Skin is the most exposed organ of the body, is an organ providing contact with the environment an... more Skin is the most exposed organ of the body, is an organ providing contact with the environment and protecting the human body from unfavourable external factors. Skin inflammation, reflected adversely in its functioning and appearance, also unfavourably affects the psyche, the condition of which is important during treatment of chronic skin diseases. Skin diseases are most common form of infections occurring in people of all ages. Skin diseases are seen worldwide and are thus a matter of serious concern. The prescribed synthetic drugs available in the market for the treatment of various skin diseases are associated with different adverse effects, so researchers around the world are searching for new, effective, and safer drugs from natural resources. Herbal medicinal plants are a very good source of active ingredients of medicine and provide a safer and cost-effective way to treatment of skin diseases. Virtually all human beings continue to rely on medicinal plants for skin diseases....
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory and systemic auto immune disease, affecting p... more Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory and systemic auto immune disease, affecting people predominantly between the ages of 20-60 years with unpredictable course. About 1% of the world's population is afflicted by rheumatoid arthritis and is two to three times more common in women than men. This is a long lasting disease that can affect joints in any part of the body, most commonly the hands, wrists, and knees. Popularity of medicinal plants is increasing day by day due to side effects of allopathic medicines. Herbal medicinal plants have been used as major sources of cure of human diseases since time immemorial. Today, one fourth of world population depends on traditional medicine and 80% of the population relies on indigenous herbal medicinal plants. Even today most of the people lives in different developing countries depend on the plant derived medicines for the first line of primary health care because of least or no side effects.
In India, a proper adverse drug reaction monitoring system was started in 1986 with 12 regional c... more In India, a proper adverse drug reaction monitoring system was started in 1986 with 12 regional centers. In 1997, India became the member of the World health organization Programme for International Drug watching managed by the Upsala Monitoring Centre, Sweden. At origination, 6 regional centers were created in Mumbai, New Delhi, Kolkata, Lucknow, Pondicherry, and Chandigarh for ADR watching within the country. Promoting safe use of drugs may be a priority of the Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission that functions as the National Coordination Centre for Pharmacovigilance Programme of India. Today, 179 adverse drug reactions monitoring centers presently report adverse events to the National coordinative centre in India.
On May 19, 2018; first Nipah Virus (NiV) outbreak was reported from Kozhikode district of Kerala ... more On May 19, 2018; first Nipah Virus (NiV) outbreak was reported from Kozhikode district of Kerala and Mallapuram district of South India. There is high risk of NiV outbreak to individual as well as community. NiV is classed across the world as a bio-safety level (BSL)-4 hazards. Emerging zoonotic risk grade-4 (RG-4): Hendra and Nipah viruses cause severe and often lethal respiratory illness (encephalitis particularly in sows, boars and human) and have public impact on human health [fever, aches, tiredness, chills & nervous signs (twitching, trembling, muscle fasciculation, spasms, muscle weak spot, convulsions and death)]. Zoonotic diseases transfer to human being from animals. NiV can infect a huge variety of species. Transmission of NiV from human being to human being has been observed. They are associated with high risk (group-4) of life-threatening disease in human and/or animals. Treatment is restrained to supportive care. Because NiV encephalitis can be transmitted from one person to another person, standard infection control practices and proper barrier nursing techniques are important to prevent nosocomial transmission infections. For handling RG-4 Nipah virus, there is a requirement for a laboratory with extensive BSL-4 high level containment that includes practices (BSL-3 plus controlled access); safety equipment's (Biological Safety Cabinet, full-body air-supplied, positive pressure and personnel suit) and facilities (BSL-3 plus dedicated air and exhaust, decontamination procedures for exit, separate building) Biological safety cabinets use high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters in their exhaust and/or supply systems. A Power Air Purifying Respirator (PAPR) or tight-fitting goggles and N-95 respirator should be worn for high-risk aerosol-generating procedures. The therapeutic use of a neutralizing human monoclonal antibody targeting the Nipah G glycoprotein has experimentally been evaluated in the post-exposure therapy in the ferret model and found to be of benefit. Additional efforts focused on surveillance and awareness will assist save future outbreaks.
Recent years witnessed an upsurge in the use of nutraceuticals, nutritionals and naturals in ther... more Recent years witnessed an upsurge in the use of nutraceuticals, nutritionals and naturals in therapeutics at global level. Conventional treatment options available as synthetic drugs does not meet properly the therapeutic needs for treating diabetes and the herbal drugs provide a better therapeutic hope with lesser side effects. Nutraceuticals are non-specific biological therapies including botanicals, vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, amino acids and fatty acids, which are used to promote wellness, prevent malignant processes and control symptoms. Nutraceutical agents have multidimensional therapeutic benefits and have been claimed to have effective disease preventing, curative and health promotive virtues. Several nutraceuticals used in clinical practice have been shown to target the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome and their complications and to favourably modulate a number of biochemical and clinical endpoints. Hypoglycaemic drugs are widely used in several traditional systems of medicine to prevent diabetes mellitus. This review attempts to display and remark some of the most popular nutraceuticals being use as anti-diabetic.
The systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), commonly known as Lupus, is a rare and complex multisyste... more The systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), commonly known as Lupus, is a rare and complex multisystem autoimmune disease where one’s immune system is overactive, and the body attacks its organ systems. SLE is a historically old disease described already in antiquity; it is an example of a chronic disease with physical, psychological, financial, and social implications for individuals diagnosed. It has inspired medical and basic biological scientists that focus on molecular biology, basic immunology, immunopathology, clinical science, genetics, and epidemiology. The syndrome is real in its existence-although hidden behind obstacles, cumbersome for patients and clinicians, and rebellious for scientists. There is currently no cure for SLE. The goal of treatment is to ease symptoms. This article will review information on the general approach to SLE therapy, focusing on currently approved therapies and novel approaches that might be used in the future.
Kidney and urinary stone disease (Nephrolithiasis and urolithiasis) are the condition where urina... more Kidney and urinary stone disease (Nephrolithiasis and urolithiasis) are the condition where urinary stones or calculi are formed in the urinary tract. The problem of urinary stones is very ancient; these stones are found in all parts of the urinary tract, kidney, ureters, and the urinary bladder and may vary considerably in size. It is a common disease estimated to occur in approximately 12% of the population, with a recurrence rate of 70-81% in males and 47-60% in females. The treatment of kidney and urinary stone diseases such as a western (allopathy) medicine and surgery is now in trends. However, most people preferred plant-based (herbal) therapy because of the overuse of allopathic drugs, which results in a higher incidence rate of adverse or severe side effects. Therefore, people every year turn to herbal therapy because they believe plant-based medicine is free from undesirable side effects, although herbal medicines are generally considered to be safe and effective. In the p...
Pharmacists are society's specialists on drugs. The Pharmacist of today is a drug-maker, drug... more Pharmacists are society's specialists on drugs. The Pharmacist of today is a drug-maker, drug-dispenser, drug-custodian, patient-counselor, drug-researcher, and drug-educator and above all an honest and patriotic citizen. The techno-proficient foundation of the drug expert gives him/her the certainty of providing services with a moral way to deal with the satisfaction of patients. The consecrated qualities are required to be cherished and professed by the pharmacist. Pharmacists assume a significant job in giving health care services, benefits by means of community pharmacy services in rural areas where physicians are not accessible or where physician services are unreasonably expensive for meeting the health care necessities. The paper at that point recognizes how pharmacists give expanded services, identifies key challenges and barriers, and suggests rules and regulations that could help secure open doors for pharmacists to play out an extended job.
Ebola virus also known as Ebola haemorrhagic fever, is a severe, often fatal illness in humans. E... more Ebola virus also known as Ebola haemorrhagic fever, is a severe, often fatal illness in humans. Ebola virus disease (EVD) is transmitted to people from wild animals and spreads in the human population through person to person transmission. These viruses cause a disease characterised by systemic viral replication, immune suppression, abnormal inflammatory responses, major fluid and electrolyte losses, and high mortality. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports 24 outbreaks, 28633 cases and 11315 deaths in the recent outbreak. Currently, no specific treatment is available of Ebola's affected patients depends only supportive care and symptomatic treatment.
Liver is a major organ or part of the human body, its play a crucial role in metabolism and excre... more Liver is a major organ or part of the human body, its play a crucial role in metabolism and excretion of xenobiotics from the body. Liver injury or disease may be a major unhealthiness in developed countries. Medicine and Pharmacognosy to develop proof based mostly employed in the treatment or cure of various types of liver disease/disorder in humans and animals. Medicinal practitioners have prescribed ayurvedic drugs from medicinal plant source in India over the centuries. Popularity of medicinal herbal drug is increasing globally. This review article describes the information on liver protective drugs; herbal drugs used as hepatoprotective agents in ayurvedic system of medicine and the ayurvedic formulations employed to cure liver disorders.
Cannabis Sativa, also known as Indian hemp, is an annual herb of the family Cannabinaceae. Cannab... more Cannabis Sativa, also known as Indian hemp, is an annual herb of the family Cannabinaceae. Cannabis is a native to Central Asia, and long cultivated in Asia, Europe and China. Plants yielding the drug appear to possess been discovered in India, cultivated for medicative functions as early as 900 before Christ. Currently a day's cannabis is hugely mistreatment as for the habit in India as well as alternative developing countries. Purposed of this article to analyze the consumption, medical specialty studies and clinical trials in conjunction with medicative uses of Cannabis among the individual throughout the world. With the arrival of pharmaceutical cannabis-based medicines (Epidiolex), and easement of access in sure nations, this mental object of cannabis medicine and medical specialty has become indefensible. Natural receptors for mind-altering drug square measure found throughout the organic structure known as the endocannabinoid system. This interest was revived within the 1990's with the outline of cannabinoid receptors and also the identification of associate degree endogenous cannabinoid system within the brain.
Epilepsy is a chronic disorder of the brain that affects people worldwide. The standard treatment... more Epilepsy is a chronic disorder of the brain that affects people worldwide. The standard treatment of epilepsy is optimal use of antiepileptic drug. Efficacy of an antiepileptic drug refers to its effectiveness in preventing or reducing the recurrence of a particular seizure type. For example, physicians may not use sodium valproate in female patients who are planning to have children because of its teratogenic side effects. So, clinicians should give emphasis for patients with these characteristics to counsel on how to minimize or prevent adverse effects from antiepileptic drugs or giving reassurance about it if it is minor. Pharmacovigilance (PV) is the monitoring of drugs and the prevention of the risk of adverse effects resulting from their use, whether this risk is potential or proven. The aim of the PV study to detect and identify the adverse drug reactions (ADRs) induced by the treatment of antiepileptic drugs in epileptic patients. This prospective study was carried out for three months in an outpatient department of neurology of a multispeciality teaching hospital.
Modern life vogue and bound environmental exposures have resulted in male infertility. The activa... more Modern life vogue and bound environmental exposures have resulted in male infertility. The activating factors turn out differing types of derangements that directly or indirectly cause sexual dysfunctions. Male impotence conjointly known as erectile dysfunction (ED) may be a common medical condition that affects the sexual lifetime of ample men worldwide. ED is outlined because the inability of a person to realize and maintain an erection adequate for naturally satisfactory intercourse. This literary criticism discusses regarding aphrodisiac potential of plants, its biological science name, Common name, family, parts used and chemical constituents, that are useful for investigator to development new aphrodisiac formulations. Hence, patients are seeking complementary and practice of medicine to treat sexual dysfunction. Ayurveda and different Indian literature mention the utilization of plants in numerous human ailments. India has regarding over 45000 plant species and among them many thousand are claimed to possess medicative properties.
Epilepsy is a chronic disorder of the brain that affects people worldwide. The standard treatment... more Epilepsy is a chronic disorder of the brain that affects people worldwide. The standard treatment of epilepsy is optimal use of antiepileptic drug. Efficacy of an antiepileptic drug refers to its effectiveness in preventing or reducing the recurrence of a particular seizure type. For example, physicians may not use sodium valproate in female patients who are planning to have children because of its teratogenic side effects. So, clinicians should give emphasis for patients with these characteristics to counsel on how to minimize or prevent adverse effects from antiepileptic drugs or giving reassurance about it if it is minor. Pharmacovigilance (PV) is the monitoring of drugs and the prevention of the risk of adverse effects resulting from their use, whether this risk is potential or proven. The aim of the PV study to detect and identify the adverse drug reactions (ADRs) induced by the treatment of antiepileptic drugs in epileptic patients. This prospective study was carried out for three months in an outpatient department of neurology of a multispeciality teaching hospital.
On May 19, 2018; first Nipah Virus (NiV) outbreak was reported from Kozhikode district of Kerala ... more On May 19, 2018; first Nipah Virus (NiV) outbreak was reported from Kozhikode district of Kerala and Mallapuram district of South India. There is high risk of NiV outbreak to individual as well as community. NiV is classed across the world as a BSL-4 hazard. Emerging zoonotic risk grade-4: Hendra and Nipah viruses cause severe and often lethal respiratory illness (encephalitis particularly in sows, boars and human) and have public impact on human health [fever, aches, tiredness, chills & nervous signs (twitching, trembling, muscle fasciculation, spasms, muscle weak spot, convulsions and death)]. Zoonotic diseases transfer to human being from animals. NiV can infect a huge variety of species. Transmission of NiV from human being to human being has been observed. They are associated with high risk (group-4) of lifethreatening disease in human and/or animals. Treatment is restrained to supportive care, because NiV encephalitis can be transmitted from one person to another person, standard infection control practices and proper barrier nursing techniques are important to prevent nosocomial transmission infections. For handling RG-4 Nipah virus, there is a requirement for a laboratory with extensive BSL-4 high level containment that includes practices (BSL-3 plus controlled access); safety equipment's (Biological Safety Cabinet, full-body air-supplied, positive pressure and personnel suit) and facilities (BSL-3 plus dedicated air and exhaust, decontamination procedures for exit, separate building) Biological safety cabinets use HEPA filters in their exhaust and/or supply systems. A PAPR or tight-fitting goggles and N-95 respirator should be worn for high-risk aerosol-generating procedures. The therapeutic use of a neutralizing human monoclonal antibody targeting the Nipah G glycoprotein has experimentally been evaluated in the post-exposure therapy in the ferret model and found to be of benefit. Additional efforts focused on surveillance and awareness will assist save future outbreaks.
Skin is the most exposed organ of the body, is an organ providing contact with the environment an... more Skin is the most exposed organ of the body, is an organ providing contact with the environment and protecting the human body from unfavourable external factors. Skin inflammation, reflected adversely in its functioning and appearance, also unfavourably affects the psyche, the condition of which is important during treatment of chronic skin diseases. Skin diseases are most common form of infections occurring in people of all ages. Skin diseases are seen worldwide and are thus a matter of serious concern. The prescribed synthetic drugs available in the market for the treatment of various skin diseases are associated with different adverse effects, so researchers around the world are searching for new, effective, and safer drugs from natural resources. Herbal medicinal plants are a very good source of active ingredients of medicine and provide a safer and cost-effective way to treatment of skin diseases. Virtually all human beings continue to rely on medicinal plants for skin diseases....
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory and systemic auto immune disease, affecting p... more Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory and systemic auto immune disease, affecting people predominantly between the ages of 20-60 years with unpredictable course. About 1% of the world's population is afflicted by rheumatoid arthritis and is two to three times more common in women than men. This is a long lasting disease that can affect joints in any part of the body, most commonly the hands, wrists, and knees. Popularity of medicinal plants is increasing day by day due to side effects of allopathic medicines. Herbal medicinal plants have been used as major sources of cure of human diseases since time immemorial. Today, one fourth of world population depends on traditional medicine and 80% of the population relies on indigenous herbal medicinal plants. Even today most of the people lives in different developing countries depend on the plant derived medicines for the first line of primary health care because of least or no side effects.
In India, a proper adverse drug reaction monitoring system was started in 1986 with 12 regional c... more In India, a proper adverse drug reaction monitoring system was started in 1986 with 12 regional centers. In 1997, India became the member of the World health organization Programme for International Drug watching managed by the Upsala Monitoring Centre, Sweden. At origination, 6 regional centers were created in Mumbai, New Delhi, Kolkata, Lucknow, Pondicherry, and Chandigarh for ADR watching within the country. Promoting safe use of drugs may be a priority of the Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission that functions as the National Coordination Centre for Pharmacovigilance Programme of India. Today, 179 adverse drug reactions monitoring centers presently report adverse events to the National coordinative centre in India.
On May 19, 2018; first Nipah Virus (NiV) outbreak was reported from Kozhikode district of Kerala ... more On May 19, 2018; first Nipah Virus (NiV) outbreak was reported from Kozhikode district of Kerala and Mallapuram district of South India. There is high risk of NiV outbreak to individual as well as community. NiV is classed across the world as a bio-safety level (BSL)-4 hazards. Emerging zoonotic risk grade-4 (RG-4): Hendra and Nipah viruses cause severe and often lethal respiratory illness (encephalitis particularly in sows, boars and human) and have public impact on human health [fever, aches, tiredness, chills & nervous signs (twitching, trembling, muscle fasciculation, spasms, muscle weak spot, convulsions and death)]. Zoonotic diseases transfer to human being from animals. NiV can infect a huge variety of species. Transmission of NiV from human being to human being has been observed. They are associated with high risk (group-4) of life-threatening disease in human and/or animals. Treatment is restrained to supportive care. Because NiV encephalitis can be transmitted from one person to another person, standard infection control practices and proper barrier nursing techniques are important to prevent nosocomial transmission infections. For handling RG-4 Nipah virus, there is a requirement for a laboratory with extensive BSL-4 high level containment that includes practices (BSL-3 plus controlled access); safety equipment's (Biological Safety Cabinet, full-body air-supplied, positive pressure and personnel suit) and facilities (BSL-3 plus dedicated air and exhaust, decontamination procedures for exit, separate building) Biological safety cabinets use high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters in their exhaust and/or supply systems. A Power Air Purifying Respirator (PAPR) or tight-fitting goggles and N-95 respirator should be worn for high-risk aerosol-generating procedures. The therapeutic use of a neutralizing human monoclonal antibody targeting the Nipah G glycoprotein has experimentally been evaluated in the post-exposure therapy in the ferret model and found to be of benefit. Additional efforts focused on surveillance and awareness will assist save future outbreaks.
Recent years witnessed an upsurge in the use of nutraceuticals, nutritionals and naturals in ther... more Recent years witnessed an upsurge in the use of nutraceuticals, nutritionals and naturals in therapeutics at global level. Conventional treatment options available as synthetic drugs does not meet properly the therapeutic needs for treating diabetes and the herbal drugs provide a better therapeutic hope with lesser side effects. Nutraceuticals are non-specific biological therapies including botanicals, vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, amino acids and fatty acids, which are used to promote wellness, prevent malignant processes and control symptoms. Nutraceutical agents have multidimensional therapeutic benefits and have been claimed to have effective disease preventing, curative and health promotive virtues. Several nutraceuticals used in clinical practice have been shown to target the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome and their complications and to favourably modulate a number of biochemical and clinical endpoints. Hypoglycaemic drugs are widely used in several traditional systems of medicine to prevent diabetes mellitus. This review attempts to display and remark some of the most popular nutraceuticals being use as anti-diabetic.
The systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), commonly known as Lupus, is a rare and complex multisyste... more The systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), commonly known as Lupus, is a rare and complex multisystem autoimmune disease where one’s immune system is overactive, and the body attacks its organ systems. SLE is a historically old disease described already in antiquity; it is an example of a chronic disease with physical, psychological, financial, and social implications for individuals diagnosed. It has inspired medical and basic biological scientists that focus on molecular biology, basic immunology, immunopathology, clinical science, genetics, and epidemiology. The syndrome is real in its existence-although hidden behind obstacles, cumbersome for patients and clinicians, and rebellious for scientists. There is currently no cure for SLE. The goal of treatment is to ease symptoms. This article will review information on the general approach to SLE therapy, focusing on currently approved therapies and novel approaches that might be used in the future.
Kidney and urinary stone disease (Nephrolithiasis and urolithiasis) are the condition where urina... more Kidney and urinary stone disease (Nephrolithiasis and urolithiasis) are the condition where urinary stones or calculi are formed in the urinary tract. The problem of urinary stones is very ancient; these stones are found in all parts of the urinary tract, kidney, ureters, and the urinary bladder and may vary considerably in size. It is a common disease estimated to occur in approximately 12% of the population, with a recurrence rate of 70-81% in males and 47-60% in females. The treatment of kidney and urinary stone diseases such as a western (allopathy) medicine and surgery is now in trends. However, most people preferred plant-based (herbal) therapy because of the overuse of allopathic drugs, which results in a higher incidence rate of adverse or severe side effects. Therefore, people every year turn to herbal therapy because they believe plant-based medicine is free from undesirable side effects, although herbal medicines are generally considered to be safe and effective. In the p...
Pharmacists are society's specialists on drugs. The Pharmacist of today is a drug-maker, drug... more Pharmacists are society's specialists on drugs. The Pharmacist of today is a drug-maker, drug-dispenser, drug-custodian, patient-counselor, drug-researcher, and drug-educator and above all an honest and patriotic citizen. The techno-proficient foundation of the drug expert gives him/her the certainty of providing services with a moral way to deal with the satisfaction of patients. The consecrated qualities are required to be cherished and professed by the pharmacist. Pharmacists assume a significant job in giving health care services, benefits by means of community pharmacy services in rural areas where physicians are not accessible or where physician services are unreasonably expensive for meeting the health care necessities. The paper at that point recognizes how pharmacists give expanded services, identifies key challenges and barriers, and suggests rules and regulations that could help secure open doors for pharmacists to play out an extended job.
Ebola virus also known as Ebola haemorrhagic fever, is a severe, often fatal illness in humans. E... more Ebola virus also known as Ebola haemorrhagic fever, is a severe, often fatal illness in humans. Ebola virus disease (EVD) is transmitted to people from wild animals and spreads in the human population through person to person transmission. These viruses cause a disease characterised by systemic viral replication, immune suppression, abnormal inflammatory responses, major fluid and electrolyte losses, and high mortality. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports 24 outbreaks, 28633 cases and 11315 deaths in the recent outbreak. Currently, no specific treatment is available of Ebola's affected patients depends only supportive care and symptomatic treatment.
Liver is a major organ or part of the human body, its play a crucial role in metabolism and excre... more Liver is a major organ or part of the human body, its play a crucial role in metabolism and excretion of xenobiotics from the body. Liver injury or disease may be a major unhealthiness in developed countries. Medicine and Pharmacognosy to develop proof based mostly employed in the treatment or cure of various types of liver disease/disorder in humans and animals. Medicinal practitioners have prescribed ayurvedic drugs from medicinal plant source in India over the centuries. Popularity of medicinal herbal drug is increasing globally. This review article describes the information on liver protective drugs; herbal drugs used as hepatoprotective agents in ayurvedic system of medicine and the ayurvedic formulations employed to cure liver disorders.
Cannabis Sativa, also known as Indian hemp, is an annual herb of the family Cannabinaceae. Cannab... more Cannabis Sativa, also known as Indian hemp, is an annual herb of the family Cannabinaceae. Cannabis is a native to Central Asia, and long cultivated in Asia, Europe and China. Plants yielding the drug appear to possess been discovered in India, cultivated for medicative functions as early as 900 before Christ. Currently a day's cannabis is hugely mistreatment as for the habit in India as well as alternative developing countries. Purposed of this article to analyze the consumption, medical specialty studies and clinical trials in conjunction with medicative uses of Cannabis among the individual throughout the world. With the arrival of pharmaceutical cannabis-based medicines (Epidiolex), and easement of access in sure nations, this mental object of cannabis medicine and medical specialty has become indefensible. Natural receptors for mind-altering drug square measure found throughout the organic structure known as the endocannabinoid system. This interest was revived within the 1990's with the outline of cannabinoid receptors and also the identification of associate degree endogenous cannabinoid system within the brain.
Epilepsy is a chronic disorder of the brain that affects people worldwide. The standard treatment... more Epilepsy is a chronic disorder of the brain that affects people worldwide. The standard treatment of epilepsy is optimal use of antiepileptic drug. Efficacy of an antiepileptic drug refers to its effectiveness in preventing or reducing the recurrence of a particular seizure type. For example, physicians may not use sodium valproate in female patients who are planning to have children because of its teratogenic side effects. So, clinicians should give emphasis for patients with these characteristics to counsel on how to minimize or prevent adverse effects from antiepileptic drugs or giving reassurance about it if it is minor. Pharmacovigilance (PV) is the monitoring of drugs and the prevention of the risk of adverse effects resulting from their use, whether this risk is potential or proven. The aim of the PV study to detect and identify the adverse drug reactions (ADRs) induced by the treatment of antiepileptic drugs in epileptic patients. This prospective study was carried out for three months in an outpatient department of neurology of a multispeciality teaching hospital.
Modern life vogue and bound environmental exposures have resulted in male infertility. The activa... more Modern life vogue and bound environmental exposures have resulted in male infertility. The activating factors turn out differing types of derangements that directly or indirectly cause sexual dysfunctions. Male impotence conjointly known as erectile dysfunction (ED) may be a common medical condition that affects the sexual lifetime of ample men worldwide. ED is outlined because the inability of a person to realize and maintain an erection adequate for naturally satisfactory intercourse. This literary criticism discusses regarding aphrodisiac potential of plants, its biological science name, Common name, family, parts used and chemical constituents, that are useful for investigator to development new aphrodisiac formulations. Hence, patients are seeking complementary and practice of medicine to treat sexual dysfunction. Ayurveda and different Indian literature mention the utilization of plants in numerous human ailments. India has regarding over 45000 plant species and among them many thousand are claimed to possess medicative properties.
Epilepsy is a chronic disorder of the brain that affects people worldwide. The standard treatment... more Epilepsy is a chronic disorder of the brain that affects people worldwide. The standard treatment of epilepsy is optimal use of antiepileptic drug. Efficacy of an antiepileptic drug refers to its effectiveness in preventing or reducing the recurrence of a particular seizure type. For example, physicians may not use sodium valproate in female patients who are planning to have children because of its teratogenic side effects. So, clinicians should give emphasis for patients with these characteristics to counsel on how to minimize or prevent adverse effects from antiepileptic drugs or giving reassurance about it if it is minor. Pharmacovigilance (PV) is the monitoring of drugs and the prevention of the risk of adverse effects resulting from their use, whether this risk is potential or proven. The aim of the PV study to detect and identify the adverse drug reactions (ADRs) induced by the treatment of antiepileptic drugs in epileptic patients. This prospective study was carried out for three months in an outpatient department of neurology of a multispeciality teaching hospital.
On May 19, 2018; first Nipah Virus (NiV) outbreak was reported from Kozhikode district of Kerala ... more On May 19, 2018; first Nipah Virus (NiV) outbreak was reported from Kozhikode district of Kerala and Mallapuram district of South India. There is high risk of NiV outbreak to individual as well as community. NiV is classed across the world as a BSL-4 hazard. Emerging zoonotic risk grade-4: Hendra and Nipah viruses cause severe and often lethal respiratory illness (encephalitis particularly in sows, boars and human) and have public impact on human health [fever, aches, tiredness, chills & nervous signs (twitching, trembling, muscle fasciculation, spasms, muscle weak spot, convulsions and death)]. Zoonotic diseases transfer to human being from animals. NiV can infect a huge variety of species. Transmission of NiV from human being to human being has been observed. They are associated with high risk (group-4) of lifethreatening disease in human and/or animals. Treatment is restrained to supportive care, because NiV encephalitis can be transmitted from one person to another person, standard infection control practices and proper barrier nursing techniques are important to prevent nosocomial transmission infections. For handling RG-4 Nipah virus, there is a requirement for a laboratory with extensive BSL-4 high level containment that includes practices (BSL-3 plus controlled access); safety equipment's (Biological Safety Cabinet, full-body air-supplied, positive pressure and personnel suit) and facilities (BSL-3 plus dedicated air and exhaust, decontamination procedures for exit, separate building) Biological safety cabinets use HEPA filters in their exhaust and/or supply systems. A PAPR or tight-fitting goggles and N-95 respirator should be worn for high-risk aerosol-generating procedures. The therapeutic use of a neutralizing human monoclonal antibody targeting the Nipah G glycoprotein has experimentally been evaluated in the post-exposure therapy in the ferret model and found to be of benefit. Additional efforts focused on surveillance and awareness will assist save future outbreaks.
Papers by saurabh nimesh