Key Distro Kisaran adalah sebuah toko yang menjual pakaian dan aksesoris merek ternama yang dikem... more Key Distro Kisaran adalah sebuah toko yang menjual pakaian dan aksesoris merek ternama yang dikembangkan oleh kalangan muda. Toko ini sadar bahwa perkembangan teknologi yang pesat dapat mempengaruhi kinerja bisnis di semua sektor, baik itu bisinis yang bergerak dibidang dagang maupun jasa. Untuk tetap bersaing di tengah persaingan yang semakin ketat, pihak toko terus mengembangkan teknologi dan menjaga hubungan dengan pelanggan. Dalam upaya ini, Key Distro Kisaran menggunakan Electronik Customer Relationship Management (E-CRM) sebagai pelayanan personal kepada pelanggan. Tujuan utamanya adalah memberikan pengalaman yang konsisten, kepuasan pelanggan, dan menjalin hubungan yang baik dalam jangka waktu yang panjang. Dengan penerapan E-CRM yang baik, perusahaan dapat berinteraksi dengan calon pelanggan dan pelanggan tetap dengan mudah, serta memberikan informasi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan mereka. Hal ini juga memungkinkan pelanggan untuk memperoleh informasi yang dibutuhkan dengan ce...
Jurnal Pemberdayaan Sosial dan Teknologi Masyarakat
In carrying out buying and selling activities, there are so many opportunities and opportunities ... more In carrying out buying and selling activities, there are so many opportunities and opportunities that exist both in the field of products and services, but not all people can take advantage of these opportunities, especially for the younger generation. One of the causes is the lack of ability and knowledge of the community in terms of utilizing Information Technology (IT) in marketing and selling online or better known as e-commerce. The purpose of this service activity is to provide understanding and knowledge to the community, especially the younger generation in Sei Kamah I Village to capture business opportunities by utilizing Information Technology in strategies to market products and services online. The method used in this service activity is in the form of socialization and simulation using one of the e-commerce applications, namely Lazada. The overall implementation of this activity went well and smoothly which was attended by approximately 25 participants where the participants were very enthusiastic in participating in this activity. The results of the service activities are in the form of increasing understanding, insight, and knowledge of the community, especially the younger generation in terms of carrying out online marketing and sales strategies. The participants of this activity hope that this community service activity can be carried out continuously and regularly by STMIK Royal Kisaran.
Jurnal Pemberdayaan Sosial dan Teknologi Masyarakat
 : In the digital era, the use of information technology has a very large influence in all aspect... more  : In the digital era, the use of information technology has a very large influence in all aspects of life in society, one of which is for the younger generation (teenagers). Advances in information technology are now increasingly rapid, these developments certainly require human resources who are able to manage and utilize them properly. Along with the development of technology, the need to do something is recommended to use technology because it is more efficient and faster, one of which is a computer. Skills in using or operating computers have now become a demand to support organizational activities for teenagers because they can be added value or provision as competency values (soft skills) in the world of work. Therefore, computer training is one of the positive activities that are useful for building human resources in the community, especially teenagers for the betterment of the nation. Thus, to build and develop human resources among the younger generation/community, it is ...
Jurnal Pemberdayaan Sosial dan Teknologi Masyarakat
The role of information technology in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 is currently very ... more The role of information technology in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 is currently very important and growing so rapidly. Moreover, in the school environment, especially for high school (SMA) students and their equivalent, those who are required to have special skills or skills are required. At Yapim Simpang Wire Private High School, the subject matter that discusses in more depth about information technology, especially the use of Microsoft Office applications on windows such as excel, word, and Powepoint, is still considered lacking. Even though the Microsoft office application is very useful for students in completing assignments at school and activities in their neighborhood. Therefore, this Microsoft office training is needed so that it can improve and strengthen the ability of students to operate this application in activities at school or their daily life. The purpose of this PKM activity is to improve and strengthen students' skills in operating computers, especially in Microsoft Office Word version 2016 such as using the basic tools they use in making paper assignments, managing writing such as font types, using margins, setting text in tables, file storage, print reports, and others.
The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of compensation and competence partially an... more The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of compensation and competence partially andsimultaneously on the lecturer’s performance of STMIK Royal Kisaran in Asahan Regency, NorthSumatera. The population of this research was all regular (permanent) lecturers at STMIK Royaltotally of 90 people where data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires and interviewsto those permanent lecturers. The quantitative method was used in this study, while the analyticalmethod used was multiple regression analysis by performing the F test and t test where the data isprocessed using SPSS software. From the results of multiple regression analysis the equation Y = 8.032+ 0.181X1 + 0.339X2 is obtained. Partially and simultaneously the compensation and competencevariables affect the performance variables of lecturers at STMIK Royal Kisaran.
Jurnal Sains Teknologi dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, 2020
Perkembangan teknologi informasi di Indonesia meningkat pesat dari hari ke hari. Hal ini dipengar... more Perkembangan teknologi informasi di Indonesia meningkat pesat dari hari ke hari. Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh berbagai macam faktor mulai dari perluasan area cakupan internet, peningkatan bandwidth internet, penggunaan teknologi internet dan komunikasi terbaru yang lebih cepat dan efisien, perkembangan ponsel pintar, munculnya berbagai macam media sosial dan ecommerce, serta semakin banyaknya masyarakat yang paham dan aktif menggunakan internet. Saat ini peranan teknologi informasi berpengaruh dalam dunia ekonomi khususnya dalam hal penjualan online atau dikenal ecommerce. Mitra dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat adalah sekelompok orang tua komite salah satu sekolah dasar swasta di Bekasi. Latar belakang dari pihak mitra memiliki sampingan usaha yang dilakukan secara mandiri dengan berbagai jenis bidang usaha seperti diantaranya makanan, pakaian, jasa laundry, kesehatan dan lain sebagainya. Dalam pelaksanaannya jenis usaha yang dilakukan cenderung masih pasif dengan menunggu pesanan d...
This Community Service activity is carried out in the form of training for village cadres in usin... more This Community Service activity is carried out in the form of training for village cadres in using Microsoft Office software in utilizing information technology at this time. This training material was delivered to the community members in Dadimulyo Village, Kisaran Barat District, Kab. Asahan, which amounted to approximately 30 people. This service activity was carried out using lectures, demonstrations, and exercises accompanied by questions and answers. The lecture method is used to explain the introductory concept of the introduction of Microsoft Office software as one of the media in facilitating human work. The demonstration method is used to show a work process, namely the stages of introducing the tools that exist in Microsoft Office software and knowing each of their functions, while the training method is to practice directly using the application. While the question and answer method are to allows participants to consult to overcome obstacles in understanding the material...
JATISI (Jurnal Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi)
Business development in Indonesia is currently growing, especially the home furnishing business b... more Business development in Indonesia is currently growing, especially the home furnishing business because household furniture is one of the most important needs, especially in the household. This development requires companies to pay attention to the marketing activities of the household appliance business, especially to customers at the Wati Collection Store who do not yet have the media and tools to promote the products they sell so that customers do not know if there is a new product or a product that is currently in a promo packag, unless the customer comes directly to the Wati Collection Store. One aspect that affects customer loyalty is satisfaction, which is a comparison between expectations before making a purchase and perceived performance. Electronic Customer Relationship Management (e-CRM) is a method in managing the relationship between the company and its customers in order to increase the loyalty of consuming the products or services offered. In connection with this, a w...
In line with the development of the knowledge and technology are too fast, so it's effect on incr... more In line with the development of the knowledge and technology are too fast, so it's effect on increasing the media and other learning resources that are more practical. multimedia can be used as a choice of learning media to support interest because it's more effective and practical to use. Based on observations on the MAS Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah Kisaran, the method or way the teacher teaches is still manual that is using books and then the teacher explains and is recorded directly by his students. This method seems monotonous and unappealing. So created an interactive educational media for the distribution of inheritance according to Islam based on multimedia using the Adobe Flash CS6 application. This learning media will be useful for providing information about the distribution of inheritance according to Islam to students and teachers at MAS Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah Kisaran. This application consist of various multimedia elements such as text, picture, sound, videos and other objects. So that this application will be more interesting and more effective to use.
The purpose of this study is to predict the demand for catfish that can efficiently and cost effe... more The purpose of this study is to predict the demand for catfish that can efficiently and cost effectively through the application of information technology at UD Ulong. The application of information technology referred to is forecasting or forcasting using the Single Moving Average method. Through the application of this method, researchers will maximize the use of the method by taking samples of sales or demand data contained in UD Ulong. Data will be taken sales or demand data for 1 year. Based on these data, researchers will predict demand in the next month. so that the owner of the catfish culture will benefit in predicting the demand for catfish at UD Ulong.
PT. Anugerah Karya Abiwara II is a company engaged in the service sector in the workshop that ser... more PT. Anugerah Karya Abiwara II is a company engaged in the service sector in the workshop that serves its customers. The problem that occurs is the difficulty of determining the goods and the number of goods that must be provided every month in order to continue to meet customer needs. Stock or inventory is a number of goods provided by the company to meet consumer demand. Without adequate inventory, a business will not run smoothly. Therefore, to be more efficient, the authors designed a forecasting system with the Double Exponential Smoothing method using Visual Basic 2010 programming and MySQL database. The data predicted for the past 1 year are April 2021-March 2022 and the data will be forecasted in April. By calculating the Double Exponential Smoothing, the MAD value is 46.65, MSE 3975.26, RMSE 63.05, and the MAPE value is 21.48%, which means that the forecasting accuracy is almost 80%. So the algorithm with the DES method can be applied to the spare part stock forecasting proc...
Decision-making for the best employees in Camat Tinggi Raja Tinggi Office requires objective and ... more Decision-making for the best employees in Camat Tinggi Raja Tinggi Office requires objective and transparent considerations to select the best employees. This study aimed to apply the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method to determine the best employees in Camat Tinggi Raja Tinggi Office. This research method used quantitative methods. The data collected was in the form of employee data of the Raja Tinggi Subdistrict Office in the form of names, attitudes, work discipline, loyalty, responsibilities, and task completion. Data were analyzed using the SAW method based on preference values. The results showed that the employee with the name S had the highest preference value, 0.88. This research concludes that the SAW method decides the best employee in Camat Tinggi Raja Tinggi Office, namely the employee with the name S
The amount of oyster mushroom production is often not by consumer orders due to a lack of attenti... more The amount of oyster mushroom production is often not by consumer orders due to a lack of attention to the mushroom stock in the Mushroom House KUB. The purpose of this study is to apply double exponential smoothing (DES) to predict future sales of oyster mushrooms so that consumer needs are met. This research method uses quantitative methods. The data source comes from data on sales of oyster mushrooms from June 2021-May to 2022. The data is analyzed using double exponential smoothing based on alpha and MAPE values. The results showed that an alpha of 0.6 with a MAPE value of 6.23% was the alpha with the smallest MAPE. This study concluded that the double exponential smoothing method could accurately predict future oyster mushroom sales.
The reseach aims to predict the unemployment in the province of North Sumatra in 2020 using the D... more The reseach aims to predict the unemployment in the province of North Sumatra in 2020 using the Double Exponential Smoothing (DES) method. The data used is derived from the Central Agency Statistik (BPS) of North Sumatra province where the actual data is taken within 20 years from 2000 to 2019. The accuracy method in this research uses MAD to count the number of errors, MSE to evaluate forecasting methods, and MAPE to calculate the percentage of errors. Results of this research in the form of forecasting the number of unemployment in North Sumatra in 2020 that is 381459 people in the value of alpha 0.6 with a MAD value of 77402.12, MSE value of 12524690448.31, and MAPE value of 16.35%.
JTIK (Jurnal Teknik Informatika Kaputama), Jul 5, 2021
The purpose of this study is to predict the number of unemployed people in Asahan Regency in 2021... more The purpose of this study is to predict the number of unemployed people in Asahan Regency in 2021 using the Weighted Moving Average Method which will later assist local governments in making policies regarding this unemployment problem. Unemployment data was obtained from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Asahan Regency where the actual data was taken in the last 11 years from 2009 to 2020 (2016 data does not exist
The use of contraception is one solution in overcoming the rising pregnancy rate which is part of... more The use of contraception is one solution in overcoming the rising pregnancy rate which is part of the Family Planning (KB) program. The problem that occurs today is the lack of public knowledge in choosing contraceptives that are in accordance with health conditions. Limited time, place and experts in conveying the right contraceptive information is one of the obstacles. With the existence of an expert system which is a computer-based application, it will be able to solve problems as thought by experts. The design of this expert system is built to diagnose the type of contraception that is suitable according to health conditions. Knowledge of an expert, namely a midwife or obstetrician in diagnosing contraceptives that are in accordance with the health conditions of the acceptor's body implanted in a system using the Forward Chaining method. From these criteria, the system will conclude which contraception is suitable for use. With this expert system, it will help users and make it easier to determine the choice of the appropriate contraceptive. The test results show that the expert system application made is feasible and can be used by the community in conducting computerized consultations. This application is made using the PHP programming language and MySQL as the database server.
Abstract: Community Service Activities are carried out in the form of a day training for students... more Abstract: Community Service Activities are carried out in the form of a day training for students in designing posters using Adobe Photoshop software as a way to add and develop the abilities and creativity of students in SMA Negeri 5 Tanjungbalai. The target in this activity is the students of SMA Negeri 5 Tanjungbalai, amounting to approximately 18 people. This dedication activity is carried out using lecture, demonstration, and practice methods accompanied by questions and answers. The lecture method is used to explain the introductory concept of the introduction of Adobe Photoshop software as one of the media in processing images. The demonstration method is used to show a work process that is the stages of introducing tools in Adobe Photoshop software and knowing each of its functions, while the training method is to practice directly how to design posters in the application. While the question and answer method is to give participants the opportunity to consult to overcome obs...
JUTSI (Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi), 2021
HNI-HPAI is a network of halal-based companies in Indonesia that sell herbal products. HPAI has a... more HNI-HPAI is a network of halal-based companies in Indonesia that sell herbal products. HPAI has a variety of products, such as herbal medicine products for health, household products, and others. On the other hand, HPAI also has a certificate issued by the National Syari'ah Council-MUI which has complied with sharia principles in meeting the needs of the community, which currently pays attention not only top quality but also to its halalness. This study discusses the search for HNI-HPAI agents in Kisaran City who have difficulty finding the location of these agents, especially for people outside the Kisaran Area and buyers who do not know the location and the closest route for existing HNI-HPAI agents. in the Range Region. The results of this study are a web-based Geographic Information System for searching the nearest HNI-HPAI agent in the Kisaran area using the haversine method.
Key Distro Kisaran adalah sebuah toko yang menjual pakaian dan aksesoris merek ternama yang dikem... more Key Distro Kisaran adalah sebuah toko yang menjual pakaian dan aksesoris merek ternama yang dikembangkan oleh kalangan muda. Toko ini sadar bahwa perkembangan teknologi yang pesat dapat mempengaruhi kinerja bisnis di semua sektor, baik itu bisinis yang bergerak dibidang dagang maupun jasa. Untuk tetap bersaing di tengah persaingan yang semakin ketat, pihak toko terus mengembangkan teknologi dan menjaga hubungan dengan pelanggan. Dalam upaya ini, Key Distro Kisaran menggunakan Electronik Customer Relationship Management (E-CRM) sebagai pelayanan personal kepada pelanggan. Tujuan utamanya adalah memberikan pengalaman yang konsisten, kepuasan pelanggan, dan menjalin hubungan yang baik dalam jangka waktu yang panjang. Dengan penerapan E-CRM yang baik, perusahaan dapat berinteraksi dengan calon pelanggan dan pelanggan tetap dengan mudah, serta memberikan informasi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan mereka. Hal ini juga memungkinkan pelanggan untuk memperoleh informasi yang dibutuhkan dengan ce...
Jurnal Pemberdayaan Sosial dan Teknologi Masyarakat
In carrying out buying and selling activities, there are so many opportunities and opportunities ... more In carrying out buying and selling activities, there are so many opportunities and opportunities that exist both in the field of products and services, but not all people can take advantage of these opportunities, especially for the younger generation. One of the causes is the lack of ability and knowledge of the community in terms of utilizing Information Technology (IT) in marketing and selling online or better known as e-commerce. The purpose of this service activity is to provide understanding and knowledge to the community, especially the younger generation in Sei Kamah I Village to capture business opportunities by utilizing Information Technology in strategies to market products and services online. The method used in this service activity is in the form of socialization and simulation using one of the e-commerce applications, namely Lazada. The overall implementation of this activity went well and smoothly which was attended by approximately 25 participants where the participants were very enthusiastic in participating in this activity. The results of the service activities are in the form of increasing understanding, insight, and knowledge of the community, especially the younger generation in terms of carrying out online marketing and sales strategies. The participants of this activity hope that this community service activity can be carried out continuously and regularly by STMIK Royal Kisaran.
Jurnal Pemberdayaan Sosial dan Teknologi Masyarakat
 : In the digital era, the use of information technology has a very large influence in all aspect... more  : In the digital era, the use of information technology has a very large influence in all aspects of life in society, one of which is for the younger generation (teenagers). Advances in information technology are now increasingly rapid, these developments certainly require human resources who are able to manage and utilize them properly. Along with the development of technology, the need to do something is recommended to use technology because it is more efficient and faster, one of which is a computer. Skills in using or operating computers have now become a demand to support organizational activities for teenagers because they can be added value or provision as competency values (soft skills) in the world of work. Therefore, computer training is one of the positive activities that are useful for building human resources in the community, especially teenagers for the betterment of the nation. Thus, to build and develop human resources among the younger generation/community, it is ...
Jurnal Pemberdayaan Sosial dan Teknologi Masyarakat
The role of information technology in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 is currently very ... more The role of information technology in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 is currently very important and growing so rapidly. Moreover, in the school environment, especially for high school (SMA) students and their equivalent, those who are required to have special skills or skills are required. At Yapim Simpang Wire Private High School, the subject matter that discusses in more depth about information technology, especially the use of Microsoft Office applications on windows such as excel, word, and Powepoint, is still considered lacking. Even though the Microsoft office application is very useful for students in completing assignments at school and activities in their neighborhood. Therefore, this Microsoft office training is needed so that it can improve and strengthen the ability of students to operate this application in activities at school or their daily life. The purpose of this PKM activity is to improve and strengthen students' skills in operating computers, especially in Microsoft Office Word version 2016 such as using the basic tools they use in making paper assignments, managing writing such as font types, using margins, setting text in tables, file storage, print reports, and others.
The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of compensation and competence partially an... more The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of compensation and competence partially andsimultaneously on the lecturer’s performance of STMIK Royal Kisaran in Asahan Regency, NorthSumatera. The population of this research was all regular (permanent) lecturers at STMIK Royaltotally of 90 people where data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires and interviewsto those permanent lecturers. The quantitative method was used in this study, while the analyticalmethod used was multiple regression analysis by performing the F test and t test where the data isprocessed using SPSS software. From the results of multiple regression analysis the equation Y = 8.032+ 0.181X1 + 0.339X2 is obtained. Partially and simultaneously the compensation and competencevariables affect the performance variables of lecturers at STMIK Royal Kisaran.
Jurnal Sains Teknologi dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, 2020
Perkembangan teknologi informasi di Indonesia meningkat pesat dari hari ke hari. Hal ini dipengar... more Perkembangan teknologi informasi di Indonesia meningkat pesat dari hari ke hari. Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh berbagai macam faktor mulai dari perluasan area cakupan internet, peningkatan bandwidth internet, penggunaan teknologi internet dan komunikasi terbaru yang lebih cepat dan efisien, perkembangan ponsel pintar, munculnya berbagai macam media sosial dan ecommerce, serta semakin banyaknya masyarakat yang paham dan aktif menggunakan internet. Saat ini peranan teknologi informasi berpengaruh dalam dunia ekonomi khususnya dalam hal penjualan online atau dikenal ecommerce. Mitra dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat adalah sekelompok orang tua komite salah satu sekolah dasar swasta di Bekasi. Latar belakang dari pihak mitra memiliki sampingan usaha yang dilakukan secara mandiri dengan berbagai jenis bidang usaha seperti diantaranya makanan, pakaian, jasa laundry, kesehatan dan lain sebagainya. Dalam pelaksanaannya jenis usaha yang dilakukan cenderung masih pasif dengan menunggu pesanan d...
This Community Service activity is carried out in the form of training for village cadres in usin... more This Community Service activity is carried out in the form of training for village cadres in using Microsoft Office software in utilizing information technology at this time. This training material was delivered to the community members in Dadimulyo Village, Kisaran Barat District, Kab. Asahan, which amounted to approximately 30 people. This service activity was carried out using lectures, demonstrations, and exercises accompanied by questions and answers. The lecture method is used to explain the introductory concept of the introduction of Microsoft Office software as one of the media in facilitating human work. The demonstration method is used to show a work process, namely the stages of introducing the tools that exist in Microsoft Office software and knowing each of their functions, while the training method is to practice directly using the application. While the question and answer method are to allows participants to consult to overcome obstacles in understanding the material...
JATISI (Jurnal Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi)
Business development in Indonesia is currently growing, especially the home furnishing business b... more Business development in Indonesia is currently growing, especially the home furnishing business because household furniture is one of the most important needs, especially in the household. This development requires companies to pay attention to the marketing activities of the household appliance business, especially to customers at the Wati Collection Store who do not yet have the media and tools to promote the products they sell so that customers do not know if there is a new product or a product that is currently in a promo packag, unless the customer comes directly to the Wati Collection Store. One aspect that affects customer loyalty is satisfaction, which is a comparison between expectations before making a purchase and perceived performance. Electronic Customer Relationship Management (e-CRM) is a method in managing the relationship between the company and its customers in order to increase the loyalty of consuming the products or services offered. In connection with this, a w...
In line with the development of the knowledge and technology are too fast, so it's effect on incr... more In line with the development of the knowledge and technology are too fast, so it's effect on increasing the media and other learning resources that are more practical. multimedia can be used as a choice of learning media to support interest because it's more effective and practical to use. Based on observations on the MAS Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah Kisaran, the method or way the teacher teaches is still manual that is using books and then the teacher explains and is recorded directly by his students. This method seems monotonous and unappealing. So created an interactive educational media for the distribution of inheritance according to Islam based on multimedia using the Adobe Flash CS6 application. This learning media will be useful for providing information about the distribution of inheritance according to Islam to students and teachers at MAS Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah Kisaran. This application consist of various multimedia elements such as text, picture, sound, videos and other objects. So that this application will be more interesting and more effective to use.
The purpose of this study is to predict the demand for catfish that can efficiently and cost effe... more The purpose of this study is to predict the demand for catfish that can efficiently and cost effectively through the application of information technology at UD Ulong. The application of information technology referred to is forecasting or forcasting using the Single Moving Average method. Through the application of this method, researchers will maximize the use of the method by taking samples of sales or demand data contained in UD Ulong. Data will be taken sales or demand data for 1 year. Based on these data, researchers will predict demand in the next month. so that the owner of the catfish culture will benefit in predicting the demand for catfish at UD Ulong.
PT. Anugerah Karya Abiwara II is a company engaged in the service sector in the workshop that ser... more PT. Anugerah Karya Abiwara II is a company engaged in the service sector in the workshop that serves its customers. The problem that occurs is the difficulty of determining the goods and the number of goods that must be provided every month in order to continue to meet customer needs. Stock or inventory is a number of goods provided by the company to meet consumer demand. Without adequate inventory, a business will not run smoothly. Therefore, to be more efficient, the authors designed a forecasting system with the Double Exponential Smoothing method using Visual Basic 2010 programming and MySQL database. The data predicted for the past 1 year are April 2021-March 2022 and the data will be forecasted in April. By calculating the Double Exponential Smoothing, the MAD value is 46.65, MSE 3975.26, RMSE 63.05, and the MAPE value is 21.48%, which means that the forecasting accuracy is almost 80%. So the algorithm with the DES method can be applied to the spare part stock forecasting proc...
Decision-making for the best employees in Camat Tinggi Raja Tinggi Office requires objective and ... more Decision-making for the best employees in Camat Tinggi Raja Tinggi Office requires objective and transparent considerations to select the best employees. This study aimed to apply the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method to determine the best employees in Camat Tinggi Raja Tinggi Office. This research method used quantitative methods. The data collected was in the form of employee data of the Raja Tinggi Subdistrict Office in the form of names, attitudes, work discipline, loyalty, responsibilities, and task completion. Data were analyzed using the SAW method based on preference values. The results showed that the employee with the name S had the highest preference value, 0.88. This research concludes that the SAW method decides the best employee in Camat Tinggi Raja Tinggi Office, namely the employee with the name S
The amount of oyster mushroom production is often not by consumer orders due to a lack of attenti... more The amount of oyster mushroom production is often not by consumer orders due to a lack of attention to the mushroom stock in the Mushroom House KUB. The purpose of this study is to apply double exponential smoothing (DES) to predict future sales of oyster mushrooms so that consumer needs are met. This research method uses quantitative methods. The data source comes from data on sales of oyster mushrooms from June 2021-May to 2022. The data is analyzed using double exponential smoothing based on alpha and MAPE values. The results showed that an alpha of 0.6 with a MAPE value of 6.23% was the alpha with the smallest MAPE. This study concluded that the double exponential smoothing method could accurately predict future oyster mushroom sales.
The reseach aims to predict the unemployment in the province of North Sumatra in 2020 using the D... more The reseach aims to predict the unemployment in the province of North Sumatra in 2020 using the Double Exponential Smoothing (DES) method. The data used is derived from the Central Agency Statistik (BPS) of North Sumatra province where the actual data is taken within 20 years from 2000 to 2019. The accuracy method in this research uses MAD to count the number of errors, MSE to evaluate forecasting methods, and MAPE to calculate the percentage of errors. Results of this research in the form of forecasting the number of unemployment in North Sumatra in 2020 that is 381459 people in the value of alpha 0.6 with a MAD value of 77402.12, MSE value of 12524690448.31, and MAPE value of 16.35%.
JTIK (Jurnal Teknik Informatika Kaputama), Jul 5, 2021
The purpose of this study is to predict the number of unemployed people in Asahan Regency in 2021... more The purpose of this study is to predict the number of unemployed people in Asahan Regency in 2021 using the Weighted Moving Average Method which will later assist local governments in making policies regarding this unemployment problem. Unemployment data was obtained from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Asahan Regency where the actual data was taken in the last 11 years from 2009 to 2020 (2016 data does not exist
The use of contraception is one solution in overcoming the rising pregnancy rate which is part of... more The use of contraception is one solution in overcoming the rising pregnancy rate which is part of the Family Planning (KB) program. The problem that occurs today is the lack of public knowledge in choosing contraceptives that are in accordance with health conditions. Limited time, place and experts in conveying the right contraceptive information is one of the obstacles. With the existence of an expert system which is a computer-based application, it will be able to solve problems as thought by experts. The design of this expert system is built to diagnose the type of contraception that is suitable according to health conditions. Knowledge of an expert, namely a midwife or obstetrician in diagnosing contraceptives that are in accordance with the health conditions of the acceptor's body implanted in a system using the Forward Chaining method. From these criteria, the system will conclude which contraception is suitable for use. With this expert system, it will help users and make it easier to determine the choice of the appropriate contraceptive. The test results show that the expert system application made is feasible and can be used by the community in conducting computerized consultations. This application is made using the PHP programming language and MySQL as the database server.
Abstract: Community Service Activities are carried out in the form of a day training for students... more Abstract: Community Service Activities are carried out in the form of a day training for students in designing posters using Adobe Photoshop software as a way to add and develop the abilities and creativity of students in SMA Negeri 5 Tanjungbalai. The target in this activity is the students of SMA Negeri 5 Tanjungbalai, amounting to approximately 18 people. This dedication activity is carried out using lecture, demonstration, and practice methods accompanied by questions and answers. The lecture method is used to explain the introductory concept of the introduction of Adobe Photoshop software as one of the media in processing images. The demonstration method is used to show a work process that is the stages of introducing tools in Adobe Photoshop software and knowing each of its functions, while the training method is to practice directly how to design posters in the application. While the question and answer method is to give participants the opportunity to consult to overcome obs...
JUTSI (Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi), 2021
HNI-HPAI is a network of halal-based companies in Indonesia that sell herbal products. HPAI has a... more HNI-HPAI is a network of halal-based companies in Indonesia that sell herbal products. HPAI has a variety of products, such as herbal medicine products for health, household products, and others. On the other hand, HPAI also has a certificate issued by the National Syari'ah Council-MUI which has complied with sharia principles in meeting the needs of the community, which currently pays attention not only top quality but also to its halalness. This study discusses the search for HNI-HPAI agents in Kisaran City who have difficulty finding the location of these agents, especially for people outside the Kisaran Area and buyers who do not know the location and the closest route for existing HNI-HPAI agents. in the Range Region. The results of this study are a web-based Geographic Information System for searching the nearest HNI-HPAI agent in the Kisaran area using the haversine method.
Papers by havid syafwan