Russo by Guglielmo Thomas d'Agiout
Естественная история архитектуры как артефакта, предназначенного для изменения окружающей среды с... more Естественная история архитектуры как артефакта, предназначенного для изменения окружающей среды с целью уменьшения ее селективного давления, параллельна истории эволюции живых видов и их взаимоотношений с окружающей средой. Что касается человека, то история взаимоотношений человека и природы, связанная с архитектурой, начинается в Восточной Африке, среди некоторых групп антропоморфных обезьян в тропических лесах, около 4 000 000 лет назад. Первоначально, до того, как предки человека покинули лесную среду, архитектура, как мы понимаем ее сегодня, заключалась лишь в строительстве гнезда или выборе места, пригодного для выживания: дерева, ветки или полости между стволами.. В лесу архитектура была естественной средой, для которой архитектурный акт был выбором и признанием уже созданного убежища для защиты от опасностей, как природных, так и во взаимоотношениях между видами, в акте выживания собственного вида. В то время этот архитектурный акт был определением безопасного места для жизни. Уже на заре своего развития архитектура была о жизни, это было место, где можно было иметь дом в хайдеггеровском смысле. 1 В дальнейшем, с изменением условий окружающей среды, с поредением лесов и созданием саванны вследствие влияния планетарных климатических условий, некоторые группы приматов стали экспериментировать с прямохождением, покидая лес и мигрируя в саванну. Со спуском в саванну прародитель должен был научиться контролировать и видоизменять окружающую среду, ему пришлось приспосабливаться к новым условиям среды, ему пришлось стать независимым от среды, чтобы уменьшить и контролировать избирательное давление, которому он подвергался, он открыл и изобрел первые примитивные типологии. Контролируемое пространство для защиты от природы и встреч с другими видами, «первичное пространство» и доступ к указанному пространству, «элементу доступа».
Уже на ранних этапах жизни существовала среда, с которой приходилось иметь дело, внешняя по отнош... more Уже на ранних этапах жизни существовала среда, с которой приходилось иметь дело, внешняя по отношению к самому себе среда. Эукариотические клетки (одноклеточные или многоклеточные) 1 , относящиеся к высшему уровню научной систематики жизни, вероятно, уже в докембрии (от 4,6 млрд до 570 млн лет назад) имели логику отделения своей пространственной организации от ядра и относительной мембраны.. . Все это для защиты и сохранения генетической памяти (в ДНК и частично также в митохондриях) и с помощью внешней мембраны для защиты генетической индивидуальности. Например, рипозоидная клетка филума Difflugiapyriformis (одноклеточная) строит свою внешнюю защитную оболочку с помощью системы химической цементации, исходя из материалов, состоящих из песчинок (кирпичиков зародыша), поступающих с пищей и при однократном доступе. Клетка фораминиферы имеет собственную пространственную организацию внутри известковой оболочки с внутренними пространственными делениями, которые сообщаются с внешней средой через имеющиеся в раковине перфорации. 2 Фораминиферовая клетка Вся творческая деятельность представителей живых существ в ходе эволюции и в ее чрезвычайно сложном и разнообразном многообразии возникает бессознательно из природных компонентов, определяющих ее как для потребностей выживания, так и для потребностей роста или для случайных событий. Вся конструктивная деятельность животных вплоть до рода Homo основана на природной составляющей, на инстинктах, передаваемых генетически, даже если они связаны с экологической изменчивостью экологических ниш, к которым они принадлежат. 3 Домик, например, у личинок Friganee 4 совпадает с формой второй адаптированной к окружающей среде оболочки тела-ножны. Личинки фригана
Тело и архитектура: анализ между языком и реальностью, между Ельмлевым и Гуссерлем
Traduzione in automatico di "Architettura, filosofia e scienza: che cos'è architettura"
Arabo by Guglielmo Thomas d'Agiout
giapponese by Guglielmo Thomas d'Agiout
Cinese by Guglielmo Thomas d'Agiout
english by Guglielmo Thomas d'Agiout
In the general context of the relationship between the human animal and the planet earth, the pro... more In the general context of the relationship between the human animal and the planet earth, the problem of the perception of architecture arises. It is evident that architecture is a product of human survival that relates to the type of environment in question, with its geomorphological and biological characteristics, manifesting the local natural and cultural characteristics.
The World of Architecture and the Political Management of the Natural World
In the vision of an innate universal architecture 1 , the relationship it has with the political-... more In the vision of an innate universal architecture 1 , the relationship it has with the political-cultural vision of the world in its differentiated environmental aspects derived from the variation of physical-cultural places is evident. The relationship that it has, in its aspect of social organization, with the determination of the physical-cultural functions that it carries out, evidently derives from consolidated Western or Eastern habits (assuming that the division of the world into two is valid and that in this context it is only an approximation, being much more varied).
the communicative generation of architectural typologies
The evolutionary system of architecture
The evolution of architecture occurs through the selection of nature according to the quadriparti... more The evolution of architecture occurs through the selection of nature according to the quadripartition (natural-cultural)/(balance-far from equilibrium). Evolution by natural selection In the case of a phase of stable equilibrium of environmental conditions (natural and social), evolution occurs with a continuous process of transmission of concepts derived from the relationship (place or artefact)/environment. In this context, conceptual variations are filtered by natural selection, in a principle of vital economy, as unnecessary paradigmatic variations. In this phase the selection filters based on the experiences acquired in the man-nature relationship. Variations that are not functional to the man-environment balance are rejected.
primary space
The origin of architecture The natural history of architecture, understood as an artefact aimed a... more The origin of architecture The natural history of architecture, understood as an artefact aimed at modifying the environment to reduce its selective pressure, is parallel to the history of the evolution of living species and their relationship with the environment. In the case of man, the history of the man-nature relationship, linked to architecture, began significantly, in East Africa, in some groups of anthropomorphic rainforest apes before 4,000,000 years ago. Initially, as long as the progenitor of man inhabited the forest environment, architecture, as we understand it today, was in embryo in the probable construction of a nest or in the choice of a place suitable for survival, a tree, a branch or a space between the trunks. In the forest, architecture was the natural environment for which the architectural act was the choice and recognition of the shelter already established for the defense from dangers, both natural and in relationships between species, in an act of survival of one's species. The architectural act was the identification of a safe place to live. Already in its early days, architecture was about living, it was a place to have a home in the Heideggerian sense 1. Subsequently, as environmental conditions changed, with the thinning of the forest and the creation of the savannah, due to the effect of planetary climatic conditions, some groups of primates began to experiment with the upright position, abandoning the forest and migrating towards the savannah. With the descent into the savannah, the progenitor had to learn to manage and modify the environment that surrounded him, he had to adapt to new environmental conditions, he had to become independent from the environment to reduce and control the selective pressure to which he was subjected, he discovered and invented the first primordial typologies. The controlled space to defend oneself from nature and from clashes with other species, the "primary space"
Already in the early stages of life's existence there was an environment to deal with, an environ... more Already in the early stages of life's existence there was an environment to deal with, an environment external to oneself. Eukaryotic cells (unicellular or multicellular) 1 , belonging to the highest level of the scientific taxonomy of life, probably already had in the Precambrian (4.6 billion-570 million years ago) a logic of demarcation of their spatial organization with a nucleus and relative membrane to defend and preserve one's genetic memory (of the DNA of which the Mitochondria is also part) and through an external membrane to defend and delimit one's individuality. The ripozoid cell of the Difflugia pyriformis type (unicellular), for example, builds its external defense membrane with a chemical cementation system with materials composed of grains of sand (the bricks in the embryo) taken together with food and with a single access. The Foraminifera cell has its spatial organization within a calcareous shell with internal spatial divisions that communicate with the outside through perforations in the shell. 2 Foraminiferal cell All the constructions of the representatives of life, in the course of evolution and in an extremely complex and varied variety, are not consciously generated, having a dependence on the natural components that determine them either due to the needs of survival and growth or by the incidence of "chance". All the constructive work of animals up to the genus Homo is based on the natural component, on genetically transmitted instincts even if linked to the environmental variability of the ecological niches to which they belong. 3 The house, for example for Friganee 4 larvae, coincides with a form of second shell of one's body adapted to the environment: the chest. Friganean larvae 1 In biology, an organism made up of one or more cells which, by definition and unlike prokaryotic cells, have a welldifferentiated nucleus which contains most of the cellular DNA, enclosed by a porous envelope formed by two membranes..., Treccani Voice of the Encyclopedia "Eukaryotes" 2 Kark von Frisch rightly introduces the text in his "The architecture of animals", Mondadori, 1975, p.12,13 with considerations on the internal and external structure of the world of the infinitely small. 3 The construction activity with elements of nature, branches or stones or other, is based on the instinct of collecting necessary elements but is regulated by the relationship with the environment also due to chance (collecting a branch broken by the wind or a leaf fallen from branch). 4 Arthropod cited by K. von Frisch op cit. p.53
This text is the result of an interdisciplinary reflection that tends to lay the foundations for ... more This text is the result of an interdisciplinary reflection that tends to lay the foundations for a new concept of architecture, a new architectural paradigm. In light of the transformations occurring at an increasingly rapid pace in the world of science, the sectors of classical knowledge must review their structure and role. In this context, to rediscover its role and cultural meaning, architecture must review its position within the process of transformation of knowledge for which it must somehow account. In other words, to do this, architecture must re-establish the basic assumptions and redefine its specific universe of discourse. Author Graduated in Architecture in the 1970s, he taught at the Italian faculties of Architecture in Rome (Chair of architectural composition, years 73-77) and Naples (Institute of architectural methodology, years 82-83 and 2004) as assistant-presenter of seminars, working on the themes of semiology, representation and design logic. He is currently an independent researcher and for many years has been involved in epistemological and cognitive research on architecture with investigations, currently under development, with fMRI techniques aimed at analyzing the response of the human brain towards architecture.
Viviamo un periodo storico dove si assiste, ogni giorno, a una deformazione della cultura usata e... more Viviamo un periodo storico dove si assiste, ogni giorno, a una deformazione della cultura usata e gestita come strumento di profitto e di conquista di potere. Il mondo virtuale, che pervade quasi tutto il nostro mondo personale, è invaso da operazioni politiche, economiche, d'immagine, e dove la persuasione occulta è, spesso, la regola. In questo mondo le leggi sono una nuvola che passa, si dissolve e ritorna quando è utile a qualche interesse. Come strumento di profitto la cultura è intesa come retorica del potere, reale o virtuale, e come capacità di persuasione funzionale agli interessi economici di chi la gestisce. Come potere reale la cultura svolge una funzione direttamente persuasiva funzionale alla vendita e quindi agli interessi monetari. Come potere virtuale svolge una funzione d'incentivazione dei desideri e dei relativi bisogni (reali o indotti). Per produrre economia, in senso capitalistico, la cultura deve sottostare alle regole della produzione di valori economici, deve appartenere in pieno al mondo del plusvalore nel ciclo "valore del prodotto culturale"-"valore del lavoro intellettuale". Nel caso della cultura il valore del prodotto non è legato necessariamente a un oggetto specifico, un libro o un e-boock, ma è legato, essenzialmente, a incrementare un'immagine dell'autore o della casa editrice che rende quel prodotto valido nel mercato (desiderabile) e che non corrisponde, spesso, a una qualità del prodotto intellettuale. È evidente il caso diffuso dei blog dove s'invita alla partecipazione, non remunerata, a un movimento intellettuale senza regole o con regole del vuoto culturale che ancora persiste dalla notte dei tempi (generalmente "leave a comment"; "è interessante…"; "sono d'accordo…"; "ho apprezzato il suo articolo…"; "molto molto interessante…"; ecc.). Non ha importanza quello che si dice, se non è contro gli interessi della gestione, basta che si crei un movimento funzionale agli interessi in gioco. Come strumento di profitto la cultura deve interpretare le attese dell'utente virtuale che è a sua volta influenzato, se non formato, dal mondo virtuale gestito dalle multinazionali del consumo in un ciclo perverso produttore-consumatore. Come strumento di potere la cultura ha bisogno di un luogo dove esprimersi e dove rimarcare la propria esistenza egemonica ha bisogno, di uno spazio egemonico, di occupare uno spazio culturale. A tal fine per costruire e mantenere la propria egemonia è necessario appropriarsi di un concetto, o di inventarne uno, a giustificazione della propria esistenza culturale, a santificazione della propria immagine. Ė un chiaro esempio la nuova figura del "Culturalstar" (possibilmente con referenze TV, Facebook o altri canali) e il sistema delle conferenze dove una conferenza viene trasformata, con poco sforzo e molto reddito, in libro da comprare e dove, probabilmente, se ci sono interventi negativi non vengono registrati. La conquista del potere, di qualunque tipo, ha sempre avuto bisogno del supporto di una forma di cultura per relazionarsi con le masse e per giustificare la propria esistenza egemonica. Le ideologie, che erano un'interpretazione della realtà sociale, sono diventate delle "quasi" (a volte sgrammaticate) retoriche vuote di senso, senza un supporto logico e piene solo di aspirazioni di potere. Tutto ciò non esprime uno scetticismo sulla funzione e sull'esistenza della cultura, quella vera, ma esprime solo la difficoltà, nei nostri tempi, a continuare ad agire nel senso dello sviluppo della cultura come un approfondimento della conoscenza del mondo che ci circonda. Ė evidente che ogni luogo di azione, oggi nella società occidentale e non solo, per esistere ha bisogno di un supporto economico, ma esistono modi diversi di fare economia senza sopprimere la voce della cultura vera, senza sopprimere lo sforzo di chi con tutte le difficoltà, gli errori e le contraddizioni del caso cerca di far avanzare, a proprie spese, la conoscenza del mondo che ci circonda. Ė compito di chi gestisce la cultura di trovare un giusto rapporto di mediazione tra le esigenze economiche e l'esigenza di un progredire della conoscenza senza entrare in contraddizione con se stessi e con la propria origine. Nota (quest'articolo è stato pubblicato su:
Russo by Guglielmo Thomas d'Agiout
Arabo by Guglielmo Thomas d'Agiout
giapponese by Guglielmo Thomas d'Agiout
Cinese by Guglielmo Thomas d'Agiout
english by Guglielmo Thomas d'Agiout