Papers by Sacit Hadi Akdede
Journal of international migration and integration, Feb 1, 2024
Review of Economics
Using data on 71 aid recipient countries over the period 2000–2019, this study examines the effec... more Using data on 71 aid recipient countries over the period 2000–2019, this study examines the effect of the size and composition of foreign aid (Official Development Assistance, ODA) on economic growth. The size of ODA is positively correlated with growth, and the impact of an increase in ODA on growth decreases when ODA reaches a certain level. The influence of the composition of ODA in terms of grants and loans on growth is estimated differently depending on sample selection. The sample is divided into two sub-samples based on the median of the corruption perception index. The regression results show that grants have a positive and significant impact on growth without sample selection. However, loans have a positive and significant impact on growth in the sub-sample of less corrupt countries, but a negative and significant impact on growth in the sub-sample of more corrupt countries. Therefore, the results suggest that ODA is useful for inducing growth in the early stages of develop...
The main purpose of this paper is to explicitly derive the possible bias in the Solow residual wh... more The main purpose of this paper is to explicitly derive the possible bias in the Solow residual when there is imperfect competition and non-constant returns to scale. As is known very well, the standard Solow residual assumes perfect competition and constant returns to scale. As is also known, Solow residual is one of the measures of total factor productivity. Therefore, if there is imperfect competition and non-constant returns to scale, then standard Solow measure of productivity will be biased and all the comparisons based on this residual will be unreliable. In this study, we shed some light on these issues.
Subsidies to private theatres are one of the main cultural policy problems of many countries. Inc... more Subsidies to private theatres are one of the main cultural policy problems of many countries. Increasing the number of audience is an important priority of many countries' cultural policies. Private theatreas like public theatres are important cultural entities to increase the number of audience in many countries. The main goals of public theatres can be also met by private theatres if the governmet subsidies them. In addition, private theatres can serve very well to the cultural diversity of countries. State theatre, in politically polarized countries like Turkey, can not provide cultural diversity since they can not produce political plays. If government draws a good defined cultural subsidy program, it can provide fiscal aid to any theatre that meets the requirements of subdity program. Market structure of private theatres all over the world is close to perfect competion. It is not monopoly, but monopolistic comptetition. If the number of private theatres is increasing, it does not mean that the market becomes competely capitalistic. Theatre sector is not like cinema, TV, or media sector. There are more private theatres than public theatres in more developed countries and most of them get government subsidy from central and local governments.
Çağdaş Yerel Yönetimler, 2005
Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2015
Journal of Life Economics, 2018
Bu makalede sanatların politiklik derecesi ile sanat üretiminin finansman biçimleri arasındaki il... more Bu makalede sanatların politiklik derecesi ile sanat üretiminin finansman biçimleri arasındaki ilişki araştırılmıştır. Öncelikle, neo-klasik ekonomi teorisine göre devletin sanatsal ürünleri neden desteklemesi gerektiği matematiksel olarak açıklanmıştır. Ardından, sanatların politiklik derecesine göre sınıflanması ve sıralanması yapılmıştır. Söze ve yazıya dayanan sanatların, tiyatro gibi, söze ve yazıya dayanmayan sanatlara göre, klasik müzik gibi daha politik olduğu vurgulanmıştır. Devlet ve sanat ilişkisi, sanat ve piyasa mekanizması ilişkisi, sanatların bu politik olma durumuna göre ayrı ayrı incelenmiştir. Devletin ve vakıflar gibi kurumların genellikle politiklik derecesi düşük sanat eserlerini veya türlerini daha çok destekledikleri örneklerle açıklanmıştır.
Applied Economics Letters, Oct 10, 2006
This paper investigates increasing returns to information and the survival of Turkish public thea... more This paper investigates increasing returns to information and the survival of Turkish public theatre productions. Log size and rank relationship is found to display autocorrelated growth in a sample of 556 plays put on stage in the Turkish public theatre system in 12 different cities between 1998 and 2003. The lifetime of plays is also investigated and the features of
Social Science Research Network, 2023
Journal of Economy Culture and Society
PLOS ONE, 2021
The first aim of this study is to investigate the role of the EU Blue Card programme implemented ... more The first aim of this study is to investigate the role of the EU Blue Card programme implemented in 2012 in Germany. In particular, we aim to explore the impact on the participation in cultural activities of first-generation non-European Union (EU) and non-European Economic Area (EEA) migrants, such as attendance to cinema, concerts and theatre. The second aim is to examine the impact of cultural activities on subjective well-being (SWB), measured by life satisfaction. We compare the cultural participation and life satisfaction between the treatment group that is the non-EU/EEA first-generation immigrants and the control group that consists, not only of natives and second-generation immigrants but also composes of EU/EEA first-generation immigrants who are not eligible to the programme. We will apply a sharp and a fuzzy regression discontinuity design (RDD) within a seemingly unrelated regression equations (SURE) system using the Ordered Probit method. The empirical analysis relies ...
34. International Public Finance Conference, 2019
Subsidies to private theatres are one of the main cultural policy problems of many countries. Inc... more Subsidies to private theatres are one of the main cultural policy problems of many countries. Increasing the number of audience is an important priority of many countries' cultural policies. Private theatreas like public theatres are important cultural entities to increase the number of audience in many countries. The main goals of public theatres can be also met by private theatres if the governmet subsidies them. In addition, private theatres can serve very well to the cultural diversity of countries. State theatre, in politically polarized countries like Turkey, can not provide cultural diversity since they can not produce political plays. If government draws a good defined cultural subsidy program, it can provide fiscal aid to any theatre that meets the requirements of subdity program. Market structure of private theatres all over the world is close to perfect competion. It is not monopoly, but monopolistic comptetition. If the number of private theatres is increasing, it does not mean that the market becomes competely capitalistic. Theatre sector is not like cinema, TV, or media sector. There are more private theatres than public theatres in more developed countries and most of them get government subsidy from central and local governments.
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Jun 1, 2008
Küçük ve Orta Büyüklükteki İşletmeler (KOBİ), hem gelişmiş ve hem de gelişmekte olan ülke ekonomi... more Küçük ve Orta Büyüklükteki İşletmeler (KOBİ), hem gelişmiş ve hem de gelişmekte olan ülke ekonomilerinde önemli bir yer tutmakta ve istihdamın önemli bir kısmını yaratmaktadırlar. Öte yandan, verimlilik tüm işletmeler için hayati önem taşımakta ve işletmelerin varlıklarını sürdürmeleri için bir ön şart olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, işletme ve bilişim sistemleri literatüründe organizasyonların verimliliği ile ilgili öngörülen değişkenler, Aydın ilindeki KOBİ'ler üzerinde ampirik olarak test edilmiştir. Başta bilgi teknolojileri ve insan kaynakları değişkenleri olmak üzere, verimlilik faktörlerinin işletme performansı üzerine etki edebilecek ve literatürde yer alan çeşitli değişkenler kullanılarak bazı regresyon modelleri kurulmuş ve test edilmiştir.
Social Science Research Network, 2021
Vergi Sorunları Dergisi, 2019
This paper investigates the relative efficiency of public (state) libraries of major cities in Tu... more This paper investigates the relative efficiency of public (state) libraries of major cities in Turkey by applying a data envelopment analysis. Scale, technical, and overall efficiency scores are calculated. It is found that there is a negative correlation between economic and social development index of the cities and efficiency scores of state libraries of same cities. In order to understand the sources of technical inefficiencies, the slack analysis is employed. Book collection and library staff are turned out to be the most problematic inputs and library members and lending of the books the most problematic outputs.
Yönetim ve Ekonomi, Aug 24, 2020
This paper empirically investigates the determinants of political polarization. Size of governmen... more This paper empirically investigates the determinants of political polarization. Size of government and income distribution are the main independent variables along with other controlling variables. The statistical analysis uses OLS and 2SLS methodogies. The sample of countries includes 61 countries and time period spans between 1990 and 2015. Results of regressions analysis indicate that increased income inequality increases political polarization. Political polarization is derived from World Values Survey (WVS). It is measured as standard deviation of responses to the question "what is role for government". In addition, results of our empirical analysis indicates that increased governemt size reduces the political polarization. The paper explains the links for these findings.
Economics Bulletin, Feb 27, 2012
Empirical Studies of The Arts, Aug 10, 2016
In this article, a system of equations is estimated, and the determinants of attendance for plays... more In this article, a system of equations is estimated, and the determinants of attendance for plays put on stage by the General Directorate of State Theatres in Turkey are investigated for the 2002 to 2003 season. We disaggregated attendance by type (discounted vs. single tickets) and by location. Our results suggest that the preferences of single and discounted ticket buyers are different. Specifically, we found that for discounted ticket holders, live theatre is negatively affected by price, but that for single ticket holders, the consumption of live theatre displays properties of the Veblen effect. We speculate whether this could be evidence of the Veblen effect for the consumption of the arts in general and for consumption of state financed live theatre for the Turkish case.
International Journal of Manpower, May 6, 2014
Purpose-The aim of this paper is to investigate the development elasticities of religious assets ... more Purpose-The aim of this paper is to investigate the development elasticities of religious assets namely, the relationship between the stock of religious assets (religious buildings like mosques, mescits, turbehs, etc.) and economic development. Design/methodology/approach-Development elasticities of religious assets with respect to development is empirically investigated for a cross-section of all Turkish cities with municipal authorities. Two different regression analyses use religious building in total number of building and percentage share of religiously conservatives parties vote as the dependent variable. Independent variables include various development measures. Findings-It is found that the stock of religious assets is negatively related to the development. Also, it is found that economic development and the stock of religious assets have a non-linear relationship. Religious assets increase with industrialization first, however, as the industrialization increases more, they decrease. Coastal towns have smaller religious assets. Mosques/masjits and schools are complements rather than substitutes as they statistically significantly affect each other positively. For robustness check, a different measure of religiosity is used in empirical research. Vote shares of religiously conservative parties are smaller in developed regions of the country. In other words, religiously conservative parties attracted the poor or less developed parts of the country. Practical implications-Economic development and religious assets are related to each other in a developing country case study. Increased economic development can cause religious assets to decline in this particular case study. Originality/value-This paper uses a novel data set to study the relationship between development and religion in a developing country.
Papers by Sacit Hadi Akdede