Pour faciliter la création d'applications flexibles de grande taille, nous avons conçu une archit... more Pour faciliter la création d'applications flexibles de grande taille, nous avons conçu une architecture capable d'intégrer, adapter et réutiliser différents artefacts logiciels, sans les modifier. L'idée est de construire des domaines autonomes et exécutables, dans lesquels les concepts du domaine (son méta modèle) sont clairement séparés de l'implémentation, de façon à permettre le choix des outils ou des composants, en fonction des préférences du client. Ces domaines peuvent être composés en établissant des relations entre leurs métamodèles, pour constituer des fédérations. Pour réaliser de telles fédérations, nous avons développé un environnement, une méthode et des outils, qui ont été expérimentés pendant plusieurs années dans des applications industrielles. Le papier présente brièvement les similarités et les différences entre notre approche et d'autres approches IDM (Ingénierie Dirigée par Models).
Domain-Specific Languages (DSL) offer many advantages over gen- eral languages, but their narrow ... more Domain-Specific Languages (DSL) offer many advantages over gen- eral languages, but their narrow scope makes them really effective only in very focused domains, for example Product Lines. The recent Model Driven Engi- neering (MDE) approach seeks to provide a technology to compose and com- bine models coming from different metamodels. Adapted to DSL, it means that it should be possible
Composition mechanisms are intended to build a target system out of many independent units. The p... more Composition mechanisms are intended to build a target system out of many independent units. The paper presents how the aspect technology may leverage the hierarchical composition, by supporting two orthogonal mechanisms (vertical and horizontal) for composing completely autonomous parts. The vertical mechanism is in charge of coordinating heterogeneous components, tools or services at a high level of abstraction, by hiding the technical details. The result of such a composition is called "domain" and, at its turn, it represents a high granularity unit of reuse. The horizontal mechanism composes domains at the level of their abstract concepts, even if they have been independently designed and implemented. The paper discusses the formalization of the vertical and horizontal compositions, and the wizard we have developed for generating the needed code (using Aspect Oriented Programming) in order to build the modeled applications.
Integrating data is a basic concern in many accredited laboratories that perform a large variety ... more Integrating data is a basic concern in many accredited laboratories that perform a large variety of measurements. However, the present working style in engineering faculties does not focus much on this aspect. To deal with this challenge, we developed an educational platform that allows characterization of acquisition ensembles, generation of Web pages for lessons, as well as transformation of measured data and storage in a common format. As generally we had to develop individual parsers for each instrument, we also added the possibility to integrate the LabVIEW workbench, often used for rapid development of applications in electrical engineering and automatic control. This paper describes how we configure the platform for specific equipment, i.e. how we model it, how we create the learning material and how we integrate the results in a central database. It also introduces a case study for collecting data from a thermocouple-based acquisition system based on LabVIEW, used by students for a laboratory of measurement technologies and transducers.
2005 Australian Software Engineering Conference, 2005
The success of UML and more generally, of the model driven approach, has led to a proliferation o... more The success of UML and more generally, of the model driven approach, has led to a proliferation of models, representing various systems, but the description of large applications may actually be composed of several system models. Therefore, the challenge is to determine how to compose independent system models, in order to build large applications.
Pour faciliter la création d'applications flexibles de grande taille, nous avons conçu une archit... more Pour faciliter la création d'applications flexibles de grande taille, nous avons conçu une architecture capable d'intégrer, adapter et réutiliser différents artefacts logiciels, sans les modifier. L'idée est de construire des domaines autonomes et exécutables, dans lesquels les concepts du domaine (son méta modèle) sont clairement séparés de l'implémentation, de façon à permettre le choix des outils ou des composants, en fonction des préférences du client. Ces domaines peuvent être composés en établissant des relations entre leurs métamodèles, pour constituer des fédérations. Pour réaliser de telles fédérations, nous avons développé un environnement, une méthode et des outils, qui ont été expérimentés pendant plusieurs années dans des applications industrielles. Le papier présente brièvement les similarités et les différences entre notre approche et d'autres approches IDM (Ingénierie Dirigée par Models).
Domain-Specific Languages (DSL) offer many advantages over gen- eral languages, but their narrow ... more Domain-Specific Languages (DSL) offer many advantages over gen- eral languages, but their narrow scope makes them really effective only in very focused domains, for example Product Lines. The recent Model Driven Engi- neering (MDE) approach seeks to provide a technology to compose and com- bine models coming from different metamodels. Adapted to DSL, it means that it should be possible
Composition mechanisms are intended to build a target system out of many independent units. The p... more Composition mechanisms are intended to build a target system out of many independent units. The paper presents how the aspect technology may leverage the hierarchical composition, by supporting two orthogonal mechanisms (vertical and horizontal) for composing completely autonomous parts. The vertical mechanism is in charge of coordinating heterogeneous components, tools or services at a high level of abstraction, by hiding the technical details. The result of such a composition is called "domain" and, at its turn, it represents a high granularity unit of reuse. The horizontal mechanism composes domains at the level of their abstract concepts, even if they have been independently designed and implemented. The paper discusses the formalization of the vertical and horizontal compositions, and the wizard we have developed for generating the needed code (using Aspect Oriented Programming) in order to build the modeled applications.
Integrating data is a basic concern in many accredited laboratories that perform a large variety ... more Integrating data is a basic concern in many accredited laboratories that perform a large variety of measurements. However, the present working style in engineering faculties does not focus much on this aspect. To deal with this challenge, we developed an educational platform that allows characterization of acquisition ensembles, generation of Web pages for lessons, as well as transformation of measured data and storage in a common format. As generally we had to develop individual parsers for each instrument, we also added the possibility to integrate the LabVIEW workbench, often used for rapid development of applications in electrical engineering and automatic control. This paper describes how we configure the platform for specific equipment, i.e. how we model it, how we create the learning material and how we integrate the results in a central database. It also introduces a case study for collecting data from a thermocouple-based acquisition system based on LabVIEW, used by students for a laboratory of measurement technologies and transducers.
2005 Australian Software Engineering Conference, 2005
The success of UML and more generally, of the model driven approach, has led to a proliferation o... more The success of UML and more generally, of the model driven approach, has led to a proliferation of models, representing various systems, but the description of large applications may actually be composed of several system models. Therefore, the challenge is to determine how to compose independent system models, in order to build large applications.
Papers by anca ionita