Papers by muna kameelah sauid
Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Pahang, Jun 1, 2020
Division of Research and Industry Linkages, 2017
International Journal of Small and Medium Enterprises, 2021
The advancement of smartphone technologies has led to many promising services such as payment thr... more The advancement of smartphone technologies has led to many promising services such as payment through mobile or smartphone itself. In Malaysia, mobile payment usage is still low because consumers prefer to make payment transactions using other devices like laptops, computers, and credit card machines. Even though the adoption is still low but it shows an increasing trend. The purpose of this paper is to find factors influencing consumers’ perceptions of mobile payment usage. This study proposes three factors which are ease of use, trust, and security for the measurement. This quantitative study employed convenience sampling as the sampling technique and a total of 259 consumers as the respondents. All three factors were found could influence the consumers’ perception of mobile payment usage. Since this study is only limited to only three factors, there should be other factors to be included in future studies such as perceived cost, perceived benefits, cashback, rewards and many more...
Proceedings of the Regional Conference on Science, Technology and Social Sciences (RCSTSS 2016), 2018
Pertaining to the dumper sources of information available nowadays, the use of information are in... more Pertaining to the dumper sources of information available nowadays, the use of information are inquisitive as some of the students might not realize that they have committed plagiarism and some of them are not aware of what plagiarism is about. There is no doubt that the sources of information in this age are known as one of the important factors towards the excellence of students in completing their assignment. However, the issue here is do those students use it in an actual way in performing their tasks? The purposes of this study are to look for the perception of the undergraduate students in Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Johor regarding the plagiarism activities and their experiences. The studies on plagiarism among university students have been recognized as an interesting area of study in the academic world and it is important. Several studies found that the number of students who committed plagiarism increased at university and this number seems to be widespread and grows rapidly among the undergraduate students and the research found that the plagiarism activities were done by more than half of the undergraduates. Due to this problem, the objectives of this study are to find out the level of awareness among undergraduate students in plagiarism, to determine the undergraduate student's knowledge on the sources of information and also to investigate the possible factors that contribute to the plagiarism activities. Taking
Designing interesting jobs are becoming a major concern among employers as one way of enhancing t... more Designing interesting jobs are becoming a major concern among employers as one way of enhancing the employee’s motivation. This study seeks to find the Impact of Job Design on Employee’s Motivation amongst employee’s in public sector at Putrajaya. The sample sizes of 350 respondents were randomly selected to participate in this study. The results of the study revealed that, elements of Job Design which is Skill Variety, Task Identity, Task Significance, Autonomy, and Feedback is significantly correlates with employee’s motivation. However, among the five elements, only Skill Variety, Task Identity, Autonomy, and Feedback have most impact on employee’s motivation. Based on the yielded results, several recommendations were pointed out which is, employers need to focus on the areas in which affects the employee’s motivation most and improve the areas which are not. Future study should also be conducted in the private sector on the similar area of study or different sector.
The purpose of this paper is to examine the factors contributing to nurses’ job satisfaction at a... more The purpose of this paper is to examine the factors contributing to nurses’ job satisfaction at a private healthcare center in Malaysia. The researcher uses questionnaire to measure the determinants of job satisfaction (remuneration, work environment, promotion, and fairness of treatment) and job satisfaction. Subsequently, a conceptual framework is constructed and Pearson correlation analysis is conducted to test the association between remuneration, work environment, promotion as well as fairness of treatment, and job satisfaction. The findings demonstrate significant positive relationship among all variable tested. In addition, fairness of treatment revealed to be the most significant factors in determining nurses’ job satisfaction. The findings suggested that when employees are treated equally in organization, it will significantly affect their level of job satisfaction. The employees’ motivation is affected not only by their expectancies and the rewards they receive but also by...
This research was conducted in order to examine the relationship between self-leadership skills a... more This research was conducted in order to examine the relationship between self-leadership skills and employee innovative work behaviour at one prominent corporate company in Malaysia located in Johor Bharu. Self-leadership skills comprised of behavioural focused strategy, natural reward strategy and constructive thought position. 152 questionnaires were distributed among the middle level employees by using simple random sampling. The findings appeared to support two hypotheses that behaviour focused and natural reward strategies have positively associated with employee innovative work behaviour. The findings indicated that two elements of self-leadership skills lead to encourage employees to be more innovative in their work role performance. Further studies, need to be conducted at different sector with larger population as to compare the selfleadership skills possessed by the employees and how does it influence the innovative work behaviour.
Proceedings of the Regional Conference on Science, Technology and Social Sciences (RCSTSS 2016), 2018
The present study aims to examine the relationship between workplace support and job satisfaction... more The present study aims to examine the relationship between workplace support and job satisfaction among academic staff in five Malaysian public research universities. The population of this study is 12,994 academic staff, and the sample size was 325. The sample was obtained using convenience sampling technique, in which information was gathered from elements of the population who are conveniently available at the point of data collection. The workplace support construct is made up of four elements: Perceived organizational support (POS), supervisor support, co-worker support, and mentoring. The findings of Pearson correlation analysis indicate that workplace supports (POS, supervisor support, co-worker support, and mentoring) have positive correlation on job satisfaction. Meanwhile, the result of multiple regressions shows only POS and mentoring positively effect on employee job satisfaction. Thus, the greater the extent to which employees perceived that the organization is giving them support and support from mentor to junior employee, the more they feel a moral obligation to keep working for that organization. Still, efforts should be made to improve the existing workplace support in public research universities as it can lead to higher job satisfaction and higher productivity level among the academics staffs.
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2021
Employees performance is very significant for organization in achieving its organizational perfor... more Employees performance is very significant for organization in achieving its organizational performance and profitability. Employees performance is related to their willingness and openness on doing assigned task, to increased their productivity which will lead to performance. Performance in return can become the source of satisfaction to employees who successfully completed their job. There are many factors that is associated with employee's performance and one of it is job stress. However, this study aims to investigate the relationship between four job stressor factors namely time pressure, workload, lack of motivation and role ambiguity and employees' performance. The study was conducted among 113 hotel workers in Kota Tinggi, Johor, by using structured questionnaires as the instruments of data collection method. The findings indicate significant relationship between lack of motivation and role ambiguity and employee's performance. Thereby, the recommendation following the findings is for the organization to have planned and detailed job objectives to minimize role ambiguity and to permit certain degree of empowerment among employees to maximize their motivation.
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2021
Talent becomes the most powerful source of competitive advantage in today's global business clima... more Talent becomes the most powerful source of competitive advantage in today's global business climate. Researchers, top management as well as HR experts have always brought up talent management and employees' retention to discuss its significance. Thus, the aim of this research was to determine the relationship between talent management practices and employees' retention among professional workers of Government-linked companies (GLC) in Malaysia. Two core talent management practices tested in this study were performance management and rewards and compensations. This study was a correlational research. A total number of 140 professional workers were identified from these GLCs and census sampling technique was applied. The questionnaires distributed personally to the respondents. Pearson Correlation was used to determine the relationship between variables and regression analysis method to test the hypothesis. Results indicated that both talent management practices have positive correlations on employees' retention. However, multiple regressions analysis shows only performance management effect positively on employees' retention. The limitations of the study include a small sample size, (N= 140) and was not longitudinal in nature and could be limited to generalizability to other samples. This study provides an in-depth understanding on the implementation of talent management practices in retaining talent among professional workers. This study proves the significance of talent management practices for GLCs by providing further insight for organizations on how to adapt their talent management practices and fitting in different industries as well. The future direction is proposed to expand the research diameter to further explore the different dimensions of talent management.
Insight Journal, 2020
E-commerce has transcended the traditional way of shopping into a new and more efficient way of p... more E-commerce has transcended the traditional way of shopping into a new and more efficient way of purchasing. Through this approach, businesses are conducted through the internet in which activities such as information searching, information sharing, products and services purchasing are performed. There are many reasons why online purchasing has become one of the most preferred channels for customers to purchase goods or services. This study is conducted to examine crucial factors related to customers' satisfaction in online shopping and specifically looking at four factors: information quality, service quality, security/privacy and website design and their relationship with customers' satisfaction in online purchasing. 320 questionnaires were distributed through purposive sampling techniques to students from a public university in Malaysia. The findings revealed that website design and information quality were the most impactful factors that influence customer’s online purcha...
Current Psychology, 2019
The relationship between family characteristics and emotional intelligence (EI) is as necessary a... more The relationship between family characteristics and emotional intelligence (EI) is as necessary as it is scarce. In fact, the association between EI and variables such as birth order, number of siblings or family structure have barely been investigated. The few studies in this field have focused on the relationship between family characteristics and total EI, but not the different dimensions that compose this construct. In this context, the main objective of the present study was to examine this gap. The sample comprised 385 students from the University of the Basque Country. The Profile of Emotional Competence (Brasseur et al. PLoS ONE, 8, e62635, 2013) was used to measure EI, and a questionnaire designed ad hoc was employed to measure family characteristics. The results showed that EI (global score as well as the five dimensions) was not significantly related to family structure, number of siblings and birth order. However, given that the sample size was very small in some groups (non-traditional families, third or more borns, single children and people with more than 3 brothers/sisters), conclusions should be made with caution. Practical implications of the findings and limitations of the study are discussed.
Islamic perspectives relating to business, arts, culture and communication, 2015
Leadership role employed in higher education plays a crucial role in influencing lecturers’ innov... more Leadership role employed in higher education plays a crucial role in influencing lecturers’ innovative work behavior. This paper examines the relationship between leadership role employed by department heads and lecturers’ innovative work behavior in UiTM Cawangan Melaka. The population comprised lecturers from various faculties in UiTM Cawangan Melaka. The responses were subjected to correlation and multiple regression analysis. The result shows that there was moderate positive significant correlation between work-oriented practice, participative leadership and delegation practice, and relationship-oriented practice on lecturers’ innovative work behavior. The results indicate that the role of supporting and mentoring is the most influential dimension under a leader’s role which helps to stimulate their innovative work behavior in the workplace. In the future, research might be conducted in different sectors of organization among employees from different levels of employment which may present different perspectives of the findings.
2011 IEEE Symposium on Business, Engineering and Industrial Applications (ISBEIA), 2011
This study explored the training needs for the academic staff of University Teknologi MARA (UiTM)... more This study explored the training needs for the academic staff of University Teknologi MARA (UiTM). Questionnaires were distributed among UiTM's academic staff and their responses were used to conduct a training need and gap analyses with a view to identify priority areas for training and to recommend training programs for the academic staff to attend as an effort to enhance their teaching, research, IT competencies. The outcomes of this study will be crucial to guide UiTM's administration towards the direction of achieving a sustainable high quality academic staff development environment.
UiTM Cawangan Johor, 2018
Papers by muna kameelah sauid