Papers by wiwin suwarningsih
Jurnal ICT : Information Communication & Technology, Dec 31, 2021
More services have been made online in recent years, more and more data is being stored virtually... more More services have been made online in recent years, more and more data is being stored virtually. This important and confidential data becomes an easy target for criminals in the era of digitalization. Database security becomes very necessary to keep data safe. Attacks can come from outside or from within, attacks caused by insiders are the second biggest threat after hacking. Conventional security has not been able to detect anomalies from internal users. This can be anticipated using an intrusion detection mechanism. This mechanism has previously been applied to networks and hosts. However, some actions that are harmful to the database are not necessarily harmful to the network and hosts so that intrusion detection on the database becomes extra security to defend the database from intruders. This system uses the Random Forest algorithm which includes supervised learning to detect anomalous transactions. The dataset used is a transaction log containing 773 records and 9 attributes. Anomalies are determined based on the threshold value of 3 attributes, namely operation, object and field name. The test uses 6 different trees, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100. The results of the test on 762 records and 5 attributes used, the Random Forest algorithm has the highest accuracy value on the number of trees 80 and 100 which have a test time difference of 0 .03 seconds. In the dataset used, the optimum number of trees is found at number 80 with an accuracy value of 99.56% and an execution time of 0.13183 seconds.
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Feb 1, 2022
Identifying good quality chili varieties can be done by observing their leaves. It is required fo... more Identifying good quality chili varieties can be done by observing their leaves. It is required for seed testing and certification processes. Currently, a manual leaf identification method is used in which human experts inspect a wide range of leaves every one to two months. An automatic method could increase the identification process. Deep learning has proven to be a prominent method for image classification. We investigate the performance of deep CNN models, as: AlexNet, VGG16, Inception-v3 and DenseNet-121; to classify chili variety. In this paper, we took images of leaves aged 10 days. A preprocessing strategy was taken to enrich the dataset and to boost the classification performance and to assess the proposed models' quality. From this study, we acquired 12 classes of chili leaves dataset. We acquired performance accuracy ranging from 70.18% to 78.37%. Further, the classification results by DenseNet-121 obtained the highest accuracy of 78.37% and recall of 74.83%. The classifiers investigated in this study perform well despite the relatively small number of our dataset. These results encourage the application of such an approach in practice.
Cloud computing is a technology that is needed at this time . Increasing information needs to be ... more Cloud computing is a technology that is needed at this time . Increasing information needs to be the foundation built a cloud -based applications . One application that we are developing now is an application that supports the field of e-government, and e-health. In this paper will explain the design of software architecture as one of the software as a services = SaaS . This architecture is built to facilitate the process of transforming information from standardized technology to cloud technology method used is the method of transition and tra ns forma tion method where the concept of software development will be described UML notation . The final results are expected from this research is the development of a software architecture that will be stored in cloud computing . Keywords : cloud computing, SaaS architecture , the transformation of information , e-health, e-government . Abstrak Komputasi awan merupakan teknologi yang sangat dibutuhkan saat ini . Kebutuhan informasi yang se...
Dalam tulisan ini berisi pembangunan perangkat lunak untuk pengawasan laju kebutuhan obat pada pe... more Dalam tulisan ini berisi pembangunan perangkat lunak untuk pengawasan laju kebutuhan obat pada pedagang besar farmasi. Laju kebutuhan obat ini akan dianalisa dengan metoda analytic hierarchi process yang memberikan keluaran berupa alternatif keputusan guna menentukan jumlah pemenuhan kebutuhan obat dan distribusi obat di daerah kota Bandung. Pengembangan perangkat lunak ini diawali dengan inventarisir kebutuhan obat dari rumah sakit, puskesmas dan toko obat yang ada di kota Bandung. Kemudian menentukan skala prioritas untuk pendistribusian obat tersebut dengan cara membandingkan kriteria mana yang lebih penting dari beberapa kriteria yang akan dibangun. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa perangkat lunak yang menghasilkan solusi untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan obat dan distribusi obat, sehingga semua pelanggan dapat terpenuhi obatnya secara optimal Kata kunci: AHP, pengawan, obat
Kondisi anomali cuaca saat ini menyebabkan prediksi hujan semakin sulit untuk dilakukan dan hal i... more Kondisi anomali cuaca saat ini menyebabkan prediksi hujan semakin sulit untuk dilakukan dan hal ini mengakibatkan pula menganalisa serta memprediksi bencana banjir yang diakibatkan curah hujan yang tinggi kurang cepat untuk dilakukan. Sehingga diperlukan suatu cara obcervasi dan bagaimana membangkitkan pola dari anomali kondisi cuaca agar dapat digunakan untuk menentukan dan memprediksi banjir. Dalam makalah ini akan dilakukan observasi terhadap pola data hujan dan data banjir untuk membuat suatu sistem peringatan dini banjir sehingga dapat menghasilkan informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat dan pemerintah daerah. Metoda yang akan digunakan untuk observasi pembangkitan pola adalah algoritma SPADE (Sequential Pattern Discovery Using Equivalence classes) yaitu sebuah algoritma baru untuk penemuan secara cepat pola sekuensial. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah aturan (rule) yang akan digunakan sebagai data masukan pada sistem peringatan dini untuk memberikan informasi me...
Kami mengembangkan kompilator online untuk pemrogram parallel sebagai suatu kakas pembelajaran un... more Kami mengembangkan kompilator online untuk pemrogram parallel sebagai suatu kakas pembelajaran untuk mempraktekkan dan memahami paradigm pemrograman paralel. Kakas ini memiliki antarmuka langsung dengan pengguna umum melalui Internet, sehingga selain mudah digunakan, akan sangat rentan terhadap berbagai macam serangan online. Kami menyadari bahwa factor keamanan adalah salah satu aspek penting dari pengembangan perangkat lunak yang harus diterapkan pada pengembangan kompilator online tersebut. Dengan menganalisis kelamahan dan serangan yang mungkin terjadi, kompilator online ini dibangun dengan menggunakan dua tahapan pengamanan. Pengamanan tahap pertama adalah sebagai bagian dari aplikasi web yang merupakan antarmuka pengamanan terhadap aplikasi web. Pengamanan kedua adalah pengamanan untuk melindungi cluster computer sebagai sumber daya yang digunakan untuk mengeksekusi aplikasi yang dibuat dengan paradigm pemrograman parallel. Kedua lapisan pengamanan ini dianggap cukup dapat men...
Karena kesulitan dalam memperoleh akses ke fasilitas infrastrukutur komputer cluster pada waktu d... more Karena kesulitan dalam memperoleh akses ke fasilitas infrastrukutur komputer cluster pada waktu diperlukan, dan kesulitan dalam mengumpulkan paket installer sewaktu akan membangun infrastruktur komputer cluster sendiri, maka dikembangkanlah suatu installer sistem operasi linux yang dapat membuat infrastruktur komputer cluster sederhana dengan cepat. Dengan mengacu kepada pemaketan dan installasi distribusi linux Fedora dan IGN, kami mengembangkan linux-live dalam bentuk CD dan USB, yang disebut dengan IGNITER (IGOS Nusantara for Instant Cluster). IGNITER dapat mempercepat pengembangan infrastruktur cluster sederhana dalam 5 langkah konfigurasi. Kata kunci: komputer cluster, linux-live, installer, igniter, fedora, ign
2020 International Conference on Radar, Antenna, Microwave, Electronics, and Telecommunications (ICRAMET), 2020
This paper explains how to build a prototype of a multi-tenant system which supports many aspects... more This paper explains how to build a prototype of a multi-tenant system which supports many aspects on the complete multi-tenant, single-tenant database, and single-tenant multi services, respectively. The design process of complete multi-tenant uses a unified modeling language (UML) which has case diagrams, activity diagram, class diagrams, and sequence diagrams. Singletenant databases are constructed by using cloud servers, SQL databases, and application programming interface (API). The single-tenant multi services which conduct the interface, are designed by using the mockup of application parts. At the end, an interactive testing evaluates all of multi-tenant systems. The result shows that our proposed prototype has a good performance in queuing system of public services.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2017
Registration is now OPEN, for the upcoming 23rd World Congress of Dermatology 2015 A message from... more Registration is now OPEN, for the upcoming 23rd World Congress of Dermatology 2015 A message from Vancouver, Canada Visit us online at to register. While you are online, take a moment to visit 'I'll Be There' and see your friends and colleagues from around the world who will be joining you. To date, we have registrants from 55 countries. Program at a Glance Please visit the WCD website for exciting updates on the program. Already, we have over 180 scientific sessions confirmed, including Symposia, Workshops, Courses and Controversies. To take part in the educational activities of the WCD, we invite our international colleagues to submit an abstract. The deadline for abstract submissions will be September 12, 2014.
2015 International Conference on Automation, Cognitive Science, Optics, Micro Electro-Mechanical System, and Information Technology (ICACOMIT), 2015
Indonesian medical question answering system requires the extraction of named entity recognition ... more Indonesian medical question answering system requires the extraction of named entity recognition process. This research aims to propose and evaluate a systematic approach to classify Problem, Intervention, Comparison and Outcome (PICO) from the Indonesian medical sentences. We here declare that the extraction using the PICO frames for Indonesian medical sentences is the first. The advantage of PICO frame is to accelerate the classification process based on Problem Intervention, Comparison, and Outcome criteria. Our strategy here was to build a combining question term with multiple classifiers and repetition. The training and test data were generated automatically from Indonesia medical literature with 200 sentences by the exact pattern match of head words of P-I-C-O categories. This approach achieved F-measure values of 0.90 for Problem and Intervention; 0.89 for Problem, Intervention, and Comparison; 0.91 for Problem, Comparison and Outcome. It then can be concluded that by the pattern in matching criteria of the training set and the classification of PICO elements is reproducible with minimal expert intervention.
2015 International Conference on Automation, Cognitive Science, Optics, Micro Electro-Mechanical System, and Information Technology (ICACOMIT), 2015
Identifying a logical relation between sentences and semantic role labelling requires a deeper kn... more Identifying a logical relation between sentences and semantic role labelling requires a deeper knowledge of recognizing the relationship of various expressions. One method that can be used is by means of the extraction of predicate argument structure. This paper is purposely to describe a new automatic method for the extraction of Indonesian medical predicate-argument (P-A) structure analysis based upon PICO frame. Learning some relevant features, the method assigns some case roles (such as Problem/Population/Patient, Intervention, Compare/Control and Outcome) to the argument of the target predicate using the features of the words that are located closest to the target predicate. In this paper the illustration of their use in a pattern-based relation extraction component of PICO frame has been described. It is indicated from the test results that the use of the features with more semantic role categories in determining the P-A structure represents the respective results reaching at 89.35% for precision, 89.12% for recall and 89.98% for F1.
2015 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile (APWiMob), 2015
We present a novel scheme of sentence transformation for Indonesian medical question generation (... more We present a novel scheme of sentence transformation for Indonesian medical question generation (ImeQG) system by utilizing effectively documents for information navigation. Through the ImeQG proposed method, we conducted a general procedure of dependency analysis for extract verbs and relevant phrases to generate natural sentences by applying transformation rules. For this purpose, we defined some P-A templates based on a statistical measure. An experimental evaluation in this proposed method showed 79.00% for precision, 87.80% for recall and 81.50% for F1.
This research aims to propose and evaluate a systematic approach to classify Problem, Interventio... more This research aims to propose and evaluate a systematic approach to classify Problem, Intervention, Comparison and Outcome (PICO) from the Indonesian medical. Our strategy here is to build a combining the question term with multiple classifiers and repetition. The training and test corpora were generated automatically from Indonesia medical literature with 2500 sentences by the exact pattern match of head words of P-I-C-O categories. This approach achieved F-measure values of 0.90 for Problem and Intervention; 0.89 for Problem, Intervention, and Comparison; 0.91 for Problem, Comparison and Outcome. It then can be concluded that by pattern matching criteria of the training set and classification of PICO elements is reproducible with minimal expert intervention.
This paper propose of framework for Indonesian predictive parser. We are trying to build a parser... more This paper propose of framework for Indonesian predictive parser. We are trying to build a parser by exploration of LL and LR parsers. Our framework is divided into 3 components: create pushdown automata from regular grammar (PDA-BI), CFG to PDA conversion and ambiguity testing for grammar structure. Based on our experiment in Indonesian parser, we choose to use left most derivation (LMD) and right most derivation (RMD) method for ambiguity testing based on structure of Indonesia sentence. By using 100 sentence as the test data, the highest accuracy score achieved about 91,23%.
Pada makalah ini akan dijelaskan cara membangkitkan pola sekuensial untuk melihat kemunculan atau... more Pada makalah ini akan dijelaskan cara membangkitkan pola sekuensial untuk melihat kemunculan atau frekuensi data klimatologi untuk membantu memprediksi kondisi banjir. Algoritma yang akan digunakan adalah algoritma SPADE yaitu sebuah algoritma baru ...
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
In the new-normal era, public services must make various adjustments to keep the community safe d... more In the new-normal era, public services must make various adjustments to keep the community safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Public Service Mall is an initiative to put several public services offices in a centralized location. However, it will create a crowd of people who want access to public service. This paper evaluates multi-tenant models with the rapid adaptation of cloud computing technology for all organizations' shapes and sizes, focusing on multi-tenants and multi-services, where each tenant might have multiple services to offer. We also proposed a multi-tenant architecture that can serve queues in several places to prevent the spread of COVID-19 due to the crowd of people in public places. The design of multi-tenants and multi-services applications should consider various aspects such as security, database, data communication, and user interface. We designed and built the "QuAntri'' business logic to simplify the process for multi-services in each te...
Abstrak Pada makalah ini, kami melakukan survey beberapa penelitian yang membahas mengenai questi... more Abstrak Pada makalah ini, kami melakukan survey beberapa penelitian yang membahas mengenai question generation (QG). QG adalah sebuah teknik untuk membangkitkan pertanyaan yang berasal dari sebuah kalimat atau teks dalam bentuk bahasa alami. Kami mencoba menelaah garis besar konseptual question generation yang terdiri dari tiga kategori yaitu : berbasis sintaks, berbasis semantik, dan berbasis template. Sistem question generation dalam kategori sintaksis sering menggunakan unsur semantik dan sebaliknya. Sedangkan sistem yang berbasis template menggunakan beberapa tingkat sintaksis dan/atau informasi semantik. Hasil akhir dari survey ini adalah sebuah review berupa tantangan dan peluang dalam pengembangan penelitian di masa mendatang, yaitu berupa : (a) Tantangan pada isu semantik leksikal dan sintaktik, (b) penggunaan alternatif segitiga Vauquois, shallow parser dan (c) representasi sintaksis dengan struktur pohon frasa.Kata kunci : question generation, leksikal, sintaksis, transfor...
AbstractThis paper discussed about association rule mining among item sets of weather records, wh... more AbstractThis paper discussed about association rule mining among item sets of weather records, where observation results are distributed from data source and partitioned in order to create an optimal rule pattern. We use decision tree classifiers as method for data partitioning, which each item set has several attributes and these item sets are used to identify the valid global association rule, but did not disclose the items set individual transaction data. The final results of this study was to partition the data to generate a frequency associated items set weather data with the minimal level of support without revealing the value of the item set of individuals. Frequency value associated items set the partition of this data can be used for weather prediction simulations whether there will be rain or no rain. Keywords: association rule mining, item set, weather records, partition, Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â decision tree classifiers Abstrak Makalah ini membahas aturan penamb...
2020 Zooming Innovation in Consumer Technologies Conference (ZINC), 2020
This paper aims to explain a new way of seeking case similarities to Case Based Reasoning questio... more This paper aims to explain a new way of seeking case similarities to Case Based Reasoning question and answering system. A new concept used is to create a combination of sentence patterns with the variations of syntax and relation between words in sentences. More precisely, we improve the similarity from a resource-poor source language. The combination of pattern was made for the variation of the fridge using Predicate Argument Structure (PAS) analysis, whereas the combination of pattern with the relation between words was by forming Sub Tree (ST) and Subset Tree (SST) from parsing tree. The result of forming a combination of these patterns was then selected to obtain an appropriate answer. Accuracy resulted by using the combination of this pattern resulted in a significant value equal to 88.64% of 132 question sentences used as data testing.
We propose an automated estimation scheme to analyze question classification in Indonesian multi ... more We propose an automated estimation scheme to analyze question classification in Indonesian multi closed domain question answering systems. The goal is to provide a good questioning classification system even if using only available language sources. Our strategy here is to build a pattern and rule to extract some important words and utilize the results as a feature for classification estimation of automated learning-based questions. Scenarios designed in automated learning estimates: (i) Analyzing questions, to represent the key information needed to answer user questions using target focus and target identification; (ii) Classify the type of question, construct a taxonomy of questions that have been coded into the system to determine the expected answer type, through some question processing patterns and rules. The proposed method is evaluated using datasets collected from various Indonesian websites. Test results show that the classification process using the proposed method is ve...
Papers by wiwin suwarningsih