Papers by Dursun Zafer Seker
International Journal of Environment and Geoinformatics, 2016
Functional zoning of Akcakoca District located along the Western Black Sea Coast of Turkey is ach... more Functional zoning of Akcakoca District located along the Western Black Sea Coast of Turkey is achieved by implementing the ‘Methodology for Spatial Planning for the Coastal Zone’ developed by European Union for coastal areas. The aim of applying the methodology was to realize functional zoning of the district that will eventually lead to spatial planning. In this technique, a typical base map at an appropriate scale and thematic layers are prepared for each of the environmental components for further analyses. The possibility to overlap different layers according to a specified procedure and to realize new theme mapping is a considerable factor while using GIS for the functional zoning. Identical grading system has been applied to each layer formed in order to achieve the overall importance and vulnerability maps of especially the natural components of the district. Functional zoning map is further developed through comparing different layers and current land-use information obtai...
... Elif Sertel 1,2 , Mehmet Sağlam 3 , Emre Özelkan 2 , Irmak Yay 2 , Arzu Gündüz 3 , Hande Demi... more ... Elif Sertel 1,2 , Mehmet Sağlam 3 , Emre Özelkan 2 , Irmak Yay 2 , Arzu Gündüz 3 , Hande Demirel 1 , Dursun ... Ayrıca; Gaziantep, Kahramanmaraş, Nevşehir, Hatay, Elazığ, Erzincan, Amasya, Tokat, Ankara ve Diyarbakır gibi Türkiye'nin muhtelif illerinde yaklaşık 590.000 bağ ...
Fotogrametrik harita üretiminin temel elemanı görüntüdür. Fotogrametri ve diğer disiplinlerin gör... more Fotogrametrik harita üretiminin temel elemanı görüntüdür. Fotogrametri ve diğer disiplinlerin görüntü gereksinimlerinin karşılanmasında, hava fotoğrafı ana seçenek olmuştur. Uzaktan algılama araçları ve algılayıcılarda ortaya çıkan önemli gelişmelere bağlı olarak, uydu görüntüleri hava fotoğraflarına ciddi bir alternatif durumuna gelmiştir. Yüksek çözünürlüklü uzaktan algılama uydularının görüntüleri; doğruluk, elde edilebilirlik, güncellik ve maliyet yönünden hava fotoğrafı ile karşılaştırılabilir durumdadır. Bu durum, bazı ülkeleri kendi uzaktan algılama uydularına sahip olmaya özendirmiştir. Bu yazıda, uzaydan ve havadan alınan görüntülerin gerek yatırım gerekse işletme maliyetleri incelenmiş ve uçaklardan dijital görüntü alımının analog yönteme göre daha ekonomik olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.
Water Science and Technology, 2003
The Riva River is located on the Anatolian (Asian) side of Istanbul by the Black Sea coast, with ... more The Riva River is located on the Anatolian (Asian) side of Istanbul by the Black Sea coast, with a wonderful sandy beach and delta formation which has been selected as the study area. The Riva is the largest river in this region, which flows into the Black Sea and also gives its’ name to the area. The river carries some amount of sediments to the Black Sea. These particles cause considerable changes not only in the bed bathymetry and coastal boundaries of the river but also along the coastline of the Black Sea. The aim of this study is to determine these variations by means of satellite data and GIS. In the study, satellite images dated 1975, 1984, 1992 and 2001 have been used. At the end of the study, the possibility of observing bathymetric changes in front of the coastline by means of satellite data has been investigated and results were evaluated and visualised by means of GIS.
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 2010
Istanbul, which is the largest megacity of Turkey with a population over 12 million, tries to sol... more Istanbul, which is the largest megacity of Turkey with a population over 12 million, tries to solve encountered environmental problems such as severe coastal erosion, shoreline recession and over pollution has been exposed mainly last 20 years due to response of the coast to human activities. The aim of this study was to investigate the bacteriological water quality and occurrence of enteric bacteria of surface waters on the southwestern coast of Istanbul by means of GIS. Seven sampling stations were chosen to conduct measurements on a monthly basis during the year of 2008. The physicochemical parameters were measured in-situ at all sampling stations and to determine the density of the species in enteric bacteria, the DAFOR scale was used. During the spring and summer period, the bacterial density was reduced. From September to November, a unique genus is generally observed in all stations through seawaters getting cold and effect of the streams. However, when the environmental fact...
The internet is more and more emerging as a handy tool of traveling for the tourist industry. It ... more The internet is more and more emerging as a handy tool of traveling for the tourist industry. It presents a perfect platform that brings products and services to the customer. However, web based tourist information system provides not only on-line brochures, but provides both value and service. Information technology is having a big effect on all sectors of tourism. Tourists have problems to find what they are looking for, especially in reference to the geographic position of the object and its surroundings. In most cases, it is not satisfying to find a nice hotel without a reference to restaurants, sights or event locations located nearby. The study presented in this paper starts from the user needs, to present the tourism object in geographic context on interactive tourist maps supports planning for tourism, focusing on the analysis, decisions making and management using GIS technique and presenting the results on the internet. 1.
Proceedings of the ICA, 2018
Social Media datasets are playing a vital role to provide information that can support decision m... more Social Media datasets are playing a vital role to provide information that can support decision making in nearly all domains of technology. It is due to the fact that social media is a quick and economical approach for data collection from public through methods like crowdsourcing. It is already proved by existing research that in case of any disaster (natural or man-made) the information extracted from Social Media sites is very critical to Disaster Management Systems for response and reconstruction. This study comprises of two components, the first part proposes a framework that provides updated and filtered real time input data for the disaster management system through social media and the second part consists of a designed web user API for a structured and defined real time data input process. This study contributes to the discipline of design science for the information systems domain. The aim of this study is to propose a framework that can filter and organize data from the u...
Environmental pollution and future scenarios associated with increasing population foresees the w... more Environmental pollution and future scenarios associated with increasing population foresees the water shortage even water scarcity in parallel to climatic conditions. In large cities, municipalities have to plan and expand their infrastructure investments based on the projects related with water consumption values which are estimated according to population growth using prediction methods. Thus water consumption is vital in large metropolitan city planning. In this study, water consumption of the 39 districts of Istanbul was investigated during the period of 2010-2014. However, in 18 districts of Istanbul, there is no statistically significant established pattern. Main reasons of failures of modelling are considered as migration, restructuring of the administrative borders, and re-planning of the districts as either industrial or commercial districts. In the study, water consumption values of Istanbul are determined by means of statistical forecasting models. The ratio model results are found close to logistic model outcomes. In addition, different properties of the changes in water consumption are evaluated based on periods of years. However, due to the possible differentiations in the scale and development level, similar districts are separated by cluster analysis. Four different water consumption patterns are obtained after the process. Thus, determination of the different patterns is turned out to be more meaningful and their relationships with other parameters are defined for interpretation. When the results were analyzed, extreme changes in 8 districts were figured out. In addition, by using two-phase least mean square method and only by accepting water consumption statistics as associated sequentially; it is possible to obtain and determine units which are not suitable to be used the model. This application presented that, 3 districts whose administrative boundaries were changed, are different from the others. Statistical results were visualized using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Planning can be done using mathematical methods especially in developing cities. As such, effective investment can be considered and supported.
The Equality Generalized Travelling Salesman Problem (E-GTSP) asks to find a Hamiltonian cycle vi... more The Equality Generalized Travelling Salesman Problem (E-GTSP) asks to find a Hamiltonian cycle visiting each group exactly once, where each group represents a type of visiting node. This can represent a range of combinatorial optimization problem of NP-hard type like planning, logistics, etc. Its solution requires transformation of E-GTSP to TSP before solving it using a given TSP solver. This paper presents 5 different search-algorithms for optimal transformation which considers spatial spread of nodes of each group. Algorithms are tested over 15 cities with different street-network’s fractal-dimension for 5 instances of group-counts each. It’s observed that the R-Search algorithm, which selects nodes from each group depending upon their radial separation with respect to the start-end point, is the optimal search criterion among all other algorithms with a mean length error of 8.8%. This study will help developers and researchers to answer complex routing problems from a spatial pe...
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2004
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2010
Building segmentation is crucial for applications extending from map production to urban planning... more Building segmentation is crucial for applications extending from map production to urban planning. Nowadays, it is still a challenge due to CNNs’ inability to model global context and Transformers’ high memory need. In this study, 10 CNN and Transformer models were generated, and comparisons were realized. Alongside our proposed Residual-Inception U-Net (RIU-Net), U-Net, Residual U-Net, and Attention Residual U-Net, four CNN architectures (Inception, Inception-ResNet, Xception, and MobileNet) were implemented as encoders to U-Net-based models. Lastly, two Transformer-based approaches (Trans U-Net and Swin U-Net) were also used. Massachusetts Buildings Dataset and Inria Aerial Image Labeling Dataset were used for training and evaluation. On Inria dataset, RIU-Net achieved the highest IoU score, F1 score, and test accuracy, with 0.6736, 0.7868, and 92.23%, respectively. On Massachusetts Small dataset, Attention Residual U-Net achieved the highest IoU and F1 scores, with 0.6218 and 0.7...
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2019
Asian Biomedicine, 2016
Background Ballet produces much stress on bones in the feet of ballerinas. Monitoring and detecti... more Background Ballet produces much stress on bones in the feet of ballerinas. Monitoring and detecting talus bone deformation is important for their quality of health and profession. Objectives To determine differences in the talus bone between ballerinas and sedentary women. Methods We evaluated biometric differences in the talus bone of 5 ballerinas referenced to 5 similar sedentary women recruited into the present study. We acquired 20 multidetector computed tomographic images including right and left feet. Semiautomatic region-based image processing using 3D-Doctor (Able Software Corp) was used to create three-dimensional (3D) virtual models of the talus bones. Biometric measurements were made on the 3D models and statistical analysis conducted. Results The mean talus bone length of ballerinas was 3.37 cm (SD 0.12; range 3.11 to 3.52). The talus bone length of sedentary women was 3.29 cm (SD 0.16; range 3.04 to 3.65), and tended to be shorter than that of the ballerinas (P = 0.08, ...
Data conversion from Computer Aided Design to Geographic Information System is in increasing tren... more Data conversion from Computer Aided Design to Geographic Information System is in increasing trend. During this process users are encountered with many different problems and tried to solve these problems with conventional methods. Data conversion problem varies according the type of data and the software used. Main scope of this study, analyze the errors which are not so common during conversion Computer Aided Design data's to Geodatabase format in Turkey. This study also includes defining steps which is the first process during conversion Computer Aided Design data to Geographic Information System format and gathered errors under a title and intended to be a guide for users who unaware these kind of problems.
Papers by Dursun Zafer Seker