Papers by dewayany sutrisno
Indonesia as a maritime continent with abundant natural resources requires a monitoring system of... more Indonesia as a maritime continent with abundant natural resources requires a monitoring system of space or satellite remote sensing (RS) to obtain information quickly with broad coverage. Consequently, Indonesia needs to master the ability of earth observation and natural resource exploration satellite based on remote sensing technology. Indonesia currently has mastered the micro class technology satellite system and also has an earth station infrastructure system that receives satellite data. The country considered the need to develop operational satellites nationwide to support the country’s self-reliance in the field of remote sensing satellite technology, and national technology development. Considering that the satellite industry is a complex system, it is necessary to apply an engineering analysis system that includes supply chain, business processes, and human resources (HR). This paper discusses the application of the Delphi method in prioritization of alternative key issues related to the Indonesia Remote Sensing Satellite Systems (InaRSSat) initiative. Delphi method is a method for structuring a group communication process so that the group can communicate effectively, allowing a group of individuals, as a whole, to deal with complex problems. This technique is one method of forecasting or estimating, which in this case is aimed at developing a consensus estimate of the future by asking an expert opinion on satellites and remote sensing applications in Indonesia. Stimulatingly, this study used an online method by utilizing website and WhatsApp application and executed in 3 (three) rounds. Results of the study are that key issues related to business process have more issues and ranked higher in the top 10 in comparison with key issues related to Supply Chain and Human Resources. Within the top ten issues, Business Process contain the following 5 issues: Creating Roadmap, Funding Satellite Project, Aligning National Vision, Increasing synergy of Industry, and improving synergy of RS Satellite development. Meanwhile, supply chain-related issues within the top ten issues are: Building RS Satellite, providing integrated Satellite System, Selecting Satellite technology. Human Resources-related issues are: building HR and improving the quality of education.
The United Nation Convention on The Law of The Sea (UNCLOS) states the role of coastal state to m... more The United Nation Convention on The Law of The Sea (UNCLOS) states the role of coastal state to manage the EEZ, as in article 61 about the conservation of the living resources and articles 62 about the utilization of the living resources. Indonesia should take the opportunity of these articles in order to manage sustainable environment of territory. Hereby, Indonesia may support the scientific evidence to determine the allowable catch of living resources by providing best scenarios of sustainable management of the living resources. Both can be analyzed using spatial ecological model of capture fisheries. Using the model, the stock and the allowable catching limit can be determined beforehand in spatial manner. An example of the local assessment of national territory may describe the important role of this model to be further implemented in the EEZ. This study is significant to manage the sustainability of EEZ waters through international cooperation.
Increasing global mean temperature will have numerous effects on global oceanographic conditions.... more Increasing global mean temperature will have numerous effects on global oceanographic conditions. Sea level rise is one of those that are believed to become the major factor for worldwide coastal recession as it was occurred on many archipelagic and coastal states. Dealing with this phenomenon, a spatial shoreline retreat model was developed to predict the future impact of sea level rise on coastal area, physically, ecologically and economically. A system and dynamic approach was also embedded in the model in order to simulate the best sustainable options for many decision makers in managing the nature. Thoughtfully, this book provides the creation of the shoreline retreat model based on ecological and economical approach. The projection and simulation that were illustrated in this book will inspire us in how we have to do to have a better future plan in harmonizing the human social economic life in sense of balance with the nature. So, we will support the world to mitigate the increasing global mean temperature and also the degradation of world heritage of natural resources biodiversity.
IOP conference series, Aug 12, 2019
Human economic activities on natural resources may affect the sustainability of environment and i... more Human economic activities on natural resources may affect the sustainability of environment and its economic value. Remote sensing analysis is able to evaluate the environmental changes related to project on economic value. Therefore, by using multi temporal remote sensing data such as Landsat 5 and Landsat 8 Oli, this paper intends to illustrate the impact of changes in the coastal region on its economic value. The method of water change detection, direct cost based on replacement value of land was used for this assessment. Meanwhile, Bedono village was selected as study area. The results show a significant depreciation of 98 % of land value was occurred in the study area caused by inundation of sea water landward.
Majalah ilmiah Globe, 2011
Kenaikan muka laut menimbulkan dampak pada keberadaan sumberdaya alam, maupun sumberdaya manusian... more Kenaikan muka laut menimbulkan dampak pada keberadaan sumberdaya alam, maupun sumberdaya manusianya. Pemunduran garis pantai (shoreline retreat) dan penggenangan pada wilayah-wilayah rentan merupakan dampak ke depannya. Permasalahan wilayah pesisir lainnya, seperti penurunan muka tanah (land subsidence), rob, gelombang pasang, serta banjir, dapat memperburuk dampak kenaikan muka laut, terutama bagi kesejahteraan penduduknya. Oleh karena itu, dengan mengambil studi area di Teluk Jakarta, perlu dikembangkan model spasial estimasi dampak kenaikan muka laut pada kerentanan kesehatan penduduk wilayah pesisir. Model dikembangkan berdasarkan formulasi pemunduran garis pantai (shoreline retreat model) yang telah dikembangkan oleh Sutrisno (2005) dengan parameter permasalahan lingkungan dan sosial lainnya. Estimasi dikembangkan dalam tiga skenario, yaitu rendah, sedang dan tinggi (low impact, moderate dan high). Hasil yang diperoleh adalah model estimasi spasial kerentanan wilayah pesisir dari sisi kesehatan penduduk terhadap kenaikan muka laut selama minimal 20 tahun ke depan, sebagai input untuk model spasial skenario kebijakan (rekomendasi) yang harus dilaksanakan sebagai usaha mitigasi dan adaptasi. Kata Kunci: Kenaikan Muka Laut, Kerentanan, Penyakit Infeksi Abstract Sea level rise affects the existence of natural resources as well as human resources. Shoreline retreat and inundation on vulnerable areas are some impacts that can occur in the future. Other problems in coastal areas such as land subsidence, tidal wave, and tidal flood can worsen the effects of sea level rise, especially for the livelihood of people in the area. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a spatial model to estimate the impact of sea level rise to the health of population in the coastal area. The model was developed by taking a study area at Jakarta Bay, based on shoreline retreat model that was developed by Sutrisno (2005) using environmental and social problems as the parameters. The estimation is extended in three scenarios, which are low, moderate, and high impact. The expected result is a spatial model estimation of the vulnerability of population’s health due to sea level rise for at least 20 years ahead, as an input to a spatial model of recommendation scenario that has to be performed as mitigation and adaptation efforts. Keywords: Sea Level Rise, Vulnerability, Infectious Disease
Geoplanning: Journal of Geomatics and Planning, Jan 20, 2017
Marine spatial planning has become the crucial issues for an archipelagic state such as Indonesia... more Marine spatial planning has become the crucial issues for an archipelagic state such as Indonesia. The global market demand on marine economic species has been initiated the exploitation of the marine species which will become the hindrance in maintaining the sustainable marine biodiversity. Besides that, the degradation of marine species will also become the problem for traditional fishermen. Therefore, a model has to be employed to spatially manage the coastal waters as the alternative for fishermen activities during closed seasons, such as floating fish net culture. The aim of this study was to develop marine spatial planning model based on ecological approach in order to identify the potentiality of marine waters for marine culture such as floating fish net culture. The method for the model consisted of social assessment using the Delphi for developing the rule of marine planning for floating fish net culture and the spatial analysis technique for determining the model of marine spatial planning for floating fish net culture. The area of Kupang Bay waters, East Nusa Tenggara was used as the study area. The result indicated that the model can be used to sustainable marine spatial planning, especially for floating fish net culture. The model considered the aspects of potential area for marine culture, the management of zonation and transportation lanes, the conservation and protected area and the strategic area. Application in Kupang bay illustrated the aspect of technology input such as raceways since the majority of the area of Kupang Bay waters is classified as medium potential. Further research still needs to optimum the application of model to others marine area.
Majalah ilmiah Globe, 2013
Teluk Jakarta adalah salah satu dari perairan Indonesia dengan berbagai macam kegiatan manusia. S... more Teluk Jakarta adalah salah satu dari perairan Indonesia dengan berbagai macam kegiatan manusia. Semua area dapat meningkatkan jumlah pencemaran logam berat dalam air terutama yang bermuara ke Teluk Jakarta. Logam berat akan disimpan dan terakumulasi dalam air, sedimen dan hewan akuatik. Kerang hijau (Perna viridis) merupakan salah satu hewan air yang dibudidayakan di Teluk Jakarta sejak Tahun 1979. Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Jakarta menganalisis adanya kandungan logam berat pada kerang yang dibudidaya secara komersial di Cilincing dan Kamal Muara, Jakarta Utara. Dari kajian tersebut didapatkan data bahwa kerang yang dibudidayakan di lokasi penelitian tidak cocok untuk konsumsi, karena memiliki kandungan logam berat yang tinggi. Kerang hijau ini lebih cocok untuk pembersih (purifier) lingkungan laut yang terkontaminasi logam berat. Hasil penelitian ini adalah bahwa polusi berdampak terhadap penurunan produktivitas budidaya kerang hijau. Potensi nilai ekonomis dan ekologis dari hilangnya dalam kasus pencemaran adalah Rp. 5.485.067.304 per hektar dan kemungkinan hilangnya pendapatan akibat polusi adalah Rp. per tahun.
International Journal of Digital Earth, Aug 17, 2017
The problems of marine spatial planning relate to the difficulties and time consuming in using an... more The problems of marine spatial planning relate to the difficulties and time consuming in using any scenarios for sustainable development by using traditional spatial planning method, either manually or digitally. Geographical information system (GIS) software can implement a model of spatial planning by using any analytical function (Loucks and da Costa, 1991). However, the decision makers need a responsible, user friendly system to enable faster, accessible and accurate spatial information for better sustainable planning. The development of Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) that nationally links geospatial data among institutions may pave the way to the development of the tool that can utilize all of those geospatial data. In this case, Geospatial Decision Support Systems (GDSS) as a tool for online assessment of sustainable marine spatial planning have to be developed in advance. GDSS contains model, data and interfaces appropriate for the issues being address, which promote and encourage interaction and feedback which are dynamic and responsive to changes and lead to the better results (Loucks and da Costa, 1991). This study aims to assess the development of GDSS for marine planning purposes in the frame of National Spatial Data Infrastructure. The method of GDSS development was based on System Development Life Cycle / SDLC (Roebuck 2011), the analytical function of the model for GDSS was developed based on weighing factors. The result indicates that GDSS as part of the national SDI may increase the utilization of available datasets. However, its integration needs more policy management issues rather than technical ones.
Remote Sensing
The acquisition of dynamic coastline change at fine spatial and temporal resolution is essential ... more The acquisition of dynamic coastline change at fine spatial and temporal resolution is essential for enhancing sustainable coastal economic development and coastal environmental conservation. Port construction, land reclamation, urban development, and sediment deposition have resulted in extensive coastline change. In this study, the coastlines along the 56 coastal countries in 1990, 2000, 2010, 2015, and 2020 were delineated and classified into six categories using Landsat time–series images. Five relevant indices, i.e., the length, length ratio, length change rate, index of coastline utilization degree (ICUD), and fractal dimension (FD), were calculated to analyze and explore the spatiotemporal pattern of the coastlines. The results indicate that: (1) The overall length of the coastlines has increased from 3.45 × 105 km to 3.48 × 105 km in the past 30 years, with a net increase of nearly 3904 km. Between 1990 and 2020, the length of the artificial coastline increased by about 13,8...
Environmental Research Letters
Port cities in Southeast Asia (SEA) have been undergoing intensive land use and land cover change... more Port cities in Southeast Asia (SEA) have been undergoing intensive land use and land cover change (LUCC) because of rapid socio-economic development in recent decades. However, various development statuses among these cities could result in divergent LUCC transitions and therefore affect the local ecosystem at different levels. This study investigated the historic land-use transition in the SEA port cities by classifying Landsat images from 1990 to 2020 with the random forest algorithm, and further integrated these patterns with land-use modeling to inform the future land uses under the current developing mode. DIVISON was used to assess land-use fragmentation and investigated its relationship with development levels represented by the average nighttime light index (ANLI). The results showed an intensive LUCC in SEA port cities in 1990–2020, with artificial surface increasing by 9.2% (175.9 km2) of the total area, mainly converted from cultivated land which decreased by 136.9 km2. A...
IOP conference series, Nov 1, 2022
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Sayung Subdistrict, Demak Regency is a low-lying coastal area prone to coastal flooding. This coa... more Sayung Subdistrict, Demak Regency is a low-lying coastal area prone to coastal flooding. This coastal area’s flood susceptibility is not influenced by a single factor, but by the combined effect of excessive rainfall, the morphological characteristics of coastal areas, and tidal waves. As a reason, the objectives of this study were to (1) map coastal flood-prone areas using a combination of heavy rainfall and tidal waves; (2) determined the extent of inundation; and (3) provide feedback on potential flood-affected area management. The findings indicate inundation has increased by 2.4% per year. Therefore, the evaluation of the mitigation management has to be considered either on local communities’ perspective, regional and national government planning and non-government implementation. Local communities, with or without the assistance of NGO and regional governments, adapt their mitigation strategies to the changing environment, whether through physical, economical, or social approa...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
The disharmony between land and marine spatial planning is threatening the planning of sustainabl... more The disharmony between land and marine spatial planning is threatening the planning of sustainable coastal development. In Indonesia, land spatial planning has firstly been implemented, followed by the spatial zonation of coastal waters. Therefore, to achieve sustainable coastal zone management, the harmonization between the regional spatial plan or RTRW with the zoning plan for coastal waters and small islands or RZWP3K is urgently needed. This paper aims to examine the spatial problems in the process of integrating these two spatial plans. Using the spatial review method, the stages of study consist of forming the seamless spatial planning maps of 8 provincial regions in Indonesia that have stipulated the second regional regulation on spatial planning regimes and then integrated them with the coastal waters spatial planning zonation map (rzwp3k). The findings show the potential conflict in some areas, especially in protected areas with cultivation and public use, and between the c...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Indonesian waters hold the world’s mega biodiversity of coral reefs. However, a range of anthropo... more Indonesian waters hold the world’s mega biodiversity of coral reefs. However, a range of anthropogenic pressures are threatening the coral reefs persistence. Since the early 20th century, remote sensing data has been assessed to map and monitor coral reefs. The reef habitats are monitored at various hierarchical spatial scales using integrated remote sensing and field data, but the level of detail and accuracy at a single point still questionable. Therefore, this study aims to assess the coral reefs methodology based on an integrated digital image processing approach. The method will employ a multi-pair and a single pair or an initial pair of Depth Invariant Index (DII) transformation bands, pixel-based Isodata and K-Means algorithm, and supervised classification method based on maximum likelihood and nearest neighbor algorithms. Object-based classification images, training areas, and data references were supported by previous research. The findings indicate that the maximum likelih...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Fishers residing in small islands are heavily dependent on the surrounding resources. The dynamic... more Fishers residing in small islands are heavily dependent on the surrounding resources. The dynamics of these resources influence the fishers’ level of resilience. The purpose of this study is to analyze the correlation between the fishers’ resilience and available resources using a dynamic model. The method used is dynamic system analysis. The research site is located in is Karimunjawa islands, Central Java, Indonesia. The primary data collection was conducted between March-April 2018. The dynamic model consists of ecological and economical subsystems. The findings show that fishers’ resilience experienced a downward trend yearly. Based on the simulation of resources dynamic on the Karimunjawa islands, changes in resource conditions forced fishers to adapt to ongoing changes. The dynamics of marine and fishery resources in the Karimunjawa Islands have forced the fishers to adapt to the changing conditions. The adaptation made is that fishermen change their fishing grounds, especially...
2018 IEEE International Conference on Aerospace Electronics and Remote Sensing Technology (ICARES), 2018
As the world's largest archipelagic country with terrestrial and marine terrain, Indonesia ne... more As the world's largest archipelagic country with terrestrial and marine terrain, Indonesia needs a mastered space technology to be used to support national development in all areas including political, economic, defense and security. Satellite observer industry or remote sensing satellite industry is one solution to the answer. But the satellite industry is not yet developed in Indonesia. Therefore, this paper intends to examine the development of satellite observation industry in Indonesia by using "scenario planning" approach. The method used is descriptive qualitative analysis with stakeholder scenario planning approach. The results show that the development of the national satellite industry targeted for implementation in 2025 requires strong political support with adequate human and economic support, among others, can be achieved by the adoption of satellite programs in national development priorities and forming a cross-sectoral consortium of stakeholders interes...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
The utilization of the resources of the coral reef ecosystem in Tanah Merah Bay area (Depapre) ha... more The utilization of the resources of the coral reef ecosystem in Tanah Merah Bay area (Depapre) has been going on for a long time by the local communities around the area. Ironically, the dependents are still using destructive tools and methods, such as the use of blast fishing and tuba roots. On the one hand, local communities' expecially of the Tefraa / Tabla tribe have wisdom in coral reef resources that have been passed down through generations, namely the Tiaitiki system. This research will evaluate and assess the sustainability status of socioeconomic and institutional aspects of coral reef management by local communities in three villages, namely Tablanusu, Tablasufa and Waiya villages using RAPSOCIO-ECOSYSTEM method modified from a Rapid Appraisal for Fisheries Approach (RAPFISH). Based on the findings of the study, showed that the socioeconomic dimensions of the villages of Tablanusu and Tablasufa were in the "less sustainable", and the village of Waiya was "quite sustainable" with the leverage attributes, namely the level of existence of professional tourism guides, the existence of companion NGOs, dependence on fisheries as a livelihood, dependence on marine tourism as a livelihoods and Tiaitiki understanding (goals and benefits). The Institutional dimension shows that the three villages are in the category of "quite sustainable" with the leverage attributes, namely Tiaitiki area monitoring agency, NGO / stakeholders in the management especially the implementation of Tiaitiki, Tiaitiki management strategic document, availability of formal rules for managing Tiaitiki, and socialization (implementation, rules and sanctions) of Tiaitiki.
Papers by dewayany sutrisno