Papers by Nur Aeni Widiastuti

Deleted Journal, Mar 10, 2024
Jepara Regency is the center of the carving and furniture industries. The spread of the Jepara ca... more Jepara Regency is the center of the carving and furniture industries. The spread of the Jepara carving industry is one of them in the village of Sukosono, Kedung sub-district. The majority of the population's livelihoods are carpenters, furniture craftsmen, and finishing services. Along with the times, there were many factories in Jepara Regency, which had an impact on the lack of carving staff in Jepara. Samisuko Furnicraft is a service partner in this activity. Founded in 2009 by Mr. Muhammad Samiun who is engaged in making calligraphy carvings, door carvings, gebyok carvings, and losters. Problems that exist with Partners: 1) Lack of carving staff. 2) in the production process at the stage of the carving process, the carving staff at the partners have not been able to make carving images with new motifs so that it slows down the production process and acceptance of incoming orders must be limited, 2) Marketing management on the marketplace platform is not optimal. Based on the existing problems, the solutions offered are (1) Socialization and Assistance in the application of CNC MACH technology, (2) Training on marketing with internet marketing. The output of this activity is Publication in the Jawa Pos newspaper on December 23, 2022, Activity Videos will be uploaded on Youtube LPPM UNISNU Jepara and increased partner empowerment starting from increasing production capacity from 400 to 520 pcs, turnover increasing from 20 million to 30 million and assets an increase of 10%.

Simetris: Jurnal Teknik Mesin, Elektro dan Ilmu Komputer, Nov 9, 2023
Penjurusan siswa merupakan suatu proses penempatan siswa ke dalam jurusan tertentu sesuai dengan ... more Penjurusan siswa merupakan suatu proses penempatan siswa ke dalam jurusan tertentu sesuai dengan minat dan kemampuan akademiknya sebagai upaya untuk lebih mempermudah siswa-siswi dalam proses pembelajaran. Madrasah Aliyah Darul Hikmah Menganti merupakan sekolahan sederajat dengan SMA, yang memiliki dua jurusan yaitu IPA, dan IPS. Sulitnya dalam mengklasifikasikan jurusan peserta didik baru menjadi kendala bagi pihak sekolah. Karena proses penilaian kriteria yang dilakukan satu per satu. Dari permasalahan tersebut dilakukan penerapan metode K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) untuk mengklasifikasikan jurusan guna mempermudah dan meminimalisir kesalahan dalam proses penentuan jurusan siswa baru. Data yang awalnya berjumlah 638 record dan 31 atribut, setelah dilakukan preprosessing data yang digunakan berjumlah 635 record dengan 12 atribut yaitu nama, jenis kelamin, minat penjurusan, asal sekolah, anak ke, jumlah saudara, nilai matematika, nilai bahasa Inggris, nilai ipa, nilai bahasa Indonesia, nilai hasil tes, dan rekomendasi jurusan. Setelah dilakukan pengujian menggunakan K-Fold Cross Validation dan Confusion Matrix untuk evaluasi dan validasi hasil dengan perhitungan jarak Euclidean Distance didapatkan nilai k terbaik(optimal) k=3 yang menghasilkan accuracy: 97.11%, precision: 96.82%, recall: 98.33%, dan AUC: 0.951.

Jurnal Disprotek, Feb 2, 2023
Determining the feasibility of applying for a motorcycle loan at a dealer company is very importa... more Determining the feasibility of applying for a motorcycle loan at a dealer company is very important, considering that if a decision-making error occurs it will have an impact on the loss of the company in the place of this research, namely Dealer Muncul Jaya. There is a need for a Classification Algorithm to solve this problem, there is one Classification Algorithm that has been proven to have high accuracy and speed to solve these problems, namely the Naive Bayes Algorithm. Therefore, the authors analyze the Eligibility Determination of Credit Applications with the Naïve Bayes method to determine whether or not a motorcycle loan application is feasible. The author makes calculations using the Naïve Bayes method manually using Excel and using the supporting application Rapidminer 5.3 for testing the accuracy of the system he created. Testing is done by preparing 180 training data and 33 testing data selected randomly. The results of the accuracy test using the Naïve Bayes method are quite high, namely 93.94% with an error percentage of 6.06%. So, it can be concluded that the application made can support decision making in determining motorcycle credit eligibility.

Jurnal Disprotek, Jul 20, 2020
Every year, most students of Azzahra Vocational School are expected to work directly according to... more Every year, most students of Azzahra Vocational School are expected to work directly according to their fields, but in processing the level of achievement scores of students who determine the criteria for entering the labor market, they still use the manual method which has many weaknesses and has the potential to cause errors. There is a need for a Classification Algorithm to solve this problem, there is one Classification Algorithm that has proven accuracy and good speed for solving these problems, namely the Naive Bayes Algorithm. Therefore the author analyzes the predictions of students entering the labor market using the Naïve Bayes method to determine whether they pass or not enter the labor market criteria. The author makes calculations for the Naïve Bayes method manually using Excel and using the Rapidminer 5.3 supporting application, where in this study the data used for 2018-2020 is 247 in total, the dataset is divided into 2 parts, namely 152 training data and 75 testing data, which predicts students who passed the criteria for entering the labor market were 57 people and those who did not pass the criteria for entering the labor market were 18 people. This is different from the student testing data where 46 people passed the criteria for entering the labor market and 29 people did not pass the criteria for entering the labor market and the accuracy obtained obtained a score of 77.33%. So, it can be concluded that testing using the Naïve Bayes method can support predicting whether or not students graduate in entering the job market.

JTET (Jurnal Teknik Elektro Terapan), Apr 1, 2018
CV. Bagaskara Galih Perkasa Jepara is one of the companies engaged in furniture. Current inventor... more CV. Bagaskara Galih Perkasa Jepara is one of the companies engaged in furniture. Current inventory systems still have many shortcomings and weaknesses that cause the company's performance to be less than the maximum. There is inefficient data recording process because the same data recording is done several times because the form is available separately, and the absence of notification "goods are running out" on the current system that causes the delay of decision-making process. The purpose of this study is to develop an inventory information system that can manage data efficiently and facilitates the decision-making process. Object-oriented system development methodology using Rapid Application Development (RAD) method is utilized in this research and it is tested using black box testing and questionnaire. It is developed by system modeling using Unified Modelling Language (UML), Java programming language using Netbeans IDE tools, and MySQL database. Theresult of this research is a computerized inventory information system that can be used efficiently, and features of goods receiving, goods spending, goods inventory report, notice of near-expense supplies, and daily reports. Based on the results of research conducted to measure the feasibility of this product by spreading the questionnaire to thematerialexpert, the rate of user satisfaction is obtained 83.03% and the black box testing conducted by the media expert obtained 93.38%, it can be concluded that the inventory information system is included in the "very eligible" category to use. Keywords :Inventory, Rapid Application Development (RAD), Unified Modeling Language (UML), Java, MySQL, Black box testing

Jurnal Sistem Informasi Bisnis, Jun 8, 2023
Balai Besar Perikanan Budidaya Air Payau often experiences changes in the number of vanammei shri... more Balai Besar Perikanan Budidaya Air Payau often experiences changes in the number of vanammei shrimp production that is uncertain every day. This resulted in the scarcity of vanammei shrimp larvae seeds, unmet market demand and high selling prices. So that the BBPBAP experienced problems in monitoring the quality of the production of vanammei shrimp larvae. To overcome these problems, data mining is used as an alternative solution. The research method used is the Fuzzy C-Means algorithm. With the research stages starting from data collection, pre-processing data to clean data or attributes that are not suitable, clustering using the Fuzzy C-Means algorithm, testing using the MATLAB tool, and evaluating validation using the Davies Bouldin Index (DBI). Based on the results of the clustering that has been carried out from a total of 894 data, which are included in the good cluster, 569 data with the unfavorable category is 325. The results of the evaluation and validation obtained a value of 0.32 with the resulting cluster quality is optimum.

IMPLEMENTATION OF THE GRAPPLE METHOD IN PROGRESS ORDER APPLICATIONS IN THE FINISHING INDUSTRYAlon... more IMPLEMENTATION OF THE GRAPPLE METHOD IN PROGRESS ORDER APPLICATIONS IN THE FINISHING INDUSTRYAlong with advances in technology and information in all fields, one of which is in the field of furniture, especially in the finishing service industry. So far, orders have been received manually via telephone and WhatsApp. This is less effective because if the customer asks for a product that is still in the production process, the recipient of the order is less able to trace it due to the long finishing stages, many orders, less extensive production area, different products, and different processing times. Therefore, the progress order mobile application is used as an alternative solution to make it easier for order recipients to receive orders and to be able to monitor the process of working on the products being served. The system development method uses GRAPPLE and the research results from the feasibility study obtained material experts 95.8%, two shop owners 92.5% and 30 respondents ...
Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Komputer
The registrars for rehabilitation programs for uninhabitable settlements are increasing every yea... more The registrars for rehabilitation programs for uninhabitable settlements are increasing every year. The large data processing of registrants may result in inaccuracies and need a long time to determine livable houses (RTLH) and unfit for habitation (non RTLH). This study aims to apply the K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm in classifying the eligibility of recipients of uninhabitable house rehabilitation assistance. The data used in this study were 1289 data with 13 attributes from the Jepara Regency Public Housing and Settlement Service. Data processing begins with attribute selection, categorization, outlier data cleaning, and data normalization and method application. The proposed system has the best classification at k of 5 with an accuracy of 97.93%, 96.88% precision, 99.53% recall, and an AUC value of 0.964.

Transformasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Di era teknologi informasi yang terus berkembang, pelaku Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) perlu ... more Di era teknologi informasi yang terus berkembang, pelaku Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) perlu memanfaatkan aplikasi digital untuk membantu pemasaran dan pendistribusian produk bisnisnya. Masalah utama yang masih dihadapi pelaku UMKM adalah adanya penerapan model single agen sehingga pelaku usaha sangat bergantung kepada satu agen atau reseller dalam mendapatkan bahan baku produk. Proses pemasaran produk juga masih mengandalkan metode "dari mulut ke mulut" dan penyebaran google form. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang bermitra dengan Paguyuban UMKM Kartini Mandiri Jepara ini bertujuan untuk memberikan kemudahan kepada mitra dalam proses produksi dan pemasaran produk melalui pendampingan pemanfaatan aplikasi Electronic Supply Chain Management (E-SCM). Pengabdian ini juga membekali pengetahuan dan keterampilan mitra dalam proses pemasaran komoditas dan pengelolaan keuangan. Metode yang digunakan dalam program pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah Participation Action Research (PAR) melalui studi pendahuluan, sosialiasi, pelatihan, dan pendampingan. Hasil pengabdian ini menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi E-SCM mampu mengatasi masalah utama mitra di bidang bahan baku, pemasaran, dan manajemen. Program pengabdian ini membantu angota Paguyuban UMKM Kartini Mandiri Jepara dalam mendapatkan informasi secara langsung dari pihak pertama sebagai pemasok bahan baku tanpa perantara. Aplikasi E-SCM juga membantu proses sinkronisasi pelbagai platform marketplace populer seperti Facebook, Shopee, dan Tokopedia.

E-Dimas: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2021
Kabupaten Jepara dikenal sebagai kota ukir dengan produk unggulan daerahnya adalah mebel. Perseba... more Kabupaten Jepara dikenal sebagai kota ukir dengan produk unggulan daerahnya adalah mebel. Persebaran industri ukir dan mebel hampir menyeluruh di daerah Jepara terutama di Kecamatan Tahunan. Hasil mebel Jepara banyak diminati orang Indonesia dan luar negeri karena kualitas dan model yang custom. Oleh sebab itu, pasar industri mebel mengarah ke domestik dan ekspor. Seiring perkembangan teknologi dan revolusi industri 4.0, di Jepara mulai bermunculan penanaman modal asing (PMA) khususnya di bidang mebel, sehingga karyawan industri mebel mulai berkurang dengan penggunaan teknologi. Adanya krisis covid-19 secara global berpengaruh pada perekonomian Indonesia salah satunya industri mebel. Media Online menjadi alternatif media promosi selain media pemasaran dari mulut ke mulut di masa pandemi. Para IKM dituntut bisa menggunakannya untuk keberlangsungan usahanya. Solusi yang ditawarkan adalah pelatihan internet marketing melalui sosialisasi, pelatihan, pendampingan, monitoring, dan evaluas...

Jurnal Disprotek, Feb 24, 2022
Universitas Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Jepara merupakan salahsatu perguruan tinggi swasta yang ada dik... more Universitas Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Jepara merupakan salahsatu perguruan tinggi swasta yang ada dikabupaten Jepara yang terletak didaerah pesisir. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dari bagian UPT Pusat Data UNISNU, pada tahun 2016 hingga 2018 jumlah mahasiswa baru mengalami peningkatan yang kurang signifikan. Salahsatu permasalahan yang muncul adalah ketidaktepatan wilayah dalam melakukan strategi promosi secara langsung sehingga minat siswa berkurang. Solusi yang ditawarkan dengan pemetaan wilayah/sekolah yang berpotensial untuk dilaksanakannya strategi promosi secara langsung. Hasil dari penelitian ini dihasilkan 3 cluster yang mengarah ke jenjang pendidikan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK). Hasil cluster dikatakan akurat dikarenakan jarak data mahasiswa pertama dengan pusat cluster pertama adalah 4, bahwa jarak data mahasiswa pertama dengan pusat cluster kedua adalah 1 dan bahwa jarak data mahasiswa pertama dengan pusat cluster ketiga adalah 1 dengan evaluasi yang digunakan dengan perbandingan nilai BCV = 21,09 nilai WCV=12211,29 dan rasio keduanya = 0,0017 dengan kriteria Baik.

UD Mebel Jati merupakan salah satu dari sekian banyak toko yang menyediakan furniture atau perabo... more UD Mebel Jati merupakan salah satu dari sekian banyak toko yang menyediakan furniture atau perabotan rumah tangga seperti kursi, bufet, lemari dan lain sebagainya. Banyaknya data transaksi penjualan di Toko UD Mebel Jati saat ini hanya digunakan untuk membuat laporan penjualan dan stok barang. Padahal dari data mining penjualan ini dapat dicari perkiraan jumlah penjualan suatu barang untuk bulan tertentu menggunakan metode perhitungan. Dari sini dapat diketahui peramalan jumlah penjualan bulan tertentu sehingga Toko UD Mebel Jati dapat memperkirakan untuk persediaan furniture. Penulis akan merancang sebuah sistem implementasi datamining untuk memprediksi penjualan furniture menggunakan metode least square untuk lebih memanfaatkan data transaksi penjualan yang ada. Rancangan tersebut akan diimplementasikan dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan databse MySql. PHP merupakan suatu bahasa pemrograman yang menyatu dengan bahasa HTML untuk membuat halaman web yang menarik. Peneliti...

Simetris: Jurnal Teknik Mesin, Elektro dan Ilmu Komputer
Kabupaten Jepara memiliki sentra industri yang tersebar di wilayahnya. Beberapa sentra industri d... more Kabupaten Jepara memiliki sentra industri yang tersebar di wilayahnya. Beberapa sentra industri diantaranya sentra kerajinan gerabah dan genteng, sentra industri tenun troso, sentra industri kerajinan monel, sentra industri mebel, dan lainnya. Persebaran sentra yang ada menyebabkan sentra industri yang lokasinya strategis lebih mudah dikunjungi daripada pengrajin yang lokasinya kurang strategis. Oleh sebab itu, untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut dan demi keberlangsungan sentra yang ada maka peneliti mengusulkan untuk perancangan aplikasi mobile persebaran Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah dengan pengembangan metode location based service. Aplikasi mobile ini terintegrasi dengan google Maps API sehingga pembeli dapat mengakses jarak lokasi sentra yang dicari dengan lokasi dia berada saat itu. Metode ini memiliki kelebihan diantaranya: (1)informasi lokasi yang diberikan real time, (2)sebagai penunjuk arah untuk lokasi yang dituju. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dilihat dari pengujian blackbox...

Jurnal Informatika dan Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak
UMKM merupakan salah satu industri yang menyokong pertumbuhan ekonomi di Kabupaten Jepara. Akan t... more UMKM merupakan salah satu industri yang menyokong pertumbuhan ekonomi di Kabupaten Jepara. Akan tetapi kondisi yang ada saat ini, keberadaan dan lokasi UMKM sulit dijangkau oleh masyarakat umum dikarenakan minimnya informasi tentang UMKM itu sendiri. Padahal jenis UMKM di Kabupaten Jepara itu sangat banyak sekali dan jenis UMKM yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah furniture kayu, kerajinan rotan, tenun troso, monel, gerabah, dan genteng.. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, perlu dikembangkan sebuah sistem informasi pencarian lokasi UMKM di Kabupaten Jepara untuk memudahkan masyarakat umum mencari dan mengetahui lokasi industri yang dituju. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengembangan sistem ini yaitu menggunakan metode waterfall dimana pembangunan sistem dimulai dengan analisis permasalahan, identifikasi kebutuhan sistem, perancangan, implementasi, pengujian, dan perawatan. Alat pemodelan yang digunakan untuk merancang sistem informasi yaitu menggunakan UML (unified modelling lang...

Data mining sering disebut Knowledge Discovery in Database (KDD). Data mining biasanya digunakan ... more Data mining sering disebut Knowledge Discovery in Database (KDD). Data mining biasanya digunakan untuk memperbaiki pengambilan keputusan di masa yang akan datang berdasarkan informasi yang diperoleh dari masa lalu. Misalnya untuk prediksi, estimasi, assosiasi, clustering, dan deskripsi. Sekumpulan data yang ada di laboratorium klinik belum difungsikan secara efektif dan hanya di fungsikan sebagai arsip untuk riwayat penyakit pasien. Jantung merupakan pembunuh nomor satu di dunia. Kurangnya aliran darah dan oksigen ke jantung bisa menyebabkan penyakit jantung. Pada penelitian ini akan membandingkan algoritma klasifikasi data mining Naive Bayes Berbasis PSO untuk deteksi penyakit jantung. Pengukuran dengan Naives Bayes menghasilkan akurasi 82.14%, sementara dengan Naives Bayes Berbasis Particle Swarm Optimization akurasi meningkat menjadi 92.86%. Tingkat akurasi dibandingkan dengan hasil laboratorium.

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are industrial sectors that are very important to sus... more Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are industrial sectors that are very important to sustain the economy of Jepara Regency. There are 18,695 Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Jepara Regency in 2016, including wood carving, troso weaving, chopper brass (monel) jewelry, sculpture, rattan crafts, calligraphy, and reliefs. The number of SMEs in Jepara makes buyers or tourists have many choices in buying products of varying quality and competitive prices. In addition, sometimes they are also confused in finding the location of SMEs. Therefore, this application is made to solve these problems by making an application that provides location-based information center industrial services. This application is expected to facilitate tourists in finding the location of the industry to be addressed. Geolocation technology is used to identify real-world geographic locations that can be applied to the Android operating system. So this application provides store description services, p...

NJCA (Nusantara Journal of Computers and Its Applications)
Mulyoharjo is the center of wood sculpture and sculpture industry which is included in Jepara reg... more Mulyoharjo is the center of wood sculpture and sculpture industry which is included in Jepara regency, Central Java. Mulyoharjo is now developed into a tourist village of creative industries that began to favor a lot of local and foreign tourists. Mulyoharjo has excellent potential such as sculpture or wood carving. Local tourists and foreign tourists need information about the carving industry in Mulyoharjo to be visited. But to find the carving industry in Mulyoharjo is still limited in the website that takes a long time in the search process. So to know the carving industry information is less effective and efficient. Utilization of the progress of smartphone technology is one solution to this problem. Therefore, researchers apply an information-based android mobile app that provides information about the potential of existing industries in Mulyoharjo Village, based on location/map. Development method used in making this application is waterfall method using the ionic framework w...
Papers by Nur Aeni Widiastuti