The focus of this paper is to explore how the tradition of khatam Qur’an for women is the entry p... more The focus of this paper is to explore how the tradition of khatam Qur’an for women is the entry point for empowerment. The research was conducted using a qualitative approach, collecting data through in-depth interviews with four female research participants and observing their family life. The results of the research show that the tradition of khatam Qur'an has opened up opportunities for women’s freedom. In the first generation, women were still cooped up, illiterate and shy, in the second generation, opportunities for freedom were given with the excuse of leaving the house to learn the Qur’an reading. In the third generation, women are equal to men in education to obtain public roles. However, they cannot let go of their domestic role. In the end, women have a dual role. This study concludes that ongoing empowerment efforts have reconstructed the marginalization of women.
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Gorontalo, sebagai salah satu daerah yang telah mengimpl... more Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Gorontalo, sebagai salah satu daerah yang telah mengimplementasikan kebijakan program full day school (FDS). Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui problema implementasi kebijakan program FDS di sekolah dasar wilayah pedesaan. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus di sekolah dasar di kecamatan Biluhu dan kecamatan Pulubala. Penelitian menemukan bahwa terdapat empat problema utama dalam implementasi kebijakan FDS di sekolah dasar di pedesaan, pertama adalah aspek kultural. Program FDS telah menimbulkan cultural shock baik pada peserta didik, guru maupun kalangan orangtua. Aspek kedua ketersediaan sarana pendidikan yang apa adanya, baik sarana perpustakaan, musholla dan sarana olahraga. Ketiga adalah ketidaksiapan para guru dalam menerapkan kurikulum FDS baik dari segi kualitas maupun kuantitas, keempat, kurikulum FDS yang belum terurai secara rinci sehingga tidak berjalan efektif di lapangan. Dengan de...
Modernisasi teknologi pertanian telah mendominasi aktivitas pertanian di Gorontalo. Tulisan ini m... more Modernisasi teknologi pertanian telah mendominasi aktivitas pertanian di Gorontalo. Tulisan ini mendeskripsikan perubahan praktik pertanian jagung dari berbasis kearifan lokal dan solidaritas sosial menjadi berbasis teknologi. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menjadikan 25 petani sebagai partisipan untuk didalami pengetahuannya dan diamati aktivitas pertaniannya. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa praktik pertanian berbasis kearifan lokal sudah tidak ditemukan lagi. Kearifan lokal ini terdiri dari tradisi mopo’a huta dan panggoba sebagai sistem pertanian yang berbasis solidaritas sosial dan ramah lingkungan. Tradisi ini berganti dengan sistem pertanian modern yang dianggap lebih efektif dengan hasil produksi yang melimpah. Modernisasi di dalam sistem pertanian selain memberikan efek yang baik juga telah mengakibatkan banyak perubahan, baik secara ekonomi, sosial budaya dan ekologi. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa sebagai akibat dari modernisasi pertanian jagung: 1) ...
Full day school bukanlah isu terbaru. Amerika sudah lama mengenal dan menerapkannya dalam dunia p... more Full day school bukanlah isu terbaru. Amerika sudah lama mengenal dan menerapkannya dalam dunia persekolahan. Isu ini menghangat di Indonesia sebagai konsekuensi logis dari dua hal; di satu sisi semakin tidak nyamannya lingkungan sosial bagi perkembangan anak, sementara pada sisi yang lain para orangtua sudah jarang membersamai anak-anak di rumah karena bekerja seharian penuh. Lalu, masih adakah lingkungan yang nyaman bagi anak-anak kita? Tulisan ini mengkaji FDS dalam perspektif sosiologi pendidikan. Bahwa sekolah sebagai learning organization ternyata menjadi lembaga terbaik dalam membentengi anak-anak dari pengaruh negatif lingkungan sosial yang semakin tidak ramah anak itu.
International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering, 2021
Stigmatization towards transgender women in Indonesia has become more severe that cause them to b... more Stigmatization towards transgender women in Indonesia has become more severe that cause them to be more marginalized. They were not only driven out by their families, but also rejected by the society.. This paper aims to analyze the transgender women 's efforts to show their existence so that they can be accepted by the family and society. The research was conducted with a qualitative approach. Data collection was done by in-depth interviews and observations to seven participants at the local level and online data collection to participants at the regional and global levels. The data were analyzed through three stages of data analysis, namely data reduction, data display and data verification to meet the conclusion. The result shows that transgender women can prove their existence through their socioeconomic role so that families and communities have no reason to reject them.
The mopo’a huta ritual is a ritual practiced by Gorontalo people when the dry season arrives. By ... more The mopo’a huta ritual is a ritual practiced by Gorontalo people when the dry season arrives. By carrying out this ritual, people believe that rain will fall and fertility and prosperity will come. This ritual has been carried out since hundreds of years ago, but nowadays it has begun to be opposed by several groups. This study aims to find out how the practice of the mopo'a Huta ritual, how the public view of the mopo'a huta ritual using Geertz's perspective. The study used a qualitative approach with case studies, conducted interviews with the organizers, made observations during the procession, and explored the results of previous research. The study found that the mopo'a huta ritual in practice held a dance (dayango) accompanied by the wasps of towohu (drums) for several nights. At the peak of the ritual, offerings were made consisting of certain ingredients to be presented to supernatural beings as the rulers of nature. For this practice, there are 3 community g...
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, 2020
This study analyzed the concepts of nature and its inhabitants, as well as the actions of peasant... more This study analyzed the concepts of nature and its inhabitants, as well as the actions of peasants creating harmony with nature. This study used a qualitative approach with ethnographic methods. The data collected was mostly primary data obtained through in-depth interviews and passive participation observation. To support primary data, the researchers also collected secondary data, such as publications and previous research reports. In analyzing the data, the researchers made interview transcripts, data reduction, analysis, data interpretation, and triangulation. The results found that the peasant community believed in supernatural beings as part of the forces of nature. It can do anything depending on the relationships built by the community. Mopo’a Huta ritual is the human action to create harmony with nature. The ritual begins with a procession of dance accompanied by drum beats for several nights. On the last day, offerings are prepared to entertain supernatural beings. With th...
Modernisation in corn farming has changed some local practices especially with regard to pest con... more Modernisation in corn farming has changed some local practices especially with regard to pest control of the corn plants in Gorontalo. This research aims to explore the correlation between the effectiveness of farming rituals and farming technology in controlling corn pests. The present study employed a qualitative method that relies on primary and secondary data. The primary data was obtained from two types of farmers, traditional farmers and modern farmers, through observation and interview methods. The data was analysed using systematic data reduction, data display, data verification. Data obtained after this three-stage analysis were further analysed using descriptive and content analysis data. The results revealed that the traditional farmers still believe that some farming rituals are still effective in controlling the corn pests. They carry out rituals called mopo'a huta (feeding the soil) and panggoba (studying astronomical positions that are suitable for starting to plant). On the other hand, modern farmers tend to believe that technology is more effective at controlling corn pests. Using the best seeds, fertilisers and pesticides are easier and will result in higher yields. However, there are some farmers who believe that a combination of both practices produced hybrid knowledge that was the best of both worlds and in line with the integrated pest control techniques.
International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering, 2021
Stigmatization towards transgender women in Indonesia has become more severe that cause them to b... more Stigmatization towards transgender women in Indonesia has become more severe that cause them to be more marginalized. They were not only driven out by their families, but also rejected by the society.. This paper aims to analyze the transgender women 's efforts to show their existence so that they can be accepted by the family and society. The research was conducted with a qualitative approach. Data collection was done by in-depth interviews and observations to seven participants at the local level and online data collection to participants at the regional and global levels. The data were analyzed through three stages of data analysis, namely data reduction, data display and data verification to meet the conclusion. The result shows that transgender women can prove their existence through their socioeconomic role so that families and communities have no reason to reject them.
There are three educational environments namely family, school and community environment. They ca... more There are three educational environments namely family, school and community environment. They can create a good generation or a bad generation. It depends on the role of educators. They can create a religious or non-religious environment. The educators are parents, teachers and community leaders. They can act as cultural brokers to protect the generation from the impact of globalization by means of creating religious culture.
South Asian Journal of Social Studies and Economics
The Mohiyonga hulalo tradition on the night of Shawwal is a recurring social phenomenon every yea... more The Mohiyonga hulalo tradition on the night of Shawwal is a recurring social phenomenon every year in rural Gorontalo. This tradition encapsulates the deep meaning of releasing Ramadan while welcoming Eid. This tradition is slowly changing, as the presence of mass communication technology and transportation that accompany modernization. This study analyzed the meaning behind the Mohiyonga hulalo tradition in rural Gorontalo. Besides, this study also described how aspects of technology like music, loudspeakers, tape, VCD player, and android are part of the liveliness of the Mohiyonga hulalo tradition as well as being the cause of waning community traditions in rural Gorontalo. This study used a qualitative approach with ethnographic methods. Observations were carried out in a participatory manner, deepened by interviews with village elders and young activists of this tradition. Data analysis was carried out qualitatively. The study found that the Mohiyonga hulalo tradition contained ...
This study focuses on the activities of the Prana Sakti inner strenght training center in Goronta... more This study focuses on the activities of the Prana Sakti inner strenght training center in Gorontalo City. The presence of the Prana Sakti in the middle of the city becomes a choice for city residents, especially for those who are tired of the hustle of modernization. This study aims to uncover the attraction of the Prana Sakti inner strenght training center, how to practice its sufism and as a training center, what are the competencies gained by members of the the Prana Sakti. From the results of the study it was found that one of the main attraction of the the Prana Sakti with the characteristics of amaly sufism is to get inner strenght. To achieve this, members must carry out the practice of sufism, which is a martial sport that is combined with regular dhikr. It takes several years. As a training center, the competence gained by the member is closeness to the God, so that it has implications for religious observance and good morals towards others
The focus of this paper is to explore how the tradition of khatam Qur’an for women is the entry p... more The focus of this paper is to explore how the tradition of khatam Qur’an for women is the entry point for empowerment. The research was conducted using a qualitative approach, collecting data through in-depth interviews with four female research participants and observing their family life. The results of the research show that the tradition of khatam Qur'an has opened up opportunities for women’s freedom. In the first generation, women were still cooped up, illiterate and shy, in the second generation, opportunities for freedom were given with the excuse of leaving the house to learn the Qur’an reading. In the third generation, women are equal to men in education to obtain public roles. However, they cannot let go of their domestic role. In the end, women have a dual role. This study concludes that ongoing empowerment efforts have reconstructed the marginalization of women.
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Gorontalo, sebagai salah satu daerah yang telah mengimpl... more Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Gorontalo, sebagai salah satu daerah yang telah mengimplementasikan kebijakan program full day school (FDS). Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui problema implementasi kebijakan program FDS di sekolah dasar wilayah pedesaan. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus di sekolah dasar di kecamatan Biluhu dan kecamatan Pulubala. Penelitian menemukan bahwa terdapat empat problema utama dalam implementasi kebijakan FDS di sekolah dasar di pedesaan, pertama adalah aspek kultural. Program FDS telah menimbulkan cultural shock baik pada peserta didik, guru maupun kalangan orangtua. Aspek kedua ketersediaan sarana pendidikan yang apa adanya, baik sarana perpustakaan, musholla dan sarana olahraga. Ketiga adalah ketidaksiapan para guru dalam menerapkan kurikulum FDS baik dari segi kualitas maupun kuantitas, keempat, kurikulum FDS yang belum terurai secara rinci sehingga tidak berjalan efektif di lapangan. Dengan de...
Modernisasi teknologi pertanian telah mendominasi aktivitas pertanian di Gorontalo. Tulisan ini m... more Modernisasi teknologi pertanian telah mendominasi aktivitas pertanian di Gorontalo. Tulisan ini mendeskripsikan perubahan praktik pertanian jagung dari berbasis kearifan lokal dan solidaritas sosial menjadi berbasis teknologi. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menjadikan 25 petani sebagai partisipan untuk didalami pengetahuannya dan diamati aktivitas pertaniannya. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa praktik pertanian berbasis kearifan lokal sudah tidak ditemukan lagi. Kearifan lokal ini terdiri dari tradisi mopo’a huta dan panggoba sebagai sistem pertanian yang berbasis solidaritas sosial dan ramah lingkungan. Tradisi ini berganti dengan sistem pertanian modern yang dianggap lebih efektif dengan hasil produksi yang melimpah. Modernisasi di dalam sistem pertanian selain memberikan efek yang baik juga telah mengakibatkan banyak perubahan, baik secara ekonomi, sosial budaya dan ekologi. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa sebagai akibat dari modernisasi pertanian jagung: 1) ...
Full day school bukanlah isu terbaru. Amerika sudah lama mengenal dan menerapkannya dalam dunia p... more Full day school bukanlah isu terbaru. Amerika sudah lama mengenal dan menerapkannya dalam dunia persekolahan. Isu ini menghangat di Indonesia sebagai konsekuensi logis dari dua hal; di satu sisi semakin tidak nyamannya lingkungan sosial bagi perkembangan anak, sementara pada sisi yang lain para orangtua sudah jarang membersamai anak-anak di rumah karena bekerja seharian penuh. Lalu, masih adakah lingkungan yang nyaman bagi anak-anak kita? Tulisan ini mengkaji FDS dalam perspektif sosiologi pendidikan. Bahwa sekolah sebagai learning organization ternyata menjadi lembaga terbaik dalam membentengi anak-anak dari pengaruh negatif lingkungan sosial yang semakin tidak ramah anak itu.
International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering, 2021
Stigmatization towards transgender women in Indonesia has become more severe that cause them to b... more Stigmatization towards transgender women in Indonesia has become more severe that cause them to be more marginalized. They were not only driven out by their families, but also rejected by the society.. This paper aims to analyze the transgender women 's efforts to show their existence so that they can be accepted by the family and society. The research was conducted with a qualitative approach. Data collection was done by in-depth interviews and observations to seven participants at the local level and online data collection to participants at the regional and global levels. The data were analyzed through three stages of data analysis, namely data reduction, data display and data verification to meet the conclusion. The result shows that transgender women can prove their existence through their socioeconomic role so that families and communities have no reason to reject them.
The mopo’a huta ritual is a ritual practiced by Gorontalo people when the dry season arrives. By ... more The mopo’a huta ritual is a ritual practiced by Gorontalo people when the dry season arrives. By carrying out this ritual, people believe that rain will fall and fertility and prosperity will come. This ritual has been carried out since hundreds of years ago, but nowadays it has begun to be opposed by several groups. This study aims to find out how the practice of the mopo'a Huta ritual, how the public view of the mopo'a huta ritual using Geertz's perspective. The study used a qualitative approach with case studies, conducted interviews with the organizers, made observations during the procession, and explored the results of previous research. The study found that the mopo'a huta ritual in practice held a dance (dayango) accompanied by the wasps of towohu (drums) for several nights. At the peak of the ritual, offerings were made consisting of certain ingredients to be presented to supernatural beings as the rulers of nature. For this practice, there are 3 community g...
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, 2020
This study analyzed the concepts of nature and its inhabitants, as well as the actions of peasant... more This study analyzed the concepts of nature and its inhabitants, as well as the actions of peasants creating harmony with nature. This study used a qualitative approach with ethnographic methods. The data collected was mostly primary data obtained through in-depth interviews and passive participation observation. To support primary data, the researchers also collected secondary data, such as publications and previous research reports. In analyzing the data, the researchers made interview transcripts, data reduction, analysis, data interpretation, and triangulation. The results found that the peasant community believed in supernatural beings as part of the forces of nature. It can do anything depending on the relationships built by the community. Mopo’a Huta ritual is the human action to create harmony with nature. The ritual begins with a procession of dance accompanied by drum beats for several nights. On the last day, offerings are prepared to entertain supernatural beings. With th...
Modernisation in corn farming has changed some local practices especially with regard to pest con... more Modernisation in corn farming has changed some local practices especially with regard to pest control of the corn plants in Gorontalo. This research aims to explore the correlation between the effectiveness of farming rituals and farming technology in controlling corn pests. The present study employed a qualitative method that relies on primary and secondary data. The primary data was obtained from two types of farmers, traditional farmers and modern farmers, through observation and interview methods. The data was analysed using systematic data reduction, data display, data verification. Data obtained after this three-stage analysis were further analysed using descriptive and content analysis data. The results revealed that the traditional farmers still believe that some farming rituals are still effective in controlling the corn pests. They carry out rituals called mopo'a huta (feeding the soil) and panggoba (studying astronomical positions that are suitable for starting to plant). On the other hand, modern farmers tend to believe that technology is more effective at controlling corn pests. Using the best seeds, fertilisers and pesticides are easier and will result in higher yields. However, there are some farmers who believe that a combination of both practices produced hybrid knowledge that was the best of both worlds and in line with the integrated pest control techniques.
International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering, 2021
Stigmatization towards transgender women in Indonesia has become more severe that cause them to b... more Stigmatization towards transgender women in Indonesia has become more severe that cause them to be more marginalized. They were not only driven out by their families, but also rejected by the society.. This paper aims to analyze the transgender women 's efforts to show their existence so that they can be accepted by the family and society. The research was conducted with a qualitative approach. Data collection was done by in-depth interviews and observations to seven participants at the local level and online data collection to participants at the regional and global levels. The data were analyzed through three stages of data analysis, namely data reduction, data display and data verification to meet the conclusion. The result shows that transgender women can prove their existence through their socioeconomic role so that families and communities have no reason to reject them.
There are three educational environments namely family, school and community environment. They ca... more There are three educational environments namely family, school and community environment. They can create a good generation or a bad generation. It depends on the role of educators. They can create a religious or non-religious environment. The educators are parents, teachers and community leaders. They can act as cultural brokers to protect the generation from the impact of globalization by means of creating religious culture.
South Asian Journal of Social Studies and Economics
The Mohiyonga hulalo tradition on the night of Shawwal is a recurring social phenomenon every yea... more The Mohiyonga hulalo tradition on the night of Shawwal is a recurring social phenomenon every year in rural Gorontalo. This tradition encapsulates the deep meaning of releasing Ramadan while welcoming Eid. This tradition is slowly changing, as the presence of mass communication technology and transportation that accompany modernization. This study analyzed the meaning behind the Mohiyonga hulalo tradition in rural Gorontalo. Besides, this study also described how aspects of technology like music, loudspeakers, tape, VCD player, and android are part of the liveliness of the Mohiyonga hulalo tradition as well as being the cause of waning community traditions in rural Gorontalo. This study used a qualitative approach with ethnographic methods. Observations were carried out in a participatory manner, deepened by interviews with village elders and young activists of this tradition. Data analysis was carried out qualitatively. The study found that the Mohiyonga hulalo tradition contained ...
This study focuses on the activities of the Prana Sakti inner strenght training center in Goronta... more This study focuses on the activities of the Prana Sakti inner strenght training center in Gorontalo City. The presence of the Prana Sakti in the middle of the city becomes a choice for city residents, especially for those who are tired of the hustle of modernization. This study aims to uncover the attraction of the Prana Sakti inner strenght training center, how to practice its sufism and as a training center, what are the competencies gained by members of the the Prana Sakti. From the results of the study it was found that one of the main attraction of the the Prana Sakti with the characteristics of amaly sufism is to get inner strenght. To achieve this, members must carry out the practice of sufism, which is a martial sport that is combined with regular dhikr. It takes several years. As a training center, the competence gained by the member is closeness to the God, so that it has implications for religious observance and good morals towards others
Papers by momy hunowu