Papers by Sonny Pangerapan
Based on Local Regulation No. 2 of 2011 concerning Regional Taxes which states the procedure for ... more Based on Local Regulation No. 2 of 2011 concerning Regional Taxes which states the procedure for setting tax rates, the procedure for collecting and paying Restaurant Tax in the City of Manado. Taxpayers are given the authority and trust to be able to calculate, pay and report their own tax amounts. This study aims to determine whether taxpayer knowledge can encourage awareness in fulfilling tax obligations in the city of Manado and what factors prevent taxpayers from fulfilling their obligations. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative analysis. The results of this study indicate that restaurant taxpayers in the city of Manado in terms of knowing the tax regulations that apply to restaurant taxes and calculating the amount of tax to be paid in accordance with the rules of 15 speakers, paying 13 speakers, reporting 11 speakers. The Manado City BP2RD must work closely with the government in conducting socialization/counseling about collecting restaurant taxes and ...
Indonesia Accounting Journal, 2020
Measuring quality qualitatively gave rise to the term quality cost. Quality costs at PT. Putra Ka... more Measuring quality qualitatively gave rise to the term quality cost. Quality costs at PT. Putra Karangetang turned out to have a considerable influence on the profitability of the Company, where by allocating greater costs to control and valuation would reduce the costs of internal failure and the cost of external failure so that the impact on profit was increasing. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of quality costs in increasing profitability at PT. Putra Karangetang. The method used is descriptive qualitative method and using Return On Investment (ROI) as a measure of company profitability. ROI value is influenced by the company's net profit compared to the company's total assets, and the results of research prove that quality costs incurred to produce quality products, and the contribution of quality costs greatly affect the increase in profitability of the company.
The disposal and termination of fixed assets in an entity can be carried out in various ways, lik... more The disposal and termination of fixed assets in an entity can be carried out in various ways, like disposing, selling, and exchanging. The fixed assets are released and discontinued because of damage or fixed assets have been expired so that they no longer provide economic benefits to the company. The accounting treatment for the disposal and termination of fixed assets is seen in terms of recognition, measurement and presentation. This study aims to determine whether the accounting treatment of the disposal and termination of fixed assets is in accordance with PSAK No. 16. The research method used is descriptive method. The collected data and information are in accordance with the facts and actual condition that occur within company. The results show that the accounting treatment of the disposal and termination of fixed assets in terms of recognition and presentation is in accordance with PSAK No. 16. While in terms of measurement, it is still not in accordance with PSAK No. 16.
Tax is a people's contribution to the state that is compelling and the benefits can not be di... more Tax is a people's contribution to the state that is compelling and the benefits can not be directly felt by the community. Account representative (AR) is an employee who is appointed and designated as an Account representative (AR) in the tax service office and each Account representative (AR) has several taxpayers who must be supervised. The purpose of this study was to analyze the performance of Account Representative (AR) in an effort to increase taxpayer compliance at the KPP Pratama Manado. The analytical method used in this study is descriptive. The results of this study indicate that the Account representative (AR) performance for 2014-2016 has been going well even though in 2014 and 2015 seen from the indicators of proposed special examinations and indicators of visit visit performance Account representative (AR) has not reached the target, but in 2016 already achieve the target and for the level of taxpayer compliance in KPP Pratama Manado in 2014-2016 is still low but ...
Fixed assets are the most instrumental in supporting the operational activities of the company, f... more Fixed assets are the most instrumental in supporting the operational activities of the company, fixed assets are used to run the business operations of the company to produce goods or services. Therefore, it is necessary to apply a fixed asset accounting to avoid the occurrence of errors that will affect the financial statements for financial statement information will impact as a decision-making material. The purpose of this research is to know the company's policy regarding the application of fixed asset accounting based on Statement of Financial Accounting Standards. The analytical method used by the author is descriptive analysis with qualitative approach, using direct interview technique, documentation and email. From the results of the study can be concluded that the company run accounting activities guided by accounting policies that have led to Statement of Financial Accounting Standards about fixed assets.Keywords : Fixed Assets, Statement of Financial Accounting Standards
The collection of land and building tax is based on law no. 12 year 1985. Land and building tax f... more The collection of land and building tax is based on law no. 12 year 1985. Land and building tax for rural and urban district is a new potential income for own-source revenue. The purpose of this research is to find out the effectiveness and contribution of land and building tax for rural and urban district as a own-source revenue for Minahasa District, Northern Minahasa District, and Manado City. This research uses the qualitative descriptive method. Method that used for data collection in this research is direct interview with the parties appointed by the Local Revenue Office in each district. Result of the research shows that the effectiveness of land and building tax for rural and urban district for Northern Minahasa District is 103,26% (very effective), Manado City is 95,52% (effective), and Minahasa District is 69,78% (less effective). The contributions of land and building tax for rural and urban district for own-source revenue for Northern Minahasa District is 17,27% (less), ...
One of the efforts to achieve the country's development by exploring the source of funds from... more One of the efforts to achieve the country's development by exploring the source of funds from domestic sources in the form of taxes but awareness of the taxpayers are less concerned in paying taxes therefore tax collection should be the goal so that taxpayers can settle their tax debt. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of collection action with a letter of reprimand and forced letter as well as the effectiveness of tax collection with a letter of reprimand and forced letter to the disbursement of tax arrears on KPP Tahuna. In this study using a comparative descriptive. Based on the research results can be seen the level of effectiveness of tax collection by the warning letter and the letter and forced in 2012-2015 are less effective because they brought indicators of the effectiveness of 60%. Some things cause payment letter of reprimand and forced letter did not reach 100% among others existence of difficulties in finding residence address of the taxpayer, the...
Motor vehicle tax is a potential tax in local revenue. Progressive tax on motor vehic... more Motor vehicle tax is a potential tax in local revenue. Progressive tax on motor vehicles is valid from January 2012 in North Sulawesi based on the implementation of the Provincial Regulation No. 7 of 2011 on Regional Taxes. The purpose of this study is to know the implementation of progressive tax on motor vehicles in North Minahasa District and to determine the inhibiting factor appear in the implementation of progressive tax implementation. The method used in this research is descriptive method that is by collecting data from the results of the research and then analyzing and drawing conclusions from the research. The results obtained that the implementation of progressive tax on motor vehicles in North Minahasa District has been implemented based on existing regulations and taxpayers also have to pay motor vehicle tax based on prevailing rates. However, there are inhibiting factors in the implementation of progressive tax, namely the factor of officers who carry out d...
Tax is one of the very potential and quite dominant revenue because it has the function of budget... more Tax is one of the very potential and quite dominant revenue because it has the function of budget and regulations. Taxation in which there is a VAT element is also part of the government's fiscal policy because one type of tax imposed by the government is Value Added Tax (VAT). The purpose of this study is to determine the application of Value Added Tax conducted by PT. Nenggapratama Internusantara. Based on the results of the research, the Application of Value Added Tax PT. Nenggapratama Internusantara is in conformity with Law no. 42 of 2009. The accounting treatment of Value Added Tax by PT. Nenggapratama Internusantara as a taxable entrepreneur is in accordance with Law no. 42 of 2009 which is 10% for domestic delivery.Keywords: Value Added Tax (VAT), Input Tax, Output Tax
Internal auditors have an important role in the company such as can provide suggestions for impro... more Internal auditors have an important role in the company such as can provide suggestions for improvement within the company to avoid fraud that can lead to losses in the company. This study aims to determine whether the internal auditors in PDAM Airmadidi already run functions well and have been able to detect and prevent fraud in the company. The method used in this research is descriptive by describing the function of internal auditor through job description and internal auditor program in detecting and preventing fraud. The result of the research revealed that internal auditor function in detecting and preventing fraud in PDAM Airmadidi that internal auditor has performed function well can be seen from the duty of internal auditor: conduct examination either routine audit or special audit in which there is assessment on control system, supervision, inspection and provide suggestions for improvement within the company. The importance of management awareness of the internal control ...
Surface water tax is one of the local taxes levied by the provincial government as one of the sou... more Surface water tax is one of the local taxes levied by the provincial government as one of the sources of local revenue. Surface water taxes are a tax on the collection and/or utilization of surface water. The objective of this research is to know the use of surface water tax accounting whether the use of surface water tax has been in accordance with applicable laws, tax laws and local regulations. The research was conducted at the Regional Water Supply Company (PDAM) of North Minahasa Regency which is located at Worang By Pass Street Number 1, District Airmadidi. The method used in this research is comparative descriptive method. The results show that the PDAM of North Minahasa Regency calculated and paid a relatively small surface water tax for 2014, 2015 and 2016.Keywords : tax, surface water, evaluation
Organizations to achieve sustainable position and possible opportunities requires efficient infor... more Organizations to achieve sustainable position and possible opportunities requires efficient information systems. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the implementation an internal control in accounting information system cash receipt in Big Fish hotel (Piere Tendean Number. 107-108 Boulevard Manado). This research approach is qualitative descriptive with the type of case study research. Types of data used are primary data and secondary data. Data were collected through a preliminary survey, field research, observation, interviews, and documentation. The result show that accounting informations systems cash receipt at this hotel has been have well internal control. Although there were many problem has found, that there is no a job rotation to maintain employee independence in carrying out their duties, he absence of an internal supervisory unit that can guarantee security and finances, there is no surprising audit to check accurately.Keywords : Accounting Information System, Cash...
The treasurer as functional officer has the obligation to deposit and report the tax payable. Exa... more The treasurer as functional officer has the obligation to deposit and report the tax payable. Examples of taxes that must be deposited and reported by the treasurer are Value Added Tax and Tax Article 22 in the activities of procurement of goods. Procurement of goods for the government is a process of activities to meet or provide the needs and supply of goods for central and local governments. The purpose of this study is to know how to calculate, deposit, and report Value Added Tax and Income Tax Article 22 on Procurement of Goods at Kantor Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangunan Perwakilan Sulawesi Utara. This research method using qualitative descriptive method. The result of the research shows that the calculation of Value Added Tax is subject to 10% tariff and for Tax of Article 22 is charged 1.5% tariff then deposited using billing code to Bank BNI. Calculation of VAT and Income Tax Article 22 in 2017 at Kantor Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangunan Perwakilan Sulawesi U...
Tax revenues include receipt tax and customs and excise, became the backbone of the state budget.... more Tax revenues include receipt tax and customs and excise, became the backbone of the state budget. Achievement of the target of the tax over the years yet provide maximum results. As the parties directly involved in the procedure of tax collection tax officials (tax authorities) became one of the factors that affect tax revenues. This study aims to determine the effect of the tax assessment and tax collection to tax revenues. The sampling method using a saturation sampling consisting of 50 respondents in the Tax Office Pratama of Manado. This study uses a quantitative analysis using multiple regression method. The results showed that the variable tax audit and tax collection influence positive and significant the variable tax revenue.Keywords: Tax Audit, Tax Collection, Tax Revenue.
Cooperative is an association established by persons or legal entities of cooperative... more Cooperative is an association established by persons or legal entities of cooperatives that have limited economic ability, with the aim to improve the welfare of its members. Revenues and expenses are an important component of financial statements because different treatment of income and expenses will result in changes in the resulting financial statements. Financial Accounting Standards intended for cooperative entities are SAK ETAP. This study aims to determine the accounting treatment of income and expenses on Cooperative Employees Karya Sampurna PT. Bank Mandiri in accordance with SAK ETAP. The research method used in this thesis research is descriptive method whose purpose each data collected in the analysis and then drawn a conclusion and the type of research used is qualitative descriptive. The results obtained that the accounting treatment of income and expenses on Cooperative Employees Karya Sampurna PT. Bank Mandiri is in compliance with SAK ETAP.Keywords: Acc...
Tax is a very potential alternative in order to raise the fund. Based on that, then increased pub... more Tax is a very potential alternative in order to raise the fund. Based on that, then increased public awareness in this regard should be supported with an increase in the taxation of an active role in gonverment to improve people’s welfare and encoraging people to take responsiblity and play o role in the development of economic development. The purpose of this research is to know whether exist or not the influence of activated the billing system on taxpayer’s. The research methode used simple linear regression analysis and for data was processed using SPSS V.17, The results showed that the relationship between the active billing with the level of tax arrears of individual taxpayer’s in the Tax Office Primary Manado no significant effect and classified as ineffective with the value of correlation Pearson of letter warning of -.299 and a letter of force of -370, while the contributions given billing active of delinquent disbursement personal taxpayer’s is 18,3%, the rest of it is 81,...
Employee benefits are rewards give by an entity to workers for services provided by workers or fo... more Employee benefits are rewards give by an entity to workers for services provided by workers or for termination of employment contracts. The purpose of this study was to find out how the application of PSAK 24 concerning Employee Benefits at PT. Angkasa Pura Manado's Sam Ratulangi Airport. This research was conducted with a qualitative descriptive method through case studies at PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Manado's Sam Ratulangi Airport by collecting data through interviews and analysis of documents obtained from companies that support research. The results of the study show that PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) has provided all employee benefits according to PSAK 24, namely short-term employee benefits, post-employment benefits, other long-term employee benefits and severance pay. Companies must maintain the application of employee benefits that are in accordance with PSAK 24 and keep up with the latest developments in the regulations on employee benefits in Indonesia.
The purpose of this study to Analyses the Accounting Treatment and the Goods and Serv... more The purpose of this study to Analyses the Accounting Treatment and the Goods and Service spending on Department of Empowerment of Women Employment and Protection of Children of North Sulawesi Province in accordance with applicable regulations. Accounting treatment is the treatment on goods and service include recognition, measurement, presentment, and disclosure. The purpose of this study to determine the accounting treatment on Department of Empowerment of Women Employment and Protection of Children of North Sulawesi Province. The methods used in this research is a qualitative descriptive. The results obtained that The Accounting Treatment of Goods and Service in Department of Empowerment of Women Employment and Protection of Children of North Sulawesi Province is already Accrual based and the reporting has been arranged in accordance with Minister of Home Affairs Regulations No. 64 of 2013 concerning Implementation of accrual Based Government Accounting Standards.Keywo...
Income tax (VAT) is a tax levied on income earned by a taxpayer or entity. Income tax article 17 ... more Income tax (VAT) is a tax levied on income earned by a taxpayer or entity. Income tax article 17 and article 4, paragraph 2 is one of the taxes that are used by the taxpayer or the body to calculate the tax to be paid to the government. The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the process of calculation of Income Tax Article 17 and Article 4 paragraph 2 so that taxpayers can know the magnitude comparison of tax payments by using Tax Article 17 and Income Tax Article 4, paragraph 2 also taxpayers can determine the article where the right to apply in the company. The research was conducted in the city of Manado on the CV. Melania. The method used in this research is descriptive method. Data collection techniques that will be done is by way of literature research, documentation, and interviews. Keywords: Income Tax, Income Tax Article 17, Income Tax Article 4 paragraph 2.
Increased Local Revenue is highly determined by its components, such as local taxes, and local ta... more Increased Local Revenue is highly determined by its components, such as local taxes, and local taxes are also determined by the components of the tax itself. The boarding house is one of the tax types incorporated in the hotel tax as stipulated in Law no. 28/2009 concerning Regional Taxes and Regional Levies on the provisions of which the hotel reads is the facility of providing lodging services, lodging including other related services with fee, which includes as well as motels, guesthouses, tourism huts, pensions, lodging houses and the like and boarding houses with more than 10 rooms. The purpose of this study is to determine the potential and effectiveness of local taxes on boarding houses in Kotamobagu City. The method used in this research method is qualitative. Tax receipts earned from 5 months will potentially increase PAD. As well as tax collection of boarding houses in Kotamobagu City experienced an effective increase in the first 5 months. The researcher concludes that th...
Papers by Sonny Pangerapan