Papers by yani hendrayani
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri), Oct 1, 2023
European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Oct 28, 2023
The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program's design dynamics of creativity continue to evo... more The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program's design dynamics of creativity continue to evolve across concepts and goals. This design was made in response to the broader community's growing interest and its larger contributions to the nation and state. This study focuses on how state defense values are the basis of CSR activities for the "State-owned Enterprises Present for the Nation" program in increasing nationalism in five own state corporations that actively participate in the program. On the official websites of the companies, a content analysis approach is applied as the study methodology. This study analyzes how CSR news makes the values of state defense the basis of CSR activities in increasing nationalism. A value analysis of how CSR activities are implemented and the ability to implement CSR is based on the country's value of the essential elements of the defense. The purpose of this research is to search the concept of state defense values in CSR practices on five state-owned corporations. The data is processed and analyzed to determine the content of state defense value in the CSR implementation and practice that is used as the basis of CSR activities on state corporations in Indonesia.
Ekspresi dan Persepsi : Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, Oct 16, 2023
Jurnal Visi Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Aug 14, 2023
JURNAL SYNTAX IMPERATIF : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan
Peningkatan penggunaan internet di Indonesia berdampak besar dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan. Adop... more Peningkatan penggunaan internet di Indonesia berdampak besar dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan. Adopsi teknologi internet yang cepat dan meluas di masyarakat Indonesia menjadi faktor utama peningkatan ini. Faktor-faktor seperti perluasan jaringan, aksesibilitas perangkat digital, dan kesadaran akan manfaat internet juga berkontribusi. Dalam ekonomi, internet membuka peluang perdagangan elektronik dan pemasaran online, serta memperluas pangsa pasar. Di bidang pendidikan, internet memberikan akses tak terbatas ke sumber daya pendidikan dan mendukung pembelajaran jarak jauh. Pertumbuhan pengguna internet yang pesat juga menghadirkan tantangan etika. Keamanan data pribadi, privasi, dan penyebaran konten negatif menjadi isu penting. Perlindungan data pribadi dan pembangunan kebijakan yang efektif diperlukan. Konten negatif seperti hoaks, ujaran kebencian, dan cyberbullying juga menjadi perhatian serius. Pendekatan holistik dengan partisipasi semua pihak terkait diperlukan untuk menangani is...
KnE Social Sciences, Aug 1, 2022
Bullying is a commonly reported phenomenon in Indonesian schools and universitiesprepetrated by s... more Bullying is a commonly reported phenomenon in Indonesian schools and universitiesprepetrated by seniors and, in some cases, classmates. This study was conducted at a state defense campus to examine the types of bullying faced by students and the ways to stop/prevent them. The authors used a mixed-method combining quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. Data were collected by distributing questionnaires to all students (a total population of 11,365) and selecting a sample of 1% (114 students). The authors interviewed leaders of the Student Affairs sector and conducted Focus Group Discussions with 10 representatives of student organizations from each faculty. The results indicated cases of relational bullying-a condition in which self-esteem is weakened by neglect, exclusion, and avoidance. The authors found that the bullying tendencies stemmed from the bullies' own personal and social experiences. Additionally, schools must train their Academic Advisors to ensure that protection from bullying in no way affects students' learning motivation. The authors expect this system to develop into an Early Warning System (SPD) for improving student excellence and to be implemented at all campuses considering the interrelated environmental, social, cultural, vision, and mission aspects of it.
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, Mar 2, 2019
Tourism sector in Indonesia is the potential sector to drive domestic economy. The strength of In... more Tourism sector in Indonesia is the potential sector to drive domestic economy. The strength of Indonesian tourism lies on natural beauty. East Lombok is the tourism destination that has such a natural beauty. Sustainable tourism development is major issue in tourism development. In order to realize sustainable tourism principles, these require partnership strategy. This study aims at providing analysis, evaluation and input to policy makers on issues related to partnership between the government and the stakeholders in realizing sustainable tourism in East Lombok. This research uses qualitative methods. Primary data was obtained from the in-depth interview techniques with main resource persons from Ministry of Tourism, East Lombok District Tourism Office, East Lombok District Government and several practitioners related to the research topics. The research results indicate that despite there are many challenges, there are several partnerships carried out by East Lombok District Government with the stakeholders in developing the tourism sector in East Lombok. These include the institutional partnership with the Regional Tourism Promotion Agency (BPPD), the joint partnerships with several associations in East Lombok District and the partnership between the East Lombok District Government and tourism awareness groups. With these partnerships, there are several public ideas about how to maintain tourism with sustainable tourism concept.
Jurnal Pustaka Komunikasi, Mar 28, 2020
This study discusses the effect of stop body shaming message content on followers attitude againt... more This study discusses the effect of stop body shaming message content on followers attitude againts body shaming. This study aims to determine the magnitude of the effect of the contents of the stop body shaming message on followers attitude againts body shaming. The model used in this study is a persuasive instrumental of model. The method used is quantitative. Data collection is done by distributing questionnaires. The population in this study is the Instagram account followers @kemenpppa, for samples using the Yamane formula which is then obtained by 100 respondents. The sampling technique used in this study was purposive sampling technique. The results showed that the results of the correlation test variable X (the contents of the body shaming message) to the variable Y (body shaming attitude) amounted to 0.752. Based on the calculation of the coefficient of determination results obtained the influence of variable X on variable Y by 56.5%. T test results obtained t count> t table that is t count 11.295> 1.661, it can be concluded that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. The conclusion from the study is that there is a strong influence between the contents of the stop body shaming message on Instagram @kemenpppa on followers attitude againts body shaming.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Apr 15, 2023
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become essential for companies to build strong corporat... more Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become essential for companies to build strong corporate branding. This paper examines the importance of CSR as a key element in building strong corporate branding. The study is based on a comprehensive literature review of previous research and theoretical perspectives on CSR and corporate branding. The results indicate that CSR activities positively impact corporate branding and enhance the company's reputation, customer loyalty, and performance. CSR activities such as philanthropy, environmental sustainability, and ethical business practices have been shown to contribute to strong corporate branding. Furthermore, effective communication of CSR initiatives to stakeholders is critical to the success of CSR programs in building strong corporate branding. The study highlights the significance of CSR in building strong corporate branding and provides practical implications for companies seeking to enhance their corporate reputation and improve their performance.
Pembangunan lestari adalah persoalan kompleks yang memerlukan sebuah kerjasama yang kuat antara s... more Pembangunan lestari adalah persoalan kompleks yang memerlukan sebuah kerjasama yang kuat antara syarikat kerajaan dan masyarakat dalam aktiviti perkongsian sosial. Forum CSR Daerah merupakan organisasi yang melaksanakan koordinasi program CSR dan program pembangunan yang berorientasikan pembangunan lestari. Namun terdapat jurang pengetahuan yang besar mengenai isu-isu kelestarian berdasarkan persepsi pengurus 'perniagaan bagi kes kelestarian demikian juga bagi pihak kerajaan. Sehingga dalam mencerminkan kekompleksan pembangunan lestari dipengaruhi oleh tekanan yang diterima, pengalaman dan pelbagai budaya yang berbeza. Tulisan ini menghuraikan proses komunikasi dalam aktiviti perkongsian sosial antara syarikat, kerajaan dan masyarakat di Forum CSR, Indonesia untuk mengupas permasalahannya. Oleh kerana itu tulisan ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan 1) konseptualisasi komunikasi penyertaan dalam perkembangan komunikasi di era modern 2) cuba membangunkan strategi komunikasi dalam membin...
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Proceeding of International Conference on Social Sciences, May 17, 2020
The purpose of writing this paper is to describe the urgency of developing the application of nat... more The purpose of writing this paper is to describe the urgency of developing the application of nationalism as an effort to increase the nationalism of urban students. Based on the study of the authors (2017 and 2018), efforts to increase student nationalism need to be carried out more systematically considering that these efforts currently rely solely on the role of schools through PPKN and History subjects. There are many indications of low nationalism, including in the activities of researchers who have just finished it (2019). Using qualitative methods, the results of the study show not only the aspects of attitudes and behavior, in the aspect of knowledge also found many notes (still found students who do not understand the meaning of nationalism denotative). Other findings are the lack of family participation in efforts to instill nationalism values (mainly because of the understanding that the inculcation of nationalism is only the responsibility of schools) and the unique character of students now as millennials who prefer practical and logical things in understanding nationalism, more critical in understanding ideas and ideas (dare to question why until now Pancasila is still used as a state ideology), besides that they are very attached to gadgets. In this context, why an important application development effort is carried out, besides that adequate input (from various directions and sources), referring to the Theory of Social Construction (Berger and Luckmann, 1990) in previous studies of researchers, helps students interpret nationalism better.
Pengelolaan Bank sampah kini tidak saja untuk menciptakan kebersihan lingkungan, namun bertransf... more Pengelolaan Bank sampah kini tidak saja untuk menciptakan kebersihan lingkungan, namun bertransformasi dapat diandalkan dalam kegiatan ketahanan ekonomi bagi ibu ibu rmah tangga terutama di masa pandemic Convid 19 ini. Perwujudan kesadaran sosial terhadap kebersihan lingkungan merupakan upaya yang dapat dicapai dengan sebuah penyuluhan yang efektif agar mendapatkan pemahaman masyarakat yang optimal. Peranan Agen sosialisasi Bank Sampah sangat menentukan keberhasilannya jika didukung kemampuan berbicara atau public speaking sehingga berhasil secara persuasif memotivasi kesadaran diri atau Self Awareness . Pelaksanaan PKM ini dilakukan oleh tim dengan memberikan pembekalan bagaimana membangun kepercayaan diri dan kemampuan berbicara yang efektif dalam keterampilan Public Speaking dalam menyampakan kesadaraan pengelolaan Bank Sampah. Tujuan dari kegiatan PKM ini adalah menumbuhkan kepecayaan diri dan kemampuan seni berbicara yang persuasif bagi pengelola Bank Sampah sebagai Agen S...
Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2020
Web of Science [v.5.35]-Web of Science Core Collection Full Record more Web of Science [v.5.35]-Web of Science Core Collection Full Record… 1/4
Participatory communication in the effort to reach sustainable development goals can create a rel... more Participatory communication in the effort to reach sustainable development goals can create a relationship among all the stakeholders to develop understanding in the context of language usage, channels, and space to ensure the successful implementation of group discussion between the government, companies, and society in CSR program. This study aims to analyze the participatory communication in the practice of CSR in the form of CSR forum case study. This study uses qualitative approach, which is an in-depth interview with the company and government and conducts focus group discussion by involving communities, program beneficiaries, which consists of the opinion leaders and nongovernmental organization (NGOs). From the result of the analysis in the communication component, there are nine significant basic components to evaluate the success of three sector partnership in achieving sustainable development. This study shows that the communication relationship in the practice of ideal C...
Perkembangan UKM di Indonesia yang terus meningkat dari segi kuantitas belum diimbangi oleh merat... more Perkembangan UKM di Indonesia yang terus meningkat dari segi kuantitas belum diimbangi oleh meratanya peningkatan kualitas UKM. Permasalahan klasik yang dihadapi yaitu rendahnya produktivitas yang disebabkan oleh masalah internal antara lain rendahnya kualitas SDM dalam manajemen, organisasi, penguasaan teknologi, dan pemasaran, terbatasnya akses UKM terhadap permodalan, informasi, teknologi dan pasar. Faktor penghambat lain yang tidak dapat dikesampingkan ialah persoalan mental para pelaku usaha yang masih sulit bekerjasama. Sehingga konflik of interest diantara mereka tidak terelakan bahkan terkadang menjadi penghambat dalam meningkatkan mutu/ kualitas produk dan jumlah produktifitas. Persoalan terhambatnya komunikasi di antara para pelaku usaha perlu dicari jalan keluarnya. Rendahnya kerjasama menjadi penyebab utama UKM bergerak lambat jauh dari target yang diharapkan . . Dalam tulisan ini komunikasi kelompok menjadi awal terjadinya pengembangan kerjasama di UKM Kota Depok. Komun...
Sampah merupakan salah satu masalah yang erat kaitannya dengan masyarakat urban Indonesia. Pengem... more Sampah merupakan salah satu masalah yang erat kaitannya dengan masyarakat urban Indonesia. Pengembangan Bank Sampah memerlukan kerjasama dari berbagai pihak, mulai dari Pemerintah Daerah, masyarakat setempat, hingga akademisi. Adapun yang menjadi tujuan program PKM ini adalah untuk mengembangkan kapasitas masyarakat Yayasan Al-Kamilah Serua dalam kegiatan pengembangan bank sampah dan bagi akademisi yaitu untuk menumbuhkembangkan kesadaran dalam kontribusinya terhadap pengelolaan sampah dilingkungan masyarakat sekitar. Program PKM ini dilaksanakan dengan beberapa tahapan, yaitu pra pelaksanaan (observasi dan sosialisasi), pelaksanaan program, dan pasca pelaksanaan (evaluasi dan pembuatan laporan). Sementara, metode yang digunakan adalah metode program pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui pelatihan, penyuluhan, dan pendampingan dalam bentuk pertemuan secara berkala antara narasumber dan masyarakat. Hasil Program PKM ini terjadi perubahan yang sangat signifikan tentang pemahaman masyarakat ...
This research is motivated use of cyberspace or online activities in providing public information... more This research is motivated use of cyberspace or online activities in providing public information services, especially of the 4.0 era which raises the issue of fakenews and the needs quickly information. The purpose of this research is to find out how the Badan Kepegawian Negara public relations strategy in improving the quality of public information services in the 4.0 era. The research method used is a qualitative with descriptive study analysis by collecting data through interviews. Concepts used are government public relations, cyber public relations quality, public services, 7-C public relations strategies and computer mediated communication. Research results show that BKN public relations have done a study of information service 4.0 in the use of cyber public relations websites, social media such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and canal complaints that is LaporBKN!. Cyber public relations strategies to improve service quality by adjusting the audience, infographics ...
Papers by yani hendrayani