Akumulasi logam berat berlebih pada kerang hijau (Perna viridis) dapat membahayakan konsumen. Sar... more Akumulasi logam berat berlebih pada kerang hijau (Perna viridis) dapat membahayakan konsumen. Sargassum sp. merupakan rumput laut yang berpotensi sebagai penurun kadar logam karena mengandung alginat yang memiliki gugus fungsi penyerap logam. Gugus fungsi seperti hidroksil dan karboksil dapat menjerap ion logam timbal (Pb) yang terdapat pada daging kerang hijau. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan bubuk rumput laut Sargassum sp. dan asam asetat sebagai penurun kadar logam timbal pada daging kerang hijau serta mengidentifikasi gugus fungsi yang terkandung dalam bubuk Sargassum sp. Metode yang digunakan yaitu percobaan labotatoris, menggunakan perlakuan konsentrasi sebanyak 3 kali pengulangan. Bubuk Sargassum sp. dikeringkan menggunakan oven suhu 45°C selama 24 jam, kemudian dihaluskan dan diuji FTIR. Daging kerang direndam pada konsentrasi bubuk Sargassum sp. 0%, 4%, 6%, dan 8%, dengan pH 5 (penambahan asam asetat) selama 90 menit. Sampel didestruksi dan dil...
Plastik merupakan bahan yang banyak digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, tetapi mencemari lingk... more Plastik merupakan bahan yang banyak digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, tetapi mencemari lingkungan karena plastik tidak dapat diuraikan oleh lingkungan. Penelitian mengenai bioplastik diperlukan untuk bahan alternatif plastik yang mudah terurai. Karagenan dan amilum merupakan polisakarida yang berpotensi sebagai bahan pembuatan bioplastik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menentukan perbedaan karakteristik (ketebalan, kuat tarik dan elongasi) bioplastik berbahan dasar karagenan dan gliserol terhadap pertambahan konsentrasi amilum. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu Eksperimental Laboratorium. Karagenan diperoleh dari ektraksi K. alvarezii yang berasal dari perairan Jepara, Jawa Tengah. Bioplastik dibuat dengan gelatinasi amilum (1; 2; 3; dan 4 g) dalam 50 ml akuades pada suhu 90ºC selama 15 menit dalam erlenmeyer menggunakan Hot Plate Stirrer. Gliserol 20% ditambahkan dan dihomogenkan selama 5 menit. Suhu diturunkan hingga 70ºC, selanjutnya karagenan 1 g dan akuades ditambahkan hingga volume 150 ml dihomogenkan selama 45 menit. Bioplastik dicetak dan dikeringkan di oven selama 18 jam pada suhu 50ºC. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik bioplastik κkaragenan dengan penambahan amilum yaitu memiliki kuat tarik 6,42-11,47 MPa, nilai elongasi 7,03-21,88% dan ketebalan 0,13-0,25 mm. Elongasi konsentrasi amilum 1 g telah memenuhi standar SNI. Parameter yang sesuai dengan standar Japanese Industrial Standard yaitu parameter kuat tarik dan ketebalan.
Material biopolimer tunggal seperti alginat dan karagenan tidak memiliki sifat fisiko-kimia dan m... more Material biopolimer tunggal seperti alginat dan karagenan tidak memiliki sifat fisiko-kimia dan mekanik yang mencukupi untuk digunakan sebagai produk spesifik seperti bioplastik, sehingga diperlukan kombinasi agar diperoleh hidrogel yang lebih kuat dan tahan air. Ion Ca2+ berperan sebagai crosslinker polimer bermuatan negative (alginat dan karagenan) serta meningkatkan struktur jaringan, sifat reologi dan hidrofobisitasnya, dengan cara berikatan silang dengan gugus karboksil alginat daan gugus sulfat karagenaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perendaman dalam larutan CaCl2 terhadap karakteristik (ketebalan, keburaman, ketahanan air, biodegradabilitas, kuat tarik dan elongasi) bioplastik alginat-karagenan-gliserol. Alginat diperoleh dari ekstraksi Sargassum sp., sedangkan karagenan diperoleh dari ekstraksi rumput laut K. alvarezii yang berasal dari Jepara, Jawa Tengah. Bioplastik dibuat dengan cara mencampur 1,5 g karagenan dan 0,5 g alginat dalam 146 mL akuades p...
The Bodri river flow in Kendal Regency is a transportation route for sedimentary materials, waste... more The Bodri river flow in Kendal Regency is a transportation route for sedimentary materials, waste disposal or garbage resulting from human activities on land to sea waters. One type of waste that is often found is plastic packaging. Until now, the use of plastic products is still high in society. In the environment, plastic waste (including that used for packaging) is difficult to decompose or degrade, but only fragmented into smaller sizes called microplastics. Microplastics (particle size < 5 mm) are widely distributed throughout aquatic ecosystems. Microplastics are one of the pollutants that can affect the food cycle for organisms in coastal and marine areas. This study was aimed to determine the relationship between the concentration of microplastics and suspended solids (MPT) at high tide and low tide. A total of 16 water samples were taken from eight (8) purposively determined stations. Sampling was carried out in July 2019 (dry season) during high and low tides. The resea...
Bioplastics are plastics made from renewable raw materials such as polysaccharides, proteins and ... more Bioplastics are plastics made from renewable raw materials such as polysaccharides, proteins and lipids. One of the alternative sources of bioplastic raw materials is hydrocolloid from seaweed, which is abundantly available in Indonesia, so that this hydrocolloid-based bioplastic is very prospective to be developed, and can increase the added value of seaweed. The physical and mechanical properties of alginate bioplastics can be improved by combining them with other materials into biocomposite materials that have superior properties and meet specifications. This study aims to determine the effect of calcium chloride (CaCl2) on the physical and mechanical properties of the CMC-Glycerol-Alginate composite bioplastic from Sargassum sp. Bioplastics were made by mixing 0.5 g of alginate flour, added CMC (1.5 g), and 100 ml of distilled water, then stirred with a magnetic stirrer for 10 minutes at 90oC. After that, the temperature was lowered to 40oC and 5 ml of glycerol was added and the...
Chaetoceros calcitrans can be used for natural food in aquaculture. Microalgae growth is influenc... more Chaetoceros calcitrans can be used for natural food in aquaculture. Microalgae growth is influenced by several factors, one of which is light intensity. This study aims to determine the intensity of light that can produce the best growth in C. calcitrans microalgae. The study design used was a completely randomized design (CRD) with two replications. This study uses a treatment (light intensity) with four levels of treatment, namely 1000 (control), 1500, 2000 and 2500 lux with a duration of lighting 12 hours light: 12 hours dark. Calculation of density and measurement of water quality parameters are carried out every day during the cultivation process. Harvesting is done in a stationary phase. The results showed that different light intensities affected the growth of C. calcitrans microalgae (p=0,000). Light intensity of 2500 lux in medium scale C. calcitrans (60 L) culture can produce the highest growth on the tenth day which is 67x10⁵ cells/ml and biomass 13,75 grams.Chaetoceros ...
Turf algae dapat menempel dan tumbuh dengan cepat sehingga mengakibatkan efek besar terhadap pert... more Turf algae dapat menempel dan tumbuh dengan cepat sehingga mengakibatkan efek besar terhadap pertumbuhan karang. Pertumbuhan turf algae yang cepat dapat dipengaruhi beberapa faktor, diantaranya: peningkatan nutrisi perairan (eutrofikasi), penurunan ikan herbivora pemakan alga, dan faktor lingkungan lainnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui laju pertumbuhan tutupan turf algae pada karang Genus Acropora dan laju pertumbuhan karang hidup Genus Acropora pada koloni yang telah mati atau mengalami kerusakan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober 2014 – April 2015. Sampel yang digunakan ada 30 karang dari 7 koloni dengan 3 kelompok ukuran (1-3 cm (Kelompok A), 5-7 cm (Kelompok B), dan 10-12 cm (Kelompok C)). Metode survei deskriptif digunakan dalam metode penelitian ini. Data penelitian meliputi data primer dan data sekunder. Data diambil dengan mengukur tutupan turf algae dan karang hidup serta mengukur pertumbuhan keduanya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa re...
The treatment of abiotic stressing in microalgae cultures can trigger the production of secondar... more The treatment of abiotic stressing in microalgae cultures can trigger the production of secondary metabolites that have a variety of bioactivity. Phenolic compounds are one of the secondary metabolites produced by Chlorella sp. and have been categorized as an important antioxidants that play a role in the scavenging of free radicals. This research uses ultraviolet (UV)-B (λ 280-320 nm) as a stressing in Chlorella sp. cultures. The aim is to determine the effect of UV-B radiation on the biomass production of Chlorella sp. and total phenolic content (TPC), as well as its antioxidant activity. The research method used is experimental with a completely randomized design (RAL). The treatment tested was UV-B radiation with different duration of 0 (control), 40, 80, and 120 minutes/day during the culture period. Chlorella sp. culture is carried out using 12 glass containers with seawater (salinity 35 ppt) as culture media and enriched by Walne fertilizer (1 mL/L). During the culture...
Artemia is usually given as live feed in shrimp and fish hatcheries. Bioencapsulation of Artemia ... more Artemia is usually given as live feed in shrimp and fish hatcheries. Bioencapsulation of Artemia with Spirulina sp. is thought to increase disease resistance. One disease that often harms aquaculture is infection by Vibrio. The study aimed to determine the significance of artemia's nauplii biocapsulation to increased resistance against infection by Vibrio spp. The research method used is experimental laboratories with a non-parametric approach. The resistance variable is measured as the survival rate. Bioencapsulation of Artemia uses 4 levels of Spirulina sp. concentration: 0 (control), 300, 600, 900 mg/L, while the challenge test uses 8 levels of Vibrio: Non-Vibrio (control), Vibrio vulnificus (Vv), V. harveyi (Vh), V. parahaemolyticus (Vp), a combination of the two: (Vv+Vh), (Vv+Vp), (Vh+Vp), as well as a combination of the three: (Vh+Vp+Vv). Kruskal Wallis test was conducted to find out the difference in artemia survival rates between groups, then the U Mann-Whitney test to f...
Abst rak Penelitian pigmen Spirulina sp. dilakukan untuk menentukan kandungan pigmen polar dan no... more Abst rak Penelitian pigmen Spirulina sp. dilakukan untuk menentukan kandungan pigmen polar dan non polar dari Spirulina sp. dengan metode Spektroskopi UV-Vis. Pigmen polar diekstraksi dengan menggunakan larutan buffer fosfat (NaOH-KH 2 PO 4) pH 7, sedangkan pigmen non polar diekstraksi dengan menggunakan aseton murni. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pigmen polar berwarna biru dan kadarnya adalah sebesar 42,272±0,05 mg/g (berat kering), pigmen ini terdiri dari fikosianin (29,159±0,29 mg/g), allofikosianin (9,363±0,20 mg/g), dan fikoeritrin (3,750±0,09 mg/g). Warna pigmen non polar adalah hijau terang dan kadarnya sebesar 4,498±0,06 mg/g (berat kering), pigmen ini terdiri dari klorofil a (3,349±0,03 mg/g) dan karotenoids (1,158±0,03 mg/g). Ekstrak pigmen polar Spirulina sp kadarnya lebih tinggi dibanding pigmen non polarnya. Pigmen fikosianin berpotensi dikembangkan sebagai bahan aditif pewarna biru alami, karena: kadarnya paling tinggi, menghasilkan warna biru cerah dan cemerlang,...
Betahwalang is a coastal village located in Demak Regency. As a village located in a coastal area... more Betahwalang is a coastal village located in Demak Regency. As a village located in a coastal area, the local population mostly relies on the fisheries sector sourced from sea products. Betahwalang Village has a Mangrove Ecosystem, which is included in the tidal river area of Betahwalang Village. This study aims to look at the comparison of organic matter levels in sediments during tidal and receding river water. Sampling in the field was conducted in March 2019. Sediment samples were taken from 5 stations divided into jetty, mangrove, estuary, and beach areas, where each station was repeated 3 times during high tide and low tide. Analysis of organic matter content of sediment samples using gravimetric methods and data analysis using Non-Parametric Kruskal-Wallis H. The results showed the highest levels of sediment organic matter at station 5 were 74.87 ± 1.81% (low tide) and 66.99 ± 0.38% (high tide) and the lowest sediment organic matter content. at station 4 were 31.56 ± 2.14% (lo...
Caulerpa racemosa merupakan salah satu jenis rumput laut hijau yang dapat hidup di daerah pasang ... more Caulerpa racemosa merupakan salah satu jenis rumput laut hijau yang dapat hidup di daerah pasang surutmaupun daerah yang tenang/bebas dari pasang surut. Setiap tahun permintaan C. racemosa di Jepara terus meningkat. Usaha pengembangan budidaya C. racemosa perlu dilakukan supaya penyediaan kebutuhan pasar tidak bergantung pada alam. Upaya peningkatan produksi budidaya dapat dilakukan dengan penambahan nutrien di tambak budidaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian pupuk padat dan cair terhadap pertumbuhan (berat basah, laju pertumbuhan harian) dan kandungan klorofil serta kadar protein rumput laut C. racemosa. Perlakuan yang pada penelitian ini adalahpenambahan pupuk :A (pupuk padat), B (pupuk cair), C (pupuk padat dan cair). Pencapaian berat rata rata rumput laut sebagai berikut: Kontrol= 39,5 ± 6,36 gram; A= 11,5 ± 2,12 gram; B= 18,5 ± 10,6 gram; D= 52,6± 14,19 gram. Laju pertumbuhan spesifik C. racemosa adalah: A= 1,2 ± 0,37%; B= -1,64 ± 0,51%; C= -0,53 ± ...
ABSTRAK: Padina sp. merupakan spesies rumput laut cokelat (Phaeophyta) penghasil alginat, namun k... more ABSTRAK: Padina sp. merupakan spesies rumput laut cokelat (Phaeophyta) penghasil alginat, namun kualitas alginat yang dihasilkan tergolong rendah dibandingkan alginofit lainnya. Metode ekstraksi jalur kalsium diduga dapat meningkatkan kualitas alginat sehingga penelitian ini perlu dilakukan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengkaji apakah ekstraksi jalur kalsium dapat meningkatkan mutu alginat yang dihasilkan dari rumput laut Padina. Ekstraksi dilakukan dengan metode jalur kalsium konvensional dan jalur kalsium MAE (Microvawe Assisted Extraction). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimental laboratoris dengan 1 perlakuan (kosentrasi CaCl2) dan 3 taraf konsentrasi yaitu 0,5 M 1,0 M dan 1,5 M. Parameter kualitas yang dianalisis meliputi rendemen, kadar air, Kadar abu, viskositas, pH dan FTIR. Hasil uji two way ANOVA menunjukan terdapat signifikansi rendemen dengan nilai 0,007. Metode jalur kalsium MAE dengan konsentrasi 1,0 M CaCl2 menghasilkan kualitas terbaik dengan nilai rend...
Nowadays, there are not much knowledge of mangrove fruit. One of mangrove species which has been ... more Nowadays, there are not much knowledge of mangrove fruit. One of mangrove species which has been used as source of food is A.marina. There are toxins such tannin and HCN in mangrove fruit. They may inhibit food process of mangrove fruit. So, they must be removed. The material for removing the toxins is ash powder. This study used factorial pattern of Randomized Complete with split plot Design with 2 treatments and 3 replication,i.e: water immersion time (1,2,3 day) and ash powder concentration (5,10,15% unity). Data was analyzed by two-way anova using SPSS. The result indicated that boiling treatment with ash powder and water immersion had a significant effect ( P<0,05) toward content of carbohydrate, lipid, protein of Avicennia marina fruit flour. Boiling treatment with 15 % ash powder and 3 days immersion had best result toward content of protein and lipid of Avicennia marina flour, while boiling treatment with 5% ash powder and 2 days immersion had best result toward content o...
Nowadays, more dangerous preservative stuffs are used to prepare fish processing product. Chitosa... more Nowadays, more dangerous preservative stuffs are used to prepare fish processing product. Chitosan has antimicrobial characteristic and safe for human, so it can be used to preserve foodstuffs. The research is aimed to study the effect of chitosan on quality of dried-salted anchovy (S. heterolobus) stored at room temperature. The aim of this study were to analyze the product quality of samples and to know the correlation between independent variables (chitosan concentration and storage time) against dependent variables of product quality from chemical aspects (moisture content, water activity), microbiological (TPC, Staphylococcus aureus) and organoleptic test (appearance, odor, flavor and texture). The quality of dried-salted anchovy was refer to SNI 01-2708-1992. The present work of this research employed a laboratory-experimental method with two factors and design as Randomized Complete Block. The first factor was three levels of chitosan concentration (0.0%; 0.5%;1.0%) and the s...
The use of chitosan as preservative agent in fish processing had been conducted for some reasons ... more The use of chitosan as preservative agent in fish processing had been conducted for some reasons for example its usage as food additive that can prevent microbial growth, as antioxidative agent, and, to some extent to produce safe food. This research studied the application of chitosan on salteddried anchovy (S. heterolobus) preservation during storage at room temperature. The aims of this research were to know the effect of treatment (chitosan concentration and storage time) on the quality of salted-dried anchovy (bacterial count and organoleptic test). The experimental design used was Split plot in time design and using Randomized Complete Block with two factors. The first factor was chitosan concentrations (0,0%; 0,5%; 1,0%) while the second factor storage time (0; 2; 4; 6; 8 weeks). The results indicated that chitosan concentration and storage time significantly reduced the total bacterial count (p 0,05) for organoleptic test. The interaction of chitosan concentration and storag...
Products of petroleum of liquid waste can be caused pollution in the ocean. Waste contains of che... more Products of petroleum of liquid waste can be caused pollution in the ocean. Waste contains of chemical element especially ammonia. High concentration of ammonia has toxicity for human and aquatic ecosystems. This Research was aimed to decrease concentration of ammonia by chitosan liquid. The research was conducted in Technological Laboratory of Pertamina RU VI Balongan Indramayu on March - April 2013. The Method of this research used randomized design with kind of treatments is 4 levels and 3 repetition. Treatments of this research used chitosan liquid 0,9% with different variation between chitosan liquid and sample of waste oil refinery, such as : (A) 4%; (B) 8%; (C)12%; (D)16%, with 30 minutes time contact. The largest decrease of ammonia contained in (C) 12% ± 12,83 mg/L (48,67%) and optimum adsorption is 10,28 % ± 13,87 mg/L (44,52%).
Culture of the shrimp larvae in the backyard that have been developing at Jepara region, commonly... more Culture of the shrimp larvae in the backyard that have been developing at Jepara region, commonly use by closed system. Impact of using the .system can cause decrease quality of water. One of some methods to overcome above tie water quality problem was used zeolit material and activated carbon as an adsorption material on toxicunt compound. The aim of this research was to know the effect of zeolit aplication and activated carbon on decrease of the dissolved toxicant compound (ammonia, nitrite, sulfide hydrogen) and survival rate of ahrimp larva in tha backyard. The research was carried out during t 1 month, from end of September to end of October 1997, at area of Coastal Region Ecodevelopment Laboratory of Undip, Jepara, and at aiea of Mrs. Yulianto's backyard hatchery at Kartini coastal waters, Jepara. Method of this research was an Experiment, with 3 treat ments and 2 replicates, that were: Treatment: A (zeolit application); treatment B (activated carbon application); and trea...
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini mempelajari penggunaan khitosan pada proses pengawetan ikan teri (S. heter... more ABSTRAK Penelitian ini mempelajari penggunaan khitosan pada proses pengawetan ikan teri (S. heterolobus) asin kering selama penyimpanan suhu kamar. Tujuannya adalah mengetahui konsentrasi khitosan yang efektif untuk proses pengolahannya. Metoda penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) faktorial . Faktor pertama adalah perlakuan konsentrasi khitosan (tiga taraf :0,0%; 0,5%; 1,0%) dan faktor kedua adalah lama penyimpanan(lima taraf : 0; 2; 4; 6; 8 minggu). Variabel dependen yang diamati meliputi total bakteri/TPC, kadar air dan aktifitas air). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan konsentrasi khitosan berpengaruh nyata (p<0,01) hanya terhadap variabel dependen total bakteri. Sedangkan perlakuan lama penyimpanan berpengaruh nyata ( p<0,01) terhadap variabel kadar air dan total bakteri. Konsentrasi khitosan 0,5% merupakan konsentrasi yang efektif untuk menurunkan total bakteri ikan teri asin kering. Kata-kata kunci: Konsentrasi Khitosan, Ikan Teri (S. heterolobu...
Akumulasi logam berat berlebih pada kerang hijau (Perna viridis) dapat membahayakan konsumen. Sar... more Akumulasi logam berat berlebih pada kerang hijau (Perna viridis) dapat membahayakan konsumen. Sargassum sp. merupakan rumput laut yang berpotensi sebagai penurun kadar logam karena mengandung alginat yang memiliki gugus fungsi penyerap logam. Gugus fungsi seperti hidroksil dan karboksil dapat menjerap ion logam timbal (Pb) yang terdapat pada daging kerang hijau. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan bubuk rumput laut Sargassum sp. dan asam asetat sebagai penurun kadar logam timbal pada daging kerang hijau serta mengidentifikasi gugus fungsi yang terkandung dalam bubuk Sargassum sp. Metode yang digunakan yaitu percobaan labotatoris, menggunakan perlakuan konsentrasi sebanyak 3 kali pengulangan. Bubuk Sargassum sp. dikeringkan menggunakan oven suhu 45°C selama 24 jam, kemudian dihaluskan dan diuji FTIR. Daging kerang direndam pada konsentrasi bubuk Sargassum sp. 0%, 4%, 6%, dan 8%, dengan pH 5 (penambahan asam asetat) selama 90 menit. Sampel didestruksi dan dil...
Plastik merupakan bahan yang banyak digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, tetapi mencemari lingk... more Plastik merupakan bahan yang banyak digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, tetapi mencemari lingkungan karena plastik tidak dapat diuraikan oleh lingkungan. Penelitian mengenai bioplastik diperlukan untuk bahan alternatif plastik yang mudah terurai. Karagenan dan amilum merupakan polisakarida yang berpotensi sebagai bahan pembuatan bioplastik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menentukan perbedaan karakteristik (ketebalan, kuat tarik dan elongasi) bioplastik berbahan dasar karagenan dan gliserol terhadap pertambahan konsentrasi amilum. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu Eksperimental Laboratorium. Karagenan diperoleh dari ektraksi K. alvarezii yang berasal dari perairan Jepara, Jawa Tengah. Bioplastik dibuat dengan gelatinasi amilum (1; 2; 3; dan 4 g) dalam 50 ml akuades pada suhu 90ºC selama 15 menit dalam erlenmeyer menggunakan Hot Plate Stirrer. Gliserol 20% ditambahkan dan dihomogenkan selama 5 menit. Suhu diturunkan hingga 70ºC, selanjutnya karagenan 1 g dan akuades ditambahkan hingga volume 150 ml dihomogenkan selama 45 menit. Bioplastik dicetak dan dikeringkan di oven selama 18 jam pada suhu 50ºC. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik bioplastik κkaragenan dengan penambahan amilum yaitu memiliki kuat tarik 6,42-11,47 MPa, nilai elongasi 7,03-21,88% dan ketebalan 0,13-0,25 mm. Elongasi konsentrasi amilum 1 g telah memenuhi standar SNI. Parameter yang sesuai dengan standar Japanese Industrial Standard yaitu parameter kuat tarik dan ketebalan.
Material biopolimer tunggal seperti alginat dan karagenan tidak memiliki sifat fisiko-kimia dan m... more Material biopolimer tunggal seperti alginat dan karagenan tidak memiliki sifat fisiko-kimia dan mekanik yang mencukupi untuk digunakan sebagai produk spesifik seperti bioplastik, sehingga diperlukan kombinasi agar diperoleh hidrogel yang lebih kuat dan tahan air. Ion Ca2+ berperan sebagai crosslinker polimer bermuatan negative (alginat dan karagenan) serta meningkatkan struktur jaringan, sifat reologi dan hidrofobisitasnya, dengan cara berikatan silang dengan gugus karboksil alginat daan gugus sulfat karagenaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perendaman dalam larutan CaCl2 terhadap karakteristik (ketebalan, keburaman, ketahanan air, biodegradabilitas, kuat tarik dan elongasi) bioplastik alginat-karagenan-gliserol. Alginat diperoleh dari ekstraksi Sargassum sp., sedangkan karagenan diperoleh dari ekstraksi rumput laut K. alvarezii yang berasal dari Jepara, Jawa Tengah. Bioplastik dibuat dengan cara mencampur 1,5 g karagenan dan 0,5 g alginat dalam 146 mL akuades p...
The Bodri river flow in Kendal Regency is a transportation route for sedimentary materials, waste... more The Bodri river flow in Kendal Regency is a transportation route for sedimentary materials, waste disposal or garbage resulting from human activities on land to sea waters. One type of waste that is often found is plastic packaging. Until now, the use of plastic products is still high in society. In the environment, plastic waste (including that used for packaging) is difficult to decompose or degrade, but only fragmented into smaller sizes called microplastics. Microplastics (particle size < 5 mm) are widely distributed throughout aquatic ecosystems. Microplastics are one of the pollutants that can affect the food cycle for organisms in coastal and marine areas. This study was aimed to determine the relationship between the concentration of microplastics and suspended solids (MPT) at high tide and low tide. A total of 16 water samples were taken from eight (8) purposively determined stations. Sampling was carried out in July 2019 (dry season) during high and low tides. The resea...
Bioplastics are plastics made from renewable raw materials such as polysaccharides, proteins and ... more Bioplastics are plastics made from renewable raw materials such as polysaccharides, proteins and lipids. One of the alternative sources of bioplastic raw materials is hydrocolloid from seaweed, which is abundantly available in Indonesia, so that this hydrocolloid-based bioplastic is very prospective to be developed, and can increase the added value of seaweed. The physical and mechanical properties of alginate bioplastics can be improved by combining them with other materials into biocomposite materials that have superior properties and meet specifications. This study aims to determine the effect of calcium chloride (CaCl2) on the physical and mechanical properties of the CMC-Glycerol-Alginate composite bioplastic from Sargassum sp. Bioplastics were made by mixing 0.5 g of alginate flour, added CMC (1.5 g), and 100 ml of distilled water, then stirred with a magnetic stirrer for 10 minutes at 90oC. After that, the temperature was lowered to 40oC and 5 ml of glycerol was added and the...
Chaetoceros calcitrans can be used for natural food in aquaculture. Microalgae growth is influenc... more Chaetoceros calcitrans can be used for natural food in aquaculture. Microalgae growth is influenced by several factors, one of which is light intensity. This study aims to determine the intensity of light that can produce the best growth in C. calcitrans microalgae. The study design used was a completely randomized design (CRD) with two replications. This study uses a treatment (light intensity) with four levels of treatment, namely 1000 (control), 1500, 2000 and 2500 lux with a duration of lighting 12 hours light: 12 hours dark. Calculation of density and measurement of water quality parameters are carried out every day during the cultivation process. Harvesting is done in a stationary phase. The results showed that different light intensities affected the growth of C. calcitrans microalgae (p=0,000). Light intensity of 2500 lux in medium scale C. calcitrans (60 L) culture can produce the highest growth on the tenth day which is 67x10⁵ cells/ml and biomass 13,75 grams.Chaetoceros ...
Turf algae dapat menempel dan tumbuh dengan cepat sehingga mengakibatkan efek besar terhadap pert... more Turf algae dapat menempel dan tumbuh dengan cepat sehingga mengakibatkan efek besar terhadap pertumbuhan karang. Pertumbuhan turf algae yang cepat dapat dipengaruhi beberapa faktor, diantaranya: peningkatan nutrisi perairan (eutrofikasi), penurunan ikan herbivora pemakan alga, dan faktor lingkungan lainnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui laju pertumbuhan tutupan turf algae pada karang Genus Acropora dan laju pertumbuhan karang hidup Genus Acropora pada koloni yang telah mati atau mengalami kerusakan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober 2014 – April 2015. Sampel yang digunakan ada 30 karang dari 7 koloni dengan 3 kelompok ukuran (1-3 cm (Kelompok A), 5-7 cm (Kelompok B), dan 10-12 cm (Kelompok C)). Metode survei deskriptif digunakan dalam metode penelitian ini. Data penelitian meliputi data primer dan data sekunder. Data diambil dengan mengukur tutupan turf algae dan karang hidup serta mengukur pertumbuhan keduanya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa re...
The treatment of abiotic stressing in microalgae cultures can trigger the production of secondar... more The treatment of abiotic stressing in microalgae cultures can trigger the production of secondary metabolites that have a variety of bioactivity. Phenolic compounds are one of the secondary metabolites produced by Chlorella sp. and have been categorized as an important antioxidants that play a role in the scavenging of free radicals. This research uses ultraviolet (UV)-B (λ 280-320 nm) as a stressing in Chlorella sp. cultures. The aim is to determine the effect of UV-B radiation on the biomass production of Chlorella sp. and total phenolic content (TPC), as well as its antioxidant activity. The research method used is experimental with a completely randomized design (RAL). The treatment tested was UV-B radiation with different duration of 0 (control), 40, 80, and 120 minutes/day during the culture period. Chlorella sp. culture is carried out using 12 glass containers with seawater (salinity 35 ppt) as culture media and enriched by Walne fertilizer (1 mL/L). During the culture...
Artemia is usually given as live feed in shrimp and fish hatcheries. Bioencapsulation of Artemia ... more Artemia is usually given as live feed in shrimp and fish hatcheries. Bioencapsulation of Artemia with Spirulina sp. is thought to increase disease resistance. One disease that often harms aquaculture is infection by Vibrio. The study aimed to determine the significance of artemia's nauplii biocapsulation to increased resistance against infection by Vibrio spp. The research method used is experimental laboratories with a non-parametric approach. The resistance variable is measured as the survival rate. Bioencapsulation of Artemia uses 4 levels of Spirulina sp. concentration: 0 (control), 300, 600, 900 mg/L, while the challenge test uses 8 levels of Vibrio: Non-Vibrio (control), Vibrio vulnificus (Vv), V. harveyi (Vh), V. parahaemolyticus (Vp), a combination of the two: (Vv+Vh), (Vv+Vp), (Vh+Vp), as well as a combination of the three: (Vh+Vp+Vv). Kruskal Wallis test was conducted to find out the difference in artemia survival rates between groups, then the U Mann-Whitney test to f...
Abst rak Penelitian pigmen Spirulina sp. dilakukan untuk menentukan kandungan pigmen polar dan no... more Abst rak Penelitian pigmen Spirulina sp. dilakukan untuk menentukan kandungan pigmen polar dan non polar dari Spirulina sp. dengan metode Spektroskopi UV-Vis. Pigmen polar diekstraksi dengan menggunakan larutan buffer fosfat (NaOH-KH 2 PO 4) pH 7, sedangkan pigmen non polar diekstraksi dengan menggunakan aseton murni. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pigmen polar berwarna biru dan kadarnya adalah sebesar 42,272±0,05 mg/g (berat kering), pigmen ini terdiri dari fikosianin (29,159±0,29 mg/g), allofikosianin (9,363±0,20 mg/g), dan fikoeritrin (3,750±0,09 mg/g). Warna pigmen non polar adalah hijau terang dan kadarnya sebesar 4,498±0,06 mg/g (berat kering), pigmen ini terdiri dari klorofil a (3,349±0,03 mg/g) dan karotenoids (1,158±0,03 mg/g). Ekstrak pigmen polar Spirulina sp kadarnya lebih tinggi dibanding pigmen non polarnya. Pigmen fikosianin berpotensi dikembangkan sebagai bahan aditif pewarna biru alami, karena: kadarnya paling tinggi, menghasilkan warna biru cerah dan cemerlang,...
Betahwalang is a coastal village located in Demak Regency. As a village located in a coastal area... more Betahwalang is a coastal village located in Demak Regency. As a village located in a coastal area, the local population mostly relies on the fisheries sector sourced from sea products. Betahwalang Village has a Mangrove Ecosystem, which is included in the tidal river area of Betahwalang Village. This study aims to look at the comparison of organic matter levels in sediments during tidal and receding river water. Sampling in the field was conducted in March 2019. Sediment samples were taken from 5 stations divided into jetty, mangrove, estuary, and beach areas, where each station was repeated 3 times during high tide and low tide. Analysis of organic matter content of sediment samples using gravimetric methods and data analysis using Non-Parametric Kruskal-Wallis H. The results showed the highest levels of sediment organic matter at station 5 were 74.87 ± 1.81% (low tide) and 66.99 ± 0.38% (high tide) and the lowest sediment organic matter content. at station 4 were 31.56 ± 2.14% (lo...
Caulerpa racemosa merupakan salah satu jenis rumput laut hijau yang dapat hidup di daerah pasang ... more Caulerpa racemosa merupakan salah satu jenis rumput laut hijau yang dapat hidup di daerah pasang surutmaupun daerah yang tenang/bebas dari pasang surut. Setiap tahun permintaan C. racemosa di Jepara terus meningkat. Usaha pengembangan budidaya C. racemosa perlu dilakukan supaya penyediaan kebutuhan pasar tidak bergantung pada alam. Upaya peningkatan produksi budidaya dapat dilakukan dengan penambahan nutrien di tambak budidaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian pupuk padat dan cair terhadap pertumbuhan (berat basah, laju pertumbuhan harian) dan kandungan klorofil serta kadar protein rumput laut C. racemosa. Perlakuan yang pada penelitian ini adalahpenambahan pupuk :A (pupuk padat), B (pupuk cair), C (pupuk padat dan cair). Pencapaian berat rata rata rumput laut sebagai berikut: Kontrol= 39,5 ± 6,36 gram; A= 11,5 ± 2,12 gram; B= 18,5 ± 10,6 gram; D= 52,6± 14,19 gram. Laju pertumbuhan spesifik C. racemosa adalah: A= 1,2 ± 0,37%; B= -1,64 ± 0,51%; C= -0,53 ± ...
ABSTRAK: Padina sp. merupakan spesies rumput laut cokelat (Phaeophyta) penghasil alginat, namun k... more ABSTRAK: Padina sp. merupakan spesies rumput laut cokelat (Phaeophyta) penghasil alginat, namun kualitas alginat yang dihasilkan tergolong rendah dibandingkan alginofit lainnya. Metode ekstraksi jalur kalsium diduga dapat meningkatkan kualitas alginat sehingga penelitian ini perlu dilakukan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengkaji apakah ekstraksi jalur kalsium dapat meningkatkan mutu alginat yang dihasilkan dari rumput laut Padina. Ekstraksi dilakukan dengan metode jalur kalsium konvensional dan jalur kalsium MAE (Microvawe Assisted Extraction). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimental laboratoris dengan 1 perlakuan (kosentrasi CaCl2) dan 3 taraf konsentrasi yaitu 0,5 M 1,0 M dan 1,5 M. Parameter kualitas yang dianalisis meliputi rendemen, kadar air, Kadar abu, viskositas, pH dan FTIR. Hasil uji two way ANOVA menunjukan terdapat signifikansi rendemen dengan nilai 0,007. Metode jalur kalsium MAE dengan konsentrasi 1,0 M CaCl2 menghasilkan kualitas terbaik dengan nilai rend...
Nowadays, there are not much knowledge of mangrove fruit. One of mangrove species which has been ... more Nowadays, there are not much knowledge of mangrove fruit. One of mangrove species which has been used as source of food is A.marina. There are toxins such tannin and HCN in mangrove fruit. They may inhibit food process of mangrove fruit. So, they must be removed. The material for removing the toxins is ash powder. This study used factorial pattern of Randomized Complete with split plot Design with 2 treatments and 3 replication,i.e: water immersion time (1,2,3 day) and ash powder concentration (5,10,15% unity). Data was analyzed by two-way anova using SPSS. The result indicated that boiling treatment with ash powder and water immersion had a significant effect ( P<0,05) toward content of carbohydrate, lipid, protein of Avicennia marina fruit flour. Boiling treatment with 15 % ash powder and 3 days immersion had best result toward content of protein and lipid of Avicennia marina flour, while boiling treatment with 5% ash powder and 2 days immersion had best result toward content o...
Nowadays, more dangerous preservative stuffs are used to prepare fish processing product. Chitosa... more Nowadays, more dangerous preservative stuffs are used to prepare fish processing product. Chitosan has antimicrobial characteristic and safe for human, so it can be used to preserve foodstuffs. The research is aimed to study the effect of chitosan on quality of dried-salted anchovy (S. heterolobus) stored at room temperature. The aim of this study were to analyze the product quality of samples and to know the correlation between independent variables (chitosan concentration and storage time) against dependent variables of product quality from chemical aspects (moisture content, water activity), microbiological (TPC, Staphylococcus aureus) and organoleptic test (appearance, odor, flavor and texture). The quality of dried-salted anchovy was refer to SNI 01-2708-1992. The present work of this research employed a laboratory-experimental method with two factors and design as Randomized Complete Block. The first factor was three levels of chitosan concentration (0.0%; 0.5%;1.0%) and the s...
The use of chitosan as preservative agent in fish processing had been conducted for some reasons ... more The use of chitosan as preservative agent in fish processing had been conducted for some reasons for example its usage as food additive that can prevent microbial growth, as antioxidative agent, and, to some extent to produce safe food. This research studied the application of chitosan on salteddried anchovy (S. heterolobus) preservation during storage at room temperature. The aims of this research were to know the effect of treatment (chitosan concentration and storage time) on the quality of salted-dried anchovy (bacterial count and organoleptic test). The experimental design used was Split plot in time design and using Randomized Complete Block with two factors. The first factor was chitosan concentrations (0,0%; 0,5%; 1,0%) while the second factor storage time (0; 2; 4; 6; 8 weeks). The results indicated that chitosan concentration and storage time significantly reduced the total bacterial count (p 0,05) for organoleptic test. The interaction of chitosan concentration and storag...
Products of petroleum of liquid waste can be caused pollution in the ocean. Waste contains of che... more Products of petroleum of liquid waste can be caused pollution in the ocean. Waste contains of chemical element especially ammonia. High concentration of ammonia has toxicity for human and aquatic ecosystems. This Research was aimed to decrease concentration of ammonia by chitosan liquid. The research was conducted in Technological Laboratory of Pertamina RU VI Balongan Indramayu on March - April 2013. The Method of this research used randomized design with kind of treatments is 4 levels and 3 repetition. Treatments of this research used chitosan liquid 0,9% with different variation between chitosan liquid and sample of waste oil refinery, such as : (A) 4%; (B) 8%; (C)12%; (D)16%, with 30 minutes time contact. The largest decrease of ammonia contained in (C) 12% ± 12,83 mg/L (48,67%) and optimum adsorption is 10,28 % ± 13,87 mg/L (44,52%).
Culture of the shrimp larvae in the backyard that have been developing at Jepara region, commonly... more Culture of the shrimp larvae in the backyard that have been developing at Jepara region, commonly use by closed system. Impact of using the .system can cause decrease quality of water. One of some methods to overcome above tie water quality problem was used zeolit material and activated carbon as an adsorption material on toxicunt compound. The aim of this research was to know the effect of zeolit aplication and activated carbon on decrease of the dissolved toxicant compound (ammonia, nitrite, sulfide hydrogen) and survival rate of ahrimp larva in tha backyard. The research was carried out during t 1 month, from end of September to end of October 1997, at area of Coastal Region Ecodevelopment Laboratory of Undip, Jepara, and at aiea of Mrs. Yulianto's backyard hatchery at Kartini coastal waters, Jepara. Method of this research was an Experiment, with 3 treat ments and 2 replicates, that were: Treatment: A (zeolit application); treatment B (activated carbon application); and trea...
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini mempelajari penggunaan khitosan pada proses pengawetan ikan teri (S. heter... more ABSTRAK Penelitian ini mempelajari penggunaan khitosan pada proses pengawetan ikan teri (S. heterolobus) asin kering selama penyimpanan suhu kamar. Tujuannya adalah mengetahui konsentrasi khitosan yang efektif untuk proses pengolahannya. Metoda penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) faktorial . Faktor pertama adalah perlakuan konsentrasi khitosan (tiga taraf :0,0%; 0,5%; 1,0%) dan faktor kedua adalah lama penyimpanan(lima taraf : 0; 2; 4; 6; 8 minggu). Variabel dependen yang diamati meliputi total bakteri/TPC, kadar air dan aktifitas air). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan konsentrasi khitosan berpengaruh nyata (p<0,01) hanya terhadap variabel dependen total bakteri. Sedangkan perlakuan lama penyimpanan berpengaruh nyata ( p<0,01) terhadap variabel kadar air dan total bakteri. Konsentrasi khitosan 0,5% merupakan konsentrasi yang efektif untuk menurunkan total bakteri ikan teri asin kering. Kata-kata kunci: Konsentrasi Khitosan, Ikan Teri (S. heterolobu...
Papers by Sri Sedjati