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We aim to advance technological discoveries by timely publishing robust and insightful scientific work, putting minimally possible workload on the researchers thus supporting the easiness in developing new areas of research while simultaneously making ideas and knowledge accessible around the world without any subscription charges. Our publication process is hassle free, yet duly reviewed by the proficient scholars of the relevant field, and assisted at all steps by our skilled team members.
Zeal Press involves eminent research personalities and reputed scientists of the relevant fields in the editorial boards of its Journals. It has strong archive system for all the articles published in its comprehensive range of open access journals and indexed in reputable indexing databases thus increasing the likelihood of acknowledgement and citation of your valuable research work.
Phone: 07903449183
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Papers by Zeal Press
to energy saving by direct use solar energy for illumination. This paper propose a model of hybrid natural lighting system
with LEDs illumination that would be improve the efficiency of solar energy use. The system is compounded by a
prismatic daylight collector, a reflector for re-directing daylight into the room and a diffuse reflector for indoor illumination.
The main emerged intensity distribution of the right-angle prismatic collector was investigated using matrix ray tracing
model and edge ray principle. The directionality of main emerged light from hypotenuse of the prism is applied to effort
the performance of natural light illumination systems by simply guiding design. In this paper, we propose that an efficient
hybrid natural lighting system with LED which combined with the prismatic daylight collector can be realizable by a
suitable tilted angle of the prismatic daylight collector for different daylight conditions. The reduced electrical energy
consumption for using hybrid natural lighting system with LED illumination system can contribute to 70%, 61% and 40%
compared to using T8 fluorescent, T5 fluorescent and LEDs, respectively.
angle of a solar cell module depends on the solar radiation characteristics, season, and reflectivity in the local area. One
of the important parameters that affect the performance of a solar collector is its tilt angle with the horizon. This is
because of the variation of tilt angle changes the amount of solar radiation reaching the collector surface. A
mathematical model is presented for determining the optimum tilt angle at different orientations (surface azimuth angle)
for the solar collector, on a daily basis, as well as for a specific period such as monthly, seasonally and yearly basis. The
optimum angle was computed by searching for the values for which the extraterrestrial solar radiation on the collector
surface is a maximum for a particular day or a specific period. The results reveal that changing the tilt angle 12 times in a
year (i.e. using the monthly optimum tilt angle) or even 4 times/year (i.e. using the seasonally optimum tilt angle)
maintains approximately the total amount of solar radiation near the maximum value that is found by changing the tilt
angle daily to its optimum value. This achieves a yearly gain in solar radiation of 5.5% at 0o
latitude to 78% at 60o
latitude more than the case of a solar collector fixed on a horizontal surface.
polycrystalline thin-film solar cells. Hydrogen has traditionally been applied to passivate defects at GBs. However,
hydrogenated films are subject to light-induced degradation effects. In this study, we took a novel approach to
passivating GBs in multicrystalline silicon (mc-Si) wafers with small polar molecules. We found an excellent
correlation between the grain misorientation, electrical resistance across GBs, and passivation effectiveness. In
particular, the charge transport across GBs was greatly enhanced after the wafers were properly treated in our
polar molecule solutions; the sheet resistance can be reduced by up to more than one order for large-angle
random GBs. The results were explained to be due to the effective charge neutralization and passivation of polar
molecules on localized charge states at GBs. These findings may help us achieve high-quality materials at low
cost for high-efficiency solar cells by enhancing carrier transport and minimizing carrier recombination.
analysis of the CuPc film confirms the β-phase with preferred orientation along (100) direction. The crystallite size of the
CuPc film was estimated using XRD data and observed to be about 12.6 nm. The current-voltage characteristics of
Au/CuPc/n-Si/Au device was studied in dark and under illumination. The device showed diode characteristics. The diode
parameters such as ideality factor, barrier height and series resistance were determined using different techniques such
as conventional forward bias I-V characteristics, Cheung method and Norde’s function. A good agreement between the
diode parameters calculated form these methods was observed. The analysis of the diode characteristics confirmed that
the transport mechanism of the Au/CuPc/n-Si/Au diode at the higher electric fields was governed by the space-chargelimited currents. The photoconducting behavior of the diode suggests that it can be used as a photosensor in optoelectronic applications
This interaction is expressed by means of the mechanisms of absorption, scattering and reflection. The occurrence of
each such mechanism depends on the size of the molecules in relation with the wavelength of the incoming radiation.
The study of the interaction of solar radiation with atmospheric constituents, including aerosols, has long attracted
scientific interest; such an interaction is related to climate-change issues. Among the atmospheric constituents, interest
has been given to the anthropogenically-derived nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in the troposphere, since there has been found
that anthropogenic aerosols have been playing an important role in their interaction with the incoming solar radiation.
That is the reason for the recent discovery of the global dimming phenomenon. Mean daily solar radiation values from
the Actinometric Station of the National Observatory of Athens (ASNOA) are compared with simultaneous ones of NO2
measured by the network of the Greek Ministry of Environment within the Athens basin. The period considered in this
study covers the years 1990 - 2004. The study examines clear-sky conditions in order to show the influence of NO2
alone on solar radiation. The results show that increasing levels of NO2 cause smaller/greater scattering of solar
radiation (global/diffuse components) at different rates, thus resulting in an attenuation of solar radiation; this attenuation
rate is greater in the global component than in the diffuse one, in absolute terms.
product was investigated by degrading Methyl Orange (MO) under visible light irradiation. The as-synthesized sample
showed more efficient photocatalytic activity than that of single BiOCl or Bi2WO6 .
generation of electrical power have shown real promise and received renewed interest in recent years due to an
increasing concern of environmental issues of greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, and the limitations and
conservation of natural energy resources. Solar-photovoltaic (PV) systems directly convert renewable solar energy into
green electrical energy. However, their power production and efficiencies tend to decrease when operating at relatively
higher temperatures. Therefore, reducing the temperature of PV modules using efficient cooling methods would improve
their performances. Thermoelectric power generation (TEG) technology could be used to convert a portion of the wasteheat energy dissipated from PV systems, thus cooling them, and at the same time generates extra power. Hence, hybrid
photovoltaic-thermoelectric power generation (HPV-TEG) systems integrate TEG modules with a PV module to form a
more efficient power generation system. The main objective of this paper is to investigate the viability and performance
characteristics of a hybrid HPV-TEG through detailed lab-simulated tests. Experimental results and in thermal images
showed that the HPV-TEG system was able to generate more DC power than the solo PV system while operating at
higher irradiance intensities and lower TEG’s inlet coolant temperature. At the irradiance of 615W/m2
, the power
generation from the hybrid HPV-TEG system increased by 4.1% compared to the solo PV system. The results also
indicated that when the irradiance was increased to 750W/m2
, the power generated from the hybrid system increased to
approximately 8.6% higher than the power generated from the solo PV system at the same irradiance. The integration of
the concentrators in the hybrid PV system increased the maximum power point by 23.3% compared to the hybrid PV
system without concentrators
solutions to it. The chemical composition of the CZTS absorber was estimated by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS)
and a solution-based Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscopy (ICPMS). It discloses a chemical non-uniformity
issue spatially on even the same sample and confirms Sn loss issue. It also reveals that substrate option affects
composition control.
culture system was made of glass and consists of four major parts: culture system container, stirrer, aerator rod and
aerator pump. The reactor had proved to be well suited for the cultivation of micro alga Chlorella sp. Two different trials
were run for microalgal culture. The lux intensity at the photobioreactor was maintained at 200lux. The algal biomass
volumetric output rate was 5.85g l-1
sputtering. In this coating, Cu, NbCrN, NbCrON and SiO2 act as the infrared reflector metal layer (and as substrate too),
high metal volume fraction layer, low metal volume fraction layer and anti-reflection layer, respectively. The effects of the
reactive gas flow rates of the absorption layers and the thickness of each layer were investigated and the optimal
deposition parameters for the coatings were obtained. Finally the main result is that the best spectral properties with the
absorptance of 0.93 and the emittance of 0.07 (25o
C) are achieved. The experimental results indicate its potential
applications in solar collectors.
solar PV module with latitude angle and daily optimum slope is calculated basing on Hottel clear sky radiation model
(HM) and ex-terrestrial solar radiation model (ESRM). The calculated results are compared with the data obtained from a
PV system with 252 Wpeak power module installed on a two axes solar tracker which was designed and constructed
locally. The main components of the tracker are introduced. It was found that, the maximum possible energy gain
calculated basing on HM and ESRM are practically identic. For example, on 25 August from 8 O’clock to solar noon, the
hourly energy gain values of HM are 1.672, 1.336, 1.170, 1.098 and 1.097 while they are 1.677, 1.337, 1.170, 1.098 and
1.098 in the case of ESRM. The corresponding measured values on the same day are 1.746, 1.36, 1.16, 1.043 and
1.027. Thus, the theoretical data are consistent with the measured ones. Moreover, it was found that the tracked system
is more economic feasible than latitude tilted similar one with a relative solar energy gain of 0.32%.
investigated experimentally using an indoor experimental setup, designed and constructed locally at Higher Institute for
Applied Sciences and Technology, Damascus. The experiments have been carried out under various intensity levels of
radiation in the range of 700- 2000W/m2
. The experimental results indicate that, radiation intensity has a dominant effect
on current parameters. It is found that photocurrent; short circuit current and maximum current have been increased
linearly with increasing radiation intensity. So, concentrating system may be regarded as a best choice to enhance the
power output of solar system. The power density of the solar panel at 30o
C increased from 1.86 mW/cm2
at 1300W/m2
3.59 mW/cm2
at 2000W/m2
. The role of temperature on the electric parameters of solar panel is also considered. The
practical local possible solar panel’s temperature was considered to be in the range of 10–70o
C. The experiments cover
this temperature range. Experimental results show that all electrical parameters of solar panel such as maximum output
power, open circuit voltage, short circuit current, efficiency and fill factor have changed with temperature variation. As
well as the amount of changes in these parameters in terms of temperature value have been obtained. According to
results, the most significant is the temperature dependence of the voltage which decreases with increasing temperature
while the current of the solar panel slightly increases by temperature. On the other hand, it has been observed that solar
panel’s temperature has a dramatic effect on voltage parameters. Open circuit voltage and maximum voltage are
decrease with increasing solar panel’s temperature. So, the maximum power density of the mono-crystalline and polycrystalline silicon solar module decreased from 43.4 and 48.76/cm2
to 36.32 and 41.88mW/cm2
for temperature 10o
and 70o
C respectively. When testing the effect of temperature on French Photo watt solar cells, obtained 20 years ago
and encapsulated in a solar panel locally, in the temperature range of 10–90o
C, it was found that, the open circuit voltage
decreases by 1.87mV/ o
C which is equivalent to 0.3% of the nominal value. The short circuit current intensity decreases
by 20mA/o
C which is equivalent to 1% of the nominal value. When comparing these values with those of the company
presented at its electronic cite, Isc = +0,06%/°C; Voc = -0,34%/°C, one can conclude that aging effect is important on short
circuit current intensity.
is modeled. The influence of activator gas bubbles volume developments on the evaporation of fuel droplets in the high
temperature combustion chamber is studied. The crude glycerol as the secondary product of biodiesel production is
used as the first component of the emulsion while the second component is heavy fuel oil. The crude glycerol contains
methanol, aromatics, minerals, a little bit biodiesel and water. These materials were pressurized and injected in the
chamber with three inputs: the first one is for the CG-HFO, the second one is for activator while the third one is for air for
forming the emulsion and then passing to the combustion chamber. The applied pressure is determined according to
contents which lead to flame stability of the primary formed emulation. A comparison of calculated results, basing on
semi-empirical method, with experimental ones demonstrates the modeling acceptable accuracy.
through household small scale, and commercial scale solar installation. Researcher pronouncing that delivering such a
determination require greater motivation and innovation and much more dynamic power grid network to manage solar
generation connection. This research work identifies and recommends the possibilities of applying proven technical know
how to get the maximum from the existing power network economically. The simulated case study examples of various
capacity connection requests was carried out to provide key insights on the problems faced by the PV farm connections
in their line of business. This research is also an effort to give many answers to solar PV developers and enthusiasts
who are not very technical and confused about different money saving connection options and the electrical constraints
of the power grid. This study data can be used to provide recommendations to further enhance the growth of commercial
scale solar power generation in the UK.
Observatory of Athens, focusing on the trends of the global and diffuse horizontal irradiances in the period of 1992-2017
(26 years). The analysis shows that the annual global radiation time series over Athens in the above period presents a
positive trend (+0.40%/decade and +2.38%/decade for all and clear skies, respectively), while its diffuse counterpart
shows negative trend (-5.19%/decade and -6.77%/decade for the same sky conditions, respectively) during the same
period. Also, the seasonal trends of both solar radiation components are examined. The global horizontal radiation
shows positive trends in summer (+1.85%/decade and +2.10%/decade under all and clear skies, respectively), while a
negative trend is calculated in the winter season (-2.46%/decade and -1.99%/decade for the same sky conditions,
respectively). In the case of the diffuse solar radiation there are found negative trends in both seasons and both sky
conditions. These findings confirm a recovery in the solar radiation levels over Athens in the recent 26 years.
to energy saving by direct use solar energy for illumination. This paper propose a model of hybrid natural lighting system
with LEDs illumination that would be improve the efficiency of solar energy use. The system is compounded by a
prismatic daylight collector, a reflector for re-directing daylight into the room and a diffuse reflector for indoor illumination.
The main emerged intensity distribution of the right-angle prismatic collector was investigated using matrix ray tracing
model and edge ray principle. The directionality of main emerged light from hypotenuse of the prism is applied to effort
the performance of natural light illumination systems by simply guiding design. In this paper, we propose that an efficient
hybrid natural lighting system with LED which combined with the prismatic daylight collector can be realizable by a
suitable tilted angle of the prismatic daylight collector for different daylight conditions. The reduced electrical energy
consumption for using hybrid natural lighting system with LED illumination system can contribute to 70%, 61% and 40%
compared to using T8 fluorescent, T5 fluorescent and LEDs, respectively.
angle of a solar cell module depends on the solar radiation characteristics, season, and reflectivity in the local area. One
of the important parameters that affect the performance of a solar collector is its tilt angle with the horizon. This is
because of the variation of tilt angle changes the amount of solar radiation reaching the collector surface. A
mathematical model is presented for determining the optimum tilt angle at different orientations (surface azimuth angle)
for the solar collector, on a daily basis, as well as for a specific period such as monthly, seasonally and yearly basis. The
optimum angle was computed by searching for the values for which the extraterrestrial solar radiation on the collector
surface is a maximum for a particular day or a specific period. The results reveal that changing the tilt angle 12 times in a
year (i.e. using the monthly optimum tilt angle) or even 4 times/year (i.e. using the seasonally optimum tilt angle)
maintains approximately the total amount of solar radiation near the maximum value that is found by changing the tilt
angle daily to its optimum value. This achieves a yearly gain in solar radiation of 5.5% at 0o
latitude to 78% at 60o
latitude more than the case of a solar collector fixed on a horizontal surface.
polycrystalline thin-film solar cells. Hydrogen has traditionally been applied to passivate defects at GBs. However,
hydrogenated films are subject to light-induced degradation effects. In this study, we took a novel approach to
passivating GBs in multicrystalline silicon (mc-Si) wafers with small polar molecules. We found an excellent
correlation between the grain misorientation, electrical resistance across GBs, and passivation effectiveness. In
particular, the charge transport across GBs was greatly enhanced after the wafers were properly treated in our
polar molecule solutions; the sheet resistance can be reduced by up to more than one order for large-angle
random GBs. The results were explained to be due to the effective charge neutralization and passivation of polar
molecules on localized charge states at GBs. These findings may help us achieve high-quality materials at low
cost for high-efficiency solar cells by enhancing carrier transport and minimizing carrier recombination.
analysis of the CuPc film confirms the β-phase with preferred orientation along (100) direction. The crystallite size of the
CuPc film was estimated using XRD data and observed to be about 12.6 nm. The current-voltage characteristics of
Au/CuPc/n-Si/Au device was studied in dark and under illumination. The device showed diode characteristics. The diode
parameters such as ideality factor, barrier height and series resistance were determined using different techniques such
as conventional forward bias I-V characteristics, Cheung method and Norde’s function. A good agreement between the
diode parameters calculated form these methods was observed. The analysis of the diode characteristics confirmed that
the transport mechanism of the Au/CuPc/n-Si/Au diode at the higher electric fields was governed by the space-chargelimited currents. The photoconducting behavior of the diode suggests that it can be used as a photosensor in optoelectronic applications
This interaction is expressed by means of the mechanisms of absorption, scattering and reflection. The occurrence of
each such mechanism depends on the size of the molecules in relation with the wavelength of the incoming radiation.
The study of the interaction of solar radiation with atmospheric constituents, including aerosols, has long attracted
scientific interest; such an interaction is related to climate-change issues. Among the atmospheric constituents, interest
has been given to the anthropogenically-derived nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in the troposphere, since there has been found
that anthropogenic aerosols have been playing an important role in their interaction with the incoming solar radiation.
That is the reason for the recent discovery of the global dimming phenomenon. Mean daily solar radiation values from
the Actinometric Station of the National Observatory of Athens (ASNOA) are compared with simultaneous ones of NO2
measured by the network of the Greek Ministry of Environment within the Athens basin. The period considered in this
study covers the years 1990 - 2004. The study examines clear-sky conditions in order to show the influence of NO2
alone on solar radiation. The results show that increasing levels of NO2 cause smaller/greater scattering of solar
radiation (global/diffuse components) at different rates, thus resulting in an attenuation of solar radiation; this attenuation
rate is greater in the global component than in the diffuse one, in absolute terms.
product was investigated by degrading Methyl Orange (MO) under visible light irradiation. The as-synthesized sample
showed more efficient photocatalytic activity than that of single BiOCl or Bi2WO6 .
generation of electrical power have shown real promise and received renewed interest in recent years due to an
increasing concern of environmental issues of greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, and the limitations and
conservation of natural energy resources. Solar-photovoltaic (PV) systems directly convert renewable solar energy into
green electrical energy. However, their power production and efficiencies tend to decrease when operating at relatively
higher temperatures. Therefore, reducing the temperature of PV modules using efficient cooling methods would improve
their performances. Thermoelectric power generation (TEG) technology could be used to convert a portion of the wasteheat energy dissipated from PV systems, thus cooling them, and at the same time generates extra power. Hence, hybrid
photovoltaic-thermoelectric power generation (HPV-TEG) systems integrate TEG modules with a PV module to form a
more efficient power generation system. The main objective of this paper is to investigate the viability and performance
characteristics of a hybrid HPV-TEG through detailed lab-simulated tests. Experimental results and in thermal images
showed that the HPV-TEG system was able to generate more DC power than the solo PV system while operating at
higher irradiance intensities and lower TEG’s inlet coolant temperature. At the irradiance of 615W/m2
, the power
generation from the hybrid HPV-TEG system increased by 4.1% compared to the solo PV system. The results also
indicated that when the irradiance was increased to 750W/m2
, the power generated from the hybrid system increased to
approximately 8.6% higher than the power generated from the solo PV system at the same irradiance. The integration of
the concentrators in the hybrid PV system increased the maximum power point by 23.3% compared to the hybrid PV
system without concentrators
solutions to it. The chemical composition of the CZTS absorber was estimated by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS)
and a solution-based Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscopy (ICPMS). It discloses a chemical non-uniformity
issue spatially on even the same sample and confirms Sn loss issue. It also reveals that substrate option affects
composition control.
culture system was made of glass and consists of four major parts: culture system container, stirrer, aerator rod and
aerator pump. The reactor had proved to be well suited for the cultivation of micro alga Chlorella sp. Two different trials
were run for microalgal culture. The lux intensity at the photobioreactor was maintained at 200lux. The algal biomass
volumetric output rate was 5.85g l-1
sputtering. In this coating, Cu, NbCrN, NbCrON and SiO2 act as the infrared reflector metal layer (and as substrate too),
high metal volume fraction layer, low metal volume fraction layer and anti-reflection layer, respectively. The effects of the
reactive gas flow rates of the absorption layers and the thickness of each layer were investigated and the optimal
deposition parameters for the coatings were obtained. Finally the main result is that the best spectral properties with the
absorptance of 0.93 and the emittance of 0.07 (25o
C) are achieved. The experimental results indicate its potential
applications in solar collectors.
solar PV module with latitude angle and daily optimum slope is calculated basing on Hottel clear sky radiation model
(HM) and ex-terrestrial solar radiation model (ESRM). The calculated results are compared with the data obtained from a
PV system with 252 Wpeak power module installed on a two axes solar tracker which was designed and constructed
locally. The main components of the tracker are introduced. It was found that, the maximum possible energy gain
calculated basing on HM and ESRM are practically identic. For example, on 25 August from 8 O’clock to solar noon, the
hourly energy gain values of HM are 1.672, 1.336, 1.170, 1.098 and 1.097 while they are 1.677, 1.337, 1.170, 1.098 and
1.098 in the case of ESRM. The corresponding measured values on the same day are 1.746, 1.36, 1.16, 1.043 and
1.027. Thus, the theoretical data are consistent with the measured ones. Moreover, it was found that the tracked system
is more economic feasible than latitude tilted similar one with a relative solar energy gain of 0.32%.
investigated experimentally using an indoor experimental setup, designed and constructed locally at Higher Institute for
Applied Sciences and Technology, Damascus. The experiments have been carried out under various intensity levels of
radiation in the range of 700- 2000W/m2
. The experimental results indicate that, radiation intensity has a dominant effect
on current parameters. It is found that photocurrent; short circuit current and maximum current have been increased
linearly with increasing radiation intensity. So, concentrating system may be regarded as a best choice to enhance the
power output of solar system. The power density of the solar panel at 30o
C increased from 1.86 mW/cm2
at 1300W/m2
3.59 mW/cm2
at 2000W/m2
. The role of temperature on the electric parameters of solar panel is also considered. The
practical local possible solar panel’s temperature was considered to be in the range of 10–70o
C. The experiments cover
this temperature range. Experimental results show that all electrical parameters of solar panel such as maximum output
power, open circuit voltage, short circuit current, efficiency and fill factor have changed with temperature variation. As
well as the amount of changes in these parameters in terms of temperature value have been obtained. According to
results, the most significant is the temperature dependence of the voltage which decreases with increasing temperature
while the current of the solar panel slightly increases by temperature. On the other hand, it has been observed that solar
panel’s temperature has a dramatic effect on voltage parameters. Open circuit voltage and maximum voltage are
decrease with increasing solar panel’s temperature. So, the maximum power density of the mono-crystalline and polycrystalline silicon solar module decreased from 43.4 and 48.76/cm2
to 36.32 and 41.88mW/cm2
for temperature 10o
and 70o
C respectively. When testing the effect of temperature on French Photo watt solar cells, obtained 20 years ago
and encapsulated in a solar panel locally, in the temperature range of 10–90o
C, it was found that, the open circuit voltage
decreases by 1.87mV/ o
C which is equivalent to 0.3% of the nominal value. The short circuit current intensity decreases
by 20mA/o
C which is equivalent to 1% of the nominal value. When comparing these values with those of the company
presented at its electronic cite, Isc = +0,06%/°C; Voc = -0,34%/°C, one can conclude that aging effect is important on short
circuit current intensity.
is modeled. The influence of activator gas bubbles volume developments on the evaporation of fuel droplets in the high
temperature combustion chamber is studied. The crude glycerol as the secondary product of biodiesel production is
used as the first component of the emulsion while the second component is heavy fuel oil. The crude glycerol contains
methanol, aromatics, minerals, a little bit biodiesel and water. These materials were pressurized and injected in the
chamber with three inputs: the first one is for the CG-HFO, the second one is for activator while the third one is for air for
forming the emulsion and then passing to the combustion chamber. The applied pressure is determined according to
contents which lead to flame stability of the primary formed emulation. A comparison of calculated results, basing on
semi-empirical method, with experimental ones demonstrates the modeling acceptable accuracy.
through household small scale, and commercial scale solar installation. Researcher pronouncing that delivering such a
determination require greater motivation and innovation and much more dynamic power grid network to manage solar
generation connection. This research work identifies and recommends the possibilities of applying proven technical know
how to get the maximum from the existing power network economically. The simulated case study examples of various
capacity connection requests was carried out to provide key insights on the problems faced by the PV farm connections
in their line of business. This research is also an effort to give many answers to solar PV developers and enthusiasts
who are not very technical and confused about different money saving connection options and the electrical constraints
of the power grid. This study data can be used to provide recommendations to further enhance the growth of commercial
scale solar power generation in the UK.
Observatory of Athens, focusing on the trends of the global and diffuse horizontal irradiances in the period of 1992-2017
(26 years). The analysis shows that the annual global radiation time series over Athens in the above period presents a
positive trend (+0.40%/decade and +2.38%/decade for all and clear skies, respectively), while its diffuse counterpart
shows negative trend (-5.19%/decade and -6.77%/decade for the same sky conditions, respectively) during the same
period. Also, the seasonal trends of both solar radiation components are examined. The global horizontal radiation
shows positive trends in summer (+1.85%/decade and +2.10%/decade under all and clear skies, respectively), while a
negative trend is calculated in the winter season (-2.46%/decade and -1.99%/decade for the same sky conditions,
respectively). In the case of the diffuse solar radiation there are found negative trends in both seasons and both sky
conditions. These findings confirm a recovery in the solar radiation levels over Athens in the recent 26 years.