Teaching and learning now comes in different styles and forms. Educatorsare now experimenting on ... more Teaching and learning now comes in different styles and forms. Educatorsare now experimenting on the new methods on teaching and learning which aimat improving the quality of education and the quality of citizens produced byschools. As new styles and forms of teaching and learning arrive, it also comeswith pros and cons, or in short, it has advantages and disadvantages as well.Educators nowadays devote themselves on assessing the efficiency of these newstyles in teaching and learning.One of the emanating new methods in teaching and learning today is themodular approach wherein teacher intervention is very minimal or limited. Thisstyle of teaching and learning is student-centered since the student has to learneverything in the module by his own effort and phase. This method deviatesfrom the traditional classroom situation wherein a teacher presents the lessonand the students just listen to learn the concepts presented.This fact gives the researcher an interest to do a study on how effective isthis modular method in the teaching of computational sciences like chemistryand what are the factors affecting the student's achievement and retention of concepts in this kind of method.
Teaching and learning now comes in different styles and forms. Educatorsare now experimenting on ... more Teaching and learning now comes in different styles and forms. Educatorsare now experimenting on the new methods on teaching and learning which aimat improving the quality of education and the quality of citizens produced byschools. As new styles and forms of teaching and learning arrive, it also comeswith pros and cons, or in short, it has advantages and disadvantages as well.Educators nowadays devote themselves on assessing the efficiency of these newstyles in teaching and learning.One of the emanating new methods in teaching and learning today is themodular approach wherein teacher intervention is very minimal or limited. Thisstyle of teaching and learning is student-centered since the student has to learneverything in the module by his own effort and phase. This method deviatesfrom the traditional classroom situation wherein a teacher presents the lessonand the students just listen to learn the concepts presented.This fact gives the researcher an interest to do a study on how effective isthis modular method in the teaching of computational sciences like chemistryand what are the factors affecting the student's achievement and retention of concepts in this kind of method.
Papers by Yzzel Agorilla