Art in public spaces is often associated with fine art, sculptures in particular. The association... more Art in public spaces is often associated with fine art, sculptures in particular. The association changes along with the development of visual art, as happens in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. There are innumerable artistic and cultural novelties and happenings in Yogyakarta that it is known as the city of culture. One of the novelties is the utilization of craft work as the art in the city's strategic public spaces. Evidently this change incites various reactions since it never happened before. Craft art was associated with the small, practical, functional, and massproduced objects placed indoor. With this significant change, it can be said that craft has highly developed. Therefore, it becomes an interesting object to study. Evidently craft products can exist in Yogyakarta public spaces and it can be an icon as well as the city identity. This is a qualitative research with interdisciplinary approach. This analysis of the craft in Yogyakarta public spaces is based on the craft, aesthetic, public art, expansion theory, and sociology of art. This paper describes the changes in craft that it occupies Yogyakarta public spaces. The phenomenon of such changes provides a new dimension in enhancing knowledge in the craft domain.
Keberadaan Batik dewasa ini bukan saja menjadi kebanggaan bangsa Indonesia sendiri tetapi juga te... more Keberadaan Batik dewasa ini bukan saja menjadi kebanggaan bangsa Indonesia sendiri tetapi juga telah menjadi milik dunia. Hal ini telah diakui oleh UNESCO pada tahun 2009 bahwa Batik Indonesia adalah Budaya Tak-benda Warisan Manusia (Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity).Kekayaan dan keanekaragam batik haruslah terus dijaga dan dilestarikan, karena batik menjadi salah satu identitas bangsa Indonesia dimata internasional. Apalagi dikaitkan dengan keberadaannya di lingkungan Pura Pakualaman, tentu lebih memiliki arti yang sangat dalam. Batik di lingkungan Pakualaman memiliki ciri khas tersendiri. Motif-motifnya mempunyai warna, corak, dan gaya yang berbeda walau tetap mengacu pada Kraton Yogyakarta. Keberadaan batik di Pura Pakualaman masih belum terekspose dengan baik, hal ini disebabkan karena kurangnya referensi, data-data, dan penelitian yang membahas keberadaan batik-batik tersebut, sehingga dipandang perlu untuk diteliti dan dikenalkan. Salah satun...
Penciptaan aksesoris multi fungsi ini dirasa penting ditengah gempuran produk aksesoris mass prod... more Penciptaan aksesoris multi fungsi ini dirasa penting ditengah gempuran produk aksesoris mass production dari China yang menyerbu konsumen Indonesia. Aksesoris multifungsi berbahan tekstil dengan konsep reuse dan reduce berdasarkan ide eco friendly ini mencoba menawarkan sebuah wama lain dalam sebuah produk aksesoris, serta turut serta berpartisipasi dalam ide karya seni yang ramah lingkungan. Metode yang dipakai dalam pernbuatan karya penciptaan aksesoris multifungsi ini adalah metode eksplorasi, eksperimen dan melalui proses perwujudan. Dari penciptaan karya aksesoris multifungsi ini diharapkan dapat memperkaya dunia aksesoris di Indonesia, sehingga masyarakat tidak lagi memandang aksesoris sebagai sebuah pernak pernik yang tidak penting, melainkan mampu membawa sebuah ide yang kritis tentang produk yang ramah lingkungan serta memberikan kontribusi positif bagi perkembangan dunia perhiasan dan fesyen di Indonesia.
The problem in this research is about how to assess the aesthetics and functions of craft art in ... more The problem in this research is about how to assess the aesthetics and functions of craft art in Indonesian city public space compare to other cities in other countries. It is also about how these craft arts can be used to improve the aesthetics and strength a city’s identity. Approaches used in this research are aesthetic theory and sociology of art. Aesthetic theory is used to assess the craft art textually or intra aesthetics. Sociology of art theory is used to see how craft art role can fulfil its function as a medium for craftsperson to participate in creating an art work that is useful to the society, so the existence of craft art in public space can give positive impacts towards the urban society. Results of this research is a positive impact of the craft art existence in some Indonesian public places where craft art becomes a city icon or identity with a special symbol attached to it; as a sign of historical or contemporary works. It also creates the aesthetics of a city des...
Art in public spaces is often associated with fine art, sculptures in particular. The association... more Art in public spaces is often associated with fine art, sculptures in particular. The association changes along with the development of visual art, as happens in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. There are innumerable artistic and cultural novelties and happenings in Yogyakarta that it is known as the city of culture. One of the novelties is the utilization of craft work as the art in the city's strategic public spaces. Evidently this change incites various reactions since it never happened before. Craft art was associated with the small, practical, functional, and massproduced objects placed indoor. With this significant change, it can be said that craft has highly developed. Therefore, it becomes an interesting object to study. Evidently craft products can exist in Yogyakarta public spaces and it can be an icon as well as the city identity. This is a qualitative research with interdisciplinary approach. This analysis of the craft in Yogyakarta public spaces is based on the craft, aesthetic, public art, expansion theory, and sociology of art. This paper describes the changes in craft that it occupies Yogyakarta public spaces. The phenomenon of such changes provides a new dimension in enhancing knowledge in the craft domain.
Keberadaan Batik dewasa ini bukan saja menjadi kebanggaan bangsa Indonesia sendiri tetapi juga te... more Keberadaan Batik dewasa ini bukan saja menjadi kebanggaan bangsa Indonesia sendiri tetapi juga telah menjadi milik dunia. Hal ini telah diakui oleh UNESCO pada tahun 2009 bahwa Batik Indonesia adalah Budaya Tak-benda Warisan Manusia (Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity).Kekayaan dan keanekaragam batik haruslah terus dijaga dan dilestarikan, karena batik menjadi salah satu identitas bangsa Indonesia dimata internasional. Apalagi dikaitkan dengan keberadaannya di lingkungan Pura Pakualaman, tentu lebih memiliki arti yang sangat dalam. Batik di lingkungan Pakualaman memiliki ciri khas tersendiri. Motif-motifnya mempunyai warna, corak, dan gaya yang berbeda walau tetap mengacu pada Kraton Yogyakarta. Keberadaan batik di Pura Pakualaman masih belum terekspose dengan baik, hal ini disebabkan karena kurangnya referensi, data-data, dan penelitian yang membahas keberadaan batik-batik tersebut, sehingga dipandang perlu untuk diteliti dan dikenalkan. Salah satun...
Penciptaan aksesoris multi fungsi ini dirasa penting ditengah gempuran produk aksesoris mass prod... more Penciptaan aksesoris multi fungsi ini dirasa penting ditengah gempuran produk aksesoris mass production dari China yang menyerbu konsumen Indonesia. Aksesoris multifungsi berbahan tekstil dengan konsep reuse dan reduce berdasarkan ide eco friendly ini mencoba menawarkan sebuah wama lain dalam sebuah produk aksesoris, serta turut serta berpartisipasi dalam ide karya seni yang ramah lingkungan. Metode yang dipakai dalam pernbuatan karya penciptaan aksesoris multifungsi ini adalah metode eksplorasi, eksperimen dan melalui proses perwujudan. Dari penciptaan karya aksesoris multifungsi ini diharapkan dapat memperkaya dunia aksesoris di Indonesia, sehingga masyarakat tidak lagi memandang aksesoris sebagai sebuah pernak pernik yang tidak penting, melainkan mampu membawa sebuah ide yang kritis tentang produk yang ramah lingkungan serta memberikan kontribusi positif bagi perkembangan dunia perhiasan dan fesyen di Indonesia.
The problem in this research is about how to assess the aesthetics and functions of craft art in ... more The problem in this research is about how to assess the aesthetics and functions of craft art in Indonesian city public space compare to other cities in other countries. It is also about how these craft arts can be used to improve the aesthetics and strength a city’s identity. Approaches used in this research are aesthetic theory and sociology of art. Aesthetic theory is used to assess the craft art textually or intra aesthetics. Sociology of art theory is used to see how craft art role can fulfil its function as a medium for craftsperson to participate in creating an art work that is useful to the society, so the existence of craft art in public space can give positive impacts towards the urban society. Results of this research is a positive impact of the craft art existence in some Indonesian public places where craft art becomes a city icon or identity with a special symbol attached to it; as a sign of historical or contemporary works. It also creates the aesthetics of a city des...
Papers by Alvi Lufiani