Papers by patrice adegbola
Vegetable plays important roles in the socioeconomic development in West Africa. It contributes t... more Vegetable plays important roles in the socioeconomic development in West Africa. It contributes to insuring food security, provides raw materials for local industries, generates foreign exchange and provides employment and incomes for most of the population. However some health hazards are caused by the misuse of chemical on vegetable. This study is undertaken within the framework of the research project: 'Public-private partnerships for development and implementation of entomopathogenic viruses as biopesticides for key lepidopteran pests in Ghana and Benin. It assesses the potential market of organic vegetables and analyse consumers' awareness and perceptions of chemical pesticide residues in vegetables and assess the premium levels that consumers are willing to pay for chemical free vegetables. Data were collected through a formal questionnaire on consumers' perceptions of produce quality problems, their level of awareness of heavy chemical pesticide use on vegetable and their willingness to pay for a vegetable if it is chemical free. A Hedonic-pricing model was used to identify the key factors most likely to affect consumers' willingness to pay for bio-vegetables. The results show that consumers are aware of the heavy use of chemicals on vegetables. The level of awareness of health hazard linked to chemical pesticides among consumers is more widely spread. The characteristics that consumers are looking for in assessing the quality of vegetable are: damage free, freshness, size, bright colour and hardness. Consumers are willing to pay more than 50% as price premium for chemical free vegetable. The most likely factors influencing consumers' willingness to pay for chemical free vegetable are the socioprofessional category acting as a proxy for income level, the awareness of chemical residue, the availability, the label and the taste. In conclusion, this study showed that there is a consistent potential demand for organic vegetables if they meet characteristics above mentioned.
This study contributes to the debate regarding the competitiveness of developing countries in the... more This study contributes to the debate regarding the competitiveness of developing countries in the context of globalization. To take advantage of this trend, developing countries will have to position themselves properly through new policies and efficiency in production. In Benin, new orientation of agricultural policy concerns the diversification of exported products. Therefore, and due to the decrease of international price of cotton which represents the main exported crop, cashew nut, the second exported crop by Benin, becomes more interesting for government policy. The study quantified cashew nut production farmers' efficiency using a stochastic production frontier and a cost function combined with numerical classification. Primary data were collected from a stratified random sample of 262 farmers in Benin. Using numerical classification, we distinguished three classes from cashew nut producers with an average plantation area of 3.6; 8.9 and 20 hectares. The results showed that scale effect was absent because larger farmers were not more efficient than the small ones. Results also revealed significant inefficient of input use in cashew nut production in Benin. Yet, about 39 % and 61 % of the cashew nuts' farmers were technically and economically inefficient, respectively, indicating that farmers could increase output and households income through better use of available resources. The study also revealed that the farmers who were technically and economically inefficient have less experience in of cashew nut production, less contact with the extension structure and are not member of a farmers' association.
2016 Fifth International Conference, September 23-26, 2016, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Sep 1, 2016
La réduction de l'insécurité alimentaire passe par la sécurisation, la diversification et l'accro... more La réduction de l'insécurité alimentaire passe par la sécurisation, la diversification et l'accroissement de la production agricole. De manière spécifique, l'accroissement de la production rizicole ne peut se faire sans l'utilisation des technologies améliorées adaptés aux réalités socio-économiques. L'objectif de l'étude est d'évaluer l'impact de l'utilisation des méthodes améliorées de production sur le statut de pauvreté des riziculteurs dans le pôle rizicole de Glazoué au Centre-Bénin, en utilisant l'approche MTE. L'étude était réalisée dans les communes de Dassa, Glazoué, Ouinhi et Savalou qui constitue le pôle de développement, avec un échantillon de 380 producteurs. Les données primaires utilisées, proviennent de l'enquête de l'étude de référence dans les pôles de développement du secteur rizicole au Bénin, réalisée par AfricaRice et l'Institut National de Recherche Agricole du Bénin (INRAB) en 2012. Les résultats ont montrés que l'utilisation des méthodes améliorées de production de riz réduit l'intensité de la pauvreté de 18% dans la sous population des utilisateurs potentiels. Dans la sous population des non utilisateurs, l'impact est de 16% et est statistiquement significatif au seuil de 5%. Dans la sous population des utilisateurs réel des méthodes améliorées de production de riz, l'impact est de 20%. Lorsqu'on s'intéresse à la sévérité de la pauvreté, les résultats montrent que l'utilisation des méthodes améliorées de production de riz réduit la sévérité de la pauvreté de 12% dans la sous population des potentiels utilisateurs de ces méthodes. Ces méthodes peuvent être utilisées comme un instrument efficace de lutte contre l'insécurité alimentaire et la pauvreté.
2010 AAAE Third Conference/AEASA 48th Conference, September 19-23, 2010, Cape Town, South Africa, 2010
In spite of the socioeconomic importance of yam, his production is still facing serious constrain... more In spite of the socioeconomic importance of yam, his production is still facing serious constraints as no availability and inadequacy of seed tubers. In order to cope with these constraints, International of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) has developed improved varieties of which we have TDrs' varieties. Many years after their extension in Benin, it's then important to evaluate their adoption rate and identify factors which determine this adoption. This study's aim is to contribute to this evaluation. Data used came from 202 yam producers randomly selected in villages pertain to Borgou and Collines's regions. The framework developed by Reed et al. (1991) and the counterfactual outcomes framework estimating the Average Treatment Effect have been respectively used to analyze on the one hand yam producers' perceptions and on the other hand the rate and determinants of the TDrs varieties' adoption. Results indicate that the information rate is 44 % and the main factors determine information access are the participation on trials activities, being member of yam producers' association, contact with extension agents and the revenue proving by yam production. The results also reveal that aptitude to a good pounded yam, yield, markets value and aptitude to be consumed as boiled yam are the main criteria that yam producers are looked for when choosing any yam varieties. Aptitude to a good pounded yam remains the only criterion not met by the TDrs varieties promoting. The adoption of theses varieties is influenced by producers' access to information, their age and their perception about aptitude to be transformed in chips and markets value. The TDrs population adoption rate is estimated to be 37 % in 2007 and is projected to reach up to 65 % in the long term.
African Crop Science Journal, Nov 21, 2012
This paper reviewed 42 studies of how local knowledge contributes to adaptation to climate and cl... more This paper reviewed 42 studies of how local knowledge contributes to adaptation to climate and climate change in the Asia-Pacific Region. Most studies focused on traditional ecological or indigenous knowledge. Three simple questions were addressed: (1) How are changes in climate recognized? (2) What is known about how to adapt to changes in climate? (3) How do people learn about how to adapt? Awareness of change is an important element of local knowledge. Changes in climate are recognized at multiple time scales from observations that warn of imminent extreme weather through expectations for the next season to identification of multi-year historical trends. Observations are made of climate, its impact on physical resources, and bio-indicators. Local knowledge about how to adapt can be divided into four major classes: land and water management, physical infrastructure, livelihood strategies, and social institutions. Adaptation actions vary with time scale of interest from dealing with risks of disaster from extreme weather events, through slow onset changes such as seasonal droughts, to dealing with long-term multi-year shifts in climate. Local knowledge systems differ in the capacities and ways in which they support learning. Many are dynamic and draw on information from other places, whereas others are more conservative and tightly institutionalized. Past experience of events and ways of learning may be insufficient for dealing with a novel climate. Once the strengths and limitations of local knowledge (like those of science) are grasped the opportunities for meaningful hybridization of scientific and local knowledge for adaptation expand.
2010 AAAE Third Conference/AEASA 48th Conference, September 19-23, 2010, Cape Town, South Africa, 2010
The importance of farmers' perceptions of characteristics on agricultural innovation adoption has... more The importance of farmers' perceptions of characteristics on agricultural innovation adoption has increased these two decades. Empirical studies revealed that in addition to farmers' socioeconomic characteristics and institutional factors, farmers' perceptions of the innovationspecific characteristics are particularly important in determining whether or not to adopt them. This study assessed vegetables farmers' perceptions of botanical extracts and biopesticides compared with current chemical pesticides. It also examined the relationship between farmers' perceptions and the adoption of botanical extracts and biopesticides. Data were collected from a stratified randomly sample of 198 vegetables farmers selected in vegetable producing zones in Benin and interviewed for their use and perceptions on the efficiency of the botanical extracts and biopesticides on the pests and diseases they faced. The paper used on the one hand the ordered probit to identify factors that are likely to affect farmers' perceptions and on the other hand the selection model to estimate the impact of these perceptions on botanical extracts and biopesticides adoption. Results indicated that botanical extracts and biopesticides were perceived by farmers to have slow action, require more labor and skill for the extraction and require many sprays. Empirical results from the ordered probit showed that farmers' perceptions of botanical extracts and biopesticides varied according to their experience in vegetables production, education level, contact with extension agents and researchers as well as gender. The results from the selection model indicate that farmers'
Sustainable Agriculture Research, Dec 29, 2022
Farms biodiversity and food diversity of agricultural households are evaluated to understand some... more Farms biodiversity and food diversity of agricultural households are evaluated to understand some agroecology effects on cotton farms. This is a part of socioeconomic analysis of the agroecological transition underway in cotton zones of Benin. The surveys covered 509 farmers in 5 municipalities: Banikoara, Kandi, Ouassa-Pé hunco, Parakou and Savalou. Data collected are crops diversity, livestock diversity, natural vegetation, trees and pollinators of each farm and the various food consumed within 24 hours before the survey on each farm. Scores obtained by farm on each criterion were used to calculate the farm biodiversity index and household food diversity index; and the averages by type. Student's Chi-square test and Kruskal Wallis multiple comparison test were used to compare index averages, to analyze difference between farm types according to their ''Test'' or ''Control'' status. Analysis based on ''Tool Agroecology Performance Evaluation (TAPE)'' method shows that surveyed farms are unsustainable (biodiversity index <50%) regardless of status, except farms of type 5 Test which have a better result and significantly different from the Controls. But their diet remains acceptable (5≥food diversity index<7); difference observed on most types except 1 and 4. This means that agroecology is not yet bearing full fruit in the study areas and that farming households are still vulnerable to food insecurity. However, there are clear differences between the types of farms and differences between individuals of the same type. These few disparities observed highlight the potential of agroecology to improve households' food situation if the process is intensified.
2010 AAAE Third Conference/AEASA 48th Conference, September 19-23, 2010, Cape Town, South Africa, Sep 1, 2010
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2013
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2013
L'objectif de l'étude est d'évaluer l'impact de l'utilisation des Technologies de l'Information e... more L'objectif de l'étude est d'évaluer l'impact de l'utilisation des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication (TIC) sur la formation du prix et les coûts de commercialisation du riz local au Bénin. Trois TIC ont été concernées : le téléphone portable, la radio et la télévision. L'approche économétrique d'estimation du contrefactuel a été utilisée pour contrôler l'existence d'éventuels biais de sélection. Les résultats ont montré que le téléphone portable est la TIC la plus utilisée. Son usage par les commerçants de riz a induit une augmentation des coûts de commercialisation par suite d'augmentation des charges. Cette augmentation des coûts de commercialisation était répercutée sur le prix de vente. La conception et la mise en oeuvre d'un système d'information sur les marchés de riz peut se baser sur la téléphonie mobile.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2010
Cassava production in Benin is still characterized by low productivity compared to those of sub r... more Cassava production in Benin is still characterized by low productivity compared to those of sub regional countries. Improved cassava varieties have been then developed. They have been promised to raise the productivity and thereby the income of farmers. This study examines the relationship between agricultural technology adoption and productivity improvement with focusing on high yield cassava varieties. The data used
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2005
Vegetable plays important roles in the socioeconomic development in West Africa. It contributes t... more Vegetable plays important roles in the socioeconomic development in West Africa. It contributes to insuring food security, provides raw materials for local industries, generates foreign exchange and provides employment and incomes for most of the population. However some health hazards are caused by the misuse of chemical on vegetable. This study is undertaken within the framework of the research project: 'Public-private partnerships for development and implementation of entomopathogenic viruses as biopesticides for key lepidopteran pests in Ghana and Benin. It assesses the potential market of organic vegetables and analyse consumers' awareness and perceptions of chemical pesticide residues in vegetables and assess the premium levels that consumers are willing to pay for chemical free vegetables. Data were collected through a formal questionnaire on consumers' perceptions of produce quality problems, their level of awareness of heavy chemical pesticide use on vegetable and their willingness to pay for a vegetable if it is chemical free. A Hedonic-pricing model was used to identify the key factors most likely to affect consumers' willingness to pay for bio-vegetables. The results show that consumers are aware of the heavy use of chemicals on vegetables. The level of awareness of health hazard linked to chemical pesticides among consumers is more widely spread. The characteristics that consumers are looking for in assessing the quality of vegetable are: damage free, freshness, size, bright colour and hardness. Consumers are willing to pay more than 50% as price premium for chemical free vegetable. The most likely factors influencing consumers' willingness to pay for chemical free vegetable are the socioprofessional category acting as a proxy for income level, the awareness of chemical residue, the availability, the label and the taste. In conclusion, this study showed that there is a consistent potential demand for organic vegetables if they meet characteristics above mentioned.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2015
In developing countries, smallholder farmers face many constraints including lack of information,... more In developing countries, smallholder farmers face many constraints including lack of information, access to credit and to markets. To overcome these constraints, resource-poor farmers can engage in contract farming. However, contracts farming need to meet farmers' demand in order to be sustainable. This study aimed to analyze the preferences of rice farmers for agricultural contracts in Benin. Stated choice data were collected from 579 rice farmers. In order to account for heterogeneity, data were analyzed using mixed logit model. Results showed that producers preferred contracts under the following terms: short term contract (one season), payment at delivery, group selling and having processor as partner. However, the contract preference is different for men and women. The study suggests that this difference and the attribute of preferred contract need to be taking into account for the design of best-fit contract farming by rice value chain actors and policy makers in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Maize is a staple food and an important source of income for farmers in southern Benin. It is sto... more Maize is a staple food and an important source of income for farmers in southern Benin. It is stored at village level in traditional storage structures and treated with conservation products. To improve control pest damage in stored maize, improved wooden granaries and a new product, Sofagrain ® , were introduced in 1992. On-farm trials indicated that after six months of storage, the losses were reduced from 30% to only 5% for maize treated with Sofagrain ® stored in an improved wooden granary. Although the effectiveness of storage innovations against pests is well documented, little is known about the socioeconomic aspects of promotion of these innovations in southern Benin. Using appropriate econometric models, this study investigates the perceptions of farmers regarding the characteristics of storage innovations and the causal effect of participation in extension on their formation, the adoption of storage innovations and effect of sources of information on the determinants of adoption, the impact of adopting storage innovation on schooling expenditure and the factors that affect the abandonment of storage innovations. First, the empirical results show that the effectiveness against pests and the length of the storage are the most important preferred characteristics and are provided by the storage innovation. Second, farmer's participation in an extension program on these storage technologies has an important effect on the probability that positive perceptions of the quality of effectiveness against insects are provided by the improved wooden granary and the Sofagrain ®. Third, there are differences in adoption and modification decisions between farmers who are informed by extension agents and those informed by other farmers. Fourth, adoption of a storage innovation increases the schooling expenditure of adopters. Finally, the study highlights the effect of road conditions, availability of family labor and availability of the protection measure Sofagrain ® on the probability of abandonment of storage innovations.
2013 Fourth International Conference, September 22-25, 2013, Hammamet, Tunisia, 2013
des Recherches Agricoles du Bénin 2 : Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques 3 : Institut Internationa... more des Recherches Agricoles du Bénin 2 : Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques 3 : Institut International d'Agriculture Tropicale 4 : Institut National des Recherches Agricoles du Bénin Résumé La présente étude s'intéresse à l'analyse du fonctionnement des systèmes de commercialisation de la corète (Corchorus olitorius) produite à Agbédranfo (Dogbo). L'approche méthodologique utilisée s'est fondée sur le paradigme Structure-Conduite-Performance (SCP). L'échantillonnage a été fait par catégorie d'acteurs et a été raisonné. Au total, 60 producteurs, 28 détaillantes et 4 grossistes ont été enquêtés. Les résultats obtenus ont permis d'identifier deux systèmes de commercialisation de la corète en fonction des périodes de vente de la corète produite à Agbédranfo et des lieux de production : système de commercialisation de la corète des bas-fonds et système de commercialisation de la corète des terres de plateau. L'analyse des marges a montré que la vente de la corète produite à Agbédranfo assure des marges nettes relatives de 3,24 pour les producteurs, 9,67 pour les détaillantes et 8,37 pour les grossistes contrairement aux marges nettes relatives faibles de ces acteurs dans le système de commercialisation de la corète des terres de plateau. En outre, un coefficient de Gini de 0,34109 indique une répartition inégale des marges nettes obtenues au niveau du système de commercialisation de la corète des bas-fonds. Une concertation entre les acteurs de la commercialisation eux-mêmes, les agents du CeCPA, les ONGs, et le pouvoir publique est alors souhaitée.
Annales de l’Université de Parakou - Série Sciences Naturelles et Agronomie
Cet article pose la question de la pertinence de la nouvelle génération des stratégies d’adaptati... more Cet article pose la question de la pertinence de la nouvelle génération des stratégies d’adaptation au changement climatique dans les systèmes de production de maïs au Nord-Est du Bénin. L’étude analyse les facteurs déterminants de la valeur de l’efficacité-coût de la culture du maïs et comment elle est impactée par les stratégies d’adaptation. Les résultats du modèle de régression multinomial à commutation endogène montrent qu’en plus des caractéristiques socioéconomiques des ménages, les stratégies d’adaptation influent sur le niveau d’efficacité-coût de la culture du maïs. L’approche contre factuelle d’analyse de l’effet causal des catégories de paquets d’adaptation a permis de conclure que les options d’adaptation, basées sur la sélection et la combinaison variétales montrent de meilleures performances économiques que celles qui associent les pratiques de conservation du sol et de diversification des cultures. Ces résultats orientent sur les combinaisons de variables d’adaptatio...
in 1975, provides research-based policy solutions to sustainably reduce poverty and end hunger an... more in 1975, provides research-based policy solutions to sustainably reduce poverty and end hunger and malnutrition. IFPRI's strategic research aims to foster a climate-resilient and sustainable food supply; promote healthy diets and nutrition for all; build inclusive and efficient markets, trade systems, and food industries; transform agricultural and rural economies; and strengthen institutions and governance. Gender is integrated in all the Institute's work. Partnerships, communications, capacity strengthening, and data and knowledge management are essential components to translate IFPRI's research from action to impact. The Institute's regional and country programs play a critical role in responding to demand for food policy research and in delivering holistic support for country-led development. IFPRI collaborates with partners around the world.
Papers by patrice adegbola