Papers by nguyen thi huyen

We present in this article a hybrid approach to automatically tokenize Vietnamese text. The appro... more We present in this article a hybrid approach to automatically tokenize Vietnamese text. The approach combines both finite-state automata technique, regular expression parsing and the maximal-matching strategy which is augmented by statistical methods to resolve ambiguities of segmentation. The Vietnamese lexicon in use is compactly represented by a minimal finite-state automaton. A text to be tokenized is first parsed into lexical phrases and other patterns using pre-defined regular expressions. The automaton is then deployed to build linear graphs corresponding to the phrases to be segmented. The application of a maximal- matching strategy on a graph results in all candidate segmentations of a phrase. It is the responsibility of an ambiguity resolver, which uses a smoothed bigram language model, to choose the most probable segmentation of the phrase. The hybrid approach is implemented to create vnTokenizer, a highly accurate tokenizer for Vietnamese texts.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2009
In this report we present our recent results on fabrication of Nd-Fe-B exchange-spring magnets us... more In this report we present our recent results on fabrication of Nd-Fe-B exchange-spring magnets using melt-spinning method. Additive elements were used to improve useful parameters of this kind of hard magnetic materials. Hot pressing technique was applied to ...

PLOS Pathogens, 2008
The factors that govern the development of tuberculosis disease are incompletely understood. We h... more The factors that govern the development of tuberculosis disease are incompletely understood. We hypothesized that some strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis) are more capable of causing disseminated disease than others and may be associated with polymorphisms in host genes responsible for the innate immune response to infection. We compared the host and bacterial genotype in 187 Vietnamese adults with tuberculous meningitis (TBM) and 237 Vietnamese adults with uncomplicated pulmonary tuberculosis. The host genotype of tuberculosis cases was also compared with the genotype of 392 cord blood controls from the same population. Isolates of M. tuberculosis were genotyped by large sequence polymorphisms. The hosts were defined by polymorphisms in genes encoding Toll-interleukin 1 receptor domain containing adaptor protein (TIRAP) and Toll-like receptor-2 (TLR-2). We found a significant protective association between the Euro-American lineage of M. tuberculosis and pulmonary rather than meningeal tuberculosis (Odds ratio (OR) for causing TBM 0.395, 95% confidence intervals (C.I.) 0.193-0.806, P = 0.009), suggesting these strains are less capable of extrapulmonary dissemination than others in the study population. We also found that individuals with the C allele of TLR-2 T597C allele were more likely to have tuberculosis caused by the East-Asian/Beijing genotype (OR = 1.57 [95% C.I. 1.15-2.15]) than other individuals. The study provides evidence that M. tuberculosis genotype influences clinical disease phenotype and demonstrates, for the first time, a significant interaction between host and bacterial genotypes and the development of tuberculosis.

Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 2008
The present study quantifies the effects on production, nutrient discharge and economic return of... more The present study quantifies the effects on production, nutrient discharge and economic return of the use of pig and human excreta in pond farming. On-farm data from various studies were integrated and analyzed applying single and multiple regression methods. Pond-dissolved oxygen concentration, water exchange and nutrient discharge interacted and were strongly affected by input level. Increased input levels coincided with farmers exchanging more water and discharging more chemical oxygen demand (COD), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and total suspended solids (TSS). Fish yield and the accumulation of organic carbon, N and P in pond sediments increased with the excreta input level. Using a regression model, it was predicted that with an excreta input of 5 kg N ha À1 day À1 , a fish yield of 8380 kg and an economic return of 52 million VND ha À1 year À1 can be obtained while about 2060 kg COD, 645 kg N, 210 kg P and 39,200 kg TSS ha À1 year À1 will be discharged. At this input level, it was estimated that about 9% of input-N will be recovered in harvested fish while 52% will accumulate in the pond sediment. Hence, fish culture reduces nutrient discharge from excreta by 61% while generating income for resource-poor farmers. However, in the long run such a system will become unsustainable when more farmers take up this farming practice. The challenges are to reduce nutrient discharges from ponds while maintaining high production and profitability and to use the nutrients accumulated pond sediments more efficiently. #
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2010
... x)| is continuous and bounded on R d . Note that the functions A, B are continuous and bounde... more ... x)| is continuous and bounded on R d . Note that the functions A, B are continuous and bounded on R d .AsFp L 1 (R d ),eachoftwoterms defining DF as in (1.5) belongs to L 1 (R d ),ieD FL 1 (R d ). Due to the continuity and boundary of 1 |DF, F (x)| , DFDF, FL 1 (R d ). The claim ...
Journal of Integral Equations and Applications, 2012

Living standards and food security in the mountain zones of Southeast Asia are largely determined... more Living standards and food security in the mountain zones of Southeast Asia are largely determined by the availability, quality and use of resources in rural farming families, by the accessibility of markets and by the education and cultural behaviour of the indigenous ethnic groups. Changes in production conditions, degree of market orientation and socio-economic conditions of the families can be found as one progresses from urban to remote zones. Research has been carried out in Son La Province in Vietnam by Lentes (2003), Tai (2004) and Huyen (2004) to investigate and analyse the variations in the principal development parameters and to determine the driving forces behind them. Livestock production is an important component of farming systems and has played a significant role in their spatial and temporal differentiation throughout the area. This paper deals with such research questions as the role that livestock has played in improving living standards and food security within the framework of rural development in the past, and what strategies should be applied to minimise differences in the level of development of farming systems in different locations. in the future.
Monte-Carlo modeling allows calculating the detector efficiency in gamma spectrometry of environm... more Monte-Carlo modeling allows calculating the detector efficiency in gamma spectrometry of environmental samples with taking into consideration both the photon selfabsorption in sample itself and absorption in all other materials between the sample and the detector's active part. In this paper, the peak efficiencies of the Hp Ge detector (GMX) for gammas at various energies (emitted isotropically from the standard disk source and volumetric source -environmental sample, in which the different radionuclides are present) are calculated based on MCNP4C2-Monte-Carlo multi-purpose radiation transport code system developed in the Los-Alamos laboratory, U.S.A. The obtained calculating results are compared with the experimentally measured data and a good agreement between them is shown out.

Harmful Algae, 2007
Clonal cultures of Alexandrium species collected from a shrimp pond on the northern coast of Viet... more Clonal cultures of Alexandrium species collected from a shrimp pond on the northern coast of Vietnam were established and morphologically identified as Alexandrium minutum. Nucleotide sequences of domains 1 and 2 of the large subunit ribosomal (LSU) rRNA gene showed high sequence similarity to A. minutum isolates from Malaysia. Paralytic shellfish toxin profile of the clones was characterized by the dominance of GTX4, GTX1, and NEO. GTX3, GTX2, and dcSTX were also present in trace amount. Toxin content varied among the strains and growth stages, ranged from 3.0 to 12.5 fmol cell À1 . In addition to these known toxin components, a new gonyautoxin derivative was detected by HPLC, eluting between GTX4 and GTX1. The peak of this compound disappeared under non-oxidizing HPLC condition but unchanged either after treated with 0.05 M ammonium phosphate/10% mercaptoethanol or 0.1N HCl hydrolysis. LCMS ion scanning showed a parental ion of [M + H] + at m/z 396, [M À SO 3 ] + at m/z 316, and [M À SO 4 ] + at m/z 298. Based on these results, the derivative was identified as deoxy-GTX4-12ol, and this represents the first report of this toxin analogue. #
Previous studies have documented that Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) could be a good tool to eva... more Previous studies have documented that Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) could be a good tool to evaluate fund performance, especially the performance of hedge funds as it can incorporate multiple risk-return attributes characterizing hedge fund's non normal return distribution in an unique performance score. The main purpose of this paper is to generalize this framework and to extend the use of DEA to the context of hedge fund selection when investors must face multi-dimensional constraints, each one associated to a relative importance level. Unlike previous studies which used DEA in an empirical framework, this research puts emphasis on methodological issues. I showed that DEA can be a good tailor-made decision-making tool to assist investors in selecting funds that correspond the most to their financial, risk-aversion, diversification and investment horizon constraints.
ThÓ Lo¹i DM hµng §¬n ®AEt hµng M· lo¹i M· hµng Sè DDH Tªn lo¹i (ch¨n, ga...) Tªn hµng M· NV M· lo... more ThÓ Lo¹i DM hµng §¬n ®AEt hµng M· lo¹i M· hµng Sè DDH Tªn lo¹i (ch¨n, ga...) Tªn hµng M· NV M· lo¹i M· kh¸ch KÝch th-íc M· mïa Ngµy mua M· kÝch th-íc M· mµu §AEt cäc Tªn kÝch th-íc M· chÊt liÖu ThuÕ M· n-íc sx Taeng TiÒn Mµu s¾c KÝch th-íc M· mµu Sè l-îng Ho¸ §¬n NhËp Tªn mµu §¬n Gi¸ nhập Sè HDN §¬n gi¸ b¸n M· NV ChÊt liÖu ¶nh Ngµy NhËp M· ch©t liÖu Thêi gian b ¶o hµnh M· NCC Tªn chÊt liÖu Taeng TiÒn Nh©n Viªn N-íc s ¶n xuÊt M· NV Kh¸ch Hµng M· n-íc SX Tªn NV M· Kh¸ch Tªn n-íc SX Giíi TÝnh Tªn Kh¸ch Ngµy Sinh §Þa ChØ Mïa §iÖn Tho¹i §iÖn Tho¹i M· mïa §Þa ChØ Tªn mïa M· CV Qu ¶n Lý cöa hµng ch¨n ga gèi ®Öm Học viện Ngân hàng Khoa Hệ thống Thông tin Quản lý Đề thi môn Cơ sở lập trình 2 ĐỀ 40
Papers by nguyen thi huyen