridge University Press eBooks, Mar 28, 2016
Colloquium, Dec 1, 2022
The contribution aims at 1. arguing about a valuable definition of multilingualism-proposing also... more The contribution aims at 1. arguing about a valuable definition of multilingualism-proposing also to connect it with the term multicompetence; 2. giving some examples of how neurolinguistics and sociolinguistics can-adopting an interdisciplinary approach-give important insights into how multilingual experience modulates the brain. 3. It will also propose to look at forgotten phenomena, such as the influence of multilingualism on both sides of language contact: not only in the minority but also in the language majority (language adoption).
Cahiers du Centre de Linguistique et des Sciences du Langage, Apr 9, 2022
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Dec 1, 2015
Questo articolo intende porre l'accento sull'interazione tra il multilinguismo e i meccanismi att... more Questo articolo intende porre l'accento sull'interazione tra il multilinguismo e i meccanismi attentivi in bambini provenienti da un contesto migratorio. L'indagine a cui si riferisce è basata sulla somministrazione dell'Attentional Network Test e di un questionario linguistico a 57 bambini in una scuola a Bolzano. Dalla correlazione dei risultati del test attentivo con i profili linguistici dei singoli partecipanti, e differenziando ulteriormente in base al contesto di provenienza, è possibile dedurre l'influsso del multilinguismo sui meccanismi attentivi. La conoscenza e consapevolezza delle implicazioni del multilinguismo a livello neurocognitivo e l'impatto che esso ha fin dall'infanzia sulle strutture cerebrali e neuronali sono fondamentali ai fini della corretta attuazione degli interventi didattici. Aggiungendo un ulteriore tassello alla ricerca, questa indagine vuole contribuire a corroborare le tesi scientifiche già formulate in questo campo e delucidarne le implicazioni ai fini della prassi didattica.
De Gruyter eBooks, Sep 23, 2019
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, May 17, 2012
The aim of the present study was to investigate the attentional mechanisms of multilingual childr... more The aim of the present study was to investigate the attentional mechanisms of multilingual children with differential degrees of language competence. For this purpose, 118 children (61 female/57 male; mean age 10.9 years (SD = 0.29); early acquisition multilinguals) from the Ladin valleys in South Tyrol, Italy, performed the Attentional Network Test (ANT). Our results proved that proficiency levels in early multilingual children may play a crucial role in the development and enhancement of the alerting component of the attentional system. Interestingly enough, we were able to deduce that linguistic competence rather than competence in other skill domains may have a decisive role in the alerting component. We suggest that the peculiarity of highly competent multilinguals relies on their ability to better detect, and consequently react faster to, the target stimulus than their less competent multilingual peers.
Neuropsychologia, Mar 1, 2018
Speaking more than one language is associated with neurocognitive benefits in seniors (Alladi et ... more Speaking more than one language is associated with neurocognitive benefits in seniors (Alladi et al. 2013). Few studies however have tested this hypothesis directly by comparing bilingual seniors who vary in chronological age. We report a Voxel-Based Morphometry (VBM) study showing cumulative effects of age on grey matter volume (GMV) in brain structures that are involved in cognitive control in bilingual seniors and found no differences in RT or accuracy between bilingual and monolingual seniors on a behavioral test of cognitive control called the Attentional Network Task (ANT), and no differences in GMV for selected ROIs between groups. However, chronological age predicted the size of interference and conflict effects for monolingual speakers only. We also observed a more widespread pattern of bilateral aging-effcts in brain regions that are classically associated with aging in monolingual speakers compared to bilingual speakers. Notably, GMV in the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) and the level of daily exposure to a second language (L2) independently predict performance on the ANT in bilingual speakers. We conclude that regular (daily) bilingual experience mitigates the typical effects of aging on cognitive control at the behavioral and the neural level.
In eigener Sache Wolfgang Klein und die Uli »Denn wir alle begreifen jetzt, daß ein Linguist, der... more In eigener Sache Wolfgang Klein und die Uli »Denn wir alle begreifen jetzt, daß ein Linguist, der sich gegenüber der poetischen Funktion der Sprache verschließt, und ein Literaturwissenschaftler, der sich über linguistische Fragen und Methoden hinwegsetzt, gleicherweise krasse Anachronismen sind.« Roman Jakobson 1 Mit diesem Heft tritt ein weiterer Gründer der LiLi zurück: Wolfgang Klein. Zusammen mit Helmut Kreuzer. Wolfgang Haubrichs und Rul Gunzenhäuser war er maßgeblich daran beteiligt, dass 1971 die Gründung der LiLi-Zeilschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik gelingen konnte. Die Wiege lag in Saarbrücken unter jungen Germanisten und bei fruchtbaren Kontakten, wobei es der >Senior-Partner< Helmut Kreuzer war. der dann auch aus Siegen in den frühen Jahren das Leben und Weiterleben der Zeitschrift beförderte, ja sicherte. Zusammen mit Wolfgang Haubrichs bildete Wolfgang Klein in gewisser Weise das historische Gedächtnis der Zeitschrift, die beide über 41 Jahre und 155 Hefte lang weiterentwickelt haben.
Stauffenburg eBooks, 2017
De Boeck Supérieur eBooks, 2015
Les etudes sur l’acquisition des langues se sont occupees de maniere privilegiee de personnes qui... more Les etudes sur l’acquisition des langues se sont occupees de maniere privilegiee de personnes qui ont l’intention explicite d’apprendre une langue ou sont forcees a le faire, soit pour des raisons de curriculum scolaire, soit pour des raisons socioculturelles. On ne s’est pas encore demande de facon approfondie s’il y a aussi pour les adultes des contextes dans lesquels les langues secondes sont acquises sans etre la cible d’une attention particuliere, sans qu’il y ait de focalisation acquisitionnelle sur les langues.A cet egard, ce chapitre pose deux questions : Une exposition constante mais inapercue a une L2 (c’est-a-dire sans qu’il y ait de focalisation particuliere) pourrait-elle constituer un environnement acquisitionnel ? Si la reponse est positive, les formes produites different-elles fortement des formes acquises dans les contextes ou il y a une focalisation acquisitionnelle ?Les donnees etudiees – plus de 150 conversations avec des germanophones enregistrees a Bâle dans des situations spontanees conduites en italien – permettent de repondre positivement a la premiere question et negativement a la seconde. Les formes produites dans des contextes sans focalisation explicite ne sont pas fondamentalement differentes de celles, produites par les apprenants ou par les personnes qui ont appris une langue dans un contexte explicite, voir scolaire. Il faut neanmoins ajouter que les formes acquises dans des contextes d’acquisition non-focalisee sont extremement vastes et fluctuantes.La perspective adoptee vise donc a une possibilite inverse a celle que l’on est habitue a assumer, a savoir : si on part de l’assomption que l’acquisition des langues se base largement sur l’echange entre N et NN, on peut faire l’hypothese qu’au cours de l’apprentissage, la langue du NN (dans ce cas, l’italien) pourra etre apprise par le N (le germanophone). C’est une hypothese qui n’a pas encore ete soumise a des recherches approfondies. La contribution, se basant sur des donnees en interaction, cherche a donner un support a cette hypothese.
De Gruyter eBooks, Jul 11, 2014
De Gruyter eBooks, Jul 11, 2016
Papers by Rita Franceschini