Papers by Sergio Calsamiglia
Feeding linseed to dairy cows results in milk fat depression (MFD), but there is a wide range of ... more Feeding linseed to dairy cows results in milk fat depression (MFD), but there is a wide range of sensitivity among cows. The objectives of this study were to identify target genes containing SNP that may play a key role in the regulation of milk fat synthesis in cows resistant or sensitive to MFD. Four cows were selected from a dairy farm after a switch from a control diet to a linseed-rich diet; two were resistant to MFD with a high milk fat content in the control (4.06%) and linseed-rich (3.90%) diets; and two were sensitive to MFD with the milk fat content decreasing after the change from the control (3.87%) to linseed-rich (2.52%) diets. Transcriptome and SNP discovery analyses were performed using RNA-sequencing technology. There was a large number of differentially expressed genes in the control (n = 1316) and linseed-rich (n = 1888) diets. Of these, 15 genes were detected as key gene regulators and harboring SNP in the linseed-rich diet. The selected genes MTOR, PDPK1, EREG, ...
Huit fermenteurs a double flux ont ete utilises au cours de quatre periodes consecutives de 10 jo... more Huit fermenteurs a double flux ont ete utilises au cours de quatre periodes consecutives de 10 jours chacune pour l'etude de l'effet de six extraits naturels de plantes sur la degradation proteique ruminale et sur le profil fermentaire. Les fermenteurs ont ete alimentes avec une ration fourrage de luzerne / concentre (60 / 40). Les traitements ont ete les suivants: sans extraits (CTR), 15 mg/kg MS d'un melange des differents extraits en proportion egale (MIX) et 7,5 mg/kg de MS d'extraits d'Allium sativum (GAR), de Cinnamonum cassia (CAS), de Yucca schidigera (YUC), de Pimpinella anisum (ANI), d'Origanum vulgare (ORE) et de Capsicum annuum (CAP), testes individuellement. Au cours des jours 9 et 10 suivant les 8 jours d'adaptation, des echantillons ont ete recoltes afin de determiner les concentrations en AGV (2 heures apres l'alimentation) en azote peptidique, en acides amines et en azote ammoniacal (0, 2, 4, 6 et 8 heures apres l'alimentation).[...]
Journal of Animal Science
Mycotoxicosis are a common problem in livestock, where a group of six major mycotoxins represents... more Mycotoxicosis are a common problem in livestock, where a group of six major mycotoxins represents a high risk for animal health and production profits. Mycotoxin binders (MTB) can reduce the mycotoxin burden in the gastrointestinal tract of the animal. Mycotoxin binders are classified in inorganic, as clays and activated carbon (AC), and organic, as yeast cell wall (YCW) and micro-ionized fibers. The adsorption of mycotoxins into MTB is due to: 1) chemical interactions where the cation exchange capacity involves different types of bounds like ion-dipole, Van der Walls forces, or hydrogen bonds; and 2) to physical characteristics of MTB like pore size, or mycotoxin structure and shape. The adsorption capacity of MTB is determined using different in vitro tests that mimic the gastrointestinal tract of the animals. A literature search was conducted to identify in vitro research where the efficacy of adsorption of MTB was determined. The search was based on 8 MTB [AC, bentonite, clinopt...
Twelve essential oils (EO): Anise star, cassia, geraniol, lemongrass (LEM), limonene, thyme, tea ... more Twelve essential oils (EO): Anise star, cassia, geraniol, lemongrass (LEM), limonene, thyme, tea tree, coriander (COR), capsicum, black pepper, turmeric and ginger (GIN), in Experiment 1 at three doses; and different combinations of LEM, COR and GIN oils in Experiment 2, were evaluated in in vitro batch microbial fermentation using ruminal fluid from four dairy cows fed a 50:50 forage: concentrate diet. In experiment 1, LEM tended to increase the propionate proportion and tended to decrease the acetate to propionate ratio. Anise star, COR, and thyme tended to increase butyrate proportion. Capsicum, COR, and thyme decreased ammonia-N concentration. In experiment 2, a synergy was observed between LEM and COR that resulted in an increase in total volatile fatty acids and propionate proportion, and a decrease in the acetate to propionate ratio. However, the addition of high doses of GIN to the mix had an antagonistic effect on the rumen fermentation profile of the LEM + COR mix. Careful...
Greenhouse gas emissions and the carbon footprint (CF) were estimated in twelve Spanish dairy far... more Greenhouse gas emissions and the carbon footprint (CF) were estimated in twelve Spanish dairy farms selected from three regions (Mediterranean, MED; Cantabric, CAN; and Central, CEN) using a partial life cycle assessment through the Integrated Farm System Model (IFSM). The functional unit was 1 kg of energy corrected milk (ECM). Methane emissions accounted for the largest contribution to the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The average CF (kg CO2-eq/kg of ECM) was 0.84, being the highest in MED (0.98), intermediate in CEN (0.84), and the lowest in CAN (0.67). Two extreme farms were selected for further simulations: one with the highest non-enteric methane (MED1), and another with the highest enteric methane (CAN2). Changes in management scenarios (increase milk production, change manure collection systems, change manure-type storage method, change bedding type and installation of an anaerobic digester) in MED1 were evaluated with the IFSM model. Changes in feeding strategies (r...
I Congreso VetDoc de Docencia Veterinaria: Lugo, 5 y 6 de septiembre de 2014, 2014, ISBN 978-84-697-1029-6, págs. 69-70, 2014
JDS Communications, 2021
The relative bioavailability of 2 Met hydroxy analogs (KES and MtS) and a rumen-protected Met (Sm... more The relative bioavailability of 2 Met hydroxy analogs (KES and MtS) and a rumen-protected Met (SmT) was determined using the area under the curve method. Relative Met bioavailability was similar between the 3 methionine hydroxy analogs, but the area under the curve was greater for the rumen-protected Met. Highlights • Plasma kinetics of 3 sources of metabolizable Met were tested. • The two 2-hydroxy-4-(methylthio)butanoic isopropyl ester products (Kessent, Kemin Animal Nutrition and Health, KES; Metasmart, Adisseo SAS, MtS) had a similar pattern. • Smartamine (Adisseo SAS, SmT) peaked later and had a greater area under the curve.
INTRODUCCIÓN La modificación genética de plantas utilizadas en la alimentación animal ofrece la o... more INTRODUCCIÓN La modificación genética de plantas utilizadas en la alimentación animal ofrece la oportunidad de mejorar la productividad, reducir la necesidad de uso de pesticidas y/o mejorar las cualidades nutritivas del alimento (Clark y lpharraguerre, 2001 ). El maíz ha sido modificado genéticamente para contener el gen Bt (MaisGard, evento MON810, Monsanto Co., MO, EEUU) que le confiere resistencia frente al insecto barrenador del maíz (Ostrinia nubifalis), y el gen de la resistencia al glifosato (RoundupReady, evento GA21, Monsanto Co., MO, EEUU). El uso de las líneas modificadas genéticamente no afecta ni al valor nutritivo ni a la productividad de los animales que la consumen (Clark y lpharraguerre, 2001 ). Sin embargo, existe una creciente preocupación por la posibilidad de la presencia de residuos del gen o las proteínas modificadas genéticamente en los productos para consumo humano. Recientemente, se ha desarrollado una semilla de maíz con la doble modificación (eventos MON...
Journal of Dairy Science, 2010
Papers by Sergio Calsamiglia