Papers by niluh sulistyani
IJIET (International Journal of Indonesian Education and Teaching)
Problem-based learning was an alternative learning model that can be implemented in a learning ba... more Problem-based learning was an alternative learning model that can be implemented in a learning based on Reflective Pedagogy approach. Reflective Pedagogy not only prioritized knowledge aspect but also attitude aspect. This research was aimed to 1) describe the implementation of PBL using cycle of Reflective Pedagogy on Advanced Statistics learning and to 2) describe its influenced based on critical attitude, enthusiasm, and caring for others. The subject of this research was Psychology Student of class A. Data collection was gathered from the questionnaire and the results of student reflection. The result showed that the PBL phases could be well implemented in Advanced Statistics learning using Reflective Pedagogy. From the analysis was concluded that PBL gave influenced in good enough category based on critical attitude, enthusiasm, and caring for others.DOI:
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, 2020
There is a need to evaluate emergency remote teaching (ERT) effort during COVID-19 pandemic to de... more There is a need to evaluate emergency remote teaching (ERT) effort during COVID-19 pandemic to design and plan more effective online distance learning. Students' voices are valuable input in evaluating ERT practice since the students are the ones most directly affected. This study aims to describe the students' voice regarding their experiences and expectations while being enrolled in ERT-based courses in a time of COVID-19 pandemic. This study used mixed methods with survey approach in describing the students' voice. Quantitative data analysis shows that the Community of Inquiry (CoI) elements, technology use, internet quality, and student perceived satisfaction are related to each other. As from the qualitative data analysis, seven main themes are obtained from students' responses, namely instructor's orchestration, assignments and internet constraints, learning process, the flexibility of emergency remote teaching, interaction among course participants, experiences in synchronous learning, as well as self-and co-regulation. The results in this study are expected to provide insightful input for the online instructor, learning designer, and policymaker in designing and planning more effective online distance learning programs.
Jurnal Matematika, 2016
Quality of learning mathematics is supported by the availability of qualified learning facilities... more Quality of learning mathematics is supported by the availability of qualified learning facilities for students, for example worksheet. This study aims to describe how to develop and produce student's worksheet (LKS) of flat side space, based on Problem-Based Learning (PBL) which is valid and practical. This study is research and development which is held in SMP N 2 Pengasih, Yogyakarta using Thiagarajan development model. The result of study is obtained development process of LKS comprising defining phase, designing phase, developing phase that starts from expert validation, revision, readability test, product revision, field test, and ends with the disseminating phase. The result of expert validation shows that LKS is valid in very good category. LKS practically gets very good category from tehacher assessment. The result of students assessment shows that 43,75% students can use LKS in very good category and 56,25% students can use LKS in good category.
Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 2021
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis desain pembelajaran matematika berbasis HOTS serta me... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis desain pembelajaran matematika berbasis HOTS serta menganalisis tantangan mahasiswa dalam mengembangkan pembelajaran matematika berbasis HOTS dalam konteks perkuliahan Pengajaran Mikro. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 16 mahasiswa yang mengikuti perkuliahan Pengajaran Mikro kelas B. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah penyebaran angket, observasi, dan wawancara. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa desain pembelajaran matematika berbasis HOTS terlihat pada dalam kegiatan pendahuluan, inti, dan penutup pembelajaran. Pada kegiatan pendahuluan, penerapan HOTS terlihat dalam kegiatan apersepsi dan motivasi. Penerapan HOTS pada inti pembelajaran dilakukan dengan memberikan soal atau masalah HOTS, menerapkan pembelajaran berbasis masalah (problem-based), menggunakan alat peraga, gambar, dan media lainnya untuk menemukan konsep, dan melakukan tanya jawab untuk merangsang mahasiswa berpikir ...
Problem-based learning was an alternative learning model that can be implemented in a learning ba... more Problem-based learning was an alternative learning model that can be implemented in a learning based on Reflective Pedagogy approach. Reflective Pedagogy not only prioritized knowledge aspect but also attitude aspect. This research was aimed to 1) describe the implementation of PBL using cycle of Reflective Pedagogy on Advanced Statistics learning and to 2) describe its influenced based on critical attitude, enthusiasm, and caring for others. The subject of this research was Psychology Student of class A. Data collection was gathered from the questionnaire and the results of student reflection. The result showed that the PBL phases could be well implemented in Advanced Statistics learning using Reflective Pedagogy. From the analysis was concluded that PBL gave influenced in good enough category based on critical attitude, enthusiasm, and caring for others. DOI:
The present study aims to explore instructional design principles for online learning based by us... more The present study aims to explore instructional design principles for online learning based by using stakeholder feedback.
The aim of this study was to investigate the primary teachers’ understanding of inclusion relatio... more The aim of this study was to investigate the primary teachers’ understanding of inclusion relations of quadrilaterals, especially parallelogram. This descriptive study was conducted with 14 primary teachers in Kanisius Demangan Baru Primary School in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Data were collected during a workshop that is was aimed to develop primary teachers’ mathematics ability in geometry. Data were analysed using the framework of Van Hiele. Findings showed that in the beginning of the workshop most of the teachers are likely to recognise quadrilaterals primarily by prototypical examples. Therefore they got difficulty in understanding the inclusion relations of quadrilaterals. Based on the analyses of the written test gathered at the end of the workshop, it was found that many teachers are struggling in understanding the inclusion relation of quadrilaterals.
Keterampilian berpikir tingkat tinggi (HOTS) merupakan keterampilan penting yang diperlukan dalam... more Keterampilian berpikir tingkat tinggi (HOTS) merupakan keterampilan penting yang diperlukan dalam pembelajaran abad ke-21. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pemahaman mahasiswa tentang pembelajaran matematika berbasis HOTS secara holistik. Pemahaman yang dimaksud meliputi wawasan tentang pembelajaran matematika berbasis HOTS baik pemahaman umum maupun desain pembelajaran matematika berbasis HOTS dan pemahaman tentang soal berbasis HOTS (wawasan dan kemampuan menyelesaikan soal). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan subjek 16 mahasiswa perkuliahan Pengajaran Mikro kelas B. Data diambil dari angket konteks dan angket profil HOTS, hasil observasi praktek pembelajaran, tes, dan wawancara. Analisis data yang digunakan yaitu teknik kualitatif yang terdiri dari reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan dan verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa mempunyai pemahaman yang baik tentang pembelajaran matematika berbasis HOTS. HOTS dipa...
Jurnal Derivat: Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika, 2020
This study was aimed to describe ability of prospective student educators in using computer techn... more This study was aimed to describe ability of prospective student educators in using computer technology to develop mathematics learning multimedia. The ability was used to develop Power Point multimedia and Adobe Flash multimedia. This study was descriptive research with 27 prospective student educators as a subject. Researcher was main instrument assisted product evaluation rubric and questionnaire. The result showed that the average of ability of prospective student educators in using computer technology was in good category. The average score were 77,59 in using Power Point multimedia and 74,54 in using Adobe Flash multimedia. The ability was sufficiently to be used in learning and teaching. From the product analyzed and questionnaire, we found that the ability were not maximal because there were many tools untapped primarily in Adobe Flash. Unfamiliar yet in used also became a factor that affected the ability of prospective educators in using computer technology. Keywords: The a...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019
Inferential Statistic is a topic in Advanced Statistics lectures which aims to perform various st... more Inferential Statistic is a topic in Advanced Statistics lectures which aims to perform various statistical techniques. For psychology students, understanding statistics is not easy, marked by none students who answer correctly all the questions. This research was a descriptive qualitative research with the subject 40 psychology students who took Advanced Statistics in C class. This study aimed to describe forms of errors made by students in solving inferential statistics problems based on Newman analysis stages. The results showed that there were 4 stages of student errors in inferential statistics. 1) Errors in comprehension occurred because students could not read statistics tables or read outputs in the questions. 2) Transformation errors occurred because students were not appropriate in applying/selecting the type of test statistics used or writing hypotheses. 3) Process skill errors occurred because students were less careful in calculating and inability to interpret and interpret the results of calculations. 4) Errors in the encoding stage occurred because students did not answer correctly or inappropriately in drawing conclusions in hypothesis testing. The most common mistakes were errors in process skills especially students couldn't interpret results. This error supported the results of previous studies which concluded that interpreting quantities in statistics was a common problem when students learn statistics.
Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Matematika, 2015
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan produk berupa perangkat pembelajaran bangun ruang SMP... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan produk berupa perangkat pembelajaran bangun ruang SMP dengan pendekatan problem-based learning yang valid, praktis, dan efektif dilihat dari pencapaian kompetensi dasar, kemampuan berpikir kritis, dan sikap terhadap matematika. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan model 4D yang meliputi tahap pendefinisian, perancangan, pengembangan, dan tahap disseminasi. Hasil penelitian berupa perangkat pembelajaran bangun ruang yang terdiri atas silabus, RPP, LKS, dan instrumen evaluasi berupa tes pencapaian kompetensi dasar dan kemampuan berpikir kritis yang valid, praktis, dan efektif. Kevalidan perangkat mencapai kategori sangat baik ditinjau dari penilaian para ahli. Kepraktisan perangkat mencapai kategori sangat baik ditinjau dari penilaian guru, penilaian peserta didik, dan observasi keterlaksanaan pembelajaran. Aspek keefektifan dipenuhi dari tercapainya minimal 75% peserta didik lulus KKM ditinjau dari pencapaian kompetensi da...
Dokumen ini melaporkan hasil evaluasi pembelajaran dengan menggunakan data persepsi mahasiswa. Se... more Dokumen ini melaporkan hasil evaluasi pembelajaran dengan menggunakan data persepsi mahasiswa. Selain itu, refleksi para dosen juga digunakan untuk dapat memberikan gambaran yang utuh. Berdasarkan proses evaluasi tersebut, beberapa permasalahan dan peluang teridentifikasi. Permasalahan dan peluang tersebut selanjutnya disintesis dengan literatur-literatur pembelajaran jarak jauh daring untuk mendapatkan 10 prinsip desain pembelajaran.
Papers by niluh sulistyani