This research focuses on the linguistic landscape (abbreviated as LL) and explores how both lingu... more This research focuses on the linguistic landscape (abbreviated as LL) and explores how both linguistic and non-linguistic markedness are manipulated in commercial advertisements to create a compelling impact on potential customers, thereby attracting their attention to the product. The study utilizes data collected from commercial signs found on social media platforms and snapshots taken within the Mataram Municipal area. These gathered data are then subjected to analytical processing, taking into account the verbal and non-verbal context surrounding the advertisements. Additionally, the conceptual aspects of the speakers are also considered to support the analysis of the marked and unmarked status of the analyzed terms. The findings reveal that the exposure of markedness in the signage heavily relies on foregrounding techniques. Foregrounding is primarily achieved through the violation of the speakers' expectations regarding the terms used, encompassing both linguistic and soci...
Kegiatan workshop ââ¬ÅPenentuan dan Perumusan Kompetensi Dasar, Tujuan Pembelajaran dan Indika... more Kegiatan workshop ââ¬ÅPenentuan dan Perumusan Kompetensi Dasar, Tujuan Pembelajaran dan Indikator Ketercapaian Kompetensi dalam K-13 versi Revisiââ¬Â telah dilaksanakan pada tanggal 14 September 2019 di Pondok Pesantren Haramain Putra Narmada pukul 08:00 ââ¬â 16:00 WITA. Kegiatan tersebut diikuti oleh 31 orang guru. Kegiatan worshop ini dilaksanakan dengan menerapkan metode pelatihan dan pendampingan. Hasil kegiatan berupa: a) Terlaksana dengan lancar dan sesuai rencana, bahkan peserta melampui target; b) Mendapat respon yang sangat tinggi dari masyarakat luas; c) Mereka memeroleh manfaat yang tidak ternilai dari kegiatan ini; d) Timbulnya semangat yang tinggi dari peserta untuk lebih dalam memahami dan lebih intensif menyusun perangkat pembelajaran, terutama RPP K-13 Versi Revisi; e) Mereka sangat antusias mengikuti seluruh rangkaian kegiatan, bahkan mereka mengusulkan agar kegiatan berlanjut terus. Kegiatan ini berlangsung dengan lancar dan sukses; f) Seluruh peserta sec...
VELES: Voices of English Language Education Society
Teaching English to young learners (TEYL) has been attracting the attention of governments (as po... more Teaching English to young learners (TEYL) has been attracting the attention of governments (as policymakers), TEYL practitioners, and students' parents alike. For some, among various issues surrounding TEYL, issues regarding the role of students' first language (L1), language skills to focus on, and when to start to teach English are among the critical issues in TEYL. This qualitative study assesses how academics have measured and conceived teaching English to young learners across 17 empirical studies from global and Indonesian contexts. Its specific goal is to determine what can be drawn from these investigations and what critical issues remain. Results indicate that English to young learners from the global context is divided into two opposing parties (i.e., proponents and opponents of early start). Meanwhile, Indonesian EYL practitioners (i.e., researchers, teachers, schools) and stakeholders (i.e., parents) mostly favor the early start. Yet, current research findings se...
The paper works in the area of linguistic landscape (hence LL). It concerns with the issue of how... more The paper works in the area of linguistic landscape (hence LL). It concerns with the issue of how markedness (linguistic and extra-linguistic) is manipulated in commercial ads in creating dramatic effect on the part of potential customers and hence attract attention on the product. The data of the study derive from commercial signages on the social media and direct snapshot taken around Mataram Municipal. The data gathered are then analytically processed by considering the verbal and non-verbal context surrounding the ads. In addition, speakers’ conceptual aspects are also taken consideration to support the marked and unmarked status of the terms analysed. It is found that markedness is exposed on the signages relies much on such strategy as foregrounding techniques. The foregrounding takes the form mainly of violation of the speakers expect on the term. The violations include both linguistic and socio-cultural perspective that the readers have. The foregrounding techniques are furt...
Darma Diksani: Jurnal Pengabdian Ilmu Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Humaniora
Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (Abdimas) ini merupakan seri lanjutan dari kegiatan Abdimas... more Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (Abdimas) ini merupakan seri lanjutan dari kegiatan Abdimas sebelumnya pada 2021 lalu (Putera, 2021). Sedikit berbeda dengan sebelumnya, topik kegiatan Abdimas tahun ini bertujuan untuk memberi pengetahuan kepada para guru tentang Linguistic Landscape dalam literasi digital. Sebagai sebuah pendekatan baru dalam studi kemultibahasaan dan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, LL mendorong untuk lebih banyak menggunakan materi-materi, dan tema-tema pembelajaran otentik yang ada di sekeliling kita baik yang berasal dari sumber non-digital maupun digital. Penggunaan materi dan tema-tema otentik akan menghasilkan pembelajaran yang kontekstual, relevan dengan situasi dan kondisi siswa, dan lebih bermakna sebab siswa lebih memahami isu-isu otentik yang ada di sekitarnya (seperti masalah sampah, bahaya merokok, dll) dibandingkan dengan isu-isu non-otentik yang tidak pernah/belum pernah mereka lihat, rasakan, dan alami selama hidupnya. Berlimpahnya bahan-bahan dig...
The shift to online learning milieu due to the Covid-19 pandemic has brought some impact in the p... more The shift to online learning milieu due to the Covid-19 pandemic has brought some impact in the practices or teaching learning including the nature of writing corrective feedback (WCF) that should also be migrated to online platforms. Although much research has been conducted on the effectiveness of WCF, less has explored student and teacher preferences and perceptions of online corrective feedback through various platforms in student thesis writing in response to this abrupt learning transformation. Lensing from a case study, we recruited two English teachers and fifteen learners non-randomly with a purposive sampling technique. This study used closed-ended questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. In analyzing the data, the researchers used the formulation of Sudijono (2006) for a closed-ended questionnaire and adapted the steps formulated by Creswell (2003) to analysis the interview data. The result showed that there were differences in preferences and perceptions between te...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji domain linguistik dan kualitas item alat penilaian sumatif... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji domain linguistik dan kualitas item alat penilaian sumatif yang digunakan untuk ujian akhir di SMA dan MA, dua jenis sekolah yang berbeda dengan penyedia yang berbeda. Ini adalah penelitian kualitatif yang berfokus pada analisis pada serangkaian tes buatan guru (TMT) di kedua jenis sekolah sebagai data primer dan respons guru bahasa Inggris sebagai data sekunder. TMT untuk kedua jenis sekolah diberikan kepada semua siswa di SMA dan MA di Lombok Timur, di mana penelitian ini dilakukan. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa (1) TMT dirancang oleh sebuah tim, diusulkan oleh pejabat pemerintah terkait institusi, urusan pendidikan dan budaya untuk SMA dan kementerian agama untuk MA; (2) dua TMT yang berbeda dikembangkan berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip desain pilihan ganda; (3) menilai pemahaman reading adalah item dominan dalam pertanyaan pilihan ganda tes SMA dan MA; (4) proporsi menilai keterampilan bahasa lainnya dan elemen linguistik dalam pertanyaa...
This study aims at investigating the use of grammatical cohesion in the descriptive essays which ... more This study aims at investigating the use of grammatical cohesion in the descriptive essays which were written by the third-semester students of English Education Program in the University of Mataram in the academic year 2019/2020. In detail, it was aimed to identify the types and the frequent types of grammatical cohesive devices which were used by the students in writing their essays. This study used the 21 third-semester students' descriptive essays as the resource of the data and they were analyzed by using the descriptive qualitative method. The results of this research show that all types of grammatical cohesive devices are found in the analyzed essays. There are reference, substitution, ellipsis, and conjunction. Among those four types which were found, reference occurred 1011 times or (83.6%) out of the total number of grammatical cohesive devices that were found in the students' essays, it becomes the most predominantly used grammatical cohesive device by the students. Followed by conjunction for existing 179 times or (14.8%), and then there is ellipsis with 17 times occurrences or (1.4%), meanwhile, substitution becomes the least prominent type used by the students with only 2 times occurrences or (0.2%) in their essays. The reference became the most used type from the other types is likely to happen because they are more familiar to use it. The frequent use of reference in the students' essays can be interpreted as an attempt to minimize the repetition of people's names, objects, and events occurring in the same essays.
Diversity is God's destiny for human existence. Diversity caused by geographical similarities... more Diversity is God's destiny for human existence. Diversity caused by geographical similarities, genetic or hereditary similarities, cultural similarities, religious similarities, or even national similarities is a manifestation of God's destiny. On the other hand, this diversity is often a trigger for the threat of damage to the social relations and even national or state unity. This study aims to analyze the scholars’ views about the meaning of the phrase "li ta'arafu" in the Al-Hujurat verse 13, al-Qur'an. This descriptive qualitative study using morphosemantic analysis method was focused on the lexicons, word changes of the phrase, and their meanings in terms of lexical meaning and denotative meaning in the Indonesian context. The results of this analysis are very important to the awareness of a linearity between good relations with God and good relations with other people.
As one of English- proficiency testing methods for non- native speakers, TOEFL is also used as a ... more As one of English- proficiency testing methods for non- native speakers, TOEFL is also used as a graduation requirement in almost every university in Indonesia. However, empirical studies report that a considerable number of students performed unsatisfactory. Therefore, many studies have been geared to investigate various aspects of TOEFL related things with the utmost purpose of helping students to meet the expected requirement. This includes scrutinizing gender factors in TOEFL like tests. Basing on quantitative ex-post facto, this research is aimed to see whether gender plays as a contributing factor to students’ ability to answer overview and detailed questions in the TOEFL listening. In this study, 42 out of 94 students’ scores were randomly selected. The data were collected from a TOEFL-like test’s result and were then analyzed using an Independent t-test on SPSS. Based on the t-test analysis, the result showed that there is a different performance of students based on gender,...
Pemanfaatan teknologi informasi sebagai media pembelajaran dapat memberikan pajanan ke dalam baha... more Pemanfaatan teknologi informasi sebagai media pembelajaran dapat memberikan pajanan ke dalam bahasa target secara maksimal melalui kegiatan empat keterampilan bahasa dan dua pengetahuan bahasa seperti kosakata dan tata bahasa. Ini dapat dilakukan melalui salah satu Program yang disebut Google Classroom dimana materi dalam bentuk dokumen word, excel, pdf, video, audio, dll dapat diintegrasikan ke dalam ruang kelas yang berbasisi IT. Rancangan materi tersebut telah dilatihkan kepada guru-guru bahasa Inggris yang tergabung dalam Muswarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP) Madrasah Aliyah di Kabupaten Lombok Timur. Mereka merespon kegiatan ini dengan sangat baik diketahui dari pernyataan dan keaktifan mereka dalam menyelesaikan tugas-tugas dalam pelatihan penyusunan tugas mandiri melalui Google Classroom, Google Form dan Google Driver.
PTeacher professionalism development in teaching career requires documents dealing with scientifi... more PTeacher professionalism development in teaching career requires documents dealing with scientific writing published in a journal. It was found that the article published by the English teachers in East Lombok district was still small in number and one of the factors causing this was the teachers’ lack of knowledge and skill in writing. Considering this problem, there needs to be of any assistance for the teachers in coping with their writing problems. This civil service program was to assist and develop the teachers’ competence in writing a journal article. Lectures, discussions, and group work were employed within the program taking place in Senior High School 2 Aikmel East Lombok and there were 25 teachers participating in this program. The participants, particularly the head of Senior High School English Teacher Association, greatly appreciated this program as it was really helpful to develop their writing competence and their motivation to write. The excessive teaching duty was...
Darma Diksani: Jurnal Pengabdian Ilmu Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Humaniora
ABSTRAK Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan guru t... more ABSTRAK Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan guru tentang konsep Linguistic Landscape (LL) dan menyusun langkah-langkah kegiatan belajar berbasis LL. Salah satu contoh materi LL yang dapat digunakan sebagai tema dalam aktivitas writing dan speaking di kelas EFL adalah foto-foto papan peringatan bertema “Bahaya Narkoba”, “Larangan Membuang Sampah”, “Larangan Merokok”, dan lain sebagainya. Tema-tema papan peringatan tersebut dapat disusun menjadi materi ajar yang tidak hanya menarik tetapi juga relevan dan kontekstual dengan kondisi lingkungan peserta didik. Materi ajar berbasis LL yang baik merangsang kemampuan berpikir kritis, kreatif, kolaboratif, dan komunikatif yang sangat dibutuhkan siswa dalam pembelajaran abad 21 ini. Sebanyak 25 orang guru mata pelajaran di Pondok Pesantren Raudlatusshibyan NW Belencong Gunungsari dan 4 orang mahasiswa terlibat dalam kegiatan ini. Metode kegiatan ini menggunakan sosialisasi dan diskusi kelompok de...
The success of learning cannot be separated from the level of self-directed learning (SDL) of the... more The success of learning cannot be separated from the level of self-directed learning (SDL) of the students. Therefore, this study aims at describing the level of EFL learners’ self-directed learning and exploring the main factors which affect their SDL levels. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative research. The participants are the fourth-semester students of the English Education Program in higher education in Lombok. The data were collected by using two sets of questionnaires: a close-ended questionnaire and an open-ended questionnaire. The data were analyzed with a thematic analysis method. The findings showed that 60% of students are at moderate level, 33% high, and 1% in low level. Two main factors which affect students’ SDL levels are teacher-student interaction and intrinsic motivation.
This research focuses on the linguistic landscape (abbreviated as LL) and explores how both lingu... more This research focuses on the linguistic landscape (abbreviated as LL) and explores how both linguistic and non-linguistic markedness are manipulated in commercial advertisements to create a compelling impact on potential customers, thereby attracting their attention to the product. The study utilizes data collected from commercial signs found on social media platforms and snapshots taken within the Mataram Municipal area. These gathered data are then subjected to analytical processing, taking into account the verbal and non-verbal context surrounding the advertisements. Additionally, the conceptual aspects of the speakers are also considered to support the analysis of the marked and unmarked status of the analyzed terms. The findings reveal that the exposure of markedness in the signage heavily relies on foregrounding techniques. Foregrounding is primarily achieved through the violation of the speakers' expectations regarding the terms used, encompassing both linguistic and soci...
Kegiatan workshop ââ¬ÅPenentuan dan Perumusan Kompetensi Dasar, Tujuan Pembelajaran dan Indika... more Kegiatan workshop ââ¬ÅPenentuan dan Perumusan Kompetensi Dasar, Tujuan Pembelajaran dan Indikator Ketercapaian Kompetensi dalam K-13 versi Revisiââ¬Â telah dilaksanakan pada tanggal 14 September 2019 di Pondok Pesantren Haramain Putra Narmada pukul 08:00 ââ¬â 16:00 WITA. Kegiatan tersebut diikuti oleh 31 orang guru. Kegiatan worshop ini dilaksanakan dengan menerapkan metode pelatihan dan pendampingan. Hasil kegiatan berupa: a) Terlaksana dengan lancar dan sesuai rencana, bahkan peserta melampui target; b) Mendapat respon yang sangat tinggi dari masyarakat luas; c) Mereka memeroleh manfaat yang tidak ternilai dari kegiatan ini; d) Timbulnya semangat yang tinggi dari peserta untuk lebih dalam memahami dan lebih intensif menyusun perangkat pembelajaran, terutama RPP K-13 Versi Revisi; e) Mereka sangat antusias mengikuti seluruh rangkaian kegiatan, bahkan mereka mengusulkan agar kegiatan berlanjut terus. Kegiatan ini berlangsung dengan lancar dan sukses; f) Seluruh peserta sec...
VELES: Voices of English Language Education Society
Teaching English to young learners (TEYL) has been attracting the attention of governments (as po... more Teaching English to young learners (TEYL) has been attracting the attention of governments (as policymakers), TEYL practitioners, and students' parents alike. For some, among various issues surrounding TEYL, issues regarding the role of students' first language (L1), language skills to focus on, and when to start to teach English are among the critical issues in TEYL. This qualitative study assesses how academics have measured and conceived teaching English to young learners across 17 empirical studies from global and Indonesian contexts. Its specific goal is to determine what can be drawn from these investigations and what critical issues remain. Results indicate that English to young learners from the global context is divided into two opposing parties (i.e., proponents and opponents of early start). Meanwhile, Indonesian EYL practitioners (i.e., researchers, teachers, schools) and stakeholders (i.e., parents) mostly favor the early start. Yet, current research findings se...
The paper works in the area of linguistic landscape (hence LL). It concerns with the issue of how... more The paper works in the area of linguistic landscape (hence LL). It concerns with the issue of how markedness (linguistic and extra-linguistic) is manipulated in commercial ads in creating dramatic effect on the part of potential customers and hence attract attention on the product. The data of the study derive from commercial signages on the social media and direct snapshot taken around Mataram Municipal. The data gathered are then analytically processed by considering the verbal and non-verbal context surrounding the ads. In addition, speakers’ conceptual aspects are also taken consideration to support the marked and unmarked status of the terms analysed. It is found that markedness is exposed on the signages relies much on such strategy as foregrounding techniques. The foregrounding takes the form mainly of violation of the speakers expect on the term. The violations include both linguistic and socio-cultural perspective that the readers have. The foregrounding techniques are furt...
Darma Diksani: Jurnal Pengabdian Ilmu Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Humaniora
Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (Abdimas) ini merupakan seri lanjutan dari kegiatan Abdimas... more Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (Abdimas) ini merupakan seri lanjutan dari kegiatan Abdimas sebelumnya pada 2021 lalu (Putera, 2021). Sedikit berbeda dengan sebelumnya, topik kegiatan Abdimas tahun ini bertujuan untuk memberi pengetahuan kepada para guru tentang Linguistic Landscape dalam literasi digital. Sebagai sebuah pendekatan baru dalam studi kemultibahasaan dan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, LL mendorong untuk lebih banyak menggunakan materi-materi, dan tema-tema pembelajaran otentik yang ada di sekeliling kita baik yang berasal dari sumber non-digital maupun digital. Penggunaan materi dan tema-tema otentik akan menghasilkan pembelajaran yang kontekstual, relevan dengan situasi dan kondisi siswa, dan lebih bermakna sebab siswa lebih memahami isu-isu otentik yang ada di sekitarnya (seperti masalah sampah, bahaya merokok, dll) dibandingkan dengan isu-isu non-otentik yang tidak pernah/belum pernah mereka lihat, rasakan, dan alami selama hidupnya. Berlimpahnya bahan-bahan dig...
The shift to online learning milieu due to the Covid-19 pandemic has brought some impact in the p... more The shift to online learning milieu due to the Covid-19 pandemic has brought some impact in the practices or teaching learning including the nature of writing corrective feedback (WCF) that should also be migrated to online platforms. Although much research has been conducted on the effectiveness of WCF, less has explored student and teacher preferences and perceptions of online corrective feedback through various platforms in student thesis writing in response to this abrupt learning transformation. Lensing from a case study, we recruited two English teachers and fifteen learners non-randomly with a purposive sampling technique. This study used closed-ended questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. In analyzing the data, the researchers used the formulation of Sudijono (2006) for a closed-ended questionnaire and adapted the steps formulated by Creswell (2003) to analysis the interview data. The result showed that there were differences in preferences and perceptions between te...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji domain linguistik dan kualitas item alat penilaian sumatif... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji domain linguistik dan kualitas item alat penilaian sumatif yang digunakan untuk ujian akhir di SMA dan MA, dua jenis sekolah yang berbeda dengan penyedia yang berbeda. Ini adalah penelitian kualitatif yang berfokus pada analisis pada serangkaian tes buatan guru (TMT) di kedua jenis sekolah sebagai data primer dan respons guru bahasa Inggris sebagai data sekunder. TMT untuk kedua jenis sekolah diberikan kepada semua siswa di SMA dan MA di Lombok Timur, di mana penelitian ini dilakukan. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa (1) TMT dirancang oleh sebuah tim, diusulkan oleh pejabat pemerintah terkait institusi, urusan pendidikan dan budaya untuk SMA dan kementerian agama untuk MA; (2) dua TMT yang berbeda dikembangkan berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip desain pilihan ganda; (3) menilai pemahaman reading adalah item dominan dalam pertanyaan pilihan ganda tes SMA dan MA; (4) proporsi menilai keterampilan bahasa lainnya dan elemen linguistik dalam pertanyaa...
This study aims at investigating the use of grammatical cohesion in the descriptive essays which ... more This study aims at investigating the use of grammatical cohesion in the descriptive essays which were written by the third-semester students of English Education Program in the University of Mataram in the academic year 2019/2020. In detail, it was aimed to identify the types and the frequent types of grammatical cohesive devices which were used by the students in writing their essays. This study used the 21 third-semester students' descriptive essays as the resource of the data and they were analyzed by using the descriptive qualitative method. The results of this research show that all types of grammatical cohesive devices are found in the analyzed essays. There are reference, substitution, ellipsis, and conjunction. Among those four types which were found, reference occurred 1011 times or (83.6%) out of the total number of grammatical cohesive devices that were found in the students' essays, it becomes the most predominantly used grammatical cohesive device by the students. Followed by conjunction for existing 179 times or (14.8%), and then there is ellipsis with 17 times occurrences or (1.4%), meanwhile, substitution becomes the least prominent type used by the students with only 2 times occurrences or (0.2%) in their essays. The reference became the most used type from the other types is likely to happen because they are more familiar to use it. The frequent use of reference in the students' essays can be interpreted as an attempt to minimize the repetition of people's names, objects, and events occurring in the same essays.
Diversity is God's destiny for human existence. Diversity caused by geographical similarities... more Diversity is God's destiny for human existence. Diversity caused by geographical similarities, genetic or hereditary similarities, cultural similarities, religious similarities, or even national similarities is a manifestation of God's destiny. On the other hand, this diversity is often a trigger for the threat of damage to the social relations and even national or state unity. This study aims to analyze the scholars’ views about the meaning of the phrase "li ta'arafu" in the Al-Hujurat verse 13, al-Qur'an. This descriptive qualitative study using morphosemantic analysis method was focused on the lexicons, word changes of the phrase, and their meanings in terms of lexical meaning and denotative meaning in the Indonesian context. The results of this analysis are very important to the awareness of a linearity between good relations with God and good relations with other people.
As one of English- proficiency testing methods for non- native speakers, TOEFL is also used as a ... more As one of English- proficiency testing methods for non- native speakers, TOEFL is also used as a graduation requirement in almost every university in Indonesia. However, empirical studies report that a considerable number of students performed unsatisfactory. Therefore, many studies have been geared to investigate various aspects of TOEFL related things with the utmost purpose of helping students to meet the expected requirement. This includes scrutinizing gender factors in TOEFL like tests. Basing on quantitative ex-post facto, this research is aimed to see whether gender plays as a contributing factor to students’ ability to answer overview and detailed questions in the TOEFL listening. In this study, 42 out of 94 students’ scores were randomly selected. The data were collected from a TOEFL-like test’s result and were then analyzed using an Independent t-test on SPSS. Based on the t-test analysis, the result showed that there is a different performance of students based on gender,...
Pemanfaatan teknologi informasi sebagai media pembelajaran dapat memberikan pajanan ke dalam baha... more Pemanfaatan teknologi informasi sebagai media pembelajaran dapat memberikan pajanan ke dalam bahasa target secara maksimal melalui kegiatan empat keterampilan bahasa dan dua pengetahuan bahasa seperti kosakata dan tata bahasa. Ini dapat dilakukan melalui salah satu Program yang disebut Google Classroom dimana materi dalam bentuk dokumen word, excel, pdf, video, audio, dll dapat diintegrasikan ke dalam ruang kelas yang berbasisi IT. Rancangan materi tersebut telah dilatihkan kepada guru-guru bahasa Inggris yang tergabung dalam Muswarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP) Madrasah Aliyah di Kabupaten Lombok Timur. Mereka merespon kegiatan ini dengan sangat baik diketahui dari pernyataan dan keaktifan mereka dalam menyelesaikan tugas-tugas dalam pelatihan penyusunan tugas mandiri melalui Google Classroom, Google Form dan Google Driver.
PTeacher professionalism development in teaching career requires documents dealing with scientifi... more PTeacher professionalism development in teaching career requires documents dealing with scientific writing published in a journal. It was found that the article published by the English teachers in East Lombok district was still small in number and one of the factors causing this was the teachers’ lack of knowledge and skill in writing. Considering this problem, there needs to be of any assistance for the teachers in coping with their writing problems. This civil service program was to assist and develop the teachers’ competence in writing a journal article. Lectures, discussions, and group work were employed within the program taking place in Senior High School 2 Aikmel East Lombok and there were 25 teachers participating in this program. The participants, particularly the head of Senior High School English Teacher Association, greatly appreciated this program as it was really helpful to develop their writing competence and their motivation to write. The excessive teaching duty was...
Darma Diksani: Jurnal Pengabdian Ilmu Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Humaniora
ABSTRAK Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan guru t... more ABSTRAK Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan guru tentang konsep Linguistic Landscape (LL) dan menyusun langkah-langkah kegiatan belajar berbasis LL. Salah satu contoh materi LL yang dapat digunakan sebagai tema dalam aktivitas writing dan speaking di kelas EFL adalah foto-foto papan peringatan bertema “Bahaya Narkoba”, “Larangan Membuang Sampah”, “Larangan Merokok”, dan lain sebagainya. Tema-tema papan peringatan tersebut dapat disusun menjadi materi ajar yang tidak hanya menarik tetapi juga relevan dan kontekstual dengan kondisi lingkungan peserta didik. Materi ajar berbasis LL yang baik merangsang kemampuan berpikir kritis, kreatif, kolaboratif, dan komunikatif yang sangat dibutuhkan siswa dalam pembelajaran abad 21 ini. Sebanyak 25 orang guru mata pelajaran di Pondok Pesantren Raudlatusshibyan NW Belencong Gunungsari dan 4 orang mahasiswa terlibat dalam kegiatan ini. Metode kegiatan ini menggunakan sosialisasi dan diskusi kelompok de...
The success of learning cannot be separated from the level of self-directed learning (SDL) of the... more The success of learning cannot be separated from the level of self-directed learning (SDL) of the students. Therefore, this study aims at describing the level of EFL learners’ self-directed learning and exploring the main factors which affect their SDL levels. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative research. The participants are the fourth-semester students of the English Education Program in higher education in Lombok. The data were collected by using two sets of questionnaires: a close-ended questionnaire and an open-ended questionnaire. The data were analyzed with a thematic analysis method. The findings showed that 60% of students are at moderate level, 33% high, and 1% in low level. Two main factors which affect students’ SDL levels are teacher-student interaction and intrinsic motivation.
Papers by ahmad zamzam