Nozzle rig pada bangku uap (steam bench) merupakan alat yang berfungsi untuk mengubah energi teka... more Nozzle rig pada bangku uap (steam bench) merupakan alat yang berfungsi untuk mengubah energi tekanan dari uap menjadi energi kinetik , dimana tekanan akan diubah dari tekanan yang tinggi menjadi tekanan yang lebih rendah. Uap yang mengalir dalam nozzle akan menempati tempat disekitarnya dengan cepat , maka dari itu ,ekspansi didalam nozzle dikatakan adiabatis. Pada Laboratorium Teknik Konversi Energi di Politeknik Negeri Bandung , nozzle rig pada steam bench tersebut sudah lama tidak digunakan sehingga munculnya indikasi kerusakan pasa nozzle dan pembacaan tekanan yang tidak akurat. Dengan dilakukannya perbaikan maka kinerja pada nozzle rig bisa dilakukan dengan menghitung kecepatan aliran uap, laju aliran massa uap, dan bilangan Reynolds. Penurunan tekanan pada setiap titik probe berbeda-beda tergantung pada berapa tekanan uap yang masuk pada nozzle. Nilai perhitungan aktual lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan perhitungan teoritis dikarenakan adanya losses yang terjadi pada saat uap me...
In Indonesia, which is an archipelagic country with unique diversity on each island, conflictsoft... more In Indonesia, which is an archipelagic country with unique diversity on each island, conflictsoften occur between one another. In the school, there are some conflicts between students whodo not understand multiculturalism. Therefore, this research has been done at SMP Negeri 7Muaro Jambi in Jambi Province to know the understanding of students about multiculturalism.This research is qualitative research by observing and distributing Google Forms. The results ofthis study indicate that some students have understood and practiced multiculturalism in schoolwhile others still need to be given further guidance.Keywords : Implementasi, Multikultural, Budaya
The International Journal of Management, Oct 1, 2019
This study aims to analyze the influence of Human Resources, Internal Control on the quality of f... more This study aims to analyze the influence of Human Resources, Internal Control on the quality of financial statement that are moderate by Accounting Information System (In Financial Bureau and equipment of the Secretariat general). This research uses primary data in distributing questionnaires to the financial who works in financial bureau and equipment of the secretariat general located in Jakarta, Indonesia. This study uses a purposive sampling method in data collection. Data obtained by collecting 120 questionnaires. 120 questionnaires or ninety four point five percent of the total distribution of questionnaires can be processed. Data were analyzed by multiple regression using SPSS. The results of the 120 respondents who answered the questionnaire showed that human resources, internal control, accounting information systems have a significant effect on the quality of financial statements either partially or simultaneously.
Pemanfaatan media sosial dewasa ini sangatlah berkembang pesat pada instansi pemerintahan maupun ... more Pemanfaatan media sosial dewasa ini sangatlah berkembang pesat pada instansi pemerintahan maupun organisasi untuk berkomunikasi dan menyampaikan informasi kepada khalayak luas atau publik. Salah satu instansi pemerintahan yang memanfaatkan media sosial adalah Kementerian Perdagangan. Media sosial termasuk twitter menyediakan sejumlah peluang untuk pemerintah khususnya divisi humas dalam bentuk membangun hubungan baik dengan publik, mengembangkan komunikasi dengan publik, dan lain sebagainya. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengelolaan media sosial oleh humas Kementerian Perdagangan RI untuk menyampaikan informasi kepada publiknya melalui akun media sosial twitter @Kemendag. Penelitian ini menggunakan landasan teori potensi-potensi besar yang dimanfaatkan oleh E-PR (Cyber PR) perusahaan, yaitu komunikasi konstan, respon cepat, pasar global, interaktif, komunikasi dua arah dan hemat. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi deskriptif kualitatif deng...
Penelitian ini berfokus pada pengujian pengaruh pengungkapan corporate social responsibilities ya... more Penelitian ini berfokus pada pengujian pengaruh pengungkapan corporate social responsibilities yang mengacu pada global reporting initiative (GRI) guidelines G-3 terhadap nilai perusahaan. Penungkapan CSR diukur dari total skor dari tiap tiap dimensi penungkapan CSR berdasarkan dengan petunjuk GRI G-3 dalam pelaporan laporan keuangan perusahaan. Versi yang dapat diterapkan dari standar pelaporan GRI adalah GRI G-3. Nilai perusahaan diuur dengan nilai Tobin’s Q masingg masing perusahaan. Hipotesis yang diuji menggunakan SPSS 16 metode regresi sederhana dengan 9 sampel perusahaan manufaktur subsector makanan dan minuman yang terdaftar dibursa efek Indonesia dan mengungkapkan CSR di laporan tahunan tahun 2010-2015. Hasil dari penelitian memberikan bukti empiris bahwa penungkapan CSR dengan seluruh dimensi secara keseluruhan memiliki pengaruh yang negative dan signifikan terhadap nilai perusahaan. Hasil ini sangat berbeda dengan hasil penelitian pada umumnya yang menunjukan bahwa pengar...
This study aims to determine the performance efficiency of sharia equity funds invested by PT Asu... more This study aims to determine the performance efficiency of sharia equity funds invested by PT Asuransi Takaful Umum for three years, from 2012 to 2014. The research method used is descriptive quantitative with the sampling technique using a purposive sampling method. The data analysis technique used is the Envelopment Data Analyzer using Banxia Frontier 4.2 software. The results showed that the efficient performance of shari'ah equity funds invested by PT. General takaful insurance through testing the input and output orientation of the DEA CCR and BCC models is BNP Paribas Pesona Amanah mutual funds and Sharia Shares with a score of 100 each. Sharia, close to the efficient score, is the CIMB Islamic Equity Growth Sharia mutual fund with a score of 92.6. The most inefficient sharia equity fund is the Panin Dana Sharia mutual fund with a score of 47.18. The input and output variables that most dominantly affect sharia equity funds' inefficiencies are investment management ser...
Background and Aim: The use of drugs as a therapy for traumatic ulcers may lead to drug resistanc... more Background and Aim: The use of drugs as a therapy for traumatic ulcers may lead to drug resistance and other side effects. Lactobacillus casei Shirota can affect the number of fibroblasts and blood vessels in wound healing. The aim of this study was to investigate the difference in the number of fibroblast cells and blood vessels after the topical and systemic administration of L. casei Shirota probiotics in Wistar rats with traumatic ulcer. Materials and Methods: Overall, 36 healthy male Wistar rats aged 2-3 months old and weighing 175-250 g in body weight were used as a sample. Traumatic ulcer was made on the labial fornix incisive inferior. The subject rats were divided into groups: (1) A control group over 3 days, (2) a group that used distilled water over 7 days, (3) a group that underwent topical treatment over 3 days, (4) a group that used probiotics administered topically over 7 days, (5) a group that underwent systemic treatment over 3 days, and (6) a group that took oral p...
Backgrounnd: Dental anxiety can be a problem, both for dentists and patients. Basic Health Resear... more Backgrounnd: Dental anxiety can be a problem, both for dentists and patients. Basic Health Research states that as many as 57.6% of Indonesian people suffer from dental and mouth problems and only 10.2% of that number goes to the dentist, which can be caused by dental anxiety. Someone who has dental anxiety will avoid and refuse to check the condition of their teeth, which will adversely affect the health of the oral cavity. Purposes: Examining the differences in levels of dental anxiety in healthcare and non-healthcare students at Universitas Airlangga. Method: This study uses a quantitative type of cross-sectional method involving healthcare and nonhealthcare students and is carried out througout on campus A and campus B of Universitas Airlangga by random sampling. Data collection procedures were carried out through the Corah Dental Anxiety Scale (DAS) questionnaire with a few modifications that were disseminated online. Then the data analysis was performed using the chi square method to get results. Result and Discussion: Based on research that has been done, healthcare students have a low percentage of dental anxiety levels of 64.6% where non-healthcare students have a high percentage of dental anxiety levels of 42.9%. Different levels of dental anxiety may be influenced by different levels of knowledge about oral health and dental health. Conclusion: There is a significant difference in the level of dental anxiety in healthcare and non-healthcare students at Universitas Airlangga.
Nozzle rig pada bangku uap (steam bench) merupakan alat yang berfungsi untuk mengubah energi teka... more Nozzle rig pada bangku uap (steam bench) merupakan alat yang berfungsi untuk mengubah energi tekanan dari uap menjadi energi kinetik , dimana tekanan akan diubah dari tekanan yang tinggi menjadi tekanan yang lebih rendah. Uap yang mengalir dalam nozzle akan menempati tempat disekitarnya dengan cepat , maka dari itu ,ekspansi didalam nozzle dikatakan adiabatis. Pada Laboratorium Teknik Konversi Energi di Politeknik Negeri Bandung , nozzle rig pada steam bench tersebut sudah lama tidak digunakan sehingga munculnya indikasi kerusakan pasa nozzle dan pembacaan tekanan yang tidak akurat. Dengan dilakukannya perbaikan maka kinerja pada nozzle rig bisa dilakukan dengan menghitung kecepatan aliran uap, laju aliran massa uap, dan bilangan Reynolds. Penurunan tekanan pada setiap titik probe berbeda-beda tergantung pada berapa tekanan uap yang masuk pada nozzle. Nilai perhitungan aktual lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan perhitungan teoritis dikarenakan adanya losses yang terjadi pada saat uap me...
In Indonesia, which is an archipelagic country with unique diversity on each island, conflictsoft... more In Indonesia, which is an archipelagic country with unique diversity on each island, conflictsoften occur between one another. In the school, there are some conflicts between students whodo not understand multiculturalism. Therefore, this research has been done at SMP Negeri 7Muaro Jambi in Jambi Province to know the understanding of students about multiculturalism.This research is qualitative research by observing and distributing Google Forms. The results ofthis study indicate that some students have understood and practiced multiculturalism in schoolwhile others still need to be given further guidance.Keywords : Implementasi, Multikultural, Budaya
The International Journal of Management, Oct 1, 2019
This study aims to analyze the influence of Human Resources, Internal Control on the quality of f... more This study aims to analyze the influence of Human Resources, Internal Control on the quality of financial statement that are moderate by Accounting Information System (In Financial Bureau and equipment of the Secretariat general). This research uses primary data in distributing questionnaires to the financial who works in financial bureau and equipment of the secretariat general located in Jakarta, Indonesia. This study uses a purposive sampling method in data collection. Data obtained by collecting 120 questionnaires. 120 questionnaires or ninety four point five percent of the total distribution of questionnaires can be processed. Data were analyzed by multiple regression using SPSS. The results of the 120 respondents who answered the questionnaire showed that human resources, internal control, accounting information systems have a significant effect on the quality of financial statements either partially or simultaneously.
Pemanfaatan media sosial dewasa ini sangatlah berkembang pesat pada instansi pemerintahan maupun ... more Pemanfaatan media sosial dewasa ini sangatlah berkembang pesat pada instansi pemerintahan maupun organisasi untuk berkomunikasi dan menyampaikan informasi kepada khalayak luas atau publik. Salah satu instansi pemerintahan yang memanfaatkan media sosial adalah Kementerian Perdagangan. Media sosial termasuk twitter menyediakan sejumlah peluang untuk pemerintah khususnya divisi humas dalam bentuk membangun hubungan baik dengan publik, mengembangkan komunikasi dengan publik, dan lain sebagainya. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengelolaan media sosial oleh humas Kementerian Perdagangan RI untuk menyampaikan informasi kepada publiknya melalui akun media sosial twitter @Kemendag. Penelitian ini menggunakan landasan teori potensi-potensi besar yang dimanfaatkan oleh E-PR (Cyber PR) perusahaan, yaitu komunikasi konstan, respon cepat, pasar global, interaktif, komunikasi dua arah dan hemat. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi deskriptif kualitatif deng...
Penelitian ini berfokus pada pengujian pengaruh pengungkapan corporate social responsibilities ya... more Penelitian ini berfokus pada pengujian pengaruh pengungkapan corporate social responsibilities yang mengacu pada global reporting initiative (GRI) guidelines G-3 terhadap nilai perusahaan. Penungkapan CSR diukur dari total skor dari tiap tiap dimensi penungkapan CSR berdasarkan dengan petunjuk GRI G-3 dalam pelaporan laporan keuangan perusahaan. Versi yang dapat diterapkan dari standar pelaporan GRI adalah GRI G-3. Nilai perusahaan diuur dengan nilai Tobin’s Q masingg masing perusahaan. Hipotesis yang diuji menggunakan SPSS 16 metode regresi sederhana dengan 9 sampel perusahaan manufaktur subsector makanan dan minuman yang terdaftar dibursa efek Indonesia dan mengungkapkan CSR di laporan tahunan tahun 2010-2015. Hasil dari penelitian memberikan bukti empiris bahwa penungkapan CSR dengan seluruh dimensi secara keseluruhan memiliki pengaruh yang negative dan signifikan terhadap nilai perusahaan. Hasil ini sangat berbeda dengan hasil penelitian pada umumnya yang menunjukan bahwa pengar...
This study aims to determine the performance efficiency of sharia equity funds invested by PT Asu... more This study aims to determine the performance efficiency of sharia equity funds invested by PT Asuransi Takaful Umum for three years, from 2012 to 2014. The research method used is descriptive quantitative with the sampling technique using a purposive sampling method. The data analysis technique used is the Envelopment Data Analyzer using Banxia Frontier 4.2 software. The results showed that the efficient performance of shari'ah equity funds invested by PT. General takaful insurance through testing the input and output orientation of the DEA CCR and BCC models is BNP Paribas Pesona Amanah mutual funds and Sharia Shares with a score of 100 each. Sharia, close to the efficient score, is the CIMB Islamic Equity Growth Sharia mutual fund with a score of 92.6. The most inefficient sharia equity fund is the Panin Dana Sharia mutual fund with a score of 47.18. The input and output variables that most dominantly affect sharia equity funds' inefficiencies are investment management ser...
Background and Aim: The use of drugs as a therapy for traumatic ulcers may lead to drug resistanc... more Background and Aim: The use of drugs as a therapy for traumatic ulcers may lead to drug resistance and other side effects. Lactobacillus casei Shirota can affect the number of fibroblasts and blood vessels in wound healing. The aim of this study was to investigate the difference in the number of fibroblast cells and blood vessels after the topical and systemic administration of L. casei Shirota probiotics in Wistar rats with traumatic ulcer. Materials and Methods: Overall, 36 healthy male Wistar rats aged 2-3 months old and weighing 175-250 g in body weight were used as a sample. Traumatic ulcer was made on the labial fornix incisive inferior. The subject rats were divided into groups: (1) A control group over 3 days, (2) a group that used distilled water over 7 days, (3) a group that underwent topical treatment over 3 days, (4) a group that used probiotics administered topically over 7 days, (5) a group that underwent systemic treatment over 3 days, and (6) a group that took oral p...
Backgrounnd: Dental anxiety can be a problem, both for dentists and patients. Basic Health Resear... more Backgrounnd: Dental anxiety can be a problem, both for dentists and patients. Basic Health Research states that as many as 57.6% of Indonesian people suffer from dental and mouth problems and only 10.2% of that number goes to the dentist, which can be caused by dental anxiety. Someone who has dental anxiety will avoid and refuse to check the condition of their teeth, which will adversely affect the health of the oral cavity. Purposes: Examining the differences in levels of dental anxiety in healthcare and non-healthcare students at Universitas Airlangga. Method: This study uses a quantitative type of cross-sectional method involving healthcare and nonhealthcare students and is carried out througout on campus A and campus B of Universitas Airlangga by random sampling. Data collection procedures were carried out through the Corah Dental Anxiety Scale (DAS) questionnaire with a few modifications that were disseminated online. Then the data analysis was performed using the chi square method to get results. Result and Discussion: Based on research that has been done, healthcare students have a low percentage of dental anxiety levels of 64.6% where non-healthcare students have a high percentage of dental anxiety levels of 42.9%. Different levels of dental anxiety may be influenced by different levels of knowledge about oral health and dental health. Conclusion: There is a significant difference in the level of dental anxiety in healthcare and non-healthcare students at Universitas Airlangga.
Papers by Sarah Amelia