Papers by mustapha elagag
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2019
Algeria seeks to develop small and medium enterprises to reduce its dependence on hydrocarbons re... more Algeria seeks to develop small and medium enterprises to reduce its dependence on hydrocarbons revenue. But the funding problem drags down SME success at all steps. One of the reliable funding solutions is the Leasing as it seems to be an investment financing solution and offers many advantages. However, we cannot ignore the fact that no miracle solution exists, and that like all things leasing also has its fair part of obstacles, which is the main subject of this article, that aims to identify the source of the obstacles restraining the development of the leasing among Algerian SME.
It is reasonable to accept that a poor person is a person with low well-being; thus, poverty depe... more It is reasonable to accept that a poor person is a person with low well-being; thus, poverty depends on the specific notion of human well-being. It is therefore imperative to study human well-being before measuring poverty and policy development for its reduction. What makes us happy? Here is a question often asked in international surveys. Subjective well-being is a central theme in society and is at the centre of public policy debates. This study aims to explore the subjective determinants of well-being and provide answers to the essential question of the nature and causes of happiness among households in the rural world in Algeria.
مجلة إضافات إقتصادية, Sep 29, 2020
Les techniques d'évaluation d'impact représente un atout primordiale afin de mieux rationalisé le... more Les techniques d'évaluation d'impact représente un atout primordiale afin de mieux rationalisé les dépenses publiques, ces techniques aident les décideurs à étudier les alternatives possibles ainsi que l'estimation de l'impact potentiel des politiques publiques sur le bien-être des citoyen. Cet article vise à exploiter la revue de littérature existante sur les techniques d'évaluation d'impact en se basant sur une méthode analytique et descriptive regroupant les différentes approches, nos résultats confirme l'exigence d'employer de nouvelle techniques basées sur des approches expérimentales et non expérimentales.
مجلة إضافات إقتصادية, Sep 24, 2020
Les techniques d'évaluation d'impact représente un atout primordiale afin de mieux rationalisé le... more Les techniques d'évaluation d'impact représente un atout primordiale afin de mieux rationalisé les dépenses publiques, ces techniques aident les décideurs à étudier les alternatives possibles ainsi que l'estimation de l'impact potentiel des politiques publiques sur le bien-être des citoyen. Cet article vise à exploiter la revue de littérature existante sur les techniques d'évaluation d'impact en se basant sur une méthode analytique et descriptive regroupant les différentes approches, nos résultats confirme l'exigence d'employer de nouvelle techniques basées sur des approches expérimentales et non expérimentales.
The relationship between income and happiness is one of the most significant questions of literat... more The relationship between income and happiness is one of the most significant questions of literature based on subjective well-being. The traditional idea of economists is to think that to have more happiness in society, it is necessary to produce more wealth that means to increase material wealth. This study proposes to explore how the income factor contributes to the improvement of the subjective well-being of individuals in the rural world. This study is initiated by the theoretical foundations of subjective well-being and the basic concepts; Then experiments and research on subjective well-being in the rural world follow each other, while complementing the research with an empirical study (survey), which describes the history and overall situation of rural households in a well Determined and detailed of all the components (civil servant, shepherd, etc.) with their well-being in Algeria.
مجلة بحوث الإدارة و الاقتصاد, Sep 30, 2019
Algeria seeks to develop small and medium enterprises to reduce its dependence on hydrocarbons re... more Algeria seeks to develop small and medium enterprises to reduce its dependence on hydrocarbons revenue. But the funding problem drags down SME success at all steps. One of the reliable funding solutions is Leasing as it seems to be an investment financing solution and offers many advantages. However, we cannot ignore the fact that no miracle solution exists, and that like all things leasing also has its fair part of obstacles, which is the main subject of this article, that aims to identify the source of the obstacles restraining the development of the leasing among Algerian SME.
C'est avec profonde gratitude et sincères mots, que je dédie ce modeste travail à mes chers paren... more C'est avec profonde gratitude et sincères mots, que je dédie ce modeste travail à mes chers parents ; qui ont sacrifié leur vie pour ma réussite et m'ont éclairé le chemin par leurs conseils judicieux. J'espère qu'un jour, je pourrai leurs rendre un peu de ce qu'ils ont fait pour moi, que dieu leur prête bonheur et longue vie. Je t'aime papa ; je t'aime maman et sachez que je vous suis très reconnaissant. Je dédie aussi ce travail à ma soeur Salima, en témoignage de la fraternité, avec mes souhaits de bonheur, de santé et de succès. Je dédie également ce modeste travail à ma femme Fatima Zohra, une des plus belles choses qui me soit arrivée. A deux personnes qui compte énormément à mon coeur Monsieur Khatir Freh & Monsieur Hadj Ali Ali. Un profond respect et un remerciement particulier pour ma tante Fouzia et mon enseignante Mme Ibtissem Bensahla Gadi. A mes plus chers amis. A mes professeurs qui m'ont enseigné et à tous ceux qui me sont chers.
Management & Economics Research Journal
Algeria seeks to develop small and medium enterprises to reduce its dependence on hydrocarbons re... more Algeria seeks to develop small and medium enterprises to reduce its dependence on hydrocarbons revenue. But the funding problem drags down SME success at all steps. One of the reliable funding solutions is Leasing as it seems to be an investment financing solution and offers many advantages. However, we cannot ignore the fact that no miracle solution exists, and that like all things leasing also has its fair part of obstacles, which is the main subject of this article, that aims to identify the source of the obstacles restraining the development of the leasing among Algerian SME.
What makes us happy? Looking for welfare or happiness of individuals has always been in the centr... more What makes us happy? Looking for welfare or happiness of individuals has always been in the centre of concerns for international organizations and states themselves. These concepts are currently the subject of the greatest number of studies, discussions, conferences and are at the center of public policies debates. The question of welfare remains a topical matter addressed particularly by psychologists, philosophers, sociologists and economists. Thus, the welfare seems to be a new economic, social and, therefore, a political questioning. Not only, doesn’t it depend on the level of income or consumption, but also on other factors such as: employment, health... etc. This contribution intends to explore the subjective factors of welfare and to provide answers’ supports to the essential question of the nature and causes of happiness. This study was initiated by the theoretical foundations of subjective welfare and basic concepts; then the experiences and research done on the subjective ...
مجلة الواحات للبحوث والدراسات
Impact assessment tools are important in order to better rationalize public expenditure, these te... more Impact assessment tools are important in order to better rationalize public expenditure, these techniques help stake-holders to study possible alternatives as well as the estimation of the potential impact of public policies on the well-being of citizens. This article aims to expand the existing literature review on impact assessment techniques based on an analytical and descriptive method grouping the different approaches, our results confirm the requirement to employ new techniques based on experimental and non-experimental
Papers by mustapha elagag