Papers by Stefanie Stadler Elmer
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2008
to reconstruct the strategies children apply to invent or learn new songs. The empirical results ... more to reconstruct the strategies children apply to invent or learn new songs. The empirical results from children at various ages demonstrate that the focus on the analysis of the organisation of the vocal expression is a promising research strategy.
Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie, 2001
Zusammenfassung. Die klangliche Gestaltung von Sprache ist eine komplex strukturierte Handlung, d... more Zusammenfassung. Die klangliche Gestaltung von Sprache ist eine komplex strukturierte Handlung, die in der Form von Liedern als vielseitiges und variabel geregeltes Kulturgut praktiziert wird. Text und Melodie werden derart koordiniert, dass eine parallel hierarchische Organisation entsteht, die eine kohärente Einheit bildet. Die Lied-Erfindungen einer Person bringen zum Ausdruck, wie differenziert, komplex, flexibel und kreativ die konventionellen Regeln der sprach-musikalischen Gestaltung implizit verstanden und angewendet werden können. Acht Lied-Erfindungen eines 9-jährigen Mädchens wurden mit Unterstützung einer computerisierten Methode analysiert. Die Organisation der Sprache, der Verlauf der Tonhöhen und der Zeit sind grafisch dargestellt. Die detaillierten Beschreibungen lassen erkennen, wie das Mädchen sich selbst sprach-melodische Regeln setzt und im zeitlichen Verlauf vokal anwendet. Es verwendet wiederkehrende sprachliche und melodische Strukturen, die es nacheinander el...
The mission of the IPTS is to provide customer-driven support to the EU policy-making process by ... more The mission of the IPTS is to provide customer-driven support to the EU policy-making process by researching science-based responses to policy challenges that have both a socio-economic and a scientific or technological dimension. ... European Commission Joint Research ...
Frontiers in Psychology
From a biological point of view, the singing of songs is based on the human vocal learning capaci... more From a biological point of view, the singing of songs is based on the human vocal learning capacity. It is universally widespread in all cultures. The transmission of songs is an elementary cultural practice, by which members of the older generations introduce both musico-linguistic rules and affect-regulative means to the younger ones. Traditionally, informal singing in familiar settings primarily subserves affect-regulation goals, whereas formal song transmission is embedded in various normative claims and interests, such as preserving cultural heritage and representing collective and national identity. Songs are vocal acts and abstract models that are densely structured and conform to cultural rules. Songs mirror each generations’ wishes, desires, values, hopes, humor, and stories and rest on unfathomable traditions of our cultural and human history. Framed in the emerging scientific field of didactics, I argue that research on formal song transmission needs to make explicit the ...
British Journal of Music Education, Nov 1, 2022
Through micro-genetic analysis of early singing, I describe and explain the complexity of song as... more Through micro-genetic analysis of early singing, I describe and explain the complexity of song as an elementary cultural expression. For educators, it is important to understand the key role of song with and by young children as a means to convey feelings and musico-linguistic rules. Song consists of melody and lyrics, both of which are connected by metrical rules to form a Gestalt. A song sung by 18-month-old Lynn exemplifies that she produces the melody with ease, but shows difficulty forming the words. By following rules, she forms and expresses feelings of belonging to those who shared their singing with her previously.
Führung und Verantwortung in Zeiten des geopolitischen Umbruchs 54 Identität: Wer bin ich und wo ... more Führung und Verantwortung in Zeiten des geopolitischen Umbruchs 54 Identität: Wer bin ich und wo gehöre ich dazu?
In den Forschungsberichten der Hochschule Luzern-Musik werden Ergebnisse aus Forschungsund Entwic... more In den Forschungsberichten der Hochschule Luzern-Musik werden Ergebnisse aus Forschungsund Entwicklungsprojekten dem Fachpublikum und der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht. Herausgegeben von der Hochschule Luzern-Musik. © Hochschule Luzern-Musik, 2014 Dieses Dokument ist als elektronische Publikation frei zugänglich. Es untersteht dem urheberrechtlichen Schutz, darf aber zur nicht-kommerziellen Nutzung und unter Nennung von Autor und Quelle als unverändertes Ganzes im elektronischen Format weitergegeben werden. Für jede weitergehende Nutzung, soweit nicht von den gesetzlichen Schranken erfasst, bedarf es der ausdrücklichen vorgängigen Einwilligung der Hochschule Luzern-Musik
This paper describes the motivation for, and the design of, a mobile device for music making for ... more This paper describes the motivation for, and the design of, a mobile device for music making for children that aims to improve inclusion and reduce isolation in groups of children, and especially where some children have attention deficiencies or whose language is different from that of the host country. The paper begins with a summary of the literature that places the research in context, briefly describes the approaches taken by the research team to design the technology, and then outlines the key features of the proposed solution. Finally, the paper outlines some of the challenges that the team expects to face, both from an R and D perspective and also from the point of view of evaluating the impact of the solution, before outlining where the project aims to go next.
The Routledge Companion to Interdisciplinary Studies in Singing, 2020
In this chapter I explore the proposal that singing is the earliest musical expression and even t... more In this chapter I explore the proposal that singing is the earliest musical expression and even the candidate precursor of speaking. I postulate canonical babbling to be the precursor not only of speech but of song as well, and I argue that syllables are the building blocks of both, yet differently formed and organized. Accordingly, I outline and empirically illustrate the role of syllables in song and speech, and how the infant starts applying the contrasting rules for the two domains
Vorwort 10 Beispielsweise wäre in diesem Zusammenhang zu untersuchen, wie und warum sich bestimmt... more Vorwort 10 Beispielsweise wäre in diesem Zusammenhang zu untersuchen, wie und warum sich bestimmte musiktheoretische Normen durchsetzen und verbreiten konnten und inwiefern Sprachen eine derartige Normierung begüngstigt haben.
Sprache & Kognition, 1985
Swiss Journal of Educational Research, 2018
Journal of Social Inclusion, 2011
Social inclusion is considered to be a key element in maintaining a balanced society (such as in ... more Social inclusion is considered to be a key element in maintaining a balanced society (such as in preventing high rates of unemployment). Music and arts programmes in communities have been found to facilitate feelings of social inclusion in citizens, in particular amongst the youth. The exact influence of such activities on social inclusion is not known, however, nor are there any formal, empirically-tested comprehensive assessment instruments for the concept. The current study (see footnote 1) explored the connections between children's musical backgrounds and their feelings of social inclusion, as well as developed and tested an instrument for assessing social inclusion with children. Data were gathered with 110 8-11year-old children in the UK and Finland. Statistical analysis was carried out on the social inclusion instrument in order to assess its reliability, validity and effectiveness. Statistical analysis was also conducted on potential connections between the children's musical background factors and their feelings of social inclusion. The results indicated that the new instrument can be used in educational and clinical settings with children when assessing their feelings of social inclusion. In addition, children felt more socially included when they played a musical instrument or sang with their family or friends every few days.
Psychology of Music, 2000
In psychological and cross-cultural (e.g. ethnomusicological) research the analysis of song-singi... more In psychological and cross-cultural (e.g. ethnomusicological) research the analysis of song-singing had always been an intricate and serious obstacle. Singing is a transient and mostly unstable patterning of vocal sounds that is organised by applying more or less linguistic and musical rules. Traditionally, a sung performance has been analysed by mere listening and by using the western musical notation for representing its structure. Since this method neglects any in-between categories with respect to pitch and time, it proves to be culturally biased. However, acoustic measures as used in speech analysis have had limited application and were primarily used to quantify isolated parameters of sung performances. For analysing and representing the organisation of pitch in relation to the syllables of the lyrics, and its temporal structure, we devised a computer-aided method in combination with a new symbolic representation. The computer program provides detailed acoustic measures on pit...
Papers by Stefanie Stadler Elmer