Papers by prakash kumar swain
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2018
Proper management with available limited water resources is to be given top priority to meet the ... more Proper management with available limited water resources is to be given top priority to meet the threat of food security due to increase in population. Establishment of a new major irrigation project is a challenging task due to social, environmental and other multiple causes. The present study is conducted on Senhapali Canal, a distributary of Hirakud system in Sambalpur District of Odisha State, India, which is very close to Hirakud Dam over River Mahanadi. In the present work, experiments are conducted to develop a suitable cropping pattern through optimization techniques like LINDO and Genetic Algorithm. The developed cropping pattern gives net returns of Rs. 585 lakhs while using LINDO and Rs. 590.07 lakhs if GA is used. Hence, the cropping pattern obtained by using Genetic Algorithm may be adopted by the farmer to get more net returns than the existing one adopted by farmers.
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2018
Proper management with available limited water resources is to be given top priority to meet the ... more Proper management with available limited water resources is to be given top priority to meet the threat of food security due to increase in population. Establishment of a new major irrigation project is a challenging task due to social, environmental and other multiple causes. The present study is conducted on Senhapali Canal, a distributary of Hirakud system in Sambalpur District of Odisha State, India, which is very close to Hirakud Dam over River Mahanadi. In the present work, experiments are conducted to develop a suitable cropping pattern through optimization techniques like LINDO and Genetic Algorithm. The developed cropping pattern gives net returns of Rs. 585 lakhs while using LINDO and Rs. 590.07 lakhs if GA is used. Hence, the cropping pattern obtained by using Genetic Algorithm may be adopted by the farmer to get more net returns than the existing one adopted by farmers.
Open channel flow, a branch of fluvial hydraulics, fluid flow within a conduit having free surfac... more Open channel flow, a branch of fluvial hydraulics, fluid flow within a conduit having free surface is an example of such flow.Whereasthe other type of flow within a closed conduit, is termed as pipe flow. Pipe flow is due to external pressure which is replaced by gravity force in open-channel flow. If we consider the open channel flow it is essential to make a study of velocity and its others characteristics is very essential for knowing various aspects of flow. Boundary layer is expressed as the fluid layer alongside to the surface of solid boundary where the effect of viscous forces is prevalent. This paper presents, the variation of boundary layer alongside the centerline of the rectangular straight channel which extends up to the free surface of a flow having aspect ratio b/h ≥ 3, measured along and across the direction of flow of the straight simple rectangular channel and has been methodically analyzed at different test sections of the channel. The investigation is done thoroughly to encounter changes in the shape of the velocity profile all through the simple straight path, which helps in studying the thickness of boundary layer along the channel as well as across the channel. Velocity profile can be further used for identifying the growth of boundary layer, change in flow direction, accelerated or decelerated flow description. Using a pitot tube along with U-tube manometer, longitudinal velocities are measured in different cross section which is used to signify the development of completely developed open channel flow as per the variation in boundary layer thickness.
Open channel flow, a branch of fluvial hydraulics, fluid flow within a conduit having free surfac... more Open channel flow, a branch of fluvial hydraulics, fluid flow within a conduit having free surface is an example of such flow.Whereasthe other type of flow within a closed conduit, is termed as pipe flow. Pipe flow is due to external pressure which is replaced by gravity force in open-channel flow. If we consider the open channel flow it is essential to make a study of velocity and its others characteristics is very essential for knowing various aspects of flow. Boundary layer is expressed as the fluid layer alongside to the surface of solid boundary where the effect of viscous forces is prevalent. This paper presents, the variation of boundary layer alongside the centerline of the rectangular straight channel which extends up to the free surface of a flow having aspect ratio b/h ≥ 3, measured along and across the direction of flow of the straight simple rectangular channel and has been methodically analyzed at different test sections of the channel. The investigation is done thoroughly to encounter changes in the shape of the velocity profile all through the simple straight path, which helps in studying the thickness of boundary layer along the channel as well as across the channel. Velocity profile can be further used for identifying the growth of boundary layer, change in flow direction, accelerated or decelerated flow description. Using a pitot tube along with U-tube manometer, longitudinal velocities are measured in different cross section which is used to signify the development of completely developed open channel flow as per the variation in boundary layer thickness.
2017 International Conference on Energy, Communication, Data Analytics and Soft Computing (ICECDS), 2017
In this article flow prediction using ARIMA model has been done and the accuracy of ARIMA model i... more In this article flow prediction using ARIMA model has been done and the accuracy of ARIMA model in long-term forecasting has been tested. In this study, using yearly data (since 1995–2015), obtained from Hydrometric station at Hirakud (upstream of Hirakud Dam), the Auto Regressive Integrated Moving average (ARIMA) model is used for prediction of monthly mean inflow and daily inflow to Hirakud Dam reservoir. The XLSTAT, STATA and Microsoft Excel some of the software's which were used to model ARIMA and to validate the results. The methods adopted is to predict the forecasting of the run-off in an one year short-term basis and subsequently the predicted data of that year is included as an observed data set for short-term forecasting of run off for the next year and that value again is treated as observed data base. By this process when both monthly average and daily run off for the year 2030 is predicted when the observed data set used for its prediction is 1995 to 2029, though effectively the observed data set actually available is 1995 to 2015. On the basic of comparison of the results of the various candidate models with observed data like ARIMA (1, 1, 0), ARIMA (2, 1, 0), ARIMA (4, 1, 0) and ARIMA (5, 1, 0), the performance of (5, 1, 0) model is found to be acceptable for monthly stream-flow prediction as it gives comparatively more accurate result.
River erosion by the Mahanadi river is evaluated in terms of basin geology, hydrology, dissolved ... more River erosion by the Mahanadi river is evaluated in terms of basin geology, hydrology, dissolved and suspended load characteristics. Bulk of suspended sediment is carried in fine fraction. Its mineralogy is characterized by clay minerals illite, kaolinite, smectite and chlorite in addition to quartz and felspar. The river annually transports a cumulative load of 33.59 million tons into the Bay of Bengal. The dissolved load constitutes less than 25% of the total. Present study reveals that Mechanical load is strongly correlated with discharge, elevation and area while a weak correlation exists between bed slope and mechanical load. The ratio of mechanical to chemical erosion rate an index of erodibility of the basin, seems to be related to rock type in the catchment area. Higher values of erodibility index correspond to higher elevations, lesser area and hard silicate rocks of subbasins. On the other hand, sub-basins with low to moderate elevation and chemically active sedimentary ro...
2017 International Conference on Energy, Communication, Data Analytics and Soft Computing (ICECDS), 2017
In this article flow prediction using ARIMA model has been done and the accuracy of ARIMA model i... more In this article flow prediction using ARIMA model has been done and the accuracy of ARIMA model in long-term forecasting has been tested. In this study, using yearly data (since 1995–2015), obtained from Hydrometric station at Hirakud (upstream of Hirakud Dam), the Auto Regressive Integrated Moving average (ARIMA) model is used for prediction of monthly mean inflow and daily inflow to Hirakud Dam reservoir. The XLSTAT, STATA and Microsoft Excel some of the software's which were used to model ARIMA and to validate the results. The methods adopted is to predict the forecasting of the run-off in an one year short-term basis and subsequently the predicted data of that year is included as an observed data set for short-term forecasting of run off for the next year and that value again is treated as observed data base. By this process when both monthly average and daily run off for the year 2030 is predicted when the observed data set used for its prediction is 1995 to 2029, though effectively the observed data set actually available is 1995 to 2015. On the basic of comparison of the results of the various candidate models with observed data like ARIMA (1, 1, 0), ARIMA (2, 1, 0), ARIMA (4, 1, 0) and ARIMA (5, 1, 0), the performance of (5, 1, 0) model is found to be acceptable for monthly stream-flow prediction as it gives comparatively more accurate result.
The designs of Water distribution systems are based on certain objectives such as equity, adequac... more The designs of Water distribution systems are based on certain objectives such as equity, adequacy to access its efficacy. The design of canal systems for distributing the water is based on the size of command areas. Duration of operation. It is a fact that Odisha is a predominantly agrarian state as more than 2/3rd of the state population depends on agriculture. Irrigation is the paramount importance for development of agriculture. The irrigation projects are built up to support crops with adequate water supply during the growing period. Dams are built to store water of monsoon water which was earlier being drained into rivers and sea. Hirakud dam over Mahanadi River in Odisha, India is one of such schemes which was built in the early days of Independence having live storage capacity of 5375 M Cum. After the compilation of all the data and analyzing them using GENETIC ALGORITHM, it is found that the present practice of cultivation, adopted by the farmers is neither sustainable nor ...
River erosion by the Mahanadi river is evaluated in terms of basin geology, hydrology, dissolved ... more River erosion by the Mahanadi river is evaluated in terms of basin geology, hydrology, dissolved and suspended load characteristics. Bulk of suspended sediment is carried in fine fraction. Its mineralogy is characterized by clay minerals illite, kaolinite, smectite and chlorite in addition to quartz and felspar. The river annually transports a cumulative load of 33.59 million tons into the Bay of Bengal. The dissolved load constitutes less than 25% of the total. Present study reveals that Mechanical load is strongly correlated with discharge, elevation and area while a weak correlation exists between bed slope and mechanical load. The ratio of mechanical to chemical erosion rate an index of erodibility of the basin, seems to be related to rock type in the catchment area. Higher values of erodibility index correspond to higher elevations, lesser area and hard silicate rocks of subbasins. On the other hand, sub-basins with low to moderate elevation and chemically active sedimentary ro...
The designs of Water distribution systems are based on certain objectives such as equity, adequac... more The designs of Water distribution systems are based on certain objectives such as equity, adequacy to access its efficacy. The design of canal systems for distributing the water is based on the size of command areas. Duration of operation. It is a fact that Odisha is a predominantly agrarian state as more than 2/3rd of the state population depends on agriculture. Irrigation is the paramount importance for development of agriculture. The irrigation projects are built up to support crops with adequate water supply during the growing period. Dams are built to store water of monsoon water which was earlier being drained into rivers and sea. Hirakud dam over Mahanadi River in Odisha, India is one of such schemes which was built in the early days of Independence having live storage capacity of 5375 M Cum. After the compilation of all the data and analyzing them using GENETIC ALGORITHM, it is found that the present practice of cultivation, adopted by the farmers is neither sustainable nor ...
The state, Odisha, India is mostly agriculture based, as almost 66% of population of the state de... more The state, Odisha, India is mostly agriculture based, as almost 66% of population of the state depends on agriculture. Irrigation plays an important role for development of agriculture. The Hirakud dam of Odisha, India which was built in the early days of Independence across the Mahanadi River having live storage capacity of 5375 M Cum play an important role for the development of agriculture. The Hirakud command area is served by three canal systems namely Sambalpur distributary, Bargarh Main canal, and Sason main canal. The study highlights the advantages of using ADV flow tracker for accurate measurement of discharge, along the use of CROPWAT software to find out the crops water requirements of different crops. The Particle swarm optimization is used to select a suitable cropping pattern. It is found that as per the present practice of cultivation the farmers are getting a net benefit of Rs.320 lakhs only over the command area that can be enhanced to Rs 540.0 lakhs in Indian curr...
The present work provides a new methodology for the flow measurement in a lined canal Huma tail d... more The present work provides a new methodology for the flow measurement in a lined canal Huma tail distributary of Hirakud canal system, Odisha, India.The acoustic Doppler velocity meter was used for the direct measurement of velocity over full area and the length of canal. The entropy based Chiu’s equation is used in the present work to find out a constant ratio between the average and the peak velocity of the channel. The location for maximum value is found from the velocity profile. Applying the constant ratio, the mean velocity can be obtained at various sections. With the measured cross sectional area and the mean velocity the discharge can be found. The maximum velocity is a technically important parameter always consists of a single value regardless of the flow conditions, and a cross-sectional shape. Thus the maximum velocity can be applied to estimate the mean velocity. In this work a formula based on the entropy concept has been used to find out the maximum velocity. The accu...
The state, Odisha, India is mostly agriculture based, as almost 66% of population of the state de... more The state, Odisha, India is mostly agriculture based, as almost 66% of population of the state depends on agriculture. Irrigation plays an important role for development of agriculture. The Hirakud dam of Odisha, India which was built in the early days of Independence across the Mahanadi River having live storage capacity of 5375 M Cum play an important role for the development of agriculture. The Hirakud command area is served by three canal systems namely Sambalpur distributary, Bargarh Main canal, and Sason main canal. The study highlights the advantages of using ADV flow tracker for accurate measurement of discharge, along the use of CROPWAT software to find out the crops water requirements of different crops. The Particle swarm optimization is used to select a suitable cropping pattern. It is found that as per the present practice of cultivation the farmers are getting a net benefit of Rs.320 lakhs only over the command area that can be enhanced to Rs 540.0 lakhs in Indian curr...
The present work provides a new methodology for the flow measurement in a lined canal Huma tail d... more The present work provides a new methodology for the flow measurement in a lined canal Huma tail distributary of Hirakud canal system, Odisha, India.The acoustic Doppler velocity meter was used for the direct measurement of velocity over full area and the length of canal. The entropy based Chiu’s equation is used in the present work to find out a constant ratio between the average and the peak velocity of the channel. The location for maximum value is found from the velocity profile. Applying the constant ratio, the mean velocity can be obtained at various sections. With the measured cross sectional area and the mean velocity the discharge can be found. The maximum velocity is a technically important parameter always consists of a single value regardless of the flow conditions, and a cross-sectional shape. Thus the maximum velocity can be applied to estimate the mean velocity. In this work a formula based on the entropy concept has been used to find out the maximum velocity. The accu...
ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 2018
The present study investigates the prevailing cropping pattern, adopted by the farmers of the stu... more The present study investigates the prevailing cropping pattern, adopted by the farmers of the study area under consideration. It aims at improving the net benefits from the farming activities with present irrigation water allocation. To arrive at the optimal cropping pattern, various swarm intelligence techniques, genetic algorithm (GA), cuckoo search (CS) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) techniques are used to formulate an efficient cropping pattern for maximizing net return for the part of Hirakud command area, in India. Maximum available land area, water for irrigation and cropping area for different crops were considered as constraints. The results are compared with the output from linear programming (LP) to evaluate the efficiency of the models. The results reveal that the net economic return arrived at by adopting the optimal cropping pattern derived with the use of PSO works out to be 230.120 Billion Rupees, whereas it is 132.2 Billion Rupees from the prevailing crop pattern adopted by farmers; 199.271 Billion Rupees with the application of LP; 210.19 billion rupees with GA and 229.895 billion rupees with CS. Weightage is given to a given crop under consideration by allocating suitable land area as per the type of land and water availability.
ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 2018
The present study investigates the prevailing cropping pattern, adopted by the farmers of the stu... more The present study investigates the prevailing cropping pattern, adopted by the farmers of the study area under consideration. It aims at improving the net benefits from the farming activities with present irrigation water allocation. To arrive at the optimal cropping pattern, various swarm intelligence techniques, genetic algorithm (GA), cuckoo search (CS) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) techniques are used to formulate an efficient cropping pattern for maximizing net return for the part of Hirakud command area, in India. Maximum available land area, water for irrigation and cropping area for different crops were considered as constraints. The results are compared with the output from linear programming (LP) to evaluate the efficiency of the models. The results reveal that the net economic return arrived at by adopting the optimal cropping pattern derived with the use of PSO works out to be 230.120 Billion Rupees, whereas it is 132.2 Billion Rupees from the prevailing crop pattern adopted by farmers; 199.271 Billion Rupees with the application of LP; 210.19 billion rupees with GA and 229.895 billion rupees with CS. Weightage is given to a given crop under consideration by allocating suitable land area as per the type of land and water availability.
Papers by prakash kumar swain