Background: Red cell distribution width (RDW) is associated with mortality in certain diseases. N... more Background: Red cell distribution width (RDW) is associated with mortality in certain diseases. Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio [NLR] is being used as a decisive parameter in inflammatory diseases. The association between morbidity and RDW-NLR in children with burns is unclear. We aimed to evaluate effectivity of these markers in children with burn. Methods: Retrospectively the treatment records of 39 children with second-degree superfisial, second-degree deep, and third-degree burns were evaluated. First group included patients those treated with grafts and second group included those treated with topical agents. Total body surface area [TBSA], age, RDW, NLR, sex, and albumin values were evaluated. The association of RDW and NLR with both groups were analysed. Results: Patients in group 2 had mild increase in RDW and NLR values but it was not more statistically significant than in group 1. A positive relationship between NLR and length of hospital stay, TBSA and length of hospital stay, and RDW and lymphocyte values was found. A negative correlation between albumin values and length of hospital stay was found. Conclusion: NLR is associated with morbidity in patients with burns; although RDW has not any relationship with morbidity in pediatric scald burns.
INTRODUCTION: Lymphatic malformations (LM) are rare congenital anomalies. The traditional treatme... more INTRODUCTION: Lymphatic malformations (LM) are rare congenital anomalies. The traditional treatment is surgical excision, but intralesional sclerosing agent injection is now preferred because of frequent recurrences after surgery, poor cosmetic results, and a high complication rate. We aimed to evaluate the efficacy of sclerosing agent injection used in the treatment of LMs in children. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed the age, gender, admission symptoms, physical examination findings, radiological imaging results, treatment methods, complications, length of hospital stay, and outcomes of children treated for LM between January 2011 and January 2022. The lesion sizes of the patients who underwent sclerosant (Bleomycin) injection under general anesthesia were recorded before and after the treatment, and the difference between them was evaluated statistically. RESULTS: Fifteen patients were retrospectively analyzed. The mean age was 45.2+- 14.1 months (min:3- median:...
Bebekler ve yeni yürümeye başlayan çocuklar hemen her şeyi ağızlarına koymak ve yemek isterler. A... more Bebekler ve yeni yürümeye başlayan çocuklar hemen her şeyi ağızlarına koymak ve yemek isterler. Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nde her yıl yeni 100.000’den fazla yabancı cisim yutma vakalarının yüzde 80’i çocuklar oluşturur. Nesne, keskin uzun, ya da mıknatıs oluştuğunda, özefagusda disk pil olduğunda, özefagus tıkanıklığı varsa(hasta sekresyonlarını yutamıyorsa), değerlendirme 24 veya daha fazla saat önce meydana gelmişse yabancı cismin çıkarılması için acele edilmelidir
Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, çocuklarda primer malign böbrek tümörlerinin klinik özellikleri, tedav... more Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, çocuklarda primer malign böbrek tümörlerinin klinik özellikleri, tedavi yaklaşımları ve tedavi sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesidir. Gereç ve Yöntem: 2006 ile 2020 yılları arasında primer malign böbrek tümör tanısı alan ve izlenen çocuk hastaların onkoloji dosyaları geriye yönelik incelendi. Hastaların demografik ve klinik özellikleri ile tedavi yaklaşımları ve izlemleri not edildi. Bulgular: Bu yıllar arasında izlenen 950 malign hastalıklı çocuğun 49’unda(%5,2) primer malign böbrek tümörü vardı. Hastaların yaşı üç gün ile 13 yıl arasında değişiyordu (ortanca, 3 yıl). Erkek kız oranı 25/24'dü. En sık görülen semptom ve bulgu karında kitle idi. İki hasta da bilateral hastalık vardı (%4,1). Patolojik tanılar, Wilms tümörü (n = 44, % 89,8), mezoblastik nefroma (n=2, % 4,1), böbreğin clear hücreli sarkomu (n=2, % 4,1) ve böbreğin primer sinovyal sarkomuydu (n=1, %2). Wilms tümörlü hastalardan sadece ikinde diffüz anaplazi vardı. Hastalarımızın risk grupları d...
Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques, 2021
Purpose: Infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis is the most common cause of gastric outlet obstr... more Purpose: Infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis is the most common cause of gastric outlet obstruction in the first month of life. Botulinum toxin (BT) is a neurotoxin produced by clostridium botulinum, which causes paralysis in skeletal muscles. We aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of BT in the experimental pyloric stenosis model. Methods: The study protocol was approved by the Selcuk University Medical Faculty Ethics Committee (2017/20). We performed an experimental study using 32 Wistar-Albino newborn rats. Rats were divided randomly into four groups with six rats in both control (C), and L-nitro-arginine methyl ester hydrochloride group, and 10 rats in each sham (S), and BT group. 100 mg/kg per day L-NAME was applied to all groups intraperitoneally for 14 days from birth except control group. 0.2 mL saline and 20 U/kg BT was injected by surgery to S and BT groups, respectively, at 21 days from birth. After 35 days all rats were sacrificed and biopsies were performed from pyloric muscle for histopathological examination. The results were evaluated with the "one-way ANOVA" test. Results: Total and circular muscle thickness of the groups were compared. The total muscle thickness of the L-NAME group was significantly higher than the control group (P = .031). Comparing the circular muscle thickness of botox group (BTG) with control group (CG) and L-NAME GROUP (LNG), muscle thickness was significantly smaller (P < .001, P < .001). The total muscle thickness of BTG was significantly different between LNG (P < .001). Conclusions: Hypertrophy of pylor in an experimental model was reduced by BT injection in this study. We think that Botox injection through endoscopic or interventional radiological methods may be an alternative method for surgery.
Uretral kateterlerin ve enterik besleme tuplerinin mesane icerisinde yanlislikla dugumlenmesi, pe... more Uretral kateterlerin ve enterik besleme tuplerinin mesane icerisinde yanlislikla dugumlenmesi, pediatrik hastalarda nadir gorulen bir komplikasyondur. Ince ve esnek olan kateterler mesane icerisine cok fazla ilerletilirse kateter mesanede dugumlenebilir. Bu gibi durumlarda kateteri cerrahi gerektirmeden cikarmak imkansiz olabilir. Cerrahi gerekmeden cikarilanlarin bir kisminda da travmatik uretral yaralanmalarla karsilasilabilir. Iki adet mesanede dugumlenmis kateter olgusu sunmaktayiz. Birinci olgumuz 6 fr beslenme sondasi ile kataterize edilmis 2 aylik erkek hasta. Bu olgumuzda kateter hafif traksiyon sonrasinda cikarildi. Kateterin iki kez dugum yaptigi goruldu. Hafif uretral kanama disinda komplikasyon olmadi. Diger olgumuz 5 fr beslenme sondasi ile kateterize edilmis 6 aylik erkek hasta. Bu olguda kateter ancak genel anestezi sonrasinda yapilan traksiyonla cikarilabildi. Kateterin bir kez dugum oldugu goruldu. Pediatrik yas gurubundaki hastalarla ilgilenen hekimlerin bu konuda ...
Amaç: Over disgerminomu tanısı ile izlenen hastaların demografik ve klinik özellikleri ile tedav... more Amaç: Over disgerminomu tanısı ile izlenen hastaların demografik ve klinik özellikleri ile tedavi yaklaşımlarını geriye dönük olarak incelemektir. Gereç ve Yöntem: XXXXXX Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Çocuk Onkoloji Bilim Dalı’nda, 2006-2020 yılları arasında over disgerminom tanısı alan çocuk hastaların dosyaları geriye dönük olarak incelendi. Sonuç: On disgerminom tanısı alan hasta çalışmaya dâhil edildi. Hastaların yaşları 8 ile 17 yıl arasında değişmekteydi (ortanca, 12,5 yıl). Dokuz hastada kitle tek taraflı iken (%90), bir hastada iki taraflıydı (%10). Tüm hastalarda, başvuru şikâyetleri karında şişlik ve karın ağrısı idi. Bir hastada over torsiyonu gelişmişti. Yedi hastada ameliyat öncesi alfa föto protein düzeyleri normal sınırlarda iken, hCG düzeyleri yedi hastanın tamamında yüksekti. Laktat dehidrojenaz enzim düzeyi beş hastada bakılmıştı ve hepsinde yüksekti. Beş hasta primer cerrahi uygulandı ve bu hastaların tamamı evre I’di ek tedavi verilmedi. Üç hastada, bilateral hasta...
We aimed to determine the difference in tissue stiffness, which might reflect histologic damage, ... more We aimed to determine the difference in tissue stiffness, which might reflect histologic damage, by comparing the potential of the shear wave elastography (SWE) values of operated undescended testes (OUT) with those of undescended testes (UT) and normal testes. A total of 120 patients (235 testes) were enrolled in the current study. Quantitative SWE values were measured by manually drawing contours of the entire testis structure with a free region of interest. A group of 66 OUT were classified as group A. Operation age and the period passed over the operation time and SWE values were compared among the testes assigned to group A. The 50 testes having inguinal canal placement were classified as group B, and the 119 testes whose sonography findings were normal were classified as group C. These 3 groups were compared in terms of the SWE values and volume. The SWE values of group A were significantly higher than those of groups B and C (P < 0.001). The SWE values of group B were sign...
Ovarian tumors and cysts are rarely seen in children. They constitute 1-2% of solid tumors among ... more Ovarian tumors and cysts are rarely seen in children. They constitute 1-2% of solid tumors among children. Over tumors are categorized into three main groups: epithelial, embrionic, and sex cord-stromal tumors. Sex cord-stromal tumors arise from primordial cell cords that are located in the center of the ovary during embriological development. We have detected a patient who was diagnosed with a juvenile granulosa cell tumor (JGCT) at two years of age after presenting with excessive breast enlargement during the past month. She had a large mass in the abdomen, ascites, and marked pleural effusion in the right hemithorax. This association was Pseudo-Meigs syndrome. The association of JGCT and Pseudo-Meigs syndrome is a considerably rare event. Moreover, since the patient was the youngest among all previously reported cases in existing literature, our observations indicate that a juvenile granulosa cell tumor may occur at an early age.In conclusion, Pseudo-Meigs syndrome with JGCT shouldn't forget, even in young children.
Aim The data of the Turkish Esophageal Atresia Registry (TEAR) was evaluated to define the surviv... more Aim The data of the Turkish Esophageal Atresia Registry (TEAR) was evaluated to define the survival rate and risk factors of mortality in infants with esophageal atresia (EA). Methods The data of 389 cases registered by 23 centers between 2014 and 2018 were evaluated for demographic features, associated anomalies, surgical treatment and mortality-related outcome. Each parameter was evaluated for cases with mortality (CM) and compared with the results of survivors. Also, prognostic factors were investigated in CM. Results The overall survival rate was 81.09% and the mortality was 19.02% (n = 74). The male/female ratio was 1:1 in CM and 1.2:1 in survivors. The mean weight and height measurements in CM were lower than in survivors (1956 ± 658 g- 43.2 ± 5.7 cm vs 2534 ± 609 g-46.4 ± 4.3 cm) (P 0.05). Tube feeding was more common in CM and the incidence of full oral feedings was significantly higher in survivors (P
Introduction Coexistent congenital duodenal obstruction and esophageal atresia (EA) is known to h... more Introduction Coexistent congenital duodenal obstruction and esophageal atresia (EA) is known to have significant morbidity and mortality. Management strategies are not well-defined for this association. The data from the Turkish EA registry is evaluated. Materials and Methods A database search was done for the years 2015 to 2022. Results Among 857 EA patients, 31 (3.6%) had congenital duodenal obstruction. The mean birth weight was 2,104 (± 457) g with 6 babies weighing less than 1,500 g. Twenty-six (84%) had type C EA. The duodenal obstruction was complete in 15 patients and partial in 16. Other anomalies were detected in 27 (87%) patients. VACTERL-H was present in 15 (48%), anorectal malformation in 10 (32%), a major cardiac malformation in 6 (19%), and trisomy-21 in 3 (10%). Duodenal obstruction diagnosis was delayed in 10 (32%) babies for a median of 7.5 (1–109) days. Diagnosis for esophageal pathologies was delayed in 2. Among 19 babies with a simultaneous diagnosis, 1 died wit...
Purpose: We aimed to evaluate the effects of preoperative urinary catheterization in nephrolithia... more Purpose: We aimed to evaluate the effects of preoperative urinary catheterization in nephrolithiasis treatment with extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (SWL). Methods: Patients admitted to the Department of Pediatric Surgery for renal stones between June 2012 and June 2014 were evaluated retrospectively. Patients were divided into 2 groups based on JJ stent placements. Group 1 did not receive JJ stents, while group 2 did. The recorded demographic data for each group included age, gender, stone size, location, sessions, and complications. The Elmed Complit ESWL system was used with 11-13 kV, and 1,000-1,200 shots in patients 2-4 years of age, and 11-14 kV, and 1,000-1,500 shots for patients over 4 years. Results: In group 1, 18 sessions of SWL were performed on 8 female and 2 male children with a mean age of 4.5 (range 2-12) years and stone diameter of 9 (range 7-15) mm. The locations of the renal stones were in the upper pole in 1 patient, 7 in the lower pole, and 2 in the pelvis ...
Aim: Our aim was to gain an idea about testicular injury by comparing the reduced volume, which i... more Aim: Our aim was to gain an idea about testicular injury by comparing the reduced volume, which is one of the indirect indicators of testicular damage in undescended testes, and by evaluating the reduced microvascular blood flow by superb microvascular imaging, and also to determine whether superb microvascular imaging modes could detect microvascular blood flow in more detail in the decreased volume of undescended testes. Material and methods: We compared testicular blood flow in undescended testes via conventional Doppler imaging, color superb microvascular imaging, and monochrome superb microvascular imaging techniques with contralateral normally located testis and normal control group. Each sample of testicular tissue was evaluated using a qualitative method. Spot color encoding and linear flow color encoding counts determined in testicular parenchyma were counted separately and expressed as numerical data. The localization of the examined testes in the grayscale was noted (prox...
Objective: To study the occurrence of bacterial translocation and to assess the impact of breastf... more Objective: To study the occurrence of bacterial translocation and to assess the impact of breastfeeding on bacterial translocation in the animal model of necrotizing enterocolitis. Methods: A total of 20 neonate Sprague-Dawley rats were enrolled in the study. Rats were randomly allocated into either control or study group just after birth. Ten newborn rats in the control group were left with their mother to be breast-fed. In contrary, necrotizing enterocolitis group consisted of neonates that were separated from their mothers, housed in an incubator and were gavaged with a special rodent formula three times daily. Survival rates, weight changes, and morphologic scoring obtained after microscopic evaluation were determined as microbiologic evaluation criteria. Results: All the rats in the control group survived, while 1 (10 %) rat died in the necrotizing enterocolitis group. Mortality rates of the two groups were similar. All the formula-fed animals in the necrotizing enterocolitis group had signifi cant weight loss compared to the breast milk-fed rats in the control group (p<0.05). A total of 7 (70 %) and 2 (20 %) E. coli growths were identifi ed in the bowel lumen, liver, and spleen of necrotizing enterocolitis and control groups, respectively. This difference was statistically signifi cant. In peritoneal smear cultures, a total of 3 (30 %) growths were detected in the necrotizing enterocolitis group and 1 (10 %) growth in the control group. Conclusion: As the result of a disturbance in the intestinal fl ora and impairment of the intestinal barrier in necrotizing enterocolitis, microrganisms in the bowel pass through the intestinal barrier and reach the liver and the spleen via the hematogenous route. This condition is closely related to the impairment of physiological and functional features of the intestinal barrier and is independent from the degree of intestinal injury. Bacterial translocation should be remembered in cases suspected of necrotizing enterocolitis, and a rapid and effective treatment algorithm should be applied in such circumstances (Tab.
Background: Red cell distribution width (RDW) is associated with mortality in certain diseases. N... more Background: Red cell distribution width (RDW) is associated with mortality in certain diseases. Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio [NLR] is being used as a decisive parameter in inflammatory diseases. The association between morbidity and RDW-NLR in children with burns is unclear. We aimed to evaluate effectivity of these markers in children with burn. Methods: Retrospectively the treatment records of 39 children with second-degree superfisial, second-degree deep, and third-degree burns were evaluated. First group included patients those treated with grafts and second group included those treated with topical agents. Total body surface area [TBSA], age, RDW, NLR, sex, and albumin values were evaluated. The association of RDW and NLR with both groups were analysed. Results: Patients in group 2 had mild increase in RDW and NLR values but it was not more statistically significant than in group 1. A positive relationship between NLR and length of hospital stay, TBSA and length of hospital stay, and RDW and lymphocyte values was found. A negative correlation between albumin values and length of hospital stay was found. Conclusion: NLR is associated with morbidity in patients with burns; although RDW has not any relationship with morbidity in pediatric scald burns.
INTRODUCTION: Lymphatic malformations (LM) are rare congenital anomalies. The traditional treatme... more INTRODUCTION: Lymphatic malformations (LM) are rare congenital anomalies. The traditional treatment is surgical excision, but intralesional sclerosing agent injection is now preferred because of frequent recurrences after surgery, poor cosmetic results, and a high complication rate. We aimed to evaluate the efficacy of sclerosing agent injection used in the treatment of LMs in children. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed the age, gender, admission symptoms, physical examination findings, radiological imaging results, treatment methods, complications, length of hospital stay, and outcomes of children treated for LM between January 2011 and January 2022. The lesion sizes of the patients who underwent sclerosant (Bleomycin) injection under general anesthesia were recorded before and after the treatment, and the difference between them was evaluated statistically. RESULTS: Fifteen patients were retrospectively analyzed. The mean age was 45.2+- 14.1 months (min:3- median:...
Bebekler ve yeni yürümeye başlayan çocuklar hemen her şeyi ağızlarına koymak ve yemek isterler. A... more Bebekler ve yeni yürümeye başlayan çocuklar hemen her şeyi ağızlarına koymak ve yemek isterler. Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nde her yıl yeni 100.000’den fazla yabancı cisim yutma vakalarının yüzde 80’i çocuklar oluşturur. Nesne, keskin uzun, ya da mıknatıs oluştuğunda, özefagusda disk pil olduğunda, özefagus tıkanıklığı varsa(hasta sekresyonlarını yutamıyorsa), değerlendirme 24 veya daha fazla saat önce meydana gelmişse yabancı cismin çıkarılması için acele edilmelidir
Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, çocuklarda primer malign böbrek tümörlerinin klinik özellikleri, tedav... more Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, çocuklarda primer malign böbrek tümörlerinin klinik özellikleri, tedavi yaklaşımları ve tedavi sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesidir. Gereç ve Yöntem: 2006 ile 2020 yılları arasında primer malign böbrek tümör tanısı alan ve izlenen çocuk hastaların onkoloji dosyaları geriye yönelik incelendi. Hastaların demografik ve klinik özellikleri ile tedavi yaklaşımları ve izlemleri not edildi. Bulgular: Bu yıllar arasında izlenen 950 malign hastalıklı çocuğun 49’unda(%5,2) primer malign böbrek tümörü vardı. Hastaların yaşı üç gün ile 13 yıl arasında değişiyordu (ortanca, 3 yıl). Erkek kız oranı 25/24'dü. En sık görülen semptom ve bulgu karında kitle idi. İki hasta da bilateral hastalık vardı (%4,1). Patolojik tanılar, Wilms tümörü (n = 44, % 89,8), mezoblastik nefroma (n=2, % 4,1), böbreğin clear hücreli sarkomu (n=2, % 4,1) ve böbreğin primer sinovyal sarkomuydu (n=1, %2). Wilms tümörlü hastalardan sadece ikinde diffüz anaplazi vardı. Hastalarımızın risk grupları d...
Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques, 2021
Purpose: Infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis is the most common cause of gastric outlet obstr... more Purpose: Infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis is the most common cause of gastric outlet obstruction in the first month of life. Botulinum toxin (BT) is a neurotoxin produced by clostridium botulinum, which causes paralysis in skeletal muscles. We aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of BT in the experimental pyloric stenosis model. Methods: The study protocol was approved by the Selcuk University Medical Faculty Ethics Committee (2017/20). We performed an experimental study using 32 Wistar-Albino newborn rats. Rats were divided randomly into four groups with six rats in both control (C), and L-nitro-arginine methyl ester hydrochloride group, and 10 rats in each sham (S), and BT group. 100 mg/kg per day L-NAME was applied to all groups intraperitoneally for 14 days from birth except control group. 0.2 mL saline and 20 U/kg BT was injected by surgery to S and BT groups, respectively, at 21 days from birth. After 35 days all rats were sacrificed and biopsies were performed from pyloric muscle for histopathological examination. The results were evaluated with the "one-way ANOVA" test. Results: Total and circular muscle thickness of the groups were compared. The total muscle thickness of the L-NAME group was significantly higher than the control group (P = .031). Comparing the circular muscle thickness of botox group (BTG) with control group (CG) and L-NAME GROUP (LNG), muscle thickness was significantly smaller (P < .001, P < .001). The total muscle thickness of BTG was significantly different between LNG (P < .001). Conclusions: Hypertrophy of pylor in an experimental model was reduced by BT injection in this study. We think that Botox injection through endoscopic or interventional radiological methods may be an alternative method for surgery.
Uretral kateterlerin ve enterik besleme tuplerinin mesane icerisinde yanlislikla dugumlenmesi, pe... more Uretral kateterlerin ve enterik besleme tuplerinin mesane icerisinde yanlislikla dugumlenmesi, pediatrik hastalarda nadir gorulen bir komplikasyondur. Ince ve esnek olan kateterler mesane icerisine cok fazla ilerletilirse kateter mesanede dugumlenebilir. Bu gibi durumlarda kateteri cerrahi gerektirmeden cikarmak imkansiz olabilir. Cerrahi gerekmeden cikarilanlarin bir kisminda da travmatik uretral yaralanmalarla karsilasilabilir. Iki adet mesanede dugumlenmis kateter olgusu sunmaktayiz. Birinci olgumuz 6 fr beslenme sondasi ile kataterize edilmis 2 aylik erkek hasta. Bu olgumuzda kateter hafif traksiyon sonrasinda cikarildi. Kateterin iki kez dugum yaptigi goruldu. Hafif uretral kanama disinda komplikasyon olmadi. Diger olgumuz 5 fr beslenme sondasi ile kateterize edilmis 6 aylik erkek hasta. Bu olguda kateter ancak genel anestezi sonrasinda yapilan traksiyonla cikarilabildi. Kateterin bir kez dugum oldugu goruldu. Pediatrik yas gurubundaki hastalarla ilgilenen hekimlerin bu konuda ...
Amaç: Over disgerminomu tanısı ile izlenen hastaların demografik ve klinik özellikleri ile tedav... more Amaç: Over disgerminomu tanısı ile izlenen hastaların demografik ve klinik özellikleri ile tedavi yaklaşımlarını geriye dönük olarak incelemektir. Gereç ve Yöntem: XXXXXX Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Çocuk Onkoloji Bilim Dalı’nda, 2006-2020 yılları arasında over disgerminom tanısı alan çocuk hastaların dosyaları geriye dönük olarak incelendi. Sonuç: On disgerminom tanısı alan hasta çalışmaya dâhil edildi. Hastaların yaşları 8 ile 17 yıl arasında değişmekteydi (ortanca, 12,5 yıl). Dokuz hastada kitle tek taraflı iken (%90), bir hastada iki taraflıydı (%10). Tüm hastalarda, başvuru şikâyetleri karında şişlik ve karın ağrısı idi. Bir hastada over torsiyonu gelişmişti. Yedi hastada ameliyat öncesi alfa föto protein düzeyleri normal sınırlarda iken, hCG düzeyleri yedi hastanın tamamında yüksekti. Laktat dehidrojenaz enzim düzeyi beş hastada bakılmıştı ve hepsinde yüksekti. Beş hasta primer cerrahi uygulandı ve bu hastaların tamamı evre I’di ek tedavi verilmedi. Üç hastada, bilateral hasta...
We aimed to determine the difference in tissue stiffness, which might reflect histologic damage, ... more We aimed to determine the difference in tissue stiffness, which might reflect histologic damage, by comparing the potential of the shear wave elastography (SWE) values of operated undescended testes (OUT) with those of undescended testes (UT) and normal testes. A total of 120 patients (235 testes) were enrolled in the current study. Quantitative SWE values were measured by manually drawing contours of the entire testis structure with a free region of interest. A group of 66 OUT were classified as group A. Operation age and the period passed over the operation time and SWE values were compared among the testes assigned to group A. The 50 testes having inguinal canal placement were classified as group B, and the 119 testes whose sonography findings were normal were classified as group C. These 3 groups were compared in terms of the SWE values and volume. The SWE values of group A were significantly higher than those of groups B and C (P < 0.001). The SWE values of group B were sign...
Ovarian tumors and cysts are rarely seen in children. They constitute 1-2% of solid tumors among ... more Ovarian tumors and cysts are rarely seen in children. They constitute 1-2% of solid tumors among children. Over tumors are categorized into three main groups: epithelial, embrionic, and sex cord-stromal tumors. Sex cord-stromal tumors arise from primordial cell cords that are located in the center of the ovary during embriological development. We have detected a patient who was diagnosed with a juvenile granulosa cell tumor (JGCT) at two years of age after presenting with excessive breast enlargement during the past month. She had a large mass in the abdomen, ascites, and marked pleural effusion in the right hemithorax. This association was Pseudo-Meigs syndrome. The association of JGCT and Pseudo-Meigs syndrome is a considerably rare event. Moreover, since the patient was the youngest among all previously reported cases in existing literature, our observations indicate that a juvenile granulosa cell tumor may occur at an early age.In conclusion, Pseudo-Meigs syndrome with JGCT shouldn't forget, even in young children.
Aim The data of the Turkish Esophageal Atresia Registry (TEAR) was evaluated to define the surviv... more Aim The data of the Turkish Esophageal Atresia Registry (TEAR) was evaluated to define the survival rate and risk factors of mortality in infants with esophageal atresia (EA). Methods The data of 389 cases registered by 23 centers between 2014 and 2018 were evaluated for demographic features, associated anomalies, surgical treatment and mortality-related outcome. Each parameter was evaluated for cases with mortality (CM) and compared with the results of survivors. Also, prognostic factors were investigated in CM. Results The overall survival rate was 81.09% and the mortality was 19.02% (n = 74). The male/female ratio was 1:1 in CM and 1.2:1 in survivors. The mean weight and height measurements in CM were lower than in survivors (1956 ± 658 g- 43.2 ± 5.7 cm vs 2534 ± 609 g-46.4 ± 4.3 cm) (P 0.05). Tube feeding was more common in CM and the incidence of full oral feedings was significantly higher in survivors (P
Introduction Coexistent congenital duodenal obstruction and esophageal atresia (EA) is known to h... more Introduction Coexistent congenital duodenal obstruction and esophageal atresia (EA) is known to have significant morbidity and mortality. Management strategies are not well-defined for this association. The data from the Turkish EA registry is evaluated. Materials and Methods A database search was done for the years 2015 to 2022. Results Among 857 EA patients, 31 (3.6%) had congenital duodenal obstruction. The mean birth weight was 2,104 (± 457) g with 6 babies weighing less than 1,500 g. Twenty-six (84%) had type C EA. The duodenal obstruction was complete in 15 patients and partial in 16. Other anomalies were detected in 27 (87%) patients. VACTERL-H was present in 15 (48%), anorectal malformation in 10 (32%), a major cardiac malformation in 6 (19%), and trisomy-21 in 3 (10%). Duodenal obstruction diagnosis was delayed in 10 (32%) babies for a median of 7.5 (1–109) days. Diagnosis for esophageal pathologies was delayed in 2. Among 19 babies with a simultaneous diagnosis, 1 died wit...
Purpose: We aimed to evaluate the effects of preoperative urinary catheterization in nephrolithia... more Purpose: We aimed to evaluate the effects of preoperative urinary catheterization in nephrolithiasis treatment with extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (SWL). Methods: Patients admitted to the Department of Pediatric Surgery for renal stones between June 2012 and June 2014 were evaluated retrospectively. Patients were divided into 2 groups based on JJ stent placements. Group 1 did not receive JJ stents, while group 2 did. The recorded demographic data for each group included age, gender, stone size, location, sessions, and complications. The Elmed Complit ESWL system was used with 11-13 kV, and 1,000-1,200 shots in patients 2-4 years of age, and 11-14 kV, and 1,000-1,500 shots for patients over 4 years. Results: In group 1, 18 sessions of SWL were performed on 8 female and 2 male children with a mean age of 4.5 (range 2-12) years and stone diameter of 9 (range 7-15) mm. The locations of the renal stones were in the upper pole in 1 patient, 7 in the lower pole, and 2 in the pelvis ...
Aim: Our aim was to gain an idea about testicular injury by comparing the reduced volume, which i... more Aim: Our aim was to gain an idea about testicular injury by comparing the reduced volume, which is one of the indirect indicators of testicular damage in undescended testes, and by evaluating the reduced microvascular blood flow by superb microvascular imaging, and also to determine whether superb microvascular imaging modes could detect microvascular blood flow in more detail in the decreased volume of undescended testes. Material and methods: We compared testicular blood flow in undescended testes via conventional Doppler imaging, color superb microvascular imaging, and monochrome superb microvascular imaging techniques with contralateral normally located testis and normal control group. Each sample of testicular tissue was evaluated using a qualitative method. Spot color encoding and linear flow color encoding counts determined in testicular parenchyma were counted separately and expressed as numerical data. The localization of the examined testes in the grayscale was noted (prox...
Objective: To study the occurrence of bacterial translocation and to assess the impact of breastf... more Objective: To study the occurrence of bacterial translocation and to assess the impact of breastfeeding on bacterial translocation in the animal model of necrotizing enterocolitis. Methods: A total of 20 neonate Sprague-Dawley rats were enrolled in the study. Rats were randomly allocated into either control or study group just after birth. Ten newborn rats in the control group were left with their mother to be breast-fed. In contrary, necrotizing enterocolitis group consisted of neonates that were separated from their mothers, housed in an incubator and were gavaged with a special rodent formula three times daily. Survival rates, weight changes, and morphologic scoring obtained after microscopic evaluation were determined as microbiologic evaluation criteria. Results: All the rats in the control group survived, while 1 (10 %) rat died in the necrotizing enterocolitis group. Mortality rates of the two groups were similar. All the formula-fed animals in the necrotizing enterocolitis group had signifi cant weight loss compared to the breast milk-fed rats in the control group (p<0.05). A total of 7 (70 %) and 2 (20 %) E. coli growths were identifi ed in the bowel lumen, liver, and spleen of necrotizing enterocolitis and control groups, respectively. This difference was statistically signifi cant. In peritoneal smear cultures, a total of 3 (30 %) growths were detected in the necrotizing enterocolitis group and 1 (10 %) growth in the control group. Conclusion: As the result of a disturbance in the intestinal fl ora and impairment of the intestinal barrier in necrotizing enterocolitis, microrganisms in the bowel pass through the intestinal barrier and reach the liver and the spleen via the hematogenous route. This condition is closely related to the impairment of physiological and functional features of the intestinal barrier and is independent from the degree of intestinal injury. Bacterial translocation should be remembered in cases suspected of necrotizing enterocolitis, and a rapid and effective treatment algorithm should be applied in such circumstances (Tab.
Papers by ilhan ciftci