Papers by Shaktidev Mukherjee
The authors present an optimization algorithm for order reduction and its application for the det... more The authors present an optimization algorithm for order reduction and its application for the determination of the relative mapping errors of linear time invariant dynamic systems by the simplified models. These relative mapping errors are expressed by means of the relative integral square error criterion, which are determined for both unit step and impulse inputs. The reduction algorithm is based on minimization of the integral square error by particle swarm optimization technique pertaining to a unit step input. The algorithm is simple and computer oriented. It is shown that the algorithm has several advantages, e.g. the reduced order models retain the steady-state value and stability of the original system. Two numerical examples are solved to illustrate the superiority of the algorithm over some existing methods.
The authors present an algorithm for order reduction of linear dynamic systems using the combined... more The authors present an algorithm for order reduction of linear dynamic systems using the combined advantages of stability equation method and the error minimization by Genetic algorithm. The denominator of the reduced order model is obtained by the stability equation method and the numerator terms of the lower order transfer function are determined by minimizing the integral square error between the transient responses of original and reduced order models using Genetic algorithm. The reduction procedure is simple and computer oriented. It is shown that the algorithm has several advantages, e.g. the reduced order models retain the steady-state value and stability of the original system. The proposed algorithm has also been extended for the order reduction of linear multivariable systems. Two numerical examples are solved to illustrate the superiority of the algorithm over some existing ones including one example of multivariable system.
Myocardial infarction commonly known as Heart Attack, takes place when there is loss or decrease ... more Myocardial infarction commonly known as Heart Attack, takes place when there is loss or decrease in the blood supply to a part of the heart, which leads to death (necrosis) of some of the heart cells. The loss is caused by a complete blockage of a coronary artery and typically results from the process of arteriosclerosis. Most patients today survive myocardial infarction, thanks to a number of efficient treatment options. In ECG, the S-T segment detection and T-Wave amplitude has close relationship with Myocardial Infarction. De-noising of the ECG signal has been done using filters. The clinically important parameters for Myocardial Infarction have been evaluated using Fast Walsh Hadamard Transform. Statistical Analysis is done by comparing the parameters thus obtained with those of normal ECG parameters to gain a deeper understanding of Myocardial Infarction. The ECG signals have been taken from the MIT PTB Database and analysed with the software program through MATLAB.
After the studying the limitation of conventional electromechanical and electronics energy meters... more After the studying the limitation of conventional electromechanical and electronics energy meters in terms of detecting power theft , the possibilities of using smart energy meter to handle the cases of power theft will be taken up in this paper.This paper proposes Electrical power theft detection system(smart meter) is used to detect an unauthorized tapping on distribution lines. Implementation area of this system is a distribution network of electrical power supply system. Existing system is not able to identify the exact location of tapping. This system actually finds out on which electrical line there is a tapping.A smart metering system to control electricity theft so an intelligent energy metering system can efficiently control the theft. To improve the quality and reliability of power delivery, so we used the advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) , commonly known as the smart meter which has the capability of detection of energy theft and send the information(message) of ele...
IETE Journal of Research, 2007
... 26. А К Mittal, R Prasad & SP Sharma, Reduction of linear dynamic systems using an error ... more ... 26. А К Mittal, R Prasad & SP Sharma, Reduction of linear dynamic systems using an error minimization technique, Journal of Institution of Engineers IE(I) Journal-EL, vol 84, pp. ... 2, 2007 AUTHORS «Сд Girish Parmar was born in Bikaner (Rajasthan), India in 1975. ...
Digital image forgery detection is one of the hot research area in the recent time. A lot of rese... more Digital image forgery detection is one of the hot research area in the recent time. A lot of researchers are trying different tools to establish the authenticity of a given image. There can be many types of forgery performed on digital image. Watermarking is one of the traditional techniques to detect any type of tampering with the original image, but that has to be done at the time of capturing the image. Once an image has been captured without such technique, there is no alternate but to apply different blind forgery detection techniques. The present paper is an effort to explore Independent Component Analysis (ICA) as a tool to get clues about the tampering with original image. The results may provide further leads to the researchers working in the same area.
In this study, the potential benefits of playing action<br> video game among congenitally d... more In this study, the potential benefits of playing action<br> video game among congenitally deaf and dumb subjects is reported in<br> terms of EEG ratio indices. The frontal and occipital lobes are<br> associated with development of motor skills, cognition, and visual<br> information processing and color recognition. The sixteen hours of<br> First-Person shooter action video game play resulted in the increase<br> of the ratios β/(α+θ) and β/θ in frontal and occipital lobes. This can<br> be attributed to the enhancement of certain aspect of cognition among<br> deaf and dumb subjects.
Cognitive Systems Research, 2017
Previous research on video gaming mainly focused on negative impact on users. In this study, the ... more Previous research on video gaming mainly focused on negative impact on users. In this study, the positive impact of action video gaming among congenitally deaf subjects is investigated. Subjects possessed high level of visual information processing capacity. A 96 hours of action video game play resulted in the improvement of mean reaction time (mRT) (post=413.21ms, pre=453.39ms) and certain cognitive functions. Higher heart rate variability (HRV) subjects demonstrated faster and significant improvement in mRT (p<0.0045) after intervention. The α and β EEG band powers were found increased in parietal (6.33%, 4.28%) and occipital (8.38%, 38%) lobes respectively. The θ band power increased in frontal (32%) and parietal (13%) lobes. These results can reflect enhancement in certain cognitive performances such as visual perception, attention, memory, and motor skills. The ratio index β/(α+θ) increased in frontal and occipital lobes while β/θ increased in frontal and temporal lobes. These results may also suggest improvements in attention processing capacity and neural activity. These results implies improvements in certain aspects of cognition among deaf subjects. However, to validate these results a further study on larger number of samples with advanced computerized cognitive battery testing can be employed.
Cardiac Hypertrophy commonly known as abnormal thickening of the heart muscle. It results from th... more Cardiac Hypertrophy commonly known as abnormal thickening of the heart muscle. It results from the increase in the cardiomyocyte size and other heart muscle component changes, like extracellular matrix. There can be physiological and pathological causes for the cardiac hypertrophy like amount of strenuous physical activity performed by an athlete and hypertension respectively. Most patients today survive hypertrophy, thanks to a number of efficient treatment options. In ECG, the QRS amplitude and duration plays an important role in determination of Cardiac Hypertrophy. Raw ECG data has been obtained from MIT PTB database and analysed using MATLAB. De-noising of the ECG signal has been done using filters. The clinically important parameters for Cardiac Hypertrophy have been evaluated using Fast Walsh Hadamard Transform. Statistical Analysis is done by comparing the parameters thus obtained with those of normal ECG parameters to gain a deeper understanding of Cardiac Hypertrophy. This...
The blend of softwood and hardwood gives strength and toughness.-cellulose and hemicellulose are ... more The blend of softwood and hardwood gives strength and toughness.-cellulose and hemicellulose are the main components of papers. After developing certain physical, chemical and electrical properties, electrical insulation papers can be made and are widely used in telephone cables, wire binding, capacitor and condensers. Researchers prepared different types of electrical grade papers and show their properties. An attempt was made in the study to find out the variation in the properties of material on changing the chemical composition. The (Cannabis sativa) paper was prepared as per the details available in literature and found that even if 80% of the Cannabis sativa was considered, it did not show electrical grade paper properties.
The authors present an algorithm for order reduction of linear time invariant dynamic systems usi... more The authors present an algorithm for order reduction of linear time invariant dynamic systems using the combined advantages of the eigen spectrum analysis and the error minimization by particle swarm optimization technique. Pole centroid and system stiffness of both original and reduced order systems remain same in this method to determine the poles, whereas zeros are synthesized by minimizing the integral square error in between the transient responses of original and reduced order models using particle swarm optimization technique, pertaining to a unit step input. It is shown that the algorithm has several advantages, e.g. the reduced order models retain the steady-state value and stability of the original system. The algorithm is illustrated with the help of two numerical examples and the results are compared with the other existing techniques.
International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems, 2015
Copy move forgery detection in digital images has become a very popular research topic in the are... more Copy move forgery detection in digital images has become a very popular research topic in the area of image forensics. Due to the availability of sophisticated image editing tools and ever increasing hardware capabilities, it has become an easy task to manipulate the digital images. Passive forgery detection techniques are more relevant as they can be applied without the prior information about the image in question. Block based techniques are used to detect copy move forgery, but have limitations of large time complexity and sensitivity against affine operations like rotation and scaling. Keypoint based approaches are used to detect forgery in large images where the possibility of significant post processing operations like rotation and scaling is more. A hybrid approach is proposed using different methods for keypoint detection and description. Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) are used to detect the keypoints in the image and Binary Robust Invariant Scalable Keypoints (BRISK) features are used to describe features at these keypoints. The proposed method has performed better than the existing forgery detection method using SURF significantly in terms of detection speed and is invariant to post processing operations like rotation and scaling. The proposed method is also invariant to other commonly applied post processing operations like adding Gaussian noise and JPEG compression.
Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2007
A mixed method is proposed which combines the factor division algorithm with the eigen spectrum a... more A mixed method is proposed which combines the factor division algorithm with the eigen spectrum analysis for deriving reduced order models of high-order linear time invariant systems. Pole centroid and system stiffness of both original and reduced order systems remain same in this method. The proposed method guarantees stability of the reduced model if the original high-order system is stable and is comparable in quality with the other well known existing methods of order reduction. The method is illustrated by four numerical examples including one example of a multivariable system.
Computational and mathematical methods in medicine, 2015
Objective. To investigate the effect of yoga practice on cognitive skills, autonomic nervous syst... more Objective. To investigate the effect of yoga practice on cognitive skills, autonomic nervous system, and heart rate variability by analyzing physiological parameters. Methods. The study was conducted on 30 normal young healthy engineering students. They were randomly selected into two groups: yoga group and control group. The yoga group practiced yoga one and half hour per day for six days in a week, for a period of five months. Results. The yoga practising group showed increased α, β, and δ EEG band powers and significant reduction in θ and γ band powers. The increased α and β power can represent enhanced cognitive functions such as memory and concentration, and that of δ signifies synchronization of brain activity. The heart rate index θ/α decreased, neural activity β/θ increased, attention resource index β/(α + θ) increased, executive load index (δ + θ)/α decreased, and the ratio (δ + θ)/(α + β) decreased. The yoga practice group showed improvement in heart rate variability, incr...
International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research, 2013
The ECG recording is highly vulnerable to various kind of noises from different sources, such as ... more The ECG recording is highly vulnerable to various kind of noises from different sources, such as electrocardiogram (EMG), power supply hum (50Hz or 60 Hz), measuring devices such as amplifiers, ADC etc. Hence it is very difficult and challenging to interpret and analyze raw ECG data for medical applications. A number of techniques are available to deal with these types of noises efficiently both during recording and pre processing of ECG data. In this paper, four different wavelet threshold denoising techniques are proposed to deal with the issue of noises in ECG recording. Analysis and their performances have been evaluated in terms of SNR and RMSE. The standard MITBIH arrhythmia data from physionet is used for the purpose. The procedure is implemented in MATLAB environment.
The deployment of digital imaging systems for diagnostic purpose, treatment and patient care are ... more The deployment of digital imaging systems for diagnostic purpose, treatment and patient care are ever increasing in the medical field. This produces an enormous amount of image data of the order of terabytes. The Compression of image data before storage or transmission benefits in less storage space requirement and conservation of bandwidth. Achieving a very high compression ratio without losing the diagnostic information content of the image data and with less computational complexity is the biggest challenge in the field of medical image compression. Other features desirable for medical image compression for telemedicine and teleradiology applications are progressive fidelity encoding/decoding, progressive resolution decoding, Region-of- Interest (RoI) encoding/decoding, and random access decoding., A BPNN predictor is proposed in this paper for the improved slice decorrelation of 3D image data. Experimental results on fourteen sets of angiogram showed improvement, in terms of fir...
IECON 2012 - 38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2012
Papers by Shaktidev Mukherjee