Papers by mochammad machmud Rifadil
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Engineering Science, 2021

Emitor: Jurnal Teknik Elektro
MCB (Miniature Circuit Breaker) adalah bagian instalasi listrik yang berfungsi sebagai pengaman d... more MCB (Miniature Circuit Breaker) adalah bagian instalasi listrik yang berfungsi sebagai pengaman dalam instalasi listrik apabila terjadi beban berlebih atau arus hubung singkat. Untuk menghindari kegagalan fungsi MCB diperlukan pengecekan MCB terlebih dahulu sebelum dipasang pada pelanggan, selain itu juga untuk menghindari pencurian energi listrik oleh pelanggan yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Alat uji MCB ini menggunakan dimmer AC sebagai pengatur arus uji dan sebagai bebannya yaitu lampu halogen dan motor induksi 1 fasa. MCB akan diuji dengan arus uji sesuai dengan SPLN 108:1993. Dari pengujian MCB ini akan dibandingkan hasil waktu uji dengan SPLN, sehingga didapatkan MCB dalam kondisi baik atau tidak. Hasil pengujian MCB akan ditampilkan pada LCD untuk dijadikan sebagai Berita Acara sesuai dengan ketentuan perusahaan. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut maka dibuatlah alat uji MCB yang ringkas dan mudah digunakan sehingga diharapkan dapat mempermudah dalam menguji kelayakan MCB 1...
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains dan Pendidikan Sains IX, Fakultas Sains dan Matematika UKSW. Sal... more Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains dan Pendidikan Sains IX, Fakultas Sains dan Matematika UKSW. Salatiga, 21 Juni 2014, Vol 5, No.1, p. 112-116
The phenomenon of voltage and or current harmonic distortion often occurs in industrial electrica... more The phenomenon of voltage and or current harmonic distortion often occurs in industrial electrical system. The harmonic distortion waveforms are caused by non-linear loads. Active power filters can reduce harmonic distortion on almost any harmonic order that appears. The p-q theory is a widely used method to calculate harmonic reference currents that required. This paper proposes an active power filter controlling method that can determine the desired harmonic order to be compensated specifically. Through this method, only the desired harmonic order will be compensated. This proposed method increases the effectiveness of p-q theory in the calculation of current harmonic suppression. the simulation results show that the proposed method can suppress the desired harmonics to be compensated, ie 3rd order from THD 30% to 0.46%, while in 5th order from 10% to 0.09%.

TELKA - Telekomunikasi Elektronika Komputasi dan Kontrol
Ketidakseimbangan beban pada suatu sistem distribusi tenaga listrik selalu terjadi dikarenakan pe... more Ketidakseimbangan beban pada suatu sistem distribusi tenaga listrik selalu terjadi dikarenakan pembagian beban satu fasa tidak merata. Membiarkannya dalam waktu lama akan menyebabkan arus netral. Ketidakseimbangan beban ini terjadi karena adanya perbedaan nilai arus yang signifikan pada setiap fasanya. Untuk mengatasi ketidakseimbangan beban yang berlebihan maka kami membuat penelitian penyeimbangan beban sistem kelistrikan tiga fasa berbasis Fuzzy Logic yang telah dirancang dengan standar ketidakseimbangan beban 5% menurut IEC yang membandingkan arus setiap fase. Logika Fuzzy mempunyai efek mendeteksi fasa dengan arus seperti saat fasa R mempunyai arus yang lebih banyak dari fasa yang tersisa. Relai akan memberikan efek memutus beban fasa R dengan skala prioritas terendah terlebih dahulu. Sebelum dilakukan penyeimbangan beban hasil presentase ketidakseimbangan beban sebesar 7.34%. Tindakan penyeimbangan beban membuat ketidakseimbangan beban menjadi 2.39%. Nilai ini sudah memenuhi s...
2022 11th Electrical Power, Electronics, Communications, Controls and Informatics Seminar (EECCIS)

Interdisciplinary Social Studies
Background: One type of bird that is widely bred and maintained is the turtledove. At turtledove ... more Background: One type of bird that is widely bred and maintained is the turtledove. At turtledove breeding, bird cage maintenance is still done manually for cage lighting, feeding and drinking. Manual maintenance of the cage will make it difficult for farmers who have a fairly busy schedule or often leave the house. Aim: For that reason, the authors decided to make a Smart Bird Cage. Method: In this study, the authors used STM32F4 Discovery and ESP8266 as control centers via smartphones. The sensors that will be used are the temperature sensor and the Light Dependent Sensor (LDR). The outputs are 5 volt dc motor, 5V dc pump motor, buzzer and exhaust fan using on/off control with internet of things (IoT). While the control system for heating the cage uses the PWM control method on the AC module control for the brightness level of incandescent lamps. Findings: The results of this study are the temperature in the bird cage is controlled with a heating lamp that turns on when the tempera...
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV), Nov 29, 2021

2020 3rd International Seminar on Research of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems (ISRITI)
The speed of an induction motor is difficult to control, it happens because the torque and flux p... more The speed of an induction motor is difficult to control, it happens because the torque and flux produced are not independent or related to each other so that they cannot maintain a constant speed when a load changes. Therefore, we need a control to increase the response of three-phase induction motors. This research applies IP controller and scalar control to regulate the motor speed with electric vehicle loads using SVPWM inverter (space vector pulse width modulation) to improve the inverter output signal so that it can adjust the speed of the induction motor when the load changes. System performance has been tested using Matlab. The simulation results show that the IP controller can improve the dynamic response system and reduce the overshoot value compared with the conventional PI controller. The speed change on the IP controller has succeeded in reaching the 1000 rpm set point with a rise time of 0.342 seconds at a steady state of 0.36 seconds and an overshoot of 2.830%. At a set point speed up to 800 Rpm, a stable condition is obtained with rise time of 0.12 seconds and an overshoot of 5.649%.

2018 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and Communication, 2018
High torque and high efficiency are two factors used as a consideration of why many electric vehi... more High torque and high efficiency are two factors used as a consideration of why many electric vehicles (EV) use brushless DC motor (BLDCM) as a propulsion system. Likewise, Amtenar car -a PENS's electric car- use this kind of motor as its propulsion. BLDCM can be driven by two techniques. They are Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) and Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) technique. Both techniques are applied to the Amtenar car using the STM32F4 microcontroller to observe the dynamic speed response and efficiency which is operated under no-load conditions and on a load of Amtenar car. PWM scheme uses H-PWM-L-ON while PAM technique employes DC-DC buck converter. When PAM technique is applied to a no-load condition, PAM technique produces higher speed and efficiency and also produces a better dynamic speed performance as compared to PWM technique. While, when both techniques are applied to Amtenar car in the same line-to-line RMS voltage reference, PAM technique generates higher speed and h...

2020 3rd International Seminar on Research of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems (ISRITI), 2020
The electric motor has replaced motor fuel as the main mover of the equipment. One of them is the... more The electric motor has replaced motor fuel as the main mover of the equipment. One of them is the use of a three-phase induction motor in the industrial sector. Equipment in an industry requires many speed controllers in operation. The induction motor speed can be changed by changing the number of poles, changing the stator voltage, and changing the frequency source. This method has many disadvantages, such as changes in motor dimensions and the occurrence of flux saturation. This paper provides method of controlling the speed of a three-phase induction motor with constant V/f. Speed regulation with constant V/f can prevent saturation flux when changing the input frequency and can maintain maximum motor torque along the speed regulation area. The speed regulation use an inverter Three-phase SVPWM by implementing PI control. The results of using constant V/f control show that motor speed response at 1300 rpm has a rise time of 0.13 second, a settling time of 0.164 second, an overshoo...

INOVTEK - Seri Elektro
This research discusses about design and implementation of the power meters which are equipped wi... more This research discusses about design and implementation of the power meters which are equipped with over or under voltage relays at 1 phase load based on internet of things (IoT). The power meters use power sensors that can detect active power values (P), apparent power (S), voltage (V), current (I), power factor (PF), frequency, energy, and total harmonic distortion (THD). Data on the power meter will be sent and stored in the database. Data on the power meters can also be monitored remotely via smartphones and personal computers using internet media. The power meters are equipped with indicators for over voltage, normal and under voltage conditions. This power meter is also equipped with a relay to disconnect the power at the load when there is interference with over voltage or under voltage on the system. From the results of tests that have been carried out, the relay will cut the load when there is interference with over voltage or under voltage on the system. Based on the resul...
2018 International Electrical Engineering Congress (iEECON)

Permasalahan utama yang dihadapi bidang listrik terutama untuk beban rumah tinggal di pedesaan ad... more Permasalahan utama yang dihadapi bidang listrik terutama untuk beban rumah tinggal di pedesaan adalah tidak ada pemerataan listrik dari pln, dikarenakan sarana infrastruktur yang tidak memadai dan biaya operasional yang besar, biaya energi per-kwh semakin tinggi, subsidi bbm dari pemerintah untuk pembangkit listrik dihapus dan subsidi untuk pln berkurang. Oleh karena itu, suatu sistem pembangkit listrik tenaga angin (splta) menggunakan kincir angin sumbu vertikal dengan memanfaatkan angin untuk menyuplai beban listrik rumah tinggaldi daerah pedesaan.Dengan splta ini diharapkan dapat mensuplai beban listrik dirumah tinggal dan membantu pihak pln dalam pemerataan listrik dipedesaan. Hasil penelitian didapatkan potensi daya kincir tertinggi pertama dari empat buah kincir angin adalah kincir diameter 60cm 36sudu sebesar 63,65Watt didapatkan saat kecepatan angin 1.45 m/s putaran kincir pada poros 229RPM pada torsi sebesar 7.19 Nm. Potensi daya kincir tertinggi ke dua dari 4 kincir angin ...
Papers by mochammad machmud Rifadil