eL-Muhbib: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian Pendidikan Dasar, 2021
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tentang kesulitan guru dalam pembelajaran daring p... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tentang kesulitan guru dalam pembelajaran daring pada kelas IV masa Covid-19 di MIS Mande Kota Bima. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan sumber data para guru wali kelas dan kepala sekolah. Tehnik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tekni wawancara, observasi dan dokumenatsi objek penelitian. Analisis data penelitian diolah secara naratif meliputi tahap reduksi data, data display dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penetilitian menunjukan bahwa guru kelas IV di MIS Mande Kota Bima mengalami berbagai kesulitan ketika menerapkan pembelajaran daring, diantaranya fasilitas tidak memadai dalam proses pembelajaran daring, peserta didik kesulitan mempelajari dan memahami materi yang banyak dalam waktu yang relatif singkat. Adapun faktor penghambat pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang dihadapi guru kelas IV di MIS Kota Bima seperti; kurangnya kuota internet sehingga pembelajaran daring tidak ...
Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pembinaan dan pelatihan tekn... more Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pembinaan dan pelatihan teknik debat Bahasa Inggris bagi siswa SMAN I Moyo Utara Kabupaten Sumbawa. Tahapan-tahapan dalam kegiatan ini adalah (1) Planning, (2) Sosialisasi peraturan dan teknik National School Debating Championship (NSDC), (3) Pemberian materi debat bahasa Inggris yang dilakukan dengan mengenalkan tema atau topik gagasan debat yang akan diperlombakan di tingkat Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat dengan standar internasional, (4) Pendampingan dan pelatihan debat bahasa Inggris dengan memberikan materi terkait motion yang dilombakan, (5) Peserta pendampingan melakukan latihan pemahaman materi yang diberikan oleh pendamping, (6) Evaluasi kegiatan dilakukan dengan membuat kelompok debat, kemudian melakukan debat intra kelompok, dan (7) Pelaporan kegiatan. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi selama kegiatan (1) Peserta didik sangat termotivasi dan percaya diri menggunakan Bahasa Inggris selama pendampingan dan pelatiha...
The preliminary study was aimed at identifying gold enriched targets worth investing resources fo... more The preliminary study was aimed at identifying gold enriched targets worth investing resources for detail exploration project before mining. Geological mapping of the study area which forms part of the karau-karau schist beltreveals that lithologically the area composed of Pre-Cambrian gneisses, fine to medium grain granite, porphyritic biotite granite, porphyritic hornblende granite, diorite as well as the metasediments which are mostly muscovite-biotite schist, phyllites and quartzites. Guided by the geophysical technique using gold detector (BR 800-P metal detector), a total of five pits and five trenches were excavated and logged geologically, soil horizons intercepted were brownish clays, brown mica schist and reddish clay with yellow stains, in places the top soil was lateritic with angular quartz pebbles, some alluvial and elluvial gold have been suspected but at this stage cannot be confirmed. XRF geochemical analysis conducted on rock samples indicated 3 targets for primary...
Jurnal Studi Komunikasi (Indonesian Journal of Communications Studies), 2021
This systematic literature review aimed to analyse the studies on organisational communication, e... more This systematic literature review aimed to analyse the studies on organisational communication, especially female leadership. The data collection was conducted on Google Scholar, Researchgate, and other reputable journals using the following keywords: “female leadership in organisational communication,” “women, leadership and organisation,” and “organisation, leadership and gender.” From these searches, fifty articles were investigated for the role of female leadership in organisational communication perspective. The result indicates that women can carry out their role as leaders in line with the organisational transformations. As leaders, women must be able to become the main communicator in the organisation. The results also reveal that from the perspective of organisational communication, many female leaders use democratic leadership styles. In terms of Role Theory, we found that female leaders can carry out their roles well, thus positively impacting the organisation.
This study examined the impact of educational, legal, and behavioral factors on the applicability... more This study examined the impact of educational, legal, and behavioral factors on the applicability of forensic accounting in the public sector in Nigeria. The study utilized primary data through the administration of questionnaires to accountants the internal and external auditors drawn from seven states of the North-Western geo-political zone of Nigeria. Partial Least Squares (PLS) path modeling using smart PLS3 Statistical Software was employed for the analysis. The findings indicated that behavioral, educational, and legal factors are positively related to the applicability of forensic accounting in the states. The results revealed the importance of giving special consideration to educational, legal, and behavioral factors to ensure the successful application of forensic accounting to deter and detect corruption and other fraudulent activities in Nigeria. The study shows how educational and professional institutions would assist in the promotion of the awareness, knowledge, and sk...
Researchers have proposed different and varying methods in approaching risk factors and identific... more Researchers have proposed different and varying methods in approaching risk factors and identification, but none has comprehensively dealt with the issue of risk factors in rice production. Most research on risk sources in rice production are treated on a broad level without narrowing it down to the farmers level. Risk identification in rice production should encompass all areas in the production as much as possible. In this study, based on how the factors, both outward and inward influence the productivity of rice production, the researchers aim at analysing the risk sources and perception in rice production in Soba, Kaduna state, Nigeria. Well established questionnaires were used in accumulating data from 342 farmers in the field. The sample number was gotten using Yamane formula for determining sample size in a population study. The information collected with questionnaires was examined making use of SPSS which entails mean, frequency table, percentages, charts and Kendall’s stat...
The problem in this research is that the athletes have not had a good physical condition. The low... more The problem in this research is that the athletes have not had a good physical condition. The low performance of athletes has decreased from year to year. The aim of the study was to see how the Physical Condition Level of Women's Volleyball Athletes at the BPC Tanah Datar Regency club. This type of research is quantitative using descriptive methods. The population in the study amounted to 16 people. The sampling technique used purposive sampling, thus the number of samples in the study were 12 female volleyball athletes at the BPC club Tanah Datar Regency. The data analysis technique is a percentage. Research result ; (1) The aerobic endurance in the category is sufficient with an average of 23.3 ml / kg.bb / m or about 41.67%, (2) the explosive power of the arm muscles in the less category with an average of 5.5 m or about 25%, (3) The explosive power of the leg muscles that is currently owned is in the low category with an average of 63 kg-m / second or about 33.33%, (4) the ...
ATBU Journal of Science, Technology and Education, 2019
The work centered on the assessment of supply chain management of Zuma Bricks Nigeria Limited. Th... more The work centered on the assessment of supply chain management of Zuma Bricks Nigeria Limited. The study attempts to assess the organization’s present supply chain management practice and its impact. The need to have an edge over competitors and enhance customer’s satisfaction by reducing cost and improve quality service delivery was the key issues that necessitated this research. The study identified the product of the company. The data were collected from the staffs of the company. An interview was conducted with the production manager of the company and thirty-four (34) questionnaires were administered to all the company staff while twenty-five (25) filled questionnaires were returned. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and results presented in form of tables. The result revealed that the organization’s supply chain strategy can be characterized as a push-based supply chain strategy which is slow to react to market changes, therefore stock-outs or excess inventory...
Salah satu standar penting dalam NCTM adalah kemampuan problem solving . Standar ini dapat diimpl... more Salah satu standar penting dalam NCTM adalah kemampuan problem solving . Standar ini dapat diimplementasikan ke dalam pembelajaran melalui penerapan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah (PBL). Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mendeskripsikan proses internalisasi standar problem solving ke dalam pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh guru sekolah dasar melalui model PBL. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Subjek penelitian dalam penelitian ini yaitu 24 guru sekolah dasar kelas tinggi di Gugus IV Kota Mataram. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan angket survey secara online melalui platform google form dan wawancara melalui media whatsapp . Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa 23 subjek (95,8%) sudah mendengar istilah problem solving . sedangkan 1 subjek (4,2%) belum mendengar istilah problem solving . Pendalaman hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa proses internalisasi standar problem solving dalam pembelajaran matematika yang dilakukan oleh guru se...
PurposeThis study explores the benefits of business financial inclusion from the Islamic perspect... more PurposeThis study explores the benefits of business financial inclusion from the Islamic perspective in Nigeria by selecting Kano state as a case study.Design/methodology/approachPrimary data were generated through semi-structured interviews with experts who comprised professional accountants/consultants and experienced traders. Thematic analysis was applied to examine the data collected. In addition, observations were made in some selected stores and shops to complement the interview results.FindingsThe study finds that the benefits of business financial inclusion include recordkeeping improvement, reduction of the risks of bad debts, reduction of the risks associated with cash, enhancing business zakāh for poverty alleviation, sales improvement and business growth, getting supports from government and other development organizations and the provision of employment opportunities.Research limitations/implicationsThis study is purely qualitative, and, as such, it has some limitations...
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Kantor Kementerian Agama Kabupaten Bantaeng memberikan pelayana... more Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Kantor Kementerian Agama Kabupaten Bantaeng memberikan pelayanan yang cukup baik, meliputi adiministrasi, bimbingan manasik transportasi akomodasi, konsumsi dan kesehatan. Kelebihannya yaitu (1) Adanya koordinasi yang rapi dan mapan kepada pihak atau intansi terkait sehingga mempermudah kelancaran pelaksanaan pelayanan ibadah haji. (2) Sarana dan prasarana yang mendukung dalam pelayanan pendaftaran, misalnya: ruang ber AC, kursi tunggu, TV. Koran, majalah, air mineral dll, memiliki kekuatan budaya kerjasama yang baik dengan lembaga lain. (3) Adanya subsidi dari pemerintah. (4) Adanya keramahan dari para petugas yang melayani para calon jamaah haji sehingga ada hubungan yang harmonis. (5) Adanya tenaga ahli professional yang berpangalaman yang bertugas sesuai dengan bidangnya masing-masing. Sedangkan kekurangannya yaitu; (1) Latar belakang jamaah yang beragam baik dari segi usia, pendidikan, sosial, budaya dll, sehingga mempengaruhi daya tangkap jama...
This study aims to find out how the effect of feed concentrate and the urea molasses block (UMB) ... more This study aims to find out how the effect of feed concentrate and the urea molasses block (UMB) to hemoglobin beef cattle. Riset in Samata Farming Integrated Systems (FIS) Gowa Regency and Lab. Integrated Livestock Product Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology UIN Alauddin Makassar. The method used a randomized block design (RAK) with 2 x 6 pattern, (T1; forage 70 + concentrate 30%), (T2; forage 70 + UMB 30%), using as 12 heads of bali cattle. Data analysis using t-student. The results showed that the concentrate and the urea molasses block (UMB), was not significant (P> 0.05) to the hemoglobin value of beef cattle.
In this paper, the complementary role of Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and Modal Analysis is stud... more In this paper, the complementary role of Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and Modal Analysis is studied using ANSYS Mechanical APDL. Primarily, two models (2D and 3D) of the flywheel are designed. Then, Finite Element (FE) static-stress analysis of the model was carried out, and it is found that the maximum von Mises stress (403 MPa) on the flywheel is lower than the yield stress (850 MPa) level, i.e. the design of the flywheel is safe. Afterwards, the Modal Analysis of the 3D model is carried out and six mode shapes are obtained at six different natural frequencies. Furthermore, Campbell diagram is plotted and two natural frequencies are identified. Moreover, mode shapes are plotted at the two critical speeds corresponding to their respective damped natural frequencies. The mode shapes are found to be stable, and therefore it can be remarked that the flywheel model is safe to operate within 12000 rpm. Finally, the performance of ANSYS models is determined by comparing analytical solut...
In this study, we want to know the effect of the Auditory Intellectual Repetition (AIR) learning ... more In this study, we want to know the effect of the Auditory Intellectual Repetition (AIR) learning model. In this study using a quantitative approach, with a Pre-Experimental Design research design with the type of One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design, where student learning outcomes will be reviewed in terms of student pre-test and post-test scores. Based on the analysis of research data, the average pre-test student learning outcomes are 40.94 and the average post-test student learning outcomes are 83.28. From these data, an analysis of Paired Sample t-Test data was performed, and the value of the calculated t-≤ t-table (7.758 <8.281) was calculated using the Sig. (2-tailed) of 0,000 then H0 is accepted. The conclusions of this study are (1) Student learning outcomes before the treatment is lacking, (2) Student learning outcomes after treatment is good, (3) There is a positive influence from the use of the Auditory Intelectual Repetition (AIR) learning model.
Primary: Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, 2021
During the pandemic, learning at elementary schools encountered many obstacles, including those r... more During the pandemic, learning at elementary schools encountered many obstacles, including those related to literacy. One indicator of basic literacy skills is that having reading fluency and comprehension. During the pandemic, how are students' basic literacy skills? This study aimed to determine the profile of students' basic literacy skills during the pandemic. This study was conducted at one of the public elementary schools in Kabupaten Lombok Tengah. This study was survey research that administered a test as the instrument. The research subjects were 110 students who were selected saturated sampling technique. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The survey results showed that 7% of the students were at the beginner level is 7%, while 10% of students were at the letter level. Then, 11% of the students were at the word level; 12% of them were at the paragraph level; 12% of students were at story one level as much as 12%, and 48% of students were at story level...
Selama 8 bulan terakhir proses pembelajaran dari rumah. Maka, sangat diperlukan pembelajaran jara... more Selama 8 bulan terakhir proses pembelajaran dari rumah. Maka, sangat diperlukan pembelajaran jarak jauh yang ramah siswa. Terkadang sebagai para guru/para dosen hanya asik membicarakan materi, metode dan aplikasi yang bisa dipakai dalam pembelajaran daring. Guru/dosen lupa menanyakan kepada siswa/mahasiswa, apa yang disukai dan apa yang tidak disukai mereka. Tujuan dari penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Peninjauan kembali penerapan pembelajaran jarak jauh yang ramah siswa di abad 21. Penelitian ini menggunakan Library Research dengan analisis induksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan perbedaan antara pembelajaran jarak jauh yang memang dimaksudkan dan didesain untuk pembelajaran jarak jauh dengan pembelajaran jarak jauh yang bersifat darurat. Dari diketahui setidaknya ada 4 perbedaannya, yakni persiapan pendidik dan peserta didik, sumber daya, proses pemeblajaran, dan sarana serta prasarana
This article uncovers learning methods and teaches moral integrity and leadership in training a s... more This article uncovers learning methods and teaches moral integrity and leadership in training a six-year cadre. The empirical voicing moral integrity problem affects many people from various countries, including Indonesia. Moreover, moral decadence and value inconsistency are increasing among young potential national leaders, which is urgently noted through moral integrity education and superior human resources at madrasah boarding schools that develop integrative and longlife learning. This has led to many proposals for improving integrity. A qualitative design with a phenomenological approach was used in this research, while the participants' criteria consisted of educators, alumni, national figures, and organizational leaders totaling 25 people. Furthermore, the learning method is developed after the data collection and integrated, leading to the moral integrity internalization of prospective leaders with a superior cadre formation scheme. As a result, the method fosters integrity and leadership in various ways, contributing to the development of leadership talents and moral integrity character in Islamic education programs. Therefore, this helps in adaptation and strengthening characters in other fields, including preventive action, promoting academic integrity success, and valuable to knowledge by educators at large.
The Journal of Muamalat and Islamic Finance Research, 2021
Islamic inheritance involves the allocation of the wealth of a Muslim deceased among his/her heir... more Islamic inheritance involves the allocation of the wealth of a Muslim deceased among his/her heirs after the settlement of legacies and debts. Irrespective of the amount given to each heir, if not invested, one day it will be finished through consumption, which could sooner or later make them live in poverty. Hence, this study intends to justify the Islamic need for investing inherited wealth. Another objective is to provide accounting treatments for basic Islamic inheritance transactions and the admission of heirs into an inherited business through the adaption of the provisions of AAOFI accounting and Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) Shariah standards for musharakah and mudarabah. The study established that the investment of inherited wealth in either musharakah or mudarabah ventures is in line with the Shariah to enable heirs to generate income sustainably to afford their needs. The study also showed the accounting treatments for basic Islamic inheritance transactions in order to deter...
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, 2020
Large distributed generation (DG) penetration into the power system needs to be accompanied by pr... more Large distributed generation (DG) penetration into the power system needs to be accompanied by proper planning to maximize the benefits and minimize the negative effects that may arise on the system. Determining the location and size of DGs in power systems is a complex issue because it involves hundreds or even thousands of buses and lines distribution. Various studies have been conducted to overcome these problems, including by developing existing methods or even discovering new methods. This study deals with location optimization and sizing DG in the radial distribution system to minimize power loss and voltage deviation. The location of the DG is identified using a loss reduction sensitivity factor (LRSF) while the size of the DG is determined using the improved method of symbiotic organisms search (SOS) called New Enhanced SOS (NeSOS). There are two methods developed in the NeSOS, namely random weighted inverse vector (RWIV) and dual-phase parasitism (DPP). DPP consists of classic parasitism (CP) and random weight parasitism (RWP). The NeSOS is programmed under MATLAB software and validated using 26 mathematical benchmark functions. NeSOS also tested on IEEE 33 and IEEE 69 bus test system and compared with other methods. The simulation results show that the convergence rate of NeSOS is 30% faster than SOS. NeSOS also provides an average power loss of 1.53% lower than other methods.
The purpose of this descriptive qualitative study is to look at the representation of students in... more The purpose of this descriptive qualitative study is to look at the representation of students in solving problems about stories. Subjects were selected based on the results of the pretest questions and short interviews conducted on 28 students in 1 class. Of the 28 students who were the subjects of the study, 2 students were chosen representing 2 categories of answers that appeared in 1 class. Each category, namely the category of students who answered correctly and students who answered incorrectly, were randomly assigned to one student for further analysis. The research location was Malang Saladin Middle School. Subjects will be given test questions and will be interviewed to gather information regarding the results of their work. The results of this study indicate that there are still students who have difficulty in solving mathematical problems in the form of story problems. This research also shows that repressance plays an important role in the success of students in solving ...
eL-Muhbib: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian Pendidikan Dasar, 2021
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tentang kesulitan guru dalam pembelajaran daring p... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tentang kesulitan guru dalam pembelajaran daring pada kelas IV masa Covid-19 di MIS Mande Kota Bima. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan sumber data para guru wali kelas dan kepala sekolah. Tehnik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tekni wawancara, observasi dan dokumenatsi objek penelitian. Analisis data penelitian diolah secara naratif meliputi tahap reduksi data, data display dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penetilitian menunjukan bahwa guru kelas IV di MIS Mande Kota Bima mengalami berbagai kesulitan ketika menerapkan pembelajaran daring, diantaranya fasilitas tidak memadai dalam proses pembelajaran daring, peserta didik kesulitan mempelajari dan memahami materi yang banyak dalam waktu yang relatif singkat. Adapun faktor penghambat pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang dihadapi guru kelas IV di MIS Kota Bima seperti; kurangnya kuota internet sehingga pembelajaran daring tidak ...
Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pembinaan dan pelatihan tekn... more Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pembinaan dan pelatihan teknik debat Bahasa Inggris bagi siswa SMAN I Moyo Utara Kabupaten Sumbawa. Tahapan-tahapan dalam kegiatan ini adalah (1) Planning, (2) Sosialisasi peraturan dan teknik National School Debating Championship (NSDC), (3) Pemberian materi debat bahasa Inggris yang dilakukan dengan mengenalkan tema atau topik gagasan debat yang akan diperlombakan di tingkat Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat dengan standar internasional, (4) Pendampingan dan pelatihan debat bahasa Inggris dengan memberikan materi terkait motion yang dilombakan, (5) Peserta pendampingan melakukan latihan pemahaman materi yang diberikan oleh pendamping, (6) Evaluasi kegiatan dilakukan dengan membuat kelompok debat, kemudian melakukan debat intra kelompok, dan (7) Pelaporan kegiatan. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi selama kegiatan (1) Peserta didik sangat termotivasi dan percaya diri menggunakan Bahasa Inggris selama pendampingan dan pelatiha...
The preliminary study was aimed at identifying gold enriched targets worth investing resources fo... more The preliminary study was aimed at identifying gold enriched targets worth investing resources for detail exploration project before mining. Geological mapping of the study area which forms part of the karau-karau schist beltreveals that lithologically the area composed of Pre-Cambrian gneisses, fine to medium grain granite, porphyritic biotite granite, porphyritic hornblende granite, diorite as well as the metasediments which are mostly muscovite-biotite schist, phyllites and quartzites. Guided by the geophysical technique using gold detector (BR 800-P metal detector), a total of five pits and five trenches were excavated and logged geologically, soil horizons intercepted were brownish clays, brown mica schist and reddish clay with yellow stains, in places the top soil was lateritic with angular quartz pebbles, some alluvial and elluvial gold have been suspected but at this stage cannot be confirmed. XRF geochemical analysis conducted on rock samples indicated 3 targets for primary...
Jurnal Studi Komunikasi (Indonesian Journal of Communications Studies), 2021
This systematic literature review aimed to analyse the studies on organisational communication, e... more This systematic literature review aimed to analyse the studies on organisational communication, especially female leadership. The data collection was conducted on Google Scholar, Researchgate, and other reputable journals using the following keywords: “female leadership in organisational communication,” “women, leadership and organisation,” and “organisation, leadership and gender.” From these searches, fifty articles were investigated for the role of female leadership in organisational communication perspective. The result indicates that women can carry out their role as leaders in line with the organisational transformations. As leaders, women must be able to become the main communicator in the organisation. The results also reveal that from the perspective of organisational communication, many female leaders use democratic leadership styles. In terms of Role Theory, we found that female leaders can carry out their roles well, thus positively impacting the organisation.
This study examined the impact of educational, legal, and behavioral factors on the applicability... more This study examined the impact of educational, legal, and behavioral factors on the applicability of forensic accounting in the public sector in Nigeria. The study utilized primary data through the administration of questionnaires to accountants the internal and external auditors drawn from seven states of the North-Western geo-political zone of Nigeria. Partial Least Squares (PLS) path modeling using smart PLS3 Statistical Software was employed for the analysis. The findings indicated that behavioral, educational, and legal factors are positively related to the applicability of forensic accounting in the states. The results revealed the importance of giving special consideration to educational, legal, and behavioral factors to ensure the successful application of forensic accounting to deter and detect corruption and other fraudulent activities in Nigeria. The study shows how educational and professional institutions would assist in the promotion of the awareness, knowledge, and sk...
Researchers have proposed different and varying methods in approaching risk factors and identific... more Researchers have proposed different and varying methods in approaching risk factors and identification, but none has comprehensively dealt with the issue of risk factors in rice production. Most research on risk sources in rice production are treated on a broad level without narrowing it down to the farmers level. Risk identification in rice production should encompass all areas in the production as much as possible. In this study, based on how the factors, both outward and inward influence the productivity of rice production, the researchers aim at analysing the risk sources and perception in rice production in Soba, Kaduna state, Nigeria. Well established questionnaires were used in accumulating data from 342 farmers in the field. The sample number was gotten using Yamane formula for determining sample size in a population study. The information collected with questionnaires was examined making use of SPSS which entails mean, frequency table, percentages, charts and Kendall’s stat...
The problem in this research is that the athletes have not had a good physical condition. The low... more The problem in this research is that the athletes have not had a good physical condition. The low performance of athletes has decreased from year to year. The aim of the study was to see how the Physical Condition Level of Women's Volleyball Athletes at the BPC Tanah Datar Regency club. This type of research is quantitative using descriptive methods. The population in the study amounted to 16 people. The sampling technique used purposive sampling, thus the number of samples in the study were 12 female volleyball athletes at the BPC club Tanah Datar Regency. The data analysis technique is a percentage. Research result ; (1) The aerobic endurance in the category is sufficient with an average of 23.3 ml / kg.bb / m or about 41.67%, (2) the explosive power of the arm muscles in the less category with an average of 5.5 m or about 25%, (3) The explosive power of the leg muscles that is currently owned is in the low category with an average of 63 kg-m / second or about 33.33%, (4) the ...
ATBU Journal of Science, Technology and Education, 2019
The work centered on the assessment of supply chain management of Zuma Bricks Nigeria Limited. Th... more The work centered on the assessment of supply chain management of Zuma Bricks Nigeria Limited. The study attempts to assess the organization’s present supply chain management practice and its impact. The need to have an edge over competitors and enhance customer’s satisfaction by reducing cost and improve quality service delivery was the key issues that necessitated this research. The study identified the product of the company. The data were collected from the staffs of the company. An interview was conducted with the production manager of the company and thirty-four (34) questionnaires were administered to all the company staff while twenty-five (25) filled questionnaires were returned. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and results presented in form of tables. The result revealed that the organization’s supply chain strategy can be characterized as a push-based supply chain strategy which is slow to react to market changes, therefore stock-outs or excess inventory...
Salah satu standar penting dalam NCTM adalah kemampuan problem solving . Standar ini dapat diimpl... more Salah satu standar penting dalam NCTM adalah kemampuan problem solving . Standar ini dapat diimplementasikan ke dalam pembelajaran melalui penerapan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah (PBL). Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mendeskripsikan proses internalisasi standar problem solving ke dalam pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh guru sekolah dasar melalui model PBL. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Subjek penelitian dalam penelitian ini yaitu 24 guru sekolah dasar kelas tinggi di Gugus IV Kota Mataram. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan angket survey secara online melalui platform google form dan wawancara melalui media whatsapp . Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa 23 subjek (95,8%) sudah mendengar istilah problem solving . sedangkan 1 subjek (4,2%) belum mendengar istilah problem solving . Pendalaman hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa proses internalisasi standar problem solving dalam pembelajaran matematika yang dilakukan oleh guru se...
PurposeThis study explores the benefits of business financial inclusion from the Islamic perspect... more PurposeThis study explores the benefits of business financial inclusion from the Islamic perspective in Nigeria by selecting Kano state as a case study.Design/methodology/approachPrimary data were generated through semi-structured interviews with experts who comprised professional accountants/consultants and experienced traders. Thematic analysis was applied to examine the data collected. In addition, observations were made in some selected stores and shops to complement the interview results.FindingsThe study finds that the benefits of business financial inclusion include recordkeeping improvement, reduction of the risks of bad debts, reduction of the risks associated with cash, enhancing business zakāh for poverty alleviation, sales improvement and business growth, getting supports from government and other development organizations and the provision of employment opportunities.Research limitations/implicationsThis study is purely qualitative, and, as such, it has some limitations...
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Kantor Kementerian Agama Kabupaten Bantaeng memberikan pelayana... more Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Kantor Kementerian Agama Kabupaten Bantaeng memberikan pelayanan yang cukup baik, meliputi adiministrasi, bimbingan manasik transportasi akomodasi, konsumsi dan kesehatan. Kelebihannya yaitu (1) Adanya koordinasi yang rapi dan mapan kepada pihak atau intansi terkait sehingga mempermudah kelancaran pelaksanaan pelayanan ibadah haji. (2) Sarana dan prasarana yang mendukung dalam pelayanan pendaftaran, misalnya: ruang ber AC, kursi tunggu, TV. Koran, majalah, air mineral dll, memiliki kekuatan budaya kerjasama yang baik dengan lembaga lain. (3) Adanya subsidi dari pemerintah. (4) Adanya keramahan dari para petugas yang melayani para calon jamaah haji sehingga ada hubungan yang harmonis. (5) Adanya tenaga ahli professional yang berpangalaman yang bertugas sesuai dengan bidangnya masing-masing. Sedangkan kekurangannya yaitu; (1) Latar belakang jamaah yang beragam baik dari segi usia, pendidikan, sosial, budaya dll, sehingga mempengaruhi daya tangkap jama...
This study aims to find out how the effect of feed concentrate and the urea molasses block (UMB) ... more This study aims to find out how the effect of feed concentrate and the urea molasses block (UMB) to hemoglobin beef cattle. Riset in Samata Farming Integrated Systems (FIS) Gowa Regency and Lab. Integrated Livestock Product Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology UIN Alauddin Makassar. The method used a randomized block design (RAK) with 2 x 6 pattern, (T1; forage 70 + concentrate 30%), (T2; forage 70 + UMB 30%), using as 12 heads of bali cattle. Data analysis using t-student. The results showed that the concentrate and the urea molasses block (UMB), was not significant (P> 0.05) to the hemoglobin value of beef cattle.
In this paper, the complementary role of Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and Modal Analysis is stud... more In this paper, the complementary role of Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and Modal Analysis is studied using ANSYS Mechanical APDL. Primarily, two models (2D and 3D) of the flywheel are designed. Then, Finite Element (FE) static-stress analysis of the model was carried out, and it is found that the maximum von Mises stress (403 MPa) on the flywheel is lower than the yield stress (850 MPa) level, i.e. the design of the flywheel is safe. Afterwards, the Modal Analysis of the 3D model is carried out and six mode shapes are obtained at six different natural frequencies. Furthermore, Campbell diagram is plotted and two natural frequencies are identified. Moreover, mode shapes are plotted at the two critical speeds corresponding to their respective damped natural frequencies. The mode shapes are found to be stable, and therefore it can be remarked that the flywheel model is safe to operate within 12000 rpm. Finally, the performance of ANSYS models is determined by comparing analytical solut...
In this study, we want to know the effect of the Auditory Intellectual Repetition (AIR) learning ... more In this study, we want to know the effect of the Auditory Intellectual Repetition (AIR) learning model. In this study using a quantitative approach, with a Pre-Experimental Design research design with the type of One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design, where student learning outcomes will be reviewed in terms of student pre-test and post-test scores. Based on the analysis of research data, the average pre-test student learning outcomes are 40.94 and the average post-test student learning outcomes are 83.28. From these data, an analysis of Paired Sample t-Test data was performed, and the value of the calculated t-≤ t-table (7.758 <8.281) was calculated using the Sig. (2-tailed) of 0,000 then H0 is accepted. The conclusions of this study are (1) Student learning outcomes before the treatment is lacking, (2) Student learning outcomes after treatment is good, (3) There is a positive influence from the use of the Auditory Intelectual Repetition (AIR) learning model.
Primary: Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, 2021
During the pandemic, learning at elementary schools encountered many obstacles, including those r... more During the pandemic, learning at elementary schools encountered many obstacles, including those related to literacy. One indicator of basic literacy skills is that having reading fluency and comprehension. During the pandemic, how are students' basic literacy skills? This study aimed to determine the profile of students' basic literacy skills during the pandemic. This study was conducted at one of the public elementary schools in Kabupaten Lombok Tengah. This study was survey research that administered a test as the instrument. The research subjects were 110 students who were selected saturated sampling technique. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The survey results showed that 7% of the students were at the beginner level is 7%, while 10% of students were at the letter level. Then, 11% of the students were at the word level; 12% of them were at the paragraph level; 12% of students were at story one level as much as 12%, and 48% of students were at story level...
Selama 8 bulan terakhir proses pembelajaran dari rumah. Maka, sangat diperlukan pembelajaran jara... more Selama 8 bulan terakhir proses pembelajaran dari rumah. Maka, sangat diperlukan pembelajaran jarak jauh yang ramah siswa. Terkadang sebagai para guru/para dosen hanya asik membicarakan materi, metode dan aplikasi yang bisa dipakai dalam pembelajaran daring. Guru/dosen lupa menanyakan kepada siswa/mahasiswa, apa yang disukai dan apa yang tidak disukai mereka. Tujuan dari penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Peninjauan kembali penerapan pembelajaran jarak jauh yang ramah siswa di abad 21. Penelitian ini menggunakan Library Research dengan analisis induksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan perbedaan antara pembelajaran jarak jauh yang memang dimaksudkan dan didesain untuk pembelajaran jarak jauh dengan pembelajaran jarak jauh yang bersifat darurat. Dari diketahui setidaknya ada 4 perbedaannya, yakni persiapan pendidik dan peserta didik, sumber daya, proses pemeblajaran, dan sarana serta prasarana
This article uncovers learning methods and teaches moral integrity and leadership in training a s... more This article uncovers learning methods and teaches moral integrity and leadership in training a six-year cadre. The empirical voicing moral integrity problem affects many people from various countries, including Indonesia. Moreover, moral decadence and value inconsistency are increasing among young potential national leaders, which is urgently noted through moral integrity education and superior human resources at madrasah boarding schools that develop integrative and longlife learning. This has led to many proposals for improving integrity. A qualitative design with a phenomenological approach was used in this research, while the participants' criteria consisted of educators, alumni, national figures, and organizational leaders totaling 25 people. Furthermore, the learning method is developed after the data collection and integrated, leading to the moral integrity internalization of prospective leaders with a superior cadre formation scheme. As a result, the method fosters integrity and leadership in various ways, contributing to the development of leadership talents and moral integrity character in Islamic education programs. Therefore, this helps in adaptation and strengthening characters in other fields, including preventive action, promoting academic integrity success, and valuable to knowledge by educators at large.
The Journal of Muamalat and Islamic Finance Research, 2021
Islamic inheritance involves the allocation of the wealth of a Muslim deceased among his/her heir... more Islamic inheritance involves the allocation of the wealth of a Muslim deceased among his/her heirs after the settlement of legacies and debts. Irrespective of the amount given to each heir, if not invested, one day it will be finished through consumption, which could sooner or later make them live in poverty. Hence, this study intends to justify the Islamic need for investing inherited wealth. Another objective is to provide accounting treatments for basic Islamic inheritance transactions and the admission of heirs into an inherited business through the adaption of the provisions of AAOFI accounting and Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) Shariah standards for musharakah and mudarabah. The study established that the investment of inherited wealth in either musharakah or mudarabah ventures is in line with the Shariah to enable heirs to generate income sustainably to afford their needs. The study also showed the accounting treatments for basic Islamic inheritance transactions in order to deter...
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, 2020
Large distributed generation (DG) penetration into the power system needs to be accompanied by pr... more Large distributed generation (DG) penetration into the power system needs to be accompanied by proper planning to maximize the benefits and minimize the negative effects that may arise on the system. Determining the location and size of DGs in power systems is a complex issue because it involves hundreds or even thousands of buses and lines distribution. Various studies have been conducted to overcome these problems, including by developing existing methods or even discovering new methods. This study deals with location optimization and sizing DG in the radial distribution system to minimize power loss and voltage deviation. The location of the DG is identified using a loss reduction sensitivity factor (LRSF) while the size of the DG is determined using the improved method of symbiotic organisms search (SOS) called New Enhanced SOS (NeSOS). There are two methods developed in the NeSOS, namely random weighted inverse vector (RWIV) and dual-phase parasitism (DPP). DPP consists of classic parasitism (CP) and random weight parasitism (RWP). The NeSOS is programmed under MATLAB software and validated using 26 mathematical benchmark functions. NeSOS also tested on IEEE 33 and IEEE 69 bus test system and compared with other methods. The simulation results show that the convergence rate of NeSOS is 30% faster than SOS. NeSOS also provides an average power loss of 1.53% lower than other methods.
The purpose of this descriptive qualitative study is to look at the representation of students in... more The purpose of this descriptive qualitative study is to look at the representation of students in solving problems about stories. Subjects were selected based on the results of the pretest questions and short interviews conducted on 28 students in 1 class. Of the 28 students who were the subjects of the study, 2 students were chosen representing 2 categories of answers that appeared in 1 class. Each category, namely the category of students who answered correctly and students who answered incorrectly, were randomly assigned to one student for further analysis. The research location was Malang Saladin Middle School. Subjects will be given test questions and will be interviewed to gather information regarding the results of their work. The results of this study indicate that there are still students who have difficulty in solving mathematical problems in the form of story problems. This research also shows that repressance plays an important role in the success of students in solving ...
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