Third semester of my University - Sapienza by YUSUF TÜYLÜOĞLU
![Research paper thumbnail of Nationalism and struggle for supremacy- learning notes](
Nationality: The sense of belonging to a particular country or nation, which often relates to cit... more Nationality: The sense of belonging to a particular country or nation, which often relates to citizenship, shared history, and cultural practices. 2. Biological Roots: This refers to a person's genetic or ancestral background, including family heritage, lineage, or ethnic origins. 3. Ethnicity: The shared cultural, linguistic, or ancestral traits that connect individuals to a specific ethnic group, influencing their sense of self. 4. Values and Beliefs: The principles, morals, and ethical stances that an individual holds, which guide their actions, decisions, and interactions with others. 5. Religion: A person's religious beliefs, which often contribute significantly to their identity by providing a spiritual framework, community, and values. Identity is a complex, evolving concept that can be shaped by personal experiences, social interactions, and external influences. It is not static, as individuals may identify with different aspects of their identity at different stages of life, and their self-perception can change over time.
A pareto efficient allocation is an allocation for which Pareto improvements are not possible. On... more A pareto efficient allocation is an allocation for which Pareto improvements are not possible. One of the most important normative criteria in microeconomics is Pareto efficiency. It provides a framework for determining whether an allocation is "optimal" in terms of resource distribution. Discriminating monopolist →Same allocation as 1) →Pareto efficient. However, landlords are better off and renters worse off →Pareto criterion says nothing about the equity of the allocation. The text suggests that, even though the allocation might be Pareto efficient, it leads to a distribution of welfare that is unfair. Specifically:
![Research paper thumbnail of From Colonial Legacies to Reviving Africa: Challenges and Opportunities in a Globalized Era](
Africa's historical trajectory has been shaped by its unique geography, pre-colonial civilization... more Africa's historical trajectory has been shaped by its unique geography, pre-colonial civilizations, colonial exploitation, and post-colonial struggles. This article examines the continent's development challenges, highlighting the role of colonial legacies in shaping its political, economic, and social structures. It also explores contemporary opportunities for African revival through regional integration, sustainable development goals (SDGs), and strategic engagement with both traditional and emerging global powers. Addressing institutional weaknesses, fostering regional stabilities, and embracing Pan-Africanism are identified as critical pathways for achieving sustainable and inclusive growth. This paper emphasizes the importance of leveraging Africa's natural and human resources while confronting the enduring impact of colonialism, thus envisioning a future where Africa reclaims its global significance.
Questo saggio offre una visione generale, esamina e discute la vita e le opere di Xu Bing e i suo... more Questo saggio offre una visione generale, esamina e discute la vita e le opere di Xu Bing e i suoi eventi sociali, culturali e storici che hanno avuto un impatto sulla sua vita. Xu Bing è un importante artista cinese contemporaneo celebrato per il suo uso innovativo del linguaggio e dell'arte visiva. Esaminando e discutendo le sue opere principali e i fattori sociali, economici e politici che hanno influenzato la sua carriera e incorporando opinioni di vari studiosi e riferimenti dalla letteratura pertinente, questo studio mira a fornire una comprensione degli effetti e delle conseguenze dell'arte di Xu Bing come artista di successo e delle cose che contribuiscono, causano e forniscono incentivi all'esistenza di un tale artista nella società cinese.
![Research paper thumbnail of To Understand the Crusades - The First Crusade: Political, Economic, and Religious Dynamics Behind the Conquest of Jerusalem](
The First Crusade (1096-1099) is often romanticized as a religious war over the Holy Lands, yet i... more The First Crusade (1096-1099) is often romanticized as a religious war over the Holy Lands, yet it was driven by a complex mix of political, economic, and social factors. While the Papacy's call to arms framed the Crusade as a holy mission, motives such as papal consolidation of power, nobles' ambitions, the quest for wealth, and population pressures were central. The Crusade emerged in the context of a fragmented Islamic world and the weakening Byzantine Empire, which sought aid against the expanding Seljuk Turks. This article explores the multifaceted motivations behind the Crusades, highlighting the political and economic interests that shaped this significant historical event. It also examines the role of key figures like Sultan Saladin, who played a crucial role in uniting Muslim forces and recapturing Jerusalem, and emphasizes the importance of understanding the Crusades beyond the simplistic "clash of civilizations" narrative.
This essay gives a general view, examines, and discusses the life and works of Xu Bing and his so... more This essay gives a general view, examines, and discusses the life and works of Xu Bing and his social, cultural, and historical events that made an impact on his life. Xu Bing is a prominent contemporary Chinese artist celebrated for his innovative use of language and visual art. By examining, discussing his major works and the social, economic, political factors that influenced his career, and incorporating opinions from various scholars and references from relevant literature, this study aims to provide an understanding of the affects and consequences of Xu Bing's art as a successful artist and things that contribute, cause, and provide incentives to the existence of such an artist in Chinese society.
Italiano Inglese, studio della traduzione del testo Storia d'Italia
- Second semester of my University by YUSUF TÜYLÜOĞLU
![Research paper thumbnail of International Relations Class Assignment - the relationship between nuclear weapons and the sustainability of the stability and security of the international system](
Evaluate the relationship between nuclear weapons and the sustainability of the stability and sec... more Evaluate the relationship between nuclear weapons and the sustainability of the stability and security of the international system, taking into account today's international system, wars, and conflicts ? The international system is anarchic; states are seeking their interests and safety; their purpose is to stay alive in the system. Also, they have considered the pros and cons rationally before they behave and act. Nuclear power has been developing since WWII.During World War II, a security dilemma existed by Hitler's Germany. The fear of the Nazis' achieving nuclear power led the USA to the Manhattan Project, which will cause the deaths of 200.000 Japanese and the end of WWII. After the USA's Little Boy and Fat Man bombs, the international system has seen the power of nuclear bombs, and that was a threat to other states because, depending on one state's leader's decision about others lives, it makes them unsafe against the possibility of attack. Thus, the Soviet Union developed their nuclear bombs against the deterrence of the USA bombs, and China knew that it could not stay in the system strongly without the nuclear. Then,India, which is the historical rival of newly independent Pakistan's enemy, proliferated its nuclear weapons as well. The security dilemma established paradox may not be an exact paradox but similar.
![Research paper thumbnail of Where were the women in science until modern ages ? - Nisa Nur KILINÇ](
Why women were not effective in the history of science, factors, and reasons for it. Is it becaus... more Why women were not effective in the history of science, factors, and reasons for it. Is it because of society's attitude? or biological differences in the being of the woman? Or do the roles of women force her to do so? "Amateur writing about a woman's history of science." Where were the women? Since ancient times to today's world,lots of people have studied nature, philosophy, and other fields whose objective is to make sense of the world's secrets (rules, laws, and paradigms) such as physics, astronomy, and math; however, only a few of them were female. Also, even among the female philosophers, they had never been as influential as the males' were. It is too hard to find someone of the female gender, like Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates. Of course, there were names such as Diotima, Aspasia, and Sosipatra who were interested in and studying philosophy and nature, but unfortunately, that is obvious; they did not succeed in influencing the academic and philosophical discussions as men did, or were they, but their studies and ideas were blocked by the dominant male community and did not come to today's world?
![Research paper thumbnail of MARIE CURIE'S BIOGRAPHY- Nisa Nur Kılınç](
Marie Cruie whose full name is Marie Sklodowska Curie, was born on November 7, 1867, in Versova, ... more Marie Cruie whose full name is Marie Sklodowska Curie, was born on November 7, 1867, in Versova, the capital of Poland. Her father was studying as a physics and math teacher at Versova High School, and her mother was the director of a dormitory for girls. Marie was living in this dormitory with her sisters. In 1875, one of the sisters died because she had a fatal disease, and after two years, her mother passed away too because of tuberculosis. In Marie's youth, Versova was governed by Alexander II under the Russian government. Women had to go abroad to be able to study in universities and get a technical education due to the education system in the country. Marie and his sister, Bronya, worked hard and saved up money. In 1885, Bronya started to get medical education at the Sorbonne, and after her graduation, she helped Marie get a math and physics education. She had studied in a Polish school, which gave her an education by stealth in the name of the Industry and Farming Museum in Versova, until she went to her sister in Paris for education. One and a half years later, she got a physics diploma as top of the class, and she got her second diploma in math in 1894. One of her other goals was getting a teaching certificate and coming back to Versova. In 1894, Marie met her husband, Pierre Curie, who found piezoelectricity with her brother with the help of a Polish scientist. Pierre Curie was president of the Industrial Physics and Chemistry School Laboratory. Marie and Pierre got married in July 1895, and by that time, she had started to use the name Curie instead of Skldowska.
First semester of my University by YUSUF TÜYLÜOĞLU
This article has examined the theoretical approaches to international politics from a liberal, re... more This article has examined the theoretical approaches to international politics from a liberal, realist perspective and the fundamental features and ideas of those theories, and in order to understand clearly, examples have been used in current politics. First, theories and basic principles are defined, and then, in the end and middle of the article, the Russian-Ukrainian War is analyzed from both a liberal and a realist perspective, with the argument showing that the realist perspective is more convincing than the liberal approach in explaining the Russian-Ukrainian War.
![Research paper thumbnail of Bilgi Devrimi,Entelektüel Devrim; Fransız Devrimi, Emperyalizm ve Sanayi Devrimi](
karmaşa ve kaos içerisindeydi, papa tarafından taç giydirilen krallar aralarında durmak bitmek bi... more karmaşa ve kaos içerisindeydi, papa tarafından taç giydirilen krallar aralarında durmak bitmek bilmeyen veraset ve güç savaşları veriyordu, krallar ve krallara bağlı feodal dere beyler.dere beyler, bölgesinin güçlerini elinde bulunduran otorite ve prestij sahibi, kendilerini korumasına karşılık altında çalıştırılan işçilerden oluşan köyün, toprağın, veya bölgenin lordu efendisi, lideridir, Machiavelli'nin de dediği gibi orta çağda güçlü olan istediğini almaya çalışıyordu, ulusal veya uluslararası bir düzen söz konusu değildi sadece kilisenin mutlak iradesi ve güçlünün istediğini yeri geldiğinde tilki gibi yeri geldiğinde aslan gibi yükselerek kendi çıkarları doğrultusunda hareket ettiği bir düzen hakimdi. Saydığımız siyasi faktörler ekonomide istikrarsızlık ve belirsizliğe neden oluyor, aç olan halkı daha aç olmasına ve orta sınıfın yükselişine neden oluyordu. Bütün bu gelişmelerin üstüne mutlak monarşilerin yükselişi, coğrafi keşiflerin gelişimi, ticaretin artması da eklenince.Avrupa kıtası anında zenginleşmeye başladı. Avrupa devletleri, Amerika'dan getirdikleri altınlar ile ekonomilerini kalkındırdılar, bundan da önce İtalyan şehir devletlerinde gerçekleşen ticari gelişmeler ticaret ile uğraşan orta sınıfı geliştirdi ve bu gelişme rönesans reform hareketlerine öncülük edecek bir neslin ortaya çıkmasına neden oldu , Kant, Rousseau, Diderot, Voltaire, Montesquieu gibi aydınlanma, rönesans düşünürleri bu dönemde ortaya çıktılar.
Today, Italy and Germany were not unified as one nation and state before the nineteenth century.G... more Today, Italy and Germany were not unified as one nation and state before the nineteenth century.German lands were dominated by Austria, especially Napoleon III's France, and Austria had political power over the land's of Italy until the unification of Italy. Then how do they become one nation and one state in these political circumstances while Austria has dominant power in today's Germany and the north of Italy, as well as the political and military power of France in Italy?
The continent of America was discovered in 1492 by the sailor and explorer Christopher Columbus. ... more The continent of America was discovered in 1492 by the sailor and explorer Christopher Columbus. By discovering a new world, European countries began to settle in these new lands. They colonized these lands and used the sources of these lands in order to serve their interests. They benefit from these new land sources such as coal, iron, and wood, and even in some parts of the continent, Indian Americans worked as slaves for the European peoples, as well as Afro-Americans, whom the Europeans took from the African continent in order to work as slaves and farmers in the lands of the American continent.
Third semester of my University - Sapienza by YUSUF TÜYLÜOĞLU
- Second semester of my University by YUSUF TÜYLÜOĞLU
First semester of my University by YUSUF TÜYLÜOĞLU