International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development
This study was conducted to identify the level of learning motivation of form two students to lea... more This study was conducted to identify the level of learning motivation of form two students to learn Malay during the Covid-19 pandemic. A total of 63 students were involved in the survey using this questionnaire. A total of 32 items taken from the previous study were used to measure the level of learning motivation among students using a five-point Likert type ordinal scale. The questionnaire went through a pilot study process and had a high reliability value as the recorded a Cronbach Alpha value is, p = 0.91 for a total of 32 items. The findings of the study were analysed by descriptive statistics, ie based on the values of frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The results of the study showed that the form two students had a moderate level of learning motivation with an overall mean value of 3.57 and a standard deviation of 0.52. Therefore, it can be concluded that learning Malay language subjects online has affected the level of learning motivation among students and a more effective teaching and learning method needs to be planned to overcome this problem.
International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development
The Covid-19 pandemic is an unexpected phenomenon that must be faced by the world. Apart from eco... more The Covid-19 pandemic is an unexpected phenomenon that must be faced by the world. Apart from economy and social, the world of education is also affected. The implementation of education had to be adapted to these unforeseen circumstances when educational institutions had to be closed. Students had to attend lectures online from their respective residences, as did lecturers when face to face lectures were taken over by online lectures. Although, students and lecturers have difficulty adjusting to these new norms in the early stages, both parties need to adapt to these changes. Whether we like it or not, the implementation of virtual teaching and learning must be used as well. Accordingly, this paper was conducted to obtain student feedback on the implementation of virtual lectures conducted by course lecturers. Students who attended the lectures were asked to comment on the implementation during the 14 weeks of the lecture in PutraBLAST UPM. Overall, the findings of the study found that lecturers can adapt to these changes by using several teaching platforms that are appropriate to the situation of students and students are also able to follow lectures smoothly.
The growing interdisciplinary research field of psycholinguistics is in constant need of new and ... more The growing interdisciplinary research field of psycholinguistics is in constant need of new and up-to-date tools which will allow researchers to answer complex questions, but also expand on languages other than English, which dominates the field. One type of such tools are picture datasets which provide naming norms for everyday objects. However, existing databases tend to be small in terms of the number of items they include, and have also been normed in a limited number of languages, despite the recent boom in multilingualism research. In this paper we present the Multilingual Picture (Multipic) database, containing naming norms and familiarity scores for 500 coloured pictures, in thirty-two languages or language varieties from around the world. The data was validated with standard methods that have been used for existing picture datasets. This is the first dataset to provide naming norms, and translation equivalents, for such a variety of languages; as such, it will be of partic...
This study aim to identify the effect of narrative and communicative approach towards learning mo... more This study aim to identify the effect of narrative and communicative approach towards learning motivation, learning engagement and the performance of writing skills within low performing form two students in Malay language in Ampang, Selangor. Narrative is a teaching and learning approach in writing skills which emphasizes interaction in the classroom environment. Meanwhile, the communicative approach emphasizes more on efficiency and correct usage in the language. Three objectives with 15 hypotheses were being researched in this study. In relation to that, the quasi experimental method supported by observational and interview data has been used. About ten statements measure the dependent variables of learning motivation while 22 statements measure the engagement in learning writing skills. The measurement tool for the dependent variables, performance of writing skills is in the form of non-format writing tests. Data collection was done three times; the pre-test, first post-test and second post-test. This quantitative data is analysed in the descriptive and inferential ways. The descriptive analysis involved is the mean, standard deviation, percentage and frequency. The inferential analysis used to identify the effect of teaching towards three dependent variables is covarians analysis (ANCOVA). Overall, study results show no significant effect of narrative and communicative approach on learning motivation, emotional and cognitive engagement and performance in writing skills, after controlling the mean score during pre-tests. The significant value obtained through the ANCOVA analysis is bigger compared to the alpha determined level, which is 0.05. The learning motivation during first posttest, p=0.739 and the second post-test p=0.157. Emotional engagement in the first post test is p=0.606 and p=0.224 in the second post-test. Cognitive engagement in the first post-test is p=0.717 and p=0.201 in the second post-test. The performance in the first post test, results show p=0.075 and p=0.355 in the second post-test. The variance size (eta square) effect value recorded was also low, which is between 0.1 per cent to 5 per cent only.
Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2021
This study explores the knowledge, understanding, and mastery of writing skills assessment among ... more This study explores the knowledge, understanding, and mastery of writing skills assessment among Malay language secondary school teachers in Malaysia. A total of 182 respondents from 91 secondary schools from seven different zones in Malaysia were selected using a purposive sampling technique. Survey design with a five-point Likert scale questionnaire instrument used in the study consisted of 117 items related to writing skills assessment. Statistical analysis is explained using standard deviation and mean score. The results of the study indicated that the determinants of the mastery level of writing skills assessment recorded the highest mean (M=3.92, SD=0.494). Then, it is followed by the second construct, which involves the implementation aspects of the evaluation was also rated highly (M=3.91, SD=0.482). The results also showed a significant and positive relationship between all respondents’ knowledge and their understanding of writing assessment implementation and their mastery...
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2021
The study was conducted to identify the effects of using song as a teaching aid for students stud... more The study was conducted to identify the effects of using song as a teaching aid for students studying foreign language at Universiti Putra Malaysia. Global language or foreign language is a compulsory course for students in Universiti Putra Malaysia. Students are required to learn this foreign language for two semesters, which is up to level two. Should they progress to level three, they will be awarded a certificate. As such, students will definitely need to have high motivation for learning the foreign language. Hence this study is undertaken to learn whether the approach is suitable to guide and enhance student's learning capabilities. This research was conducted on 105 students who were selected at random as respondents and were given online questionnaires to complete. The questionnaire was developed based on Dörnyei's (1994) theory, which is course specific motivational components involving four constructs (interest; relevance; expectancy; satisfaction). The findings showed that students strongly agree that learning foreign language using song has the following effect: (i) it does not make them bored, (ii) the lyrics trigger their interest to learn the foreign language, (iii) the use of songs in learning helps to reinforce vocabulary, and (iv) the students feel proud when they pronounce the words correctly.
Kajian kes ini telah dijalankan untuk mendapatkan maklumat secara mendalam mengenai pengaplikasia... more Kajian kes ini telah dijalankan untuk mendapatkan maklumat secara mendalam mengenai pengaplikasian naratif atau cerita dalam kalangan guru-guru mata pelajaran Bahasa Melayu. Berdasarkan kajian-kajian lepas didapati naratif atau cerita ini banyak dikaji di luar negara dan diaplikasikan dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran pelbagai bidang namun, banyak melibatkan pendidikan peringkat sekolah rendah. Malah, di negara ini naratif atau cerita banyak dilaksanakan di peringkat pra sekolah dan sekoleh rendah. Oleh itu, kajian ini dijalankan untuk mendapatkan pandangan guru-guru mata pelajaran Bahasa Melayu sekolah menengah berkaitan naratif atau cerita itu sendiri, juga untuk mengetahui sejauh mana ia dapat diaplikasikan di peringkat sekolah menengah. Temu bual jenis semi-struktur secara bersemuka telah dilakukan terhadap dua orang guru, iaitu seorang guru berpengalaman mengajar Bahasa Melayu selama 12 tahun dan seorang lagi berpengalaman selama lima tahun. Secara umumnya, guru-guru yang menja...
For teaching and learning Malay language grammar, there are many types of online assessment tools... more For teaching and learning Malay language grammar, there are many types of online assessment tools and applications have been developed in Malaysia. One such application is Quizizz, a game-based online quiz that facilitates teaching and learning. The purpose of this research is to measure the effectiveness of Quizizz application to teach and learn Malay grammar. We have used descriptive questionnaire research design, and chosen 130 students from Tamil schools by following the simple random sampling strategy. We have explored the effectiveness of Quizizz application as a formative quizzing tool for teaching and learning Malay grammar in year-four Tamil school students from 15 Tamil schools in Manjung district. The results showed that it was imperative to use Quizizz as a formative assessment tool to learn and teach Malay grammar to Tamil students. Students also responded positively to the use of Quizizz in the classroom through survey questionnaire results. At the end, we conclude that it is important for teachers to consider using fun and entertainment technology quizzing tools to teach Malay grammar.
Teachers’ subject matter knowledge is believed to be an essential attribute for effective teachin... more Teachers’ subject matter knowledge is believed to be an essential attribute for effective teaching and promoting successful student learning. It is important for teachers to know deeply about the subject they are teaching and how to link the knowledge to other disciplines. Ambiguity remains, however, warranting further research as to how student teachers’ view subject matter knowledge. This study aimed to look into student teachers’ subject matter knowledge as they are still in the stage of learning to teach. Semi-structured interviews with ten Malay language student teachers were carried out. Six themes emerged from the analysis: subject contents, fluent grammar, current issues, depth of knowledge, method of teaching and importance of the subject taught. The results of this study may help in increasing teachers’ awareness of the importance of having deep subject knowledge or in-depth of the subject in their own disciplines of teaching. These would also help in designing an effectiv...
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2021
Folk tales need to be exposed to children and adolescents. In the Malay folk literature, it was c... more Folk tales need to be exposed to children and adolescents. In the Malay folk literature, it was clear that the Malay worldview was reflected. The Malay worldview of life emphasized good relations between human beings, nature, and the environment. This statement proved that the elements found in folk tales could be shared with children and adolescents. Children and teenagers could learn from reading. At this stage of development, children and adolescents began to learn what is right and what is wrong. The objective of this study was to identify the Malay mind found in Children's and Adolescent Folk Literature and to analyze the Malay mind found in Children's and Adolescent Folk Literature. The findings of the study showed that the folk tales discussed symbolized the wisdom of the mind of the traditional Malay community. Subtly made remarks using natural resources opened the minds of the audience to think.
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2020
Information and communication technology skills are some of the most important components that ar... more Information and communication technology skills are some of the most important components that are emphasized y employers today. This rapid technological development makes the curriculum in institutions of higher learning to apply technological elements in teaching and learning. Students are not left ehind in the field of language to enale them to compete in the career market after completing their studies. To that end, a survey using a questionnaire was conducted to identify the level of information and communication technology skills among students in the field of language. A total of 30 samples from 9(30.0%) men and 21(70.0%) were female students in the fifth semester to the final semester of the achelor of Arts (Malay Language and Linguistics). In total, 11(36.7%) students are moderately skilled and 19(63.3%) are highly skilled in information and communication technology skills. Most of the students surveyed also spend more than seven hours surfing the Internet which is usually rowsed through their respective smartphones. Usually, these students surf the Internet to access email, for entertainment and curiosity.
Awareness of the career to be pursued can be present as early as childhood and can vary according... more Awareness of the career to be pursued can be present as early as childhood and can vary according to knowledge and interest. Most of today's children are more focused on achieving excellence in education, but still vague in the career that will be pursued. This situation persisted when they continued their studies at higher education and they realized that the choice of field of study was not in line with their ambitions. Usually, these children choose a field based on their results rather than settling for the required degree for the field of interest. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the extent of students’ understanding of the scope and career prospects in Malay language. Students were distributed with a set of questionnaires containing 54 items using ordinal scales of semantic difference types. The findings of the study showed that 34(56.7%) of the students studied chose this field of study as the main choice. Students also showed a high level of knowledge ab...
International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development
This study was conducted to identify the level of learning motivation of form two students to lea... more This study was conducted to identify the level of learning motivation of form two students to learn Malay during the Covid-19 pandemic. A total of 63 students were involved in the survey using this questionnaire. A total of 32 items taken from the previous study were used to measure the level of learning motivation among students using a five-point Likert type ordinal scale. The questionnaire went through a pilot study process and had a high reliability value as the recorded a Cronbach Alpha value is, p = 0.91 for a total of 32 items. The findings of the study were analysed by descriptive statistics, ie based on the values of frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The results of the study showed that the form two students had a moderate level of learning motivation with an overall mean value of 3.57 and a standard deviation of 0.52. Therefore, it can be concluded that learning Malay language subjects online has affected the level of learning motivation among students and a more effective teaching and learning method needs to be planned to overcome this problem.
International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development
The Covid-19 pandemic is an unexpected phenomenon that must be faced by the world. Apart from eco... more The Covid-19 pandemic is an unexpected phenomenon that must be faced by the world. Apart from economy and social, the world of education is also affected. The implementation of education had to be adapted to these unforeseen circumstances when educational institutions had to be closed. Students had to attend lectures online from their respective residences, as did lecturers when face to face lectures were taken over by online lectures. Although, students and lecturers have difficulty adjusting to these new norms in the early stages, both parties need to adapt to these changes. Whether we like it or not, the implementation of virtual teaching and learning must be used as well. Accordingly, this paper was conducted to obtain student feedback on the implementation of virtual lectures conducted by course lecturers. Students who attended the lectures were asked to comment on the implementation during the 14 weeks of the lecture in PutraBLAST UPM. Overall, the findings of the study found that lecturers can adapt to these changes by using several teaching platforms that are appropriate to the situation of students and students are also able to follow lectures smoothly.
The growing interdisciplinary research field of psycholinguistics is in constant need of new and ... more The growing interdisciplinary research field of psycholinguistics is in constant need of new and up-to-date tools which will allow researchers to answer complex questions, but also expand on languages other than English, which dominates the field. One type of such tools are picture datasets which provide naming norms for everyday objects. However, existing databases tend to be small in terms of the number of items they include, and have also been normed in a limited number of languages, despite the recent boom in multilingualism research. In this paper we present the Multilingual Picture (Multipic) database, containing naming norms and familiarity scores for 500 coloured pictures, in thirty-two languages or language varieties from around the world. The data was validated with standard methods that have been used for existing picture datasets. This is the first dataset to provide naming norms, and translation equivalents, for such a variety of languages; as such, it will be of partic...
This study aim to identify the effect of narrative and communicative approach towards learning mo... more This study aim to identify the effect of narrative and communicative approach towards learning motivation, learning engagement and the performance of writing skills within low performing form two students in Malay language in Ampang, Selangor. Narrative is a teaching and learning approach in writing skills which emphasizes interaction in the classroom environment. Meanwhile, the communicative approach emphasizes more on efficiency and correct usage in the language. Three objectives with 15 hypotheses were being researched in this study. In relation to that, the quasi experimental method supported by observational and interview data has been used. About ten statements measure the dependent variables of learning motivation while 22 statements measure the engagement in learning writing skills. The measurement tool for the dependent variables, performance of writing skills is in the form of non-format writing tests. Data collection was done three times; the pre-test, first post-test and second post-test. This quantitative data is analysed in the descriptive and inferential ways. The descriptive analysis involved is the mean, standard deviation, percentage and frequency. The inferential analysis used to identify the effect of teaching towards three dependent variables is covarians analysis (ANCOVA). Overall, study results show no significant effect of narrative and communicative approach on learning motivation, emotional and cognitive engagement and performance in writing skills, after controlling the mean score during pre-tests. The significant value obtained through the ANCOVA analysis is bigger compared to the alpha determined level, which is 0.05. The learning motivation during first posttest, p=0.739 and the second post-test p=0.157. Emotional engagement in the first post test is p=0.606 and p=0.224 in the second post-test. Cognitive engagement in the first post-test is p=0.717 and p=0.201 in the second post-test. The performance in the first post test, results show p=0.075 and p=0.355 in the second post-test. The variance size (eta square) effect value recorded was also low, which is between 0.1 per cent to 5 per cent only.
Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2021
This study explores the knowledge, understanding, and mastery of writing skills assessment among ... more This study explores the knowledge, understanding, and mastery of writing skills assessment among Malay language secondary school teachers in Malaysia. A total of 182 respondents from 91 secondary schools from seven different zones in Malaysia were selected using a purposive sampling technique. Survey design with a five-point Likert scale questionnaire instrument used in the study consisted of 117 items related to writing skills assessment. Statistical analysis is explained using standard deviation and mean score. The results of the study indicated that the determinants of the mastery level of writing skills assessment recorded the highest mean (M=3.92, SD=0.494). Then, it is followed by the second construct, which involves the implementation aspects of the evaluation was also rated highly (M=3.91, SD=0.482). The results also showed a significant and positive relationship between all respondents’ knowledge and their understanding of writing assessment implementation and their mastery...
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2021
The study was conducted to identify the effects of using song as a teaching aid for students stud... more The study was conducted to identify the effects of using song as a teaching aid for students studying foreign language at Universiti Putra Malaysia. Global language or foreign language is a compulsory course for students in Universiti Putra Malaysia. Students are required to learn this foreign language for two semesters, which is up to level two. Should they progress to level three, they will be awarded a certificate. As such, students will definitely need to have high motivation for learning the foreign language. Hence this study is undertaken to learn whether the approach is suitable to guide and enhance student's learning capabilities. This research was conducted on 105 students who were selected at random as respondents and were given online questionnaires to complete. The questionnaire was developed based on Dörnyei's (1994) theory, which is course specific motivational components involving four constructs (interest; relevance; expectancy; satisfaction). The findings showed that students strongly agree that learning foreign language using song has the following effect: (i) it does not make them bored, (ii) the lyrics trigger their interest to learn the foreign language, (iii) the use of songs in learning helps to reinforce vocabulary, and (iv) the students feel proud when they pronounce the words correctly.
Kajian kes ini telah dijalankan untuk mendapatkan maklumat secara mendalam mengenai pengaplikasia... more Kajian kes ini telah dijalankan untuk mendapatkan maklumat secara mendalam mengenai pengaplikasian naratif atau cerita dalam kalangan guru-guru mata pelajaran Bahasa Melayu. Berdasarkan kajian-kajian lepas didapati naratif atau cerita ini banyak dikaji di luar negara dan diaplikasikan dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran pelbagai bidang namun, banyak melibatkan pendidikan peringkat sekolah rendah. Malah, di negara ini naratif atau cerita banyak dilaksanakan di peringkat pra sekolah dan sekoleh rendah. Oleh itu, kajian ini dijalankan untuk mendapatkan pandangan guru-guru mata pelajaran Bahasa Melayu sekolah menengah berkaitan naratif atau cerita itu sendiri, juga untuk mengetahui sejauh mana ia dapat diaplikasikan di peringkat sekolah menengah. Temu bual jenis semi-struktur secara bersemuka telah dilakukan terhadap dua orang guru, iaitu seorang guru berpengalaman mengajar Bahasa Melayu selama 12 tahun dan seorang lagi berpengalaman selama lima tahun. Secara umumnya, guru-guru yang menja...
For teaching and learning Malay language grammar, there are many types of online assessment tools... more For teaching and learning Malay language grammar, there are many types of online assessment tools and applications have been developed in Malaysia. One such application is Quizizz, a game-based online quiz that facilitates teaching and learning. The purpose of this research is to measure the effectiveness of Quizizz application to teach and learn Malay grammar. We have used descriptive questionnaire research design, and chosen 130 students from Tamil schools by following the simple random sampling strategy. We have explored the effectiveness of Quizizz application as a formative quizzing tool for teaching and learning Malay grammar in year-four Tamil school students from 15 Tamil schools in Manjung district. The results showed that it was imperative to use Quizizz as a formative assessment tool to learn and teach Malay grammar to Tamil students. Students also responded positively to the use of Quizizz in the classroom through survey questionnaire results. At the end, we conclude that it is important for teachers to consider using fun and entertainment technology quizzing tools to teach Malay grammar.
Teachers’ subject matter knowledge is believed to be an essential attribute for effective teachin... more Teachers’ subject matter knowledge is believed to be an essential attribute for effective teaching and promoting successful student learning. It is important for teachers to know deeply about the subject they are teaching and how to link the knowledge to other disciplines. Ambiguity remains, however, warranting further research as to how student teachers’ view subject matter knowledge. This study aimed to look into student teachers’ subject matter knowledge as they are still in the stage of learning to teach. Semi-structured interviews with ten Malay language student teachers were carried out. Six themes emerged from the analysis: subject contents, fluent grammar, current issues, depth of knowledge, method of teaching and importance of the subject taught. The results of this study may help in increasing teachers’ awareness of the importance of having deep subject knowledge or in-depth of the subject in their own disciplines of teaching. These would also help in designing an effectiv...
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2021
Folk tales need to be exposed to children and adolescents. In the Malay folk literature, it was c... more Folk tales need to be exposed to children and adolescents. In the Malay folk literature, it was clear that the Malay worldview was reflected. The Malay worldview of life emphasized good relations between human beings, nature, and the environment. This statement proved that the elements found in folk tales could be shared with children and adolescents. Children and teenagers could learn from reading. At this stage of development, children and adolescents began to learn what is right and what is wrong. The objective of this study was to identify the Malay mind found in Children's and Adolescent Folk Literature and to analyze the Malay mind found in Children's and Adolescent Folk Literature. The findings of the study showed that the folk tales discussed symbolized the wisdom of the mind of the traditional Malay community. Subtly made remarks using natural resources opened the minds of the audience to think.
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2020
Information and communication technology skills are some of the most important components that ar... more Information and communication technology skills are some of the most important components that are emphasized y employers today. This rapid technological development makes the curriculum in institutions of higher learning to apply technological elements in teaching and learning. Students are not left ehind in the field of language to enale them to compete in the career market after completing their studies. To that end, a survey using a questionnaire was conducted to identify the level of information and communication technology skills among students in the field of language. A total of 30 samples from 9(30.0%) men and 21(70.0%) were female students in the fifth semester to the final semester of the achelor of Arts (Malay Language and Linguistics). In total, 11(36.7%) students are moderately skilled and 19(63.3%) are highly skilled in information and communication technology skills. Most of the students surveyed also spend more than seven hours surfing the Internet which is usually rowsed through their respective smartphones. Usually, these students surf the Internet to access email, for entertainment and curiosity.
Awareness of the career to be pursued can be present as early as childhood and can vary according... more Awareness of the career to be pursued can be present as early as childhood and can vary according to knowledge and interest. Most of today's children are more focused on achieving excellence in education, but still vague in the career that will be pursued. This situation persisted when they continued their studies at higher education and they realized that the choice of field of study was not in line with their ambitions. Usually, these children choose a field based on their results rather than settling for the required degree for the field of interest. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the extent of students’ understanding of the scope and career prospects in Malay language. Students were distributed with a set of questionnaires containing 54 items using ordinal scales of semantic difference types. The findings of the study showed that 34(56.7%) of the students studied chose this field of study as the main choice. Students also showed a high level of knowledge ab...
Papers by zuraini jusoh