Papers by Sholpan Itkulova
Neftʹ i gaz, Dec 15, 2023
Важнейшим глобальным вызовом, вызывающим озабоченность человечества, является изменение климата З... more Важнейшим глобальным вызовом, вызывающим озабоченность человечества, является изменение климата Земли вследствие выбросов парниковых газов (ПГ). В связи с этим углекислотная конверсия метана (УКM) вновь привлекает повышенное внимание, поскольку в процессе в качестве сырья используются два основных парниковых газа-метан (CH4) и диоксид углерода (CO2), продуктом взаимодействия которого является синтез-газ-основной строительный блок для производства ценных продуктов. Промышленному освоению данного процесса мешает быстрая дезактивация катализатора в результате его закоксовывания. Также низкое соотношение H2/CO в образующемся синтез-газе, которое обычно ниже 1.0, ограничивает пути его дальнейшего использования. Для решения этих проблем необходимо создание новых эффективных устойчивых к коксованию катализато-168 НЕФТЬ И ГАЗ 2023 6 (138)
The furnace gas resulting from the electrothermal production of yellow phosphorus contains up to ... more The furnace gas resulting from the electrothermal production of yellow phosphorus contains up to 95% CO, 2% O2, 2% H2, and 0.3–4.0% impurities, including phosphine (PH3), yellow phosphorus (P4), and hydrogen sulphide (H2S), which are characterized by flammability, explosion hazardousness, corrosiveness, and high toxicity. The presence of toxic impurities does not allow the use of waste gases from phosphorus production, which are mainly composed of valuable carbon monoxide, as chemical raw materials and/or process fuel. The authors propose a method for the purification of furnace gas from the main toxic component, phosphine, by its oxidisation using aqueous copper–ammonia complexes as a catalyst. This approach allows the cleaning process to be conducted under mild conditions. The degree of purification of the model furnace gas from P components is 90–99%, depending on the process conditions.
Journal of Advanced Chemical Engineering (Print), Mar 18, 2019
H ydrogen is the most accredited fuel for the future, hence, several efforts are actually focused... more H ydrogen is the most accredited fuel for the future, hence, several efforts are actually focused towards the development of processes and catalysts for producing hydrogen rich syngas from bio-fuels including biogas [1-2]. Biogas can be converted to synthesis gas composed of hydrogen and carbon oxide mainly by dry reforming or by a combination of dry and steam reforming using appropriate catalysts. Since the CH4 to CO2 ratio in biogas is about 1.5, dry reforming alone can lead to significant carbon deposition. Carbon deposition can be significantly inhibited by adding a small amount of steam and/ or CO2 into an initial feed and optimization of operative conditions. The problem of developing highly active and stable to carbonization catalysts has not yet been solved and remains one of the most important for these processes [2-5]. In this work, the multicomponent Co-containing catalysts were synthesized and tested in dry and steam reforming of a biogas. The processes were carried out in a tubular flow reactor with using a model biogas with a ratio of CH4/CO2=1:1 under atmospheric pressure, varying gas hourly space velocity (GHSV) and temperature within 1000-3000h-1 and 300-800oC respectively. The 0.5-2 volume parts of steam have been added to a feed for providing steam reforming of biogas. To elucidate the stability of the catalysts they were continuously tested for a long-term period-100-400 hours. The catalysts were characterised by a number of physico-chemical methods. The synthesized catalysts perform a high stable activity in both dry and steam biogas reforming with producing hydrogen rich syngas. At 700°C, P=0.1MPa, and GHSV=1000h-1, methane conversion reaches 95.0-99.0% and syngas produced gets a ratio of H2/CO=1.2-2.7 depending on the catalyst composition and process conditions. The catalysts performed a high stable activity for all period of testing in both processes.
News of the Academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2 NAS RK is pleased to announce tha... more News of the Academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2 NAS RK is pleased to announce that News of NAS RK. Series of chemistry and technologies scientific journal has been accepted for indexing in the Emerging Sources Citation Index, a new edition of Web of Science. Content in this index is under consideration by Clarivate Analytics to be accepted in the Science Citation Index Expanded, the Social Sciences Citation Index, and the Arts & Humanities Citation Index. The quality and depth of content Web of Science offers to researchers, authors, publishers, and institutions sets it apart from other research databases. The inclusion of News of NAS RK. Series of chemistry and technologies in the Emerging Sources Citation Index demonstrates our dedication to providing the most relevant and influential content of chemical sciences to our community. Қазақстан Республикасы Ұлттық ғылым академиясы "ҚР ҰҒА Хабарлары. Химия жəне технология сериясы" ғылыми журналының Web of Science-тің жаңаланған нұсқасы Emerging Sources Citation Index-те индекстелуге қабылданғанын хабарлайды. Бұл индекстелу барысында Clarivate Analytics компаниясы журналды одан əрі the Science Citation Index Expanded, the Social Sciences Citation Index жəне the Arts & Humanities Citation Index-ке қабылдау мəселесін қарастыруда. Webof Science зерттеушілер, авторлар, баспашылар мен мекемелерге контент тереңдігі мен сапасын ұсынады. ҚР ҰҒА Хабарлары. Химия жəне технология сериясы Emerging Sources Citation Index-ке енуі біздің қоғамдастық үшін ең өзекті жəне беделді химиялық ғылымдар бойынша контентке адалдығымызды білдіреді. НАН РК сообщает, что научный журнал «Известия НАН РК. Серия химии и технологий» был принят для индексирования в Emerging Sources Citation Index, обновленной версии Web of Science. Содержание в этом индексировании находится в стадии рассмотрения компанией Clarivate Analytics для дальнейшего принятия журнала в the Science Citation Index Expanded, the Social Sciences Citation Index и the Arts & Humanities Citation Index. Web of Science предлагает качество и глубину контента для исследователей, авторов, издателей и учреждений. Включение Известия НАН РК в Emerging Sources Citation Index демонстрирует нашу приверженность к наиболее актуальному и влиятельному контенту по химическим наукам для нашего сообщества.
News of the Academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2 NAS RK is pleased to announce tha... more News of the Academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2 NAS RK is pleased to announce that News of NAS RK. Series of chemistry and technologies scientific journal has been accepted for indexing in the Emerging Sources Citation Index, a new edition of Web of Science. Content in this index is under consideration by Clarivate Analytics to be accepted in the Science Citation Index Expanded, the Social Sciences Citation Index, and the Arts & Humanities Citation Index. The quality and depth of content Web of Science offers to researchers, authors, publishers, and institutions sets it apart from other research databases. The inclusion of News of NAS RK. Series of chemistry and technologies in the Emerging Sources Citation Index demonstrates our dedication to providing the most relevant and influential content of chemical sciences to our community. Қазақстан Республикасы Ұлттық ғылым академиясы "ҚР ҰҒА Хабарлары. Химия жəне технология сериясы" ғылыми журналының Web of Science-тің жаңаланған нұсқасы Emerging Sources Citation Index-те индекстелуге қабылданғанын хабарлайды. Бұл индекстелу барысында Clarivate Analytics компаниясы журналды одан əрі the Science Citation Index Expanded, the Social Sciences Citation Index жəне the Arts & Humanities Citation Index-ке қабылдау мəселесін қарастыруда. Webof Science зерттеушілер, авторлар, баспашылар мен мекемелерге контент тереңдігі мен сапасын ұсынады. ҚР ҰҒА Хабарлары. Химия жəне технология сериясы Emerging Sources Citation Index-ке енуі біздің қоғамдастық үшін ең өзекті жəне беделді химиялық ғылымдар бойынша контентке адалдығымызды білдіреді. НАН РК сообщает, что научный журнал «Известия НАН РК. Серия химии и технологий» был принят для индексирования в Emerging Sources Citation Index, обновленной версии Web of Science. Содержание в этом индексировании находится в стадии рассмотрения компанией Clarivate Analytics для дальнейшего принятия журнала в the Science Citation Index Expanded, the Social Sciences Citation Index и the Arts & Humanities Citation Index. Web of Science предлагает качество и глубину контента для исследователей, авторов, издателей и учреждений. Включение Известия НАН РК в Emerging Sources Citation Index демонстрирует нашу приверженность к наиболее актуальному и влиятельному контенту по химическим наукам для нашего сообщества.
Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal, 2016
Results of research of thermodynamic modeling of thermochemical decomposition of CaSO 4 by a mix ... more Results of research of thermodynamic modeling of thermochemical decomposition of CaSO 4 by a mix of carbon and hydrogen are given in the article. Influence of temperature on degree of carbon interchange by hydrogen on a degree of formation in systems CaO, ɋɚɋɈ 3 , CaS was determined. Interchange of C by ɇ 2 reduces formation of ɋɚɋɈ 3 , CaS, and formation of ɋɚɈ has an extreme character. With the help of method of research planning adequate equation of regression has been defined and optimum technological parameters (Ɍ = 1660 Ʉ and 40 % degree of carbon interchange by ɇ 2), providing full decomposition of CaSO 4 to ɋɚɈ were determined. The composition of a gas phase of CaSO 4 restoration, containing 16 components was established. By reduction of pressure to 0,001 ɆPɚ it is possible to lower temperature of process to 1400 Ʉ. The chemical equation of CaSO 4 interaction with carbon and hydrogen was found.
Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal, 2016
Mono-and bimetallic cobalt-containing catalysts supported on alumina have been investigated in th... more Mono-and bimetallic cobalt-containing catalysts supported on alumina have been investigated in the reaction of interaction between carbon dioxide and methane at variation of experiment temperature and pressure. It was shown, that the bimetallic catalysts have a high activity in this reaction in compare with monometallic ones. The main reaction products are carbon oxide, hydrogen, water and oxygenates. The yield of latter reaches 30% at certain conditions (P > 0.5 MPa, T < 853K). The maximum conversion of both methane (100%) and carbon dioxide (94%) is reached at lower pressure (0.1MPa) and 1023Ê. In these conditions the synthesis-gas is a main reaction product. One of the advantages of the bimetallic catalysts is their resistance to coke formation.
News of the Academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2 NAS RK is pleased to announce tha... more News of the Academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2 NAS RK is pleased to announce that News of NAS RK. Series of chemistry and technologies scientific journal has been accepted for indexing in the Emerging Sources Citation Index, a new edition of Web of Science. Content in this index is under consideration by Clarivate Analytics to be accepted in the Science Citation Index Expanded, the Social Sciences Citation Index, and the Arts & Humanities Citation Index. The quality and depth of content Web of Science offers to researchers, authors, publishers, and institutions sets it apart from other research databases. The inclusion of News of NAS RK. Series of chemistry and technologies in the Emerging Sources Citation Index demonstrates our dedication to providing the most relevant and influential content of chemical sciences to our community. Қазақстан Республикасы Ұлттық ғылым академиясы "ҚР ҰҒА Хабарлары. Химия және технология сериясы" ғылыми журналының Web of Science-тің жаңаланған нұсқасы Emerging Sources Citation Index-те индекстелуге қабылданғанын хабарлайды. Бұл индекстелу барысында Clarivate Analytics компаниясы журналды одан әрі the Science Citation Index Expanded, the Social Sciences Citation Index және the Arts & Humanities Citation Index-ке қабылдау мәселесін қарастыруда. Webof Science зерттеушілер, авторлар, баспашылар мен мекемелерге контент тереңдігі мен сапасын ұсынады. ҚР ҰҒА Хабарлары. Химия және технология сериясы Emerging Sources Citation Index-ке енуі біздің қоғамдастық үшін ең өзекті және беделді химиялық ғылымдар бойынша контентке адалдығымызды білдіреді. НАН РК сообщает, что научный журнал «Известия НАН РК. Серия химии и технологий» был принят для индексирования в Emerging Sources Citation Index, обновленной версии Web of Science. Содержание в этом индексировании находится в стадии рассмотрения компанией Clarivate Analytics для дальнейшего принятия журнала в the Science Citation Index Expanded, the Social Sciences Citation Index и the Arts & Humanities Citation Index. Web of Science предлагает качество и глубину контента для исследователей, авторов, издателей и учреждений. Включение Известия НАН РК в Emerging Sources Citation Index демонстрирует нашу приверженность к наиболее актуальному и влиятельному контенту по химическим наукам для нашего сообщества.
News of the Academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2 NAS RK is pleased to announce tha... more News of the Academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2 NAS RK is pleased to announce that News of NAS RK. Series of chemistry and technologies scientific journal has been accepted for indexing in the Emerging Sources Citation Index, a new edition of Web of Science. Content in this index is under consideration by Clarivate Analytics to be accepted in the Science Citation Index Expanded, the Social Sciences Citation Index, and the Arts & Humanities Citation Index. The quality and depth of content Web of Science offers to researchers, authors, publishers, and institutions sets it apart from other research databases. The inclusion of News of NAS RK. Series of chemistry and technologies in the Emerging Sources Citation Index demonstrates our dedication to providing the most relevant and influential content of chemical sciences to our community. Қазақстан Республикасы Ұлттық ғылым академиясы "ҚР ҰҒА Хабарлары. Химия жəне технология сериясы" ғылыми журналының Web of Science-тің жаңаланған нұсқасы Emerging Sources Citation Index-те индекстелуге қабылданғанын хабарлайды. Бұл индекстелу барысында Clarivate Analytics компаниясы журналды одан əрі the Science Citation Index Expanded, the Social Sciences Citation Index жəне the Arts & Humanities Citation Index-ке қабылдау мəселесін қарастыруда. Webof Science зерттеушілер, авторлар, баспашылар мен мекемелерге контент тереңдігі мен сапасын ұсынады. ҚР ҰҒА Хабарлары. Химия жəне технология сериясы Emerging Sources Citation Index-ке енуі біздің қоғамдастық үшін ең өзекті жəне беделді химиялық ғылымдар бойынша контентке адалдығымызды білдіреді. НАН РК сообщает, что научный журнал «Известия НАН РК. Серия химии и технологий» был принят для индексирования в Emerging Sources Citation Index, обновленной версии Web of Science. Содержание в этом индексировании находится в стадии рассмотрения компанией Clarivate Analytics для дальнейшего принятия журнала в the Science Citation Index Expanded, the Social Sciences Citation Index и the Arts & Humanities Citation Index. Web of Science предлагает качество и глубину контента для исследователей, авторов, издателей и учреждений. Включение Известия НАН РК в Emerging Sources Citation Index демонстрирует нашу приверженность к наиболее актуальному и влиятельному контенту по химическим наукам для нашего сообщества.
Биметаллический кобальтсодержащий катализатор, нанесенный на оксид алюминия, был использован в ре... more Биметаллический кобальтсодержащий катализатор, нанесенный на оксид алюминия, был использован в реакции взаимодействия между диоксидом углерода и легкими алканами (смесь C2-C4 углеводородов) или только метаном при варьировании температуры и давления. Показано, что катализатор является высокоактивным в риформинге алканов. Степень конверсии реактантов, состав и выход продуктов зависят от состава исходной смеси и условий процесса. Основным продуктом при атмосферном давлении реакции CO2+CH4 является синтез-газ; при повышенном - также образуются вода и кислородсодержащие соединения. Выход кислородсодержащих соединений ( в основном метанола и этанола) составляет около 2 % при определенных условиях (P= 2-5 атм). При взаимодействии легких алканов (C2-C4) кроме вышеперечисленных продуктов образуются олефины. Одним из достоинств синтезированного катализатора является его устойчивость к образованию кокса.The bimetallic cobalt-containing catalyst supported on alumina has been investigated in the...
Catalysts, 2022
Dry and bireforming (CO2-H2O) of methane are the most environmentally friendly routes involving t... more Dry and bireforming (CO2-H2O) of methane are the most environmentally friendly routes involving two main greenhouse gases to produce syngas—an important building block for large-scale production of various commodity chemicals. The main drawback preventing their industrial application is the coke formation. Developing catalysts that do not favour or are resistant to coke formation is the only way to improve the catalyst stability. Designing an economically viable catalyst may be achieved by exploiting the synergic effects of combining noble (expensive but coke-resistant) and non-noble (cheap but prone to carbonisation) metals to form highly effective catalysts. This work deals with development of highly active and stable bimetallic Co-containing catalysts modified with small amount of Rh, 0.1–0.5 mass %. The catalysts were characterised by BET, XRD, TEM, SEM, XPS, and TPR-H2 methods and tested in dry, bi-, and for comparison in steam reforming of methane. It was revealed that the bim...
The bimetallic cobalt-containing catalyst supported on alumina has been investigated in the react... more The bimetallic cobalt-containing catalyst supported on alumina has been investigated in the reaction of interaction between carbon dioxide and light alkanes (mix of C2-C4 hydrocarbons) or individual methane at varying experiment temperature and pressure. It has been shown that the catalyst possesses the high activity in reforming of alkanes. The reactants’ conversion and products’ yield and composition depend on composition of initial feed and process conditions. The main product of CO2+CH4 reaction is synthesis-gas at atmospheric pressure, also water and oxygenates are produced at higher pressure. The yield of oxygenates (mainly methanol and ethanol) is about 2 % under the certain conditions (P= 2-5 atm). In addition to above products olefins are formed at the interaction between carbon dioxide and alkanes (C2-C4). One of the advantages of the synthesized catalyst is its resistance to coke formation.
Objective Evaluate the impact of pregnancy physiology and medication non-adherence on serum hydro... more Objective Evaluate the impact of pregnancy physiology and medication non-adherence on serum hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) pharmacokinetics (PK) and exposure-response in SLE. Methods We conducted a PK analysis using data from two observational pregnancy registries. We enrolled pregnant women with SLE taking HCQ at least 3 months prior to, and throughout pregnancy, and excluded those with multiple gestations. Using the PK model, we conducted dosing simulations and imputed 0%/20%/40%/60% non-adherence to evaluate the impact of adherence versus physiological changes on HCQ concentrations. We compared the effect of pregnancy-average non-adherent concentrations (≤100 ng/ mL vs >100 ng/mL) on preterm birth using adjusted logistic regression. Results We enrolled 56 women who had 61 pregnancies. By the third trimester, mean apparent HCQ clearance increased by 59.6%. At a dosage of 400 mg/day, fully adherent patients are expected to have HCQ concentrations ≤100 ng/mL only 0.3% of the time, compared with 24.2% when 60% of doses are missed. Persistently low HCQ concentrations throughout pregnancy were associated with a significantly higher odds of preterm birth, controlling for lupus nephritis and race (OR 11.2; 95% CI 2.3 to 54.2; p=0.003). Conclusions We observed significant changes in HCQ PK during pregnancy, resulting in a shortening in the drug's half-life by 10 days; however, medication non-adherence had a more pronounced effect on HCQ exposure compared with physiological changes alone. Moreover, pregnant women with non-adherent HCQ concentrations had significantly higher rates of preterm birth. Accordingly, optimising adherence in pregnancy may be more clinically meaningful than adjusting HCQ dosage to account for physiological changes. PK modelling indicates that serum HCQ concentrations ≤100 ng/mL are suggestive of nonadherence regardless of trimester and may help identify pregnancies at risk for poor outcomes.
Catalysis Today, 2017
Syngas H2/CO=1.5 5%Co-Pt/Al2O3-ZrO2 Highlights Adding ZrO2 to 5%Co-Pt/Al2O3 improves the cataly... more Syngas H2/CO=1.5 5%Co-Pt/Al2O3-ZrO2 Highlights Adding ZrO2 to 5%Co-Pt/Al2O3 improves the catalyst performance in DRM and CSDRM. A synergistic effect of dry and steam reforming is proposed for CH4 bireforming.
Papers by Sholpan Itkulova