Papers by Verena Eberhardt
Basierend auf einem kulturwissenschaftlichen Zugang zu Religion wird in diesem Beitrag ein theore... more Basierend auf einem kulturwissenschaftlichen Zugang zu Religion wird in diesem Beitrag ein theoretischer Rahmen zur Erforschung medialer Reprasentationen fur Kinder geschaffen. Religion wird als Symbolsystem konzipiert, das durch die theoretische Verknupfung mit dem kulturellen Imaginaren einen religionswissenschaftlichen Zugang zum Forschungsfeld Kindermedien und Religion ermoglicht. In vier exemplarischen Analysen werden Motive, Narrative und Konzepte religioser Pluralitat herausgearbeitet, um sie anschliesend hinsichtlich normativer Vorstellungen in der Reprasentation von Religion und des Zusammenlebens in einer pluralen Gesellschaft zu untersuchen.
The video highlights aspects of a doctoral thesis about representations of religious diversity in... more The video highlights aspects of a doctoral thesis about representations of religious diversity in German-language media, which are intentionally produced for children.
Literature is an important medium for representing and communicating world views and values. This... more Literature is an important medium for representing and communicating world views and values. This article focuses on the representation of culture and religion and reveals constructions of identities in children’s literature. The analysis of selected contemporary books from the German speaking area considers the representation of the main characters and their cultural and religious background as well as their faith and practices with a discourse analytical approach. The analysed narrations tend to specify difference by means of cultural and religious characteristics; instead of dissolving those categories, narrations strengthen them. The article states the importance of literature in the mediation of knowledge, self-concepts, interpersonal perceptions and normative paradigms.
Papers by Verena Eberhardt